Chapter 448

Li Tan's official career has always been extremely smooth. It can be said that he has not encountered any obstacles. When he is young, he will inevitably be full of energy and offend others inadvertently.

On the Chaoge battlefield, Shi Xuan led Donggong Gaoli and the Jie people to retreat. The miscellaneous soldiers had already fled after seeing them leave, and Huan Wen's troops counterattacked and were almost defeated immediately.

A defeat battle did not bring much results to Huan Wen's troops, it only killed 5000 people and captured more than 7000 people.This is related to the fatigue of Huan Wen's troops. They have been surrounded for too long, and the troops are fighting in rotation. Furthermore, they don't have many cavalry, and the results they have achieved are quite limited.

The final stage of decisive victory was not satisfactory, but the results obtained after fighting for one month and nineteen days were extremely great. The statistical data is that more than [-] enemy troops have been wiped out, and their losses are nearly [-] combat effectiveness. According to statistics, [-] soldiers were killed in battle.

Later, Ran Min came in person and reported that Xie An and Li Kuang had followed the plan.

The information that can be learned is that Xie An stopped Shi Xuanyu's troops who were retreating, and the two sides fought at a place about forty miles northwest of Chaoge.Li Kuang's troops also encountered enemy troops, and the report was that the enemy troops they encountered were small groups of small groups, and the number was quite large.

The Shijie Zhao army that Li Kuang encountered was the group that collapsed from the Chaoge battlefield. Of course, the Shijie collapsed soldiers who lost their organizational system were small groups. Their main task was to double-team, and most of them continued to march towards their destination. A small number of troops were left to recruit and surrender Shijie's defeated soldiers.

There is no new news about the battle situation on Xie'an's side. Ran Min's order is for Li Tan to lead his headquarters to provide support, and he also arranges for his old subordinates to dismount and lead [-] light cavalry as support.

The Habayashi Army is of the nature of the cavalry, and one man and three horses are very suitable as a support force. After receiving the order, Li Tan left happily, without seeing Huan Wen's unfriendly eyes.

Ran Min gave a few more orders, probably to take advantage of the collapse of the Shijie Zhao army in this direction, and the troops did not stop to rest, so they should advance as much as possible.

Waiting for their respective troops to move out, Ran Min purposely entered Huan Wen's battalion. After observing it, he could find that it was a very tired army, and there were many wounded soldiers in the wounded battalion.

"You fought hard." Ran Min wandered around the wounded barracks, and he could still call some people by their names.He left the wounded barracks and said to Huan Wen, "It won't be long before the king's order will be conveyed."

Huan Wen was blind to the current situation, but when he wanted to ask about it, he saw that Ran Min's attitude was cold, so he held back.

Ran Min's indifferent attitude was because the conditions of his old subordinates were too miserable, he could not have any attitude towards the king, he could only complain to Huan Wen, who was the chief general.

The battle of Chaoge ended, and the reinforcements came in a hurry and went away quickly. Huan Wen paid attention to it. The number of troops going north should be [-] to [-], and the number of various cavalry reached [-]. foot.

About an hour after all the Northern Expedition Corps went north, Wang Meng arrived with Liu Yan's order, accompanied by some reward materials.

Wang Meng brought two decrees.

The first decree is to reward Huan Wen and all the soldiers for their fighting spirit despite the extremely difficult environment. Those who deserve to be promoted will also be promoted.

The second decree is to order Huanwen's troops to become the reserve team of the Northern Expedition Corps and let them rest and reorganize on the spot.

"Secretary Lang." Huan Wen had a deep impression on Wang Meng, but the two had no friendship.He greeted first, then saluted and asked, "Can you tell me about what happened recently?"

Wang Meng didn't dare to make too much of a fuss, he didn't have any urgent tasks to complete, so he patiently told Huan Wen what happened recently.

The biggest thing is that Shihu provoked a racial vendetta. Although the Hu people rioted everywhere in the Han territory, because the Han State had already prepared for it, the Hu people's riots seemed quite big, but they were not enough to cause any subversion. .

"News from the north keep coming." Wang Meng said with obvious grief, "The Jin people in Shijie fought on their own and were killed very severely. The further north the area is, the worse it will be."

Huan Wen specifically pointed out to Wang Meng that the title "Jinren" is actually a depressing attitude. The small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has now become a complete joke, and this title of Jinren is also tantamount to weakness.

"Your Majesty sent a quick cavalry to organize resistance from all over the place." Wang Meng didn't know what he thought of and sighed: "There is no new news for the time being, and I hope the situation can improve."

