sweeping the world

Chapter 447 1 Unhappy Stomach

Chapter 447 Feeling unhappy

No wonder Huan Wen and Tiao You panicked. They have been besieged for nearly two months and they can still get outside information. It can be said that it is ignorant of the external situation when it is passed in.

Huan Wen actually didn't believe most of the remarks spread by Shi Jie and Zhao Jun, such as Ran Min's rebellion. Unless the senior officials of the Han Dynasty didn't understand deeply that it was a magical country, the more they understood it, the more closely they would unite around the king. idea, then unless the king forces someone to die, otherwise someone will betray.

After Ran Min arrived in the Han Kingdom, he received more courtesy than anyone else. The original subordinates were split up. How could the troops under the new command follow the rebellion? Tiao You was preconceived, but Huan Wen, who didn't know much about Ran Min, took it personally People feel that it is impossible for Ran Min to rebel at this time.

What the higher-ups think will play a key role, but sometimes it is difficult for the will of the higher-ups to influence the people below. Huan Wen tried his best to maintain the battle situation, and during the period he counterattacked the first camp.

If it were the Han army in the period of high morale, it would have been better to repel the miscellaneous soldiers with the advantage of armored equipment and regain the lost camp. The problem is that the soldiers became guilty for various reasons, although they still killed them with a small loss. More enemy troops, but the two sides actually became entangled.

"The time has come!" Zhang Qun said firmly: "The besieged Han army has reached its limit. The so-called 'the most powerful crossbow, the arrow can't pierce Lu Jin', we should send elites to carry out the final general attack!"

Shi Xuan completely trusted Zhang Qun's judgment and immediately summoned Liang Du and ordered: "As of today, you have only two days to break through the enemy camp and annihilate this Han army!"

Liang Du was a tall and strong man, and his face looked very ferocious because of a scar on his left cheek. He responded impatiently: "Prince, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations and get it for the prince." Big win."

It is strange to say that under the repeated changes in the national conditions of Zhao State in Shijie, the civil and military treatment of Jin people is in stark contrast. Those who are unlucky are extremely unlucky, and some people are not only not unlucky but are more important, like Liang Du. He is one of the generals of the Jin people who are extremely highly valued by Shi Xuan.

When the battle was stalemate, and it could even be said that it was somewhat unfavorable, Tiao You sent a suggestion to Huan Wen, saying that he should try to break out of the encirclement.

After hearing this, Huan Wen seemed to try his best to suppress his anger, and said: "We are besieged by 40 to [-] barbarians. Our army is mainly infantry. If you stick to it wholeheartedly, there is still hope. Breaking through the siege is self-destruction!"

After all, Huan Wen still hoped that reinforcements would come, and he even made a decision to hold on for as long as he could, and he would never try to break through even if the entire army was wiped out in the end.He firmly believes that only by trying to hold on can he survive. If he tries to break through, his morale will be shaken one step further, and then he should really be doomed.

Tiao You saw that Huan Wen could not be persuaded to stop talking. His eyes were a little wandering, as if he had made up his mind, and the palms of his hands subconsciously clenched into fists.

Huan Wen waited for Tiao You to leave, and said to his confidant soldiers in a haze: "Strictly monitor Tiao You, and if you find any private contact, no matter who you contact, take it down immediately."

As the saying goes, a friend in adversity can see the truth, and people's hearts can be tested most when encountering difficulties.The husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disasters are imminent, there are times when they fly separately. Similar to Tiao You, who rebelled from Shijie Zhao, Huan Wen had to guard against it. From the side, it is enough to prove that Huan Wen has a sensitive heart.

Under the leadership of Ran Min, he showed enough patience. A large number of Han troops retreated gradually and steadily. They even retreated during the day and returned secretly at night, and the same group retreated again during the day.

This is nothing more than creating an illusion to convince the Shijie Zhao army that the Han army does not want to fight anymore, and further paralyzes and confuses the Shijie Zhao army.

Obviously Shi Xuan, Zhang Qun and others were fooled. They had scouts to detect the massive retreat of the Han army. They wanted to seize the time to annihilate the besieged Huan Wen's troops, and they also wanted to bite the retreating Han army. The tail will further expand the results.

Liang Du is the main general of Donggong Gaoli, and his appearance indicates that the Chaoge battle has entered the most intense stage.

Shi Chi's surname is Shi, but he has nothing to do with Shijie. He was originally forced to join the begging army in order to survive, and he became Ran's Qin army in a daze. At this stage, he has no psychological preparation to become the Han army.

