Chapter 451

What happened in Zhangzi County is very meaningful. It was one of the rare incidents in the Central Plains where people could organize to seize the city and resist. Not only did they resist, but they persisted until the arrival of the Han army. Encourage and strengthen the resistance of Han Miao descendants to the killing of Hu people.

The arrival of the Han army is a narrow escape for the people in the eldest son county. After all, they were besieged first, and the prince of the Jie clan came here in person. Fleeing further shows that Han has the upper hand in this war.

Shi Xuan's escape route again was to go to Huguan, and it was hard to say what his next move would be. Xie An had to send someone to keep a close eye on Huguan, in case Shijie's Zhao army would send troops to fight back.

When the Han army arrived in Zhangzi County, they responded immediately with help, healed the injured, and fed them with food and fodder, which made the abandoned people realize the benefits of finding an organization for the first time, and were moved to embrace and cry One game.

Xie An specifically asked who organized the resistance, and met with Degree, Fei Yan and others. It was originally a formal condolence and appeasement, but an episode happened.

"Will Master Wang be stationed in the city permanently?" He was extremely anxious. Before Xie An could respond, he asked, "What should we do?"

Xie An did not receive relevant instructions from the central government. The original mission of their army was to pursue Shi Xuan, but later it was changed to help the Han Miao descendants in Shangdang County.If it was according to his idea, since they knew that there were a large number of Shijie Zhao troops in Huguan, they decided from a military point of view that they should station themselves on the spot, and they should also provide strong support from the rear.

From a military point of view, the enemy must try every means to destroy whatever they want to accomplish. Moreover, the previous time the Han army went north and suddenly retreated was criticized, which greatly dampened the enthusiasm of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom to resist the brutality of the Hu people. But the last time was He had to do it as a last resort, but this time there was no compulsion. What was considered was whether Han Guo had enough firm will.

Xie An was unable to give a positive response to the degree and others for the time being, so he diverted the topic with a few words of comfort, and then said something superficially: "Killing Hulu can be credited."

The degree and the others knew about it a long time ago, and they still looked overjoyed when they heard the words, so he took the lead and said impatiently: "We intend to join the master of the king and do our best for the emperor!"

There has always been only one emperor. Before Liu Yan challenged the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was no accident that the emperor referred to the emperor of the Sima family. Now the emperor mentioned by the degree is Liu Yan, representing the aspirations of the people in Shijie Zhao. a microcosm of .

That's right, when the suffering people need help, only Liu Yan reaches out. The small imperial court south of the Yangtze River has nothing to say about the ethnic vendetta that is breaking out in the Central Plains. Compared with the two, there is no need to think about who the survivors of the Central Plains want. .

The center of the Han Kingdom had relevant policies before, and gathering and reorganizing local personnel was one of them, which was conducive to the rapid formation of Han Kingdom’s control over the local area, and the replenishment of manpower and resources would also appear to be rapid, and Xie An was not required to be effective. This man will make the arrangements himself, and it is the marching commander Shi who should do the work.

Xie An soon received an official document from the central government, ordering them to garrison on the spot, as he expected, to pay close attention to the movement of the Zhao army in Shijie, Huguan, and further clean up the raging Hulu.

The newly sent official documents are more targeted. Liu Yan directly issued instructions to Xie An, stating that people who are not of our race can be punished as much as possible, and the treatment in the Han territory is more direct and tougher.

For some things, it is enough for the high-level officials to know each other. Xie An will not publish Liu Yan's murderous words to the world. His orders to his subordinates are very direct, with only the word "exorcise".

The entry and garrison of the Han army is a booster for all regions. The understanding of all regions is that with the support of the Han army, it is time for revenge and complaints.

Don't underestimate the energy that erupts after being suppressed for a long time, especially when you have enough backing behind you. When they came out, their goal was very clear, which was to kill any barbarians they could see.

"The countryside is full of killing noises." Xie An was a little surprised by the development of the situation: "I thought there were not many people left."

The deepest impression they had upon entering Shangdang County was that there were ruins and burned-out mountains and forests everywhere, and there must be corpses or corpses that were not buried. How many living people survived, I didn't expect that so many would suddenly appear.

It is true that there are killings all over the mountains and plains.

In the past, it was the Hu people who waited for the Miao descendants of the Han family to kill them. It was because the Hu people were full of enthusiasm before, and the Miao descendants of the Han family had no backing. Although they resisted, they did not have the confidence.

