sweeping the world

Chapter 457 Talented, Willful

Chapter 457 Talented, Willful

It's either snow or rain in the north. Although the temperature along the Yangtze River has dropped slightly, it's still sunny and windy.

The Han army was moving southward, and the two countries of the same family turned to the imminent military collision. The situation between the north and the south became extremely tense. The Han army can be seen everywhere in the north of the Yangtze River, and the situation is similar in the south of the Yangtze River.

Xu Zheng came from Pengcheng to the camp on the Yangtze River in Ruyin County. The Han army camp was about forty miles away from Shouchun in Xiacai. It was blocked by the mountains and could not see each other in the distance.

There are many water systems around Shouchun, including the Yingshui River coming from the direction of Yuzhou, the Huaishui River running across it, and the Feishui River directly near Shouchun City.These water systems eventually converge to Shaopi, sixty miles southwest of Shouchun. It is a swamp-type lake that covers a very large area, and it is said that there are many water thieves in it.

The strength of the Han army on Shouchun's side was the largest during the Southern Expedition, reaching the number of [-] troops.Xie Shi stationed in Shouchun, including Shouchun's original [-] defenders, there should be [-] to [-] Jin troops in this direction?

"The people in the city must be counted." Xu Zheng has been at his most high-spirited moment recently. He is sitting on the tiger-head chair that only supports the ceiling, with his right hand pressing the hilt of his sword and his left hand stroking the chin. Beard: "Conscripting the people into soldiers and defending the city are the same."

The cities in the south of the Yangtze River are much denser than those in the north of the Yangtze River, which is a situation formed by the living habits of the races.In the south of the Yangtze River, not only are there many cities, but there are also quite a few villages in the suburbs. It is different from the few villages in the Central Plains that expose the wilderness. The reason why there are few wild villages in the Central Plains is because the barbarians continue to wreak havoc.

"The line along Shouchun is similar to the line along Dantu. The Jin army continued to build depths and form fortifications of great length." Li Kuangyou was the commander of the crossing river, and he saw with his own eyes that the small imperial court built exaggerated structures from scratch. Depth of defense: "They also diverted water in, dug deep holes to create quagmire, full of traps and the like."

The last time Yuan Qiao led the servant army and the slave army to threaten Shouchun, the war did not start at all, but some local battles occurred frequently. The biggest trouble encountered was not the resistance of the Jin army, but the trouble caused by the dense water network.

This time Xu Zheng's Southern Expedition Corps not only had to face a dense water network, but also the muddy ground caused by the deliberate excavation of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty that caused the cross-flow of streams. As Li Kuang said, there were countless traps.

Although it is winter and the war will not happen immediately, the reconnaissance of the position before the war has not stopped for a moment.When the Han army's scouts entered the area controlled by the Jin army, they did not suffer much from fighting with the Jin army. The losses caused by falling into some swamps and spike traps were much higher.

"They never thought about setting up a battle against us in the wild." Ding Yi said with disdain: "What they thought about was how to rely on the protection of the city wall and hide in the turtle shell to entangle us."

This time in the battle of the Southern Expedition, the Han army did not have the extravagant expectation of a hearty sweep. It was very clear that what it was fighting was a battle to siege the city and pull out the stronghold. The effect is limited, so it is natural to match the corresponding inland water army.

The small imperial courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had a large number of naval forces. In addition to the Yangtze River Navy, they also had their own county naval forces in various water systems. For example, there was a Jin army with about [-] to [-] boats in Shaopi according to investigations. navy.

The Han army approached forty miles to the north of Shouchun, but the Jin army was still hiding in Shouchun City and hiding in Bagong Mountain not far away. Actions.

Xu Zheng's recruitment of civil servants was not to ensure the logistics line, but to gradually eliminate the depth created by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Aren't the Jin troops unable to retreat?Then the things they built were left unattended. The Han army made a steady advance in the front, and the civilians in the rear were carrying burdens and covering the earth.

It is impossible for the surrounding people to say that they are not worried about being recruited by the Han army. They found that the Han army had no intention of driving them to attack the city. They just did some rough work and provided two meals a day. The army took the initiative to recruit civilians, and it was the common people who told their friends to come here in order to be able to have two meals a day.

There are constant wars in the world, especially in Yuzhou, which has been a battlefield since the second year of Yuanshuo. Without a stable enough environment, it is impossible to produce, and people cannot work to avoid the war. In fact, people have long begun to eat bark, grass roots and other energy Something to satisfy your hunger.