There is a good reason to say that the stone masonry has always been confused. Little soldiers like them have never had a choice, they can only follow orders from the higher-ups.

In fact, as a soldier, I have no choice. What I want is to be able to eat. When I was a begging army, I had a meal and no meal. It was almost the same situation as a soldier of the Qin State of the Ran family. After eating enough, he became a soldier of the Han army.

Xiaobing will not have too high ideals or wishes, can eat enough, will not be deliberately abused or made things difficult, and can be rewarded for his achievements, so for Xiaobing, he has the value and motivation to fight hard.

Shi Ji didn't know when the situation started to turn against him, probably four or five days ago?He and many of Pao Ze didn't believe Shijie Zhao Jun's rumors at the beginning, and it was Ben Shi's Elder Shi who was disturbed that was affected.

Shichang is the most important superior for soldiers, after all, it is usually Shichang who leads them to fight for their lives.The chief's restlessness is also affected by the team's rate. It goes without saying that the team's rate must be influenced by the head of the village. Above the head of the village, there are military lords, school lieutenants, generals, generals, and generals... Waiting for some bosses, the ideological change of the army is equivalent to a layer-by-layer transmission from top to bottom.

The upper-level generals and colonels are unstable, and the people below will be even more worried when they find out. What will happen is that the morale of the entire army will collapse. Shi Qi and other soldiers cannot know more. Their first thought is that the situation is not good, and the soldiers feel that it is not good. You can't kill the enemy without any distractions. Being timid is still a minor thing, but avoiding the battle for fear of death is the worst.

Why were the miscellaneous soldiers of the Shijie Zhao army completely crushed before, but now they were entangled when facing the miscellaneous soldiers? It was precisely because the soldiers were negatively affected by the officers and became life-saving.

Once the army dared not go all out, victory would become out of reach, and even self-protection would become a problem. Huan Wen tried his best to stabilize the army, but the officers at all levels listened to it but doubted it in their hearts.

"Which one is more trustworthy, what General Lang said or what the enemy said?"

"I'm afraid it's not believable."

"Are we stuck in place like this? We should try to break out!"

"Who said it wasn't..."

Shi Ji listened to the conversation of the two village chiefs not far away, and the shadow in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.He likes that the Han army can have enough food, and he is excited that after the war, he will at least become a public officer with suitable military achievements, but listening to the conversations of the officers doesn't feel good.

The soldiers in the rear as the reserve team can still gossip, but the soldiers participating in the battle in the front will not have such leisure time.The current situation is that the two sides are fighting back and forth for parts of the first camp.

Since there were battles taking place on all sides, the fighting was intense, and the sound of fighting filled the air. People with weak mental strength could feel their legs go weak just by hearing such loud noises.

Shi Ji listened very hard, hoping to learn more from the conversation between the two village chiefs. Suddenly, there was an uproar in the front, and when he turned his head, he saw a large number of robes retreating in panic, and a group of people chasing them A fierce enemy army with a bare upper body and holding a stick or a big axe.

Shi Xuan's Donggong Gaoli is really a group of troops who will go topless and wear only a pair of trousers during wars. The source of soldiers is collected from the most vicious people of all ethnic groups, and they fight with extreme ferocity and cruel methods.

The head of the village who was talking with each other exclaimed. First, the soldiers like the stone masonry were a little stunned. Fortunately, the officers above were not slow to react. Amidst the sound of clappers, there were bow and crossbow troops shooting arrows indiscriminately, which slightly blocked them. Donggong Gaoli's strong offensive will not turn the battle situation into a complete collapse.

On the other side, Shi Xuan ordered Donggong Gaoli to launch a general attack, but the next moment he received a report from the surrounding scouts.

The detective cavalry's report was about the movement outside, which made Shi Xuan understand that there was a Han army in the direction of Fangtou who launched an attack unexpectedly.

"What!!?" Shi Xuan couldn't hide his shock, and even repeated what the scout said in dumbfounded words: "Armor and cavalry equipment? Almost ten thousand armor and cavalry equipment!?"

Those were heavy cavalry, not very common light cavalry. There were nearly ten thousand of them when they appeared. How could Shi Xuan not be shocked?

"Lying about military information is a major crime!" Zhang Qun was more concerned than Shi Xuan. After all, he had previously judged that the Han army would give up the trapped friendly forces and retreat, so Shi Xuan launched an offensive against the besieged Han army at any cost.His words directly made the reporting detective kneel down. Due to the accident and nervousness, he increased his voice and spoke even more majesticly: "Speak more clearly!"