When the Han army moved into the county, the Han Miao people tasted the sweetness of having someone to support them for the first time. However, the Hu people were almost discouraged by the arrival of the Han army. The situation reversed and the Han Miao people caught the Hu people and killed them.

Hu people is a broad term. Except that Jie people are easier to identify with white skin and green eyes, there is not much difference in appearance between Qiang people and Di people and Han Miao people. Huns are also divided into white Huns. Hehuang Huns, some miscellaneous beards from the Western Regions and Central Asia have the characteristics of high nose bridge and aquiline nose.

Not only the Shangdang County received direct orders from Liu Yan, it should be said that all the Han troops on the northern front received orders, without exception, all of them were the sentence "I am not my race", that is Liu Yan, who was in Linzi, became angry after he deeply learned about the tragic situation of the Han Miao descendants in Shijie Zhao State, and also reflected on whether the previous propaganda was too gentle.

It is necessary to give the Han Miao descendants who fell under the rule of the Hu people a shot in the arm. Untargeted slogans cannot arouse the bloody spirit of the Han Miao descendants in the occupied areas. Under a similar background, it is difficult for Liu Yan to care about the complex situation of the Han Dynasty itself. Depending on the situation, one can really only give clear instructions across the board.

Liu Yan's will was the will of the Han Dynasty, and the cavalry sent messages from all directions and posted notices everywhere.When he promulgated it, he did not follow the historical proclamation of Ran Min. The reason was that the historical background was different, and it was really impossible to copy it.

In history, Ran Min was weak, and he could invite any interested force to join forces to punish Hu. For example, in the sentence "Those who can discuss together can send troops to come." Yan does not need to invite these two countries at all.

There is also the sentence "after today, those who agree with the officials will live, and those who do not agree with each other will do what they want." In the front, they called for the killing of Hu, but later it stated that Hu can stay with them, and the loophole is too straightforward.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the many loopholes in Ran Min's "Killing Hu Ling", and the fact that many of the words are in modern languages, and there are many inconsistencies, which shows that it is an article written by a descendant, not really out of Ran Min wrote, not to mention whether Liu Yan could memorize the full text, but to say that he couldn't copy an article full of loopholes.

A more targeted message was issued by the Han Dynasty. Let’s not talk about the movements of Han Miao descendants in various places. The first shock was the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which had been peaceful for a period of time.

This year pays attention to righteousness and obedience, and calling on a large scale requires reputation. From the beginning to the end, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty believed that it was the leader of the world. Angry, he not only ignored the great opportunity to go north, but also directly declared that Ran Min was a rebel.

Liu Yan's successive proclamations shocked the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty much more than Ran Min did.

In the original history, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty could ignore Ran Min, because Ran Min's power was small and his background was also disgraceful.The small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty directly declared that Ran Min was a traitor. The reason was that Ran Min first served Shi Jie, and he served very hard. He killed more Jin people than some Hu people. Ran Min first served as Shi Jie's retainer and then To rebel because demands for power are not met, many people see it as rebellion.

For the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Yan had officially established a country, and the country's name was still "Han". Although he did not proclaim himself emperor, no one dared to despise the weight of the country name "Han".Next, Liu Yan also conquered a large area of ​​​​the Central Plains. Not only the national power is strong, but the military's combat power has also withstood the test again and again, and he really has the strength to aspire to the Central Plains.

If it weren't for the fact that Han Guo really scared the Eastern Jin court a while ago, the Eastern Jin court would have jumped up and down when Liu Yan issued the first call. At that time, the Eastern Jin court was not too strong and obvious because of Liu Yan. The target presses down.

When Liu Yan sent out the second targeted call, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty reacted. It was because Liu Yan this time clearly cut himself off from all the barbarians in the world.

Hu people are powerful nowadays, even if there is an advantage in the war between Han and Shijie Zhao, isn’t there Murong Yan Kingdom, Tuoba Dai Kingdom, and Li’s Chenghan established by other Hu people?In addition, are Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, etc. considered barbarians?There are even more Hu people who have not established a country.

The first person who couldn't stand the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was Chu Po, who had just been released some time ago.He regards his being captured as a great shame, and he never thinks about revenge for a moment. He first probed through his daughter's attitude towards the court, and learned that many people also have ideas before standing in front of the stage.