Xie Shi, who was in Shouchun, was not willing to watch the Han army continue to destroy the offensive and bury traps. He was more interested in going out of the city to fight, but the order from Jiankang strictly prevented him from leaving the city.

Xi Min went to Linzi to submit the letter of credence of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and it was Lu Yi, a dian of the Han Dynasty, who took over the letter of credence.The letter of credence was submitted, but Xi Yinfei not only did not get any reply, but even the due etiquette of diplomatic relations was not carried out. The only time he saw the high-level officials of Han was Lu Yi when he presented the letter of credence. was left to dry.

No answer is the best answer. Xi Min was originally going to leave Linzi and travel around the Han territory with some canonized rewards. He just packed his things and was about to go out, but found that the house had been blocked by the Han army. The reply he received after negotiation Yes, Han Guo is discussing to respond to the letter of credence, please stay where he is and wait.

Xi Yin was placed under house arrest in a disguised form, but Yu Yi's actions were unimpeded.

Yu Yi did not ask to see Liu Yan, he only stayed in Linzi for a day before leaving the city, and took his family descendants to Changguang County. The previous trip to the Martyrs’ Garden was unsuccessful. Obviously we have to go to the Martyrs Garden.

Xie Shi basically didn't have any attitude towards the large number of sons of aristocratic families going north before the war, and even the heads of aristocratic families going north in person.Xie Yi's re-talk about the marriage with the King of Han was actually written by him.

The aristocratic family's policy has always been complicated. Xie Shi is the conquest governor of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is true that he led the army and is waiting to confront the Han army that is about to invade the south, but it does not prevent him from leaving a way out for the family.Even in the face of the strong approach of the Han army, it still couldn't prevent him from paying close attention to whether there was any response from the Han king.

"Ling Jiang is a beautiful woman. Many people want her, so my brother does not need to worry too much." Xie Wan is Xie Shi's fourth brother. He is worshiped as Zuo Xiaowei. The Ling Jiang he refers to is Xie Daoyun.He clutched the wine bottle in his hand and said, "I don't know where An Shi is now."

Xie Po had six sons, the oldest was Xie Yi, the second son Xie Ju died early, and the next were Xie An, Xie Wan, Xie Shi, and Xie Tie.According to the nine-rank Zhongzheng product of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Xie family is a top-rank family. Xie Yi who became an official, Xie An who didn't want to be an official, but Xie Shi was very interested in becoming an official.

Xie Daoyun of the Xie family is a well-known talented woman in the south of the Yangtze River. The popular saying is that people who want to marry can line up from the Yangtze River to Jiankang, and there are many suitable candidates for her.

About six years in Xiankang, Wang Xizhi tested Xie Yi's attitude at a banquet, and wanted Xie Daoyun to make a baby marriage with Wang Ningzhi. At that time, Xie Yi neither agreed nor refused. Wang Xizhi's Wang family actually never At that time, Xie Daoyun was the daughter-in-law of the Wang family.

With the initiative of the Wang family, Xie Daoyun and Wang Ningzhi, who were only a few years old, often played together. According to the original trend, the two little guys continued to be childhood sweethearts until they later got married.

This time, the Xie clan wanted to accept Xie Daoyun to Liu Yan, and they hadn't communicated with the Wang clan beforehand. When the Wang clan got the news, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty would inevitably stage a big drama.

Not long ago, Wang Xizhi caught Yu Yi and scolded him a lot. With his peerless calligraphy, he was destined to let the cursing articles be rumored to future generations, and it was revealed that the Xie clan had a daughter marrying the king. Wang Xizhi, who was originally in Jiankang, went to find Xie Yi first. Without any result from the discussion, they set off again and rushed to Shouchun.

Xie Shi was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Wang Xizhi at a routine military meeting. The background was that the Han army did not stop at all when winter came. Less than thirty miles.

When literati get angry, they don't care about military affairs. When Wang Xizhi appeared, he looked angry, and looked at the crowd of civil and military officials with dignity, and then stared at Xie Shi and Xie Wan who were slightly astonished.

"Go back to the headquarters and wait for the next step to discuss." Xie Shi let all the civil and military personnel go out before standing up to meet Wang Xizhi, full of doubts and incomprehension, and asking: "Young Master Yi, what happened? , full of anger again?"

In the final analysis, the Xie clan really didn't make any promises to the Wang clan, and the matter of marrying the baby was wishful thinking of the Wang clan. Xie Shi had enough confidence when facing Wang Xizhi.

