sweeping the world

Chapter 450 Master Wang Goes North to the Central Plains Day

Chapter 450 Master Wang Goes North to the Central Plains Day

"The survivors weep in the dust, looking south to Wang Shi for another year" is from Lu You, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Sima 1 After the collapse of the Jin Kingdom, the Hu people first became the lords of the Central Plains. At that time, the Jin Dynasty court carried out many large and small northern expeditions.

Zu Ti, who heard the chicken dancing, relied on more than 3000 horses to go north. With the support of all parts of the Central Plains, he was expected to recover areas other than Shuofang, Bingzhou, and Youzhou. Unfortunately, the support from the rear was not only limited, but even deliberately delayed, making this time the greatest chance of success. The Northern Expedition ended anticlimactic.

After the failure of Zu Ti's Northern Expedition, the Hu people carried out a large-scale purge of some powerful and powerful families in the Central Plains, and many people were forced to move south again.Their southward migration this time was not smooth, and the number of people who were intercepted and killed on the way and died on the way to escape is hard to count.

After a lapse of exactly 20 years, Yu Liang of the Yu family made another northern expedition.Yu Liang's Northern Expedition received far more support than Zu Ti, but Yu Liang's Northern Expedition was not as smooth as Zu Ti.That's because those who were interested in the small imperial court had been purged in large numbers after the failure of Zu Ti's Northern Expedition, and the Central Plains had been lost to the Hulu for too long, which caused Yu Liang's Northern Expedition to become a defense after just the beginning war.

It was when Yu Liang was preparing for the Northern Expedition. Although he had the support of Director Wang, Xi Jian believed that the material preparations were insufficient and he should not act rashly. Tai Chang Cai Mo also believed that Shi Hu was not something Yu Liang could deal with.

It was Shijie Zhao Guo who took the lead. Shi Hu appointed Kui'an as the governor, and led five generals, Shi Jian, Ran Min, Li Nong, Zhang Lai, and Li Tu, to lead an army to invade Zhucheng. Mao Bao asked Yu Liang for help. Yu Liang thought that the city of Zhucheng was strong and did not send troops in time.

In September of the same year, the city of Zhu fell, and Mao Bao and Fan Jun drowned to death.

At that time, Yu Liang was still in Shangshu and wanted to move to Shicheng. He gave up when he heard that Zhucheng had been captured.Yu Liang apologized to Emperor Cheng and asked to demote himself to the third level and be demoted to General Anxi.The imperial court issued an edict to reinstate Yu Liang to his original position.Soon after, he appointed Yu Liang as Sikong. The other official positions remained the same, but Yu Liang refused.

Soon after, Yu Liang, who was depressed, also passed away after Wang Dao and Xi Jian passed away one after another.

From the second year of Taixing (319 A.D.) to the fifth year of Xiankang (339 A.D.), after the two unsuccessful Northern Expeditions by Zu Ti and Yu Liang, although the small imperial court nestled in the south of the Yangtze River did have another Northern Expedition However, the call for the Northern Expedition did not receive much response.

It is most likely that the reorganization of the Northern Expedition will be led by Yu Bing. He has made various preparations, including making great efforts to let his younger brother Yu Liang be the governor of Jingzhou, but halfway through the preparation, he was blocked by people inside and outside , nothing happened at all.

The time when the Central Plains was ruled by the Hulu began in the second year of Taixing, and 26 years have passed now.With the current average life expectancy of about 35 years, 26 years is almost the whole life of some people, and the newly grown generation should also enter the later stages of life.

It can be said that for most Han Miao descendants, they lived and grew up under the rule of Hulu. The environment brought them an unfair and miserable life. They have long forgotten the glory of their ancestors for generations, and they dare not Expect any fairness or justice.

Shijie's rule was extremely cruel. It's not that no one has resisted. The process is often that someone dares to become king or emperor after winning a place. In exchange for a tragic and natural end, the resistance is getting stronger and stronger. The weaker we are, the more people choose to linger.

Being able to survive is more important than anything else is the consensus of the Han Miao descendants in the Central Plains. They thought they could survive with patience, but what they didn't expect was that Shijie didn't want them to live at all. ) once oppressed and killed on a large scale. In the 342th year of Jianwu, Shi Hu directly issued an order to kill the Jin people without even covering it up.