Huan Wen didn't care how the barbarians massacred whom. What he wanted to know was the development of the battle situation. When his patience was running out, Wang Meng finally got to the relevant part.

"The advance and retreat here are to stretch the enemy's forces, and also to create the illusion that our army is about to retreat, so that we can take advantage of the time gap and the enemy's psychological changes to launch a surprise attack." What Wang Meng said has been realized, and the facts It also proved that the plan was effective, but it failed to annihilate Shi Jie's main force on Chaoge's side.He said what Huan Wen wanted to know most: "Your Majesty organized the Northern Expedition Corps, with the Northern Expedition General Ran as the chief general, and the order he received was to keep heading north."

[It seems that the violence of the barbarians has really limited impact on the hinterland? 】Huan Wen was very much looking forward to this special formation of the Northern Expedition Corps, and thought: 【The headquarters should be rested as soon as possible! 】

Wang Meng is talking about the war in the direction of Jizhou.

The Jizhou battlefield has been stalemate for almost two years. Lu Tai's troops are using Zhangshui as the line to confront and see-saw with Shi Bin's border army and Murongge's Xianbei cavalry in Hejian County and Bohai County.

Recently, there have been many repeated appearances on the Jizhou battlefield.

Lu Tai's troops launched a cross-river attack in response to the Han Miao descendants in Shijie. Shi Bin's border army should have been caught off guard by surprise, and Lu Tai's troops rushed into the hinterland of Zhangwu County.

In the early stage, Shi Bin wanted to open up space, let Lu Tai's troops go deep enough, so as to cut off the back of Lu Tai's troops, and directly fight a battle of encirclement and annihilation in Zhangwu County.

Lu Tai's troops really went deep enough when Shi Bin deliberately moved away from the space. What they did most along the way was to gather the same people who were willing to flee south.After Shi Bin found out about such a move, Shi Bin deliberately drove the Jin people to run towards Lu Tai's troops. The more people Lu Tai's troops recruited, the slower their actions would be, which would be more beneficial for Shi Bin to encircle and wipe out Lu Tai's troops. .

"Shang Wang mobilized ships from the Bohai Sea to the inland, and after being discovered by Shi Bin, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides at the Zhangwu River section of Zhangshui." Wang Meng didn't know the process very well, so he said briefly: "Until the end of the battle, the rescued people in Jizhou were about There are 17, and the army has lost nearly [-]."

At this moment, Huan Wen was thinking: [This kind of uneconomical thing should not happen too much. 】

"During this period, Murongge launched an attack on the south bank of Zhangshui." Wang Meng saw Huan Wen in a daze, thinking that Huan Wen was interested in the war in Jizhou: "Since Lu Lang is going north, how come there are no new troops in Zhangshui, but Murongge Encountered an ambush..."

Huan Wen didn't want to hear about the war in Jizhou, so he made a few casual remarks and asked, "In this Northern Expedition, is our route the only one?"

Wang Meng was just talking about Murongge being ambushed and decisively leaving his tail broken and then retreating. Hearing Huan Wen's questioning, he smiled wryly and said, "Meng is just Secretary Lang..."

The official position of the secretary man is not high, it can even be said to be below the middle level. The three princes and nine ministers all have at least one secretary man, but Wang Meng, the secretary man, directly serves the king.

Seeing that he couldn't figure out why, Huan Wen chatted with Wang Meng relatively patiently, but it was Wang Meng who saw that he was dealing with it and took the initiative to leave.

Wang Meng left, and Tiao You, who had been cruising around the big tent for a while, went in to see Huan Wen.

Tiao You did not meet Ran Min this time. He was actually doing this to avoid suspicion, and he also didn't know how to face Ran Min.He hesitated a lot at the most critical moment, and even thought about surrendering to Shi Xuan, but in the end he stood firm.

"Chang Shi came at the right time." Huan Wen was quite enthusiastic towards Tiao You, and he greeted Tiao You to sit down without any gossip, and said directly: "The general means that the troops need to rest within two days."

A look of astonishment flashed across Tiao You's face. They had been besieged for nearly two months, and the troops could be said to be extremely tired. It was absolutely normal to rest for two or three months.He knew that Huan Wen was impatient to make contributions, and he used an ordering tone instead of discussing, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

"The Battle of Puyang ended before it was fought, and our task became a lone army to attract the enemy to encircle." Huan Wen said full of emotion: "We persisted for 49 days, and then there was a complaint."

Tiao You was also present when Li Tan said that unpleasant sentence.

