sweeping the world

Chapter 440 Has it reached this point?

Chapter 440 Has it reached this point?
It doesn't matter how stupid it looks, as long as it works, it's a good idea.

Thanks to the advantages of long-range weapons, in fact, the relatively important thing is the uninterrupted supply of materials. The arrow array of the Han army is unique in today's world.Even such a trick would not be easy to break, unless the long-range attack weapons of various countries are farther than the Han army, or it can only be a desperate charge with huge losses, and it may not be useful if it is charged.

Strong bows and crossbows far away have limited lethality against heavy infantry, and it would be a nightmare for soldiers wearing leather armor or even without armor. Shihu must know this, otherwise he would not dispatch Dragon guards come over.

You have to know one thing truthfully and clearly, the huge state of Zhao in Shijie is only armed with [-] armored cavalry and [-] armored heavy infantry. Armored cavalry and two thousand heavy infantry fully demonstrate that Shihu attaches great importance to the Jijin battlefield.

The situation on the three bridges has changed. The mutual push and wrestling of the shield walls caused many soldiers on the left and right sides to fall into the rolling river. Moreover, the shield walls of the Dragon Guards did not have interlocking and door bolts. Of course, the Dragon Guard's shield wall was the first to crack.

The scene was still crowded with people, and the Longteng guards who had lost the cover of the shield wall began to slam the weapons in their hands against the shield wall of the Han army as much as possible, and dull sounds filled the battlefield. There was a loud roar, one after another "stab!", and each sound was accompanied by an unknown number of sharp spears poking out of the holes in the shield.

In the shield formation, the soldiers against the shield wall turned sideways as much as possible, and behind them were two soldiers operating the spears together. Every time the officer shouted "stab", the spears controlled by the two of them would thrust forward, and the spears that were thrust out The first time I could feel the resistance, the tip of the gun was still white when it was poked out, and there must be blood stains after it was retracted.

From the perspective outside the shield formation, at the forefront of the two armies, the spears of the Han army are constantly retracting back and forth. There were people falling down in the front, but the Dragon Guards behind were still pushing forward, and soon the ground was covered with corpses, and the blood flowed from the human body stained the bridge deck, and the blood flowed along the low-lying areas, Fall down the drain hole into the river.

In fact, the river is now full of human bodies. There are dead bodies that have been soaked and swollen, and there are also people who have just fallen.Those who fell just now, wearing heavy armor and falling into the water without even a chance to jump, just sank directly, but you can still see some surviving people clinging to places where they can borrow strength and struggling hard as the river washes them away.

"Stupid is stupid, but steady is better." Li Tan didn't know where the feeling came from, put down the binoculars, and said: "Every step forward is filled with blood, which has already dyed the river red. The future For a long time, the water in the big river will definitely not be drinkable, if the corpses in the river are not cleaned up... a plague may break out."

"..." Ran Min didn't think about that at all, he said indifferently: "One time I chatted with the king, it seemed that it was poison or some country, and the people on their side were buried in water, which caused the most important The rivers in the cities are full of various corpses, and the living people will drink the river water and bathe in it. So it is hard to imagine why there is no plague in them.”

"There is such a country?" Li Tan found it hard to imagine: "Isn't it that they won't be infected with the plague at all?"

Ran Min shook his head, and turned his attention to the battlefield again.

The Han army on two bridges had begun to advance steadily. It was a kind of shield wall that kept poking out spears and killing people as they moved forward. The speed of movement seemed very slow.

"I can't move anymore!" Xiao Qi could feel the huge resistance. He and Pao Ze in the first row were about to exert all their strength, but the shield wall could only move slightly, and couldn't help but move backwards. Shout: "There are too many dead bodies on the ground!"

Immediately, an officer ordered: "Change people in the front row, and those who are exhausted go to the back to rest."

It is no longer a question of whether to change people, but there are really too many corpses in front of the shield wall, especially since the shield wall has been pushed forward for a certain distance, the resistance of layers of corpses piled up is greater, and even the spears that are stabbed are basically It was an act of flogging the corpses, and the living Dragon Guards deliberately piled up the corpses of their comrades who died in battle.

Li Jun, who was in the rear, got the report and asked for instructions before issuing a new order to the headquarters.

Almost at the same time as Li Jun conveyed the new military order, the last Dragon Guard's shield wall also cracked, and then staged a one-sided massacre just like the other two places.

If it were the other Shijie Zhao army who could only be slaughtered and could not fight back effectively, they probably should have turned around and ran away long ago. However, although the Longteng guards did not have any effective counterattack methods, they still endured it tenaciously, and even gave it to the Han army at the same time. If the advancement creates obstacles, there will be vicious people climbing up the pile of corpses to try to attack.