Shihu's instigation of racial vendetta has its historical background, which is the emergence of a new country.That country took the title of Han, established its capital in Linzi, occupied the entire territory of Qingzhou and Xuzhou, and marched into Jizhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Sizhou and occupied parts of Liaodong County.It was Shijie Zhao's repeated defeats and losses on the frontal battlefield, which attracted Shihu's self-righteous cruel revenge, intending to provoke racial vendetta to delay the progress of the war between Han and Shijie Zhao. and looting to gather enough military supplies.

The Miao descendants of the Han family who were under the rule of Zhao State in Shijie would not fully understand the situation. Even some of the most well-informed people only knew that the Zhao army in Shijie had repeatedly lost on the battlefield, and guessed that Shihu's madness was due to fainting mind.

Insufficient cognition will inevitably lead to wrong responses. From the moment the racial vendetta occurred, the group of people who thought they could get over it as long as they hid and endured became the first batch of victims to be cruelly and cruelly killed. More Those who rely on Wubao or the Walled City expect to be able to protect themselves and wait until they are breached to know that their guess is wrong.

The violent side of the barbarians in Shijie is not only reflected in killing, but they also go too far in facing the destruction of nature. It is a kind of madness that dares to set fire to a certain forest or mountain forest whenever they find someone hiding there, so that Shijie In the territory of Jie, not only the mountains, rivers and earth flowed into rivers of blood, but also because of the burning of fires everywhere, it was full of desolation.

Located on the city wall of the eldest son, no matter where you look, you can see some thick smoke rising to the sky from a distance, degree and Fei Yan looked at each other speechlessly, all they can hope now is that Master Wang will soon Appear.

Wangshi usually refers to Zhengshuo's troops, and also has the meaning of an upright division. Someone mentioned Wangshi with eager expectation.

The Han and Miao descendants in the Central Plains were not looking forward to the Jin army. They had long since hoped that the Jin army would recover the Central Plains. They were mainly referring to the Han army that was fighting with the Shijie State of Zhao.

Not only those in Zhangzi County are eagerly looking forward to the Han army's rescue, and not only Shangdang County, but every place that is being brutally ravaged by the barbarians is looking south.

"Where have you been?"

"Passing the Xuan family, twenty miles to the north is Changping, and further north is the eldest son."

The conversation came from Shi Xuan and Zhang Qun. They kept abandoning their cars to protect their commanders. The original [-] to [-] soldiers and horses left less than [-], but they managed to escape into Shangdang under the pursuit of two Han armies. within the county.

Speaking of the road, the Shijie Zhao army on Shixuan's road was not dangerous. Their marching route was too direct, and they bumped into the advance Han infantry about [-] miles south of Beishan without accident. The most important thing is that the group of Han troops did not set up fortifications shortly after their arrival, and used the time difference between the Han troops to march up and not to entangle them to get through the most dangerous period.

The terrain of Shangdang County is very complicated. Not only are there many mountains but also many water systems, which are good and bad for Shi Xuan's soldiers and horses who fled in a hurry.The advantage is that the complex terrain can serve as a cover, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to be ambushed.

"The army is too tired." Zhang Qun has never been in such a state of embarrassment as he is now. Not to mention the fact that he has fled for two or three hundred miles, the psychological pressure caused by the Han army's persistence is also full: "Prince, we must find a place to take care of him." Take a break."

Shi Xuan was right after thinking about it, and said: "Gu knows some news, there is a large army stationed in Huguan, and we will rest in the area north of Huguan."

According to the administrative division of Zhao State in Shijie, Bingzhou is not far to the north of Huguan. Shuozhou and Bingzhou are two adjacent states. They are planned by Shihu as a back road.

At the current stage, Shihu is asking the Jie clan and some other reliable clans to move to Bingzhou first, mainly operating in Taiyuan County, with Jinyang as the main business.

Under the condition that Bingzhou and Shuozhou need to be left as places for a comeback, the importance of Huguan was highlighted. Not only did the Shijie Zhao army continue to garrison, but also mobilized human resources to carry out necessary repairs and reinforcements on the pass.

Maybe it was because Shi Hu was used to living a comfortable life, or maybe it was because of his obsession with palaces. Jinyang's construction plan for the palace city was put on the table. After the construction of Huguan was completed, the palace should be built in Jinyang.

Now only Xie An's Han army was chasing Shi Xuan's troops, and Li Tan's troops were shrunk back by Ran Min. After Ran Min led the main force to break through Anyang City, the Han army had already approached the city of Ye.

Xie An, who was born in the south of the Yangtze River, is the general who has set his footsteps the furthest north in decades.Their pursuit along the way was not smooth, and they were often forced to stop.