Chu Pei found Yu Yi for the second time and once again proposed the intention of working together.

Yu Yi now has no official position and is light-weighted. There is no one in his nephew's generation who can be cultivated, so he focuses on cultivating the grandson's generation in the family.When Chu Pei came to see him, he had already made arrangements to personally take some of his selected grandchildren to the north of the Yangtze River for a tour where seeing is believing.

Chu Pei came to Yu Yi, and what they wanted together was Yu's strength.He didn't say a few words before talking about Liu Yan's self-imposed renunciation among all the barbarians in the world, and at the end he said: "United with Zhao, Yan, Cheng, and Dai, we can also control Liangzhou Governor's Mansion, and we can once again form a The whole world is encircling and suppressing the puppet Han. This time the puppet Han is seeking his own death, and all countries will be more united!"

At that time, Yu Yi was stunned. He was silent for a long time, and erupted like a volcano: "Hulus have ravaged the Central Plains for decades, killing my people and seizing my ancestral temple. The wolf is ambitious and takes pleasure in plundering and slaughtering. You will turn a blind eye and listen to it." At present, the King of Han preaches that the people all over the world rise up against Hu, but you not only don’t care about the people, but you want to help the tyrant to do evil!?”

Chu Pe was stunned and confused by Yu Yi's roar.

In other words, the current national concept does exist, and the national concept has also been formed, otherwise there would be no such saying that "people who are not of my race must have different hearts."But people from aristocratic families don’t think about ethnic distinctions at all, they focus on family interests and personal honor and disgrace, otherwise there would not be many so-called great Confucianists and aristocratic families in the Central Plains vying to serve the Hu people, and more to help the Hu people to kill their own people.

The Yu family is definitely a special family in the south of the Yangtze River. It was influenced by Yu Liang, and Yu Bing and Yu Yi took Yu Liang's last wish as their goal.Yu Yi had the experience of meeting and chatting with Liu Yan many times. Compared to anyone south of the Yangtze River, he should know Liu Yan best. The two sides have many overlaps in some thoughts and wills, but they are just below the buttocks. The location is different.

Yu Yi, who no longer has an official position, no longer needs to decide on a policy based on his butt. From the fact that he wants to take his family children to Han, it can be seen that it is a kind of implementation of thought into practical action.He doesn't need to greet some people who don't look down on him, he can clearly show his own will.

After being yelled at for a while, Chu Po had no choice but to leave, and he had to tell some allies that Yu Yi had the heart to move closer to Han.Regardless of what they think of the Yu clan, what is certain is that they cannot move the Yu clan for the time being, and all they can do is to deliberately ignore them.

About half a month after Liu Yan issued a more targeted statement, the Han State took more forceful measures, sending a large number of people into the territory of Zhao State in Shijie to lead the people from all over the country to resist the brutal barbarians and effectively integrate more The power to compete with the barbarians.

The latter move was due to one point. Shihu broke through Yecheng again. After a large number of main forces followed Shihu and retreated, Ran Min's Northern Expeditionary Corps completely surrounded Yecheng and cut off the communication line between Yecheng and the rear.

Shihu fled again without a fight, which had a very bad impact on the Hu people of all ethnic groups and caused panic among the Hu people everywhere. What gave the Han Miao descendants was confidence and morale encouragement. Han country here.

The core leaders of the Han Dynasty were not happy about Shi Hu abandoning Yecheng. All signs showed that Shi Jie's center of gravity began to shift to Bingzhou and Shuozhou, and he had great intentions of abandoning many other states and counties.

Liu Yan issued a clear order to kill the Hu people, and Shi Hu didn't need to do any more mobilization. The number of Hu people who moved to Bingzhou and Shuozhou reached one million in just one month.

"If the Hu people firmly planted their roots in Sizhou, we can slowly advance and gradually eliminate them even if it is difficult." Ran Min was on the battlefield in Yecheng, and talked to his subordinates about the far-reaching impact of Shi Hu's northward migration: "Once the Hu people After entering the grassland, I am afraid it will evolve into the situation before the 'Battle of Mayi' again."

The Battle of Mayi took place in the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the Han Empire was far more powerful than the Huns, but they were unable to destroy the Huns in one fell swoop. The war between the two sides lasted for more than 130 years...

(End of this chapter)

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