The scene looked intense and cruel, but in fact, the space for first-line contact between the two sides was too small. The corpses were piled up in piles, which looked terrifying, but the number of dead people might only be in the hundreds.

"How many rafts have been built?" Ran Min didn't look away, and the person who asked was Zhang Shi: "When will the quantity be enough?"

Shi, the marching commander of the Han army, was responsible for planning and planning, and he was also in charge of military discipline and logistics. Zhang Shi hadn’t made any suggestions yet, and military discipline was less involved. He did his best in terms of logistics. When he heard the question, he immediately replied: "It has been made [-] pieces will be produced, and the quantity requirement will be met by tomorrow at the latest."

The fleet was blocked at the downstream of the Jijin battlefield at first, and then it was simply transferred to other uses. For example, Xu Zheng led the army to the north, and more troops would need to be transported to the north bank via the fleet. There was no plan to reach the Jijin battlefield at all. .

Ran Min can't just stare at the bridge just because the fleet doesn't come. He has specifically surveyed the nearby waters. There will be a lack of areas with gentle water flow, so in addition to storming the bridge, we should try to build a pontoon bridge to cross the river.

The chief and deputy generals are currently in free time when they can only observe the battlefield. What they should do and do is more a matter for grassroots officers and soldiers.


Amidst the bursts of roars, the interlocking shields were dismantled and cracked with the sound of metal friction. The next moment, a corpse rolled and tilted towards it. The Han soldiers in the first row could only stand on their horses and bear it.

The moment the shield wall cracked, the armored heavy infantry of the Han army either pushed forward immediately, or seized the time to throw the corpses blocking the way into the river, so that from the outside, there was a scene of corpses falling from high places and hitting the river. There were waves of water in the river.

The response of the Longteng guards was not slow. They were ecstatic when they found that the Han army broke the shield wall by themselves. They didn't need anyone to order the people in the first row to rush forward with roars.

It is said that if you are wearing heavy armor, you can go anywhere flexibly. It is nothing more than stepping forward with heavy steps. If you are not careful, you will trip over the corpse, and the person who fell will not even try to get up, either because of the weight of the armor on your body or trampled by those behind.

The dragon guards who climbed over the pile of corpses were full of ferocity under their visors. So far, they have not been ordered to retreat at all. In fact, the exhaustion of physical strength has reached the limit, but each of them still maintains their strength. Vicious enough.They roared forward, but what they faced was row after row of long spears stabbing out. It was after the Han army withdrew the shield wall that soldiers holding long spears were in the front line.

At this moment, the expression on Li Tu's face was extremely gloomy, and he had great expectations for the Longteng Guardians. However, the situation after the war did not develop in the expected direction.

General Zhang Chun of the Shijie Zhao State Army who had just arrived stood side by side with Li Tu.Zhang Chun was a veteran of the Shi Le period. After Shi Hu killed his nephew and usurped the throne, Zhang Chun was rewarded for his efforts and became a general of the Chinese army.

"The Han army has already crossed the Hebei from Yangping, Dunqiu and other counties." Zhang Chun did not bring reinforcements over. When he came to inform Li Tu of the new situation, he stayed in Jijin as a lieutenant general.He was watching the battle on the bridge with a frown, and said anxiously: "The Han army besieging Chaoge with 10,000+ troops has failed to capture the first camp after so many days. Your Majesty... has plans to withdraw to Yecheng."

"The natural danger of the great river will not hinder the Han army at all, and the army's luggage will bottom out day by day..." Li Tu understood the actual situation of Shijie Zhao, and said with a wry smile: "Now we are just holding on until the Yan army arrives. , together with Prince Bin defeated the Han army in Jizhou. Now if we withdraw to Yecheng...the country will be lost."

There are some things that cannot be said clearly. Shijie's senior management can only think about Shihu's cruelty and confusion as he gets older.

"Who suggested to His Majesty to withdraw to Yecheng? Didn't he think that it might cause a total collapse?" Li Tu was not only smiling wryly, but his face was completely livid: "Once there are no more troops by the river, don't we let the Han The army is going northward in an all-round way? The Han army can’t be stopped along the river, and can we still hope to be able to stop it in Yecheng? Yecheng still can’t stop it, where is the next step?”

Zhang Chun was speechless, and there were still some things he didn’t mention to Li Tu. For example, there had been many quarrels in the court. If not, they ceded Youzhou to Murong Xianbei in exchange for comprehensive support, and there were even voices that they should withdraw to the front line of Bingzhou.

"The expansion of the Han Kingdom is fast, and it is not our way of managing the region." Li Tu looked at the slow but steady advance of the Han army on the battlefield, and said in his mouth: "Now we can only hold on and step up to encourage those people to fight in the future." The hinterland of the Han territory exploded!"

……Dividing line……

There is one more update, so I ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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