The procedures for getting married between aristocratic families are very complicated, exchanging birthday characters is just one of them, and the necessary gifts and gifts must be carried out, and the elders of both families have to exchange red cards to be considered a formal engagement.Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Wang did not do any of the above steps. According to common sense, when Xie Shi was pretending to be confused, even though he was full of anger, Wang Xizhi couldn't get angry.

Who is Wang Xizhi?He is a world-renowned great poet, great calligrapher, and great metaphysician. After being respected and flattered by others, many things are taken for granted.

"The reason for the conquest of the Great Governor is that the Wang family is in decline and can be bullied at will?" Wang Xizhi was once the son of the biggest clan in the south of the Yangtze River. Although the Wang clan is now at the bottom of the four clans, their influence and strength should not be underestimated. This time, it can be seen that the Wang family casually took out [-] private troops to serve as the regular army.He stared at Xie Shi with wide eyes, raised his hand unceremoniously, and said angrily: "It's understandable that Mrs. Xie wanted to save a way out, but he used the Wang family's daughter-in-law to attack him. It's a bit deceitful!"

In the eyes of some people who don't know the truth, Wang Xizhi, a great poet, great calligrapher, and great metaphysician, should be a gentle and elegant person. But no matter what his identity is, he is still a human being, and people should have a temper. When it comes to family honor and disgrace, saints can be angry.
The Xie clan would be lying if they said they didn't take the anger of the Wang clan into consideration. No one knew that Xie Daoyun was a talented woman, or the kind of coveted daughter of an aristocratic family. It was not a misunderstanding that was caused years ago. Facing the wrath of the Wang family, Xie has his own choice.

If the general trend of the world is to be clarified, it will really become very clear.The new Han Dynasty will soon recover the Central Plains, presenting the posture of a military power.Looking at the Han army's attacking everywhere, it is not difficult at all, and the multi-line combat has never been weak. It is conceivable that the worst situation of the Han State is to control most of the Central Plains, and it will become a world power.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had a hopeless mentality in the face of the Han army's massive southward march. It seemed that they wanted to resist desperately, but if the Han Dynasty showed an attitude of willingness to guarantee the interests of the family, it would be another matter.Under such complicated psychology, it is not only the Xie family who are looking for a way out, the Wang family also has their own actions.

"Young Master Yi, stay calm and don't be impatient." Xie Shi kept smiling, he didn't want to tear his face completely apart, such as revealing that a son of the Wang family went north.He asked Wang Xizhi to sit down, but was rejected with a flick of his sleeve. He said without changing his smile: "Not to mention that the engagement is not real. You know that Ling Jiang has always made up his own mind..." After a while, he said softly and firmly: "Brother loves you. Ling Jiang, what Ling Jiang asks for is something that my brother will definitely agree to."

"Nonsense!" Wang Xizhi retorted, "Ningzhi and Lingjiang have been childhood sweethearts, and they regard them as future partners. This is something everyone in the world knows."

It’s not that Xie Shi was talking nonsense about this matter. Xie Daoyun was really interested in Liu Yan who had grown up from scratch, especially when Shi Jie and Zhao State continued to retreat. She was just asked by the family elders and answered. The sentence "It is better to be with such heroes than to live with weak people" gave the elders a very clear answer.

"What the world doesn't know." Xie Wan didn't want to speak at first, but when he saw that Wang Xizhi was the aggressive one, he couldn't hold back and said, "Ling Jiang and Ningzhi are playmates, but they have nothing else to do with each other."

Wang Ningzhi is only 11 years old this year, and has not taken the name.The relationship between Xie Daoyun and Wang Ningzhi is playmates. It is impossible to say what kind of affection Xie Daoyun has for Wang Ningzhi. On the contrary, Xie Daoyun, who is a talented woman, is just playing well with Wang Ningzhi, who looks extremely mediocre, or the kind who wants to hide. Have a good time.

"When the Han army is approaching, it's inappropriate to talk about it." Xie Shi intentionally eased the atmosphere, restrained his smile, and said seriously to Wang Xizhi, "Should we let the children's personal affairs go before the military and state affairs?"

Wang Xizhi smiled back as if he was extremely angry, and said something that shouldn't be said: "We will be in-laws soon, can you still put military affairs first?"

At that moment Xie Shi's face looked ugly, and Xie Wan, who was younger and more energetic, directly cursed him as "unscrupulous".

"Xie An is one of the generals of the puppet Han Dynasty. The Xie family has a daughter who will soon be the concubine of the puppet princess. The Xie family must have a fortune and glory." Wang Xizhi sneered and waved his sleeves again, and said before leaving: "The income of the family is absolutely irrelevant. Not resigned!"

(End of this chapter)

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