There are too many factors that make Xie An stop and go. First, the direct order from the center, asking them to help the Han family seedlings along the way as much as possible, then naturally it is necessary to clean up the barbarians who are raging, and to spare manpower to escort the willing The people who went south directly caused the pursuit of Shi Xuan's troops to become a secondary task.

Xie An still understood the intention of the center. They chased Shi Xuan for nearly a month. To become a lone army, it is not advisable to go too far alone, it is better to continue to pursue the posture, help the people everywhere to resist or eliminate the Hu people, and increase the population of Han.

"After Changping, we are two hundred miles away from the main army, and it is not suitable to continue going north."

"Yes, there are reports that the enemy troops are converging at Huguan, but it's just that we can't do anything along the way."

Those who continue to pursue Shi Xuan are all cavalry. The infantry is scattered all over the place. There is a great risk of disjointed cavalry. The center has not asked Xie An how far to advance. What is certain is that there will be no more friendly troops going north. At present, the largest The battlefield is in the direction of Yecheng.

It should be said that the achievements of Xie An's Han army are commendable. What they passed shocked the Hu people to retreat.

The one with the most complicated mood was Xie An. If he didn't come to the hinterland of the Central Plains, he wouldn't know how miserable the survivors were. Facing the scenes of eating pots of milk one after another to welcome the master, he felt proud and embarrassed at the same time.

Just when Xie An was about to return to the teacher, many local elderly people jointly asked to see him.

Respecting the elderly is a virtue among Chinese ethnic groups. Xie An also learned that those elderly people were very famous. During the interview, he heard the news that there was a county forty miles away from where they were, with nearly [-] to [-] people being massacred. The siege of the Hu people was already at stake.

It is about the eldest son city, a group of people headed by Degree and Fei Yan, they have survived the siege of the Hu people many times, attracting the surrounding compatriots to seek refuge, and also attracted more Hu people to join the siege .

In fact, after Shi Xuan led his army to flee all the way, he was also attracted to the eldest son city. He discarded too many troops and needed to replenish his troops, so there was no better and faster way than recruiting the barbarians around the eldest son city.

Xie An rescued a lot of people along the way, but he never saved as many as 5 to [-] people at one time. Later, he learned that Shi Xuan's remnants were in Changzi County, and at the same time, the scouts reported that the enemy troops in the direction of Huguan showed no signs of dispatching. After discussing with his subordinates and staff, he decided to lead the army to go.

The eldest son city, which took more than a month to attack and defend, was stained with blood on every section of the city wall and at the gaps. It was originally considered rich and quickly lost weight and looked haggard. However, Fei Yan has been hanging an arm for no one knows when.

"I didn't expect the Han army to come, but the prince of the Jie tribe came." Feiyan sadly raised her hand with her uninjured arm and pointed to the outside of the city: "I can't hold on anymore!"

The people guarding the eldest son county have been struggling for a long time. At the beginning, they were young and strong, and later, as long as they were able to go up, men, women and children would go up. There is no one in the formation who is not injured.

"..." The degree is also full of despair. They have worked hard enough, but what they ushered in is not a turning point but a crisis. They said stiffly: "It doesn't matter how long it lasts. The day the city breaks is the day when the family will kill themselves." Moment."

Any armed force has its own banner, and it will be dressed according to its rank. Shi Xuan's banner appeared outside Changzi City, which was a desperate blow to the defenders and an extremely serious blow to the barbarians. Great morale booster.

Yes, it was despair. If it weren't for the young and strong fleeing to join the defense of the city, the eldest son city would not have been able to persevere, but it couldn't change the reality that they fought extremely hard.

What is more surprising is that Prince Shijie came, but he did not join the siege, and even the Hu people outside the city stopped the siege, which really made the people who were already in despair both confused and lucky .

Shi Xuan didn't come to siege the city to kill people at all, and he didn't intend to stay for long, he came here purely to gather more manpower.They just stayed outside the eldest son city all morning, and left in a hurry without even eating lunch.

About half an hour after Shi Xuan led the people away, Degree and Fei Yan were still discussing why the prince of Jie people came and went in such a hurry, a black shadow appeared on the southern horizon, and flags were flying.

Those who came were the leading cavalry sent by Xie An. They were about [-] miles away from the eldest son city. The barbarians who besieged the eldest son city immediately dispersed, attracting the first to cheer, and then the whole city fell into a sea of ​​cheers.

"Master Wang is here!"

"It's coming, it's finally here!"

Under the mood of escaping from death, I don't know how many people cried bitterly at that moment, repeating the word "Master Wang" with sobs.

(End of this chapter)

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