Scouts are scouts, and to put it bluntly, they are a kind of small soldiers. After being frightened, they staggered to tell what they had scouted, and they had to have more detailed details.

Ran Min waited for Xie An and Li Kuang's troops to turn back to the predetermined position before he let the main force of the headquarters launch the offensive.In the lead were the Habayashi Army and the Huben Army, and the two troops launched an offensive directly from Fangtou to Chaoge.The left and right wings are detoured by the cavalry of the Imperial Guard, forming a trident situation with the Habayashi Army and the Huben Army who are attacking from the front.

The reconnaissance cavalry who came to report to Shi Xuan found out that they were actually the guard cavalry on the left wing. According to Shijie Zhao Jun's standards, the guard cavalry can really be regarded as armored cavalry.

If there is only one scout report, Shi Xuan and Zhang Qun will regard it as a false report, but within a quarter of an hour, five or six sent scouts come back and say something similar, which is to report to the Han army to launch an offensive. I can no longer deceive myself and others.

Half a quarter of an hour is very short for those who are outside the fighting field, but it is a long time for those who are on the battlefield. Shi Ji has already followed Pao Ze to launch a counterattack against Donggong Gaoli who is launching an attack.

The war has been fought for a long time, and it is normal to have vacancies in the establishment. Seven people participated in the battle in the stone building, but only four retreated. Even if they survived including the stone building, they were all wounded. It is a direct battle to the death.

In a critical moment, Tiao You ran around, using the convenience of the same background to boost morale was much more effective than Huan Wen, and finally managed to stabilize the situation.

When Huan Wen got the report about Tiao You, he asked in detail what Tiao You had said or who he had communicated with secretly, and the answer given by his confidant was no, which surprised him.Originally, he thought that Tiao You would engage in private collusion, or force him to break out, or simply surrender.

Donggong Gaoli entered the battle quite suddenly, and retreated extremely quickly. It was the Han army that hadn't recovered yet, and Donggong Gaoli was replaced by Shijie Zhao Jun's miscellaneous soldiers.

Shi Xuan had already confirmed the movement of the Han army in the periphery. When he heard that there were nearly [-] armored riding gear, he was immediately afraid. He was thinking about how to escape from Chaoge, and how could he possibly trap his elite in the battlefield.

Zhang Qun was still skeptical. He persuaded Shi Xuan not to give up the opportunity to wipe out the besieged Han army, and urged Shi Xuan to continue to let Donggong Gaoli continue to attack, but Shi Xuan was reluctant to say anything.

"Just to be on the safe side..." Shi Xuan said in a tone of surprise and uncertainty: "To further confirm the movement of the Han army, we must be prepared to retreat, and we can't be trapped here."

"Prince, don't let go of this great opportunity!" Zhang Qun insisted: "Even if the Han army from the periphery came to kill us, we still have at least two days. As long as we use high force to attack, two days are enough for us to break through the camp. Even if he retreats, he has an explanation to His Majesty."

Speaking of Shi Hu, Shi Xuan couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.He thought for a while, and said something that stunned Zhang Qun: "Then, instead of retreating to Yecheng, let's retreat to Shangdang County to observe the situation. If there is a chance, we will make a comeback. If the situation is not right, we will enter Qin Land?"

For a moment, Zhang Qun had the urge to slap his mouth.

For some people, the following situation was a sudden change. The morale of the besieged Huan Wen's troops dropped to a certain level, but they found that the enemy's offensive had stopped. Xuan mobilized troops to withdraw and leave the battlefield.

Huan Wen guessed that reinforcements were coming, and Tiao You suggested to try a counterattack. After the two agreed, they launched a counterattack. It turned out that a round of counterattack directly led to the collapse of the enemy who had lost command.

Two days later, the Northern Expedition Corps, which attacked from south to north, arrived at Chaoge. Huan Wenwen and Tiaoyou met Qian Jiantong and Li Tan in high spirits.

"You guys are late." At this moment, Huan Wen's face was not overcast, but his face was full of red light and he showed off: "The enemy army has been defeated by our troops, and most of them fled north. and go."

Qian Jiantong and Li Tan have already learned about the situation of the battle. In the previous exchanges, they said more than once that there was a mistake. None of the people they sent to contact Huan Wen failed to complete the task.

Li Tan said to Huan Wen: "General Lang, your side has won, but the difficulty of encircling General Xie Lang and General Li Lang has increased."

Huan Wen said "Huh?", feeling full of unhappiness for a moment.They persevered at a risk, and it was not easy to win a big victory, so why did they cause trouble for the friendly army instead.

(End of this chapter)

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