"I don't know what Chang Shi thinks, but this general feels very annoyed." Huan Wen really had an angry face, and even scolded Li Tan by name, and then said: "For the sake of the mountain, This general doesn't want to fail, since Shi Xuan escaped from us, we should destroy them!"

"The king has issued a decree of rewards and rewards..." Tiao You thought about it and said uncertainly: "The siege has been lifted, and there are rewards and rewards. The morale of the soldiers is still high, but the fatigue cannot be relieved temporarily... …”

"Chang Shi!" Huan Wen said in a high-pitched tone: "If you spread the complaints, I will not believe that the soldiers don't want to argue!"

Tiao You thought: 【Come on, Li Tan is the target for meritorious service.But it is also a good way! 】

Li Tan, who was picked up by Huan Wen as a target to motivate the headquarters, bit Shi Xuan's tail less than half an hour after he led his army northward.

Following Shi Xuan to withdraw to Shangdang County were not only Donggong Gaoli and Jie people, but also a considerable part of the troops composed of Qiang, Di and Xiongnu.The armed forces of these three tribes in the back are based on Zhang Qun's mind, mainly because he is afraid that the Han army will come to chase him, and he intends to take them away with him.

According to Zhang Qun's original intention, he absolutely refused Shi Xuan's withdrawal to Shangdang County instead of returning to Yecheng to be with Shi Hu, but Shi Xuan was determined not to see Shi Hu, so what could he do.

Shi Xuan's troops are definitely unlucky. The army dispatches scouts (scouts) generally within [-] miles of the headquarters to investigate and also serve as an early warning. They don't know that there is a Han army like Xie An in the northwest of Chaoge. Army, by the time we know about it, the headquarters of Qian Jiantong and Li Tan have already entered Chaoge.

Zhang Qun persuaded Shi Xuan to turn to the direction of Yecheng. Shi Xuan was sincerely afraid of being killed by Shi Hu and insisted on his own opinion, so he ran into Xie An's subordinate without any accident.

Before Li Tan led his army northward, Xie An's headquarters and Shi Xuan's headquarters had been engaged in a cruising battle, that is, one side tried every means to break out of the siege and continue to retreat to the northwest, while the other side insisted on it. Constantly changing horses and riding for a whole day of chasing.

"Captive?" Li Tan didn't want to stop to rest at all, the problem was that the mount couldn't bear it.He urged his subordinates to feed the war horses quickly, and said casually: "We don't have so much free time, and the prisoners will be thrown to the horses behind, so everyone can ride lightly."

The ambitions of the Qiang people have plummeted since Yao Yizhong was defeated and captured by the Han army.

The situation of the Di people is only slightly better than that of the Qiang people. Their general leader has gone to Longxi and Beidi. The Di people in the Central Plains are in a leaderless situation. They habitually work for the Jie people without the restraint of the general leader. There is a phenomenon of shrinking hands and feet, not so daring to work hard.

The five large Hun tribes in Shuofang were still beaten on the ground by Tuoba Daiguo. The Huns should be the most despondent race now. Not to mention the small number of Huns in the Central Plains, most of them are scattered.After the Huns who were scattered in the Han territory had the benchmark of Qian Jiantong, they simply sinicized independently.

The Han army of Li Tan can often capture hundreds of Qiang, Di and Huns with dozens of people. The resulting phenomenon is that the Han army looks down on the prisoners, and 3000 to [-] prisoners dare to use two to [-] people to stare at them.

When Ma Yuan arrived with his army, he saw that there were only 2000 people guarding more than 3000 prisoners of war, but Li Tan's headquarters was nowhere to be seen.When he learned that Li Tan had left the prisoners to him, he smiled bitterly and said to his subordinates: "Arrange it..." After a pause, he added: "General Li Lang dares to arrange [-] to guard [-]. Let's add [-] to make up the balance." Five thousand, we need to rush back to Chaoge."

Standing aside waiting for the handover, Marquis Li Jun of the Habayashi Army hurriedly said, "No, the order we got is to catch up with the big troops immediately after the handover."

"..." Ma Yuan frowned immediately. He is a general and Li Jun is a military lord. Say more.

The original Ran's Qin State has fully merged into the Han State. Except for some of Ran Min's retainers, most of them have become the official system of the Han State. They basically choose to be low-key, especially for the group of people who followed Liu Yan and rose to Weimo. Be modest.

"I'm sorry, General Ma." Li Jun said apologetically, "Military orders must not be violated, and when the war is over, Jun will treat guests with wine to thank you for your understanding today."

Ma Yuan feels better now. After all, he puts his figure lower, but he still has emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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