Chapter 439

The staring of the two heavy infantry didn't last long. After a rush of battle drums from the Han army, the soldiers who were about to go into battle first shouted "Drink!" in unison, and the rhythmic drums began to be beat. It is to remind the soldiers that they should take steps, forming a uniform stepping sound.

Before the attack, some of the heavy infantry of the Han army replaced their weapons with long spears. The third row of the formation started with some people holding shields and long spears. If you looked inside through the shields, you would see long spears It's the fact that one pole after another is clamped at the waist, making the formation look extremely neat.

The total armor on the heavy infantry of the Han army should have weighed 65 kilograms. Together with the weight of shields or weapons, the overall load must have been nearly a hundred. They were lined up with people holding tower shields at the front, and they were the first when advancing. One row is holding the tower shield, the second row is holding it up and tilting it at an angle of about 45 degrees, and the third row is holding it up and laying it flat. Under the dense formation, it looks like a moving wall made of steel.

The three bridges in Zhijin built during the period of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty are progressive hole bridges made of a mixture of stone, wood, and soil. The two sides of the bridge appear to be relatively low, and the highest point in the middle reaches more than three feet. Due to the length of the bridge deck There will be no obvious slope when walking in a relationship that is too long.

The Han army began to advance, and the armed infantry of the Longteng Guards on Shijie Zhao's side also began to respond.They didn't stay on the edge of the river beach, but stepped into the bridge deck amidst bursts of desolate horns, and the posture they put on was to block the bridge deck layer by layer.

The Han army's infantry formation that formed the shield formation was not advancing very fast. It could even be said that the advancement speed was a bit slow. Every fifty steps they advanced, they would briefly stop to adjust the formation that had become loose. Taking the opportunity to recover some physical strength.

"Watch your feet."

"I know."

Those in the front row were not heavy swordsmen, but people who were selected from each other.The Han army was very particular about the formation of heavy infantry. The height should not be less than seven feet three inches (1 foot 24.5 cm in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so it is about 180 cm). On the contrary, personal fighting skills are less trained.

Xiaoqi, who was walking in the front row, could look forward through the gap in the shield, because the higher part of the bridge saw the bridge deck.In fact, he was walking mechanically to the beat of the war drums behind him, and stopped as soon as the drums stopped.

Soldiers who can act as forwards are generally selected from the bold, and the robes standing side by side with Xiaoqi must be sharp soldiers according to the military.They are the first batch of people who come close to the enemy, and they are definitely the first batch when they are attacked. They have a very high psychological endurance. If they are not timid, they may have low psychological endurance when they see a large number of enemies swarming. Is to turn around and run away.

The Han army lacked confident soldiers in the early days. After all, their original living environment was very harsh. Not only was it harsh, but they also had no dignity under the arbitrary bullying of the Hu people. For a long time, Liu Yan used the systematic troops to give them courage again and again. , In addition, they gradually regained their courage after winning the war again and again, and even became unprecedentedly confident because of their continuous victories.

In Xiao Qi's line of sight, the enemy's head first appeared in the distance, and then gradually the body was revealed.He judged a little, his side should be about 140 steps away from the enemy, subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky, but his vision was blocked by the shield.

There are arrows flying in the sky, and it doesn't look too dense.

The front ends above the three bridges are all equipped with heavy infantry, and their front extends to the back for nearly 240 steps. Behind the equipped heavy infantry is the bow and crossbow troops.

"Even if it's a strong crossbow, it won't have any lethal effect on the heavy infantry at a distance of three hundred steps." Li Jun is a member of the heavy infantry. The troops under his command are used as the forerunner of the attack. On the beach on the south bank, beside a car with war drums.He looked at the situation ahead and said, "It seems that the effect of harassment is very limited."

The crossbow has a long range, and its most powerful distance is about [-] steps. The prismatic arrowhead can penetrate three layers of heavy armor, but no one will send the crossbow troops back when the enemy is close to [-] steps away. Putting it up front, that means firing once and then engaging in combat.And the crossbowmen with no melee support, they will inevitably be massacred when they face the approach of melee arms.

Although the harassment was limited, the Han army still fired wave after wave of crossbow arrows, and even let the bed crossbows on the edge of the river carry out tentative school shooting. Unfortunately, the range of the bed crossbows could not reach the enemy.

Li Tu was taken aback when he saw the Han army's bed crossbow firing, and couldn't help showing a mocking expression when he saw the fired crossbow falling more than fifty steps away from his own troops.

Even if they didn't know the Han army before, Shijie Zhao Jun suffered a terrible price continuously, especially the Shijie Zhao Jun here was abused by the Han army's long-range weapons for nearly ten days and came to a big collapse. No matter how stupid they are, they should gather together Intelligence, research on the range of various long-range weapons of the Han army.

The Longteng guards on the bridge, according to the prompts from the rear, stopped outside the range of the long-range weapons of the Han army that could cause serious damage, that is, they were located in the north of the center of the bridge.

If you look at the three bridges, you will find a scene where both sides have made the same move, without any unusual tricks. As a result, the armed heavy infantry of the two armies are crowded in front of the enemy in advance.

The rhythmic drumbeat sounded again, and Xiaoqi followed the numerous robes and said "Drink!", raised his shield and continued to move forward following the drumbeat.

The battle rhythm of the armored heavy infantry couldn't be increased even if you think about it. There were no troops participating in the battle, and some soldiers from both sides on the river beach could only hold their breath and watch.

The weather was hot, and they were wearing multiple layers of armor. In fact, the heavy infantry on both sides should already be covered in sweat, and the sweat on their bodies would flow down.

The two sides had been approaching each other within thirty steps, and the Longteng Guards, who had been silent all this time, suddenly roared in unison, and some objects that looked like throwing guns were thrown from the Longteng Guards' army formation.

More than one grassroots officer in the Han army shouted: "Steady! Stabilize!"

Almost as soon as the words fell, there were frequent knocking sounds. It was the spear thrown by the Longteng guards that hit the shield. If the spear head touched the shield in the dark night, sparks could definitely be seen, that is An instantaneous impact force effect.

The behavior of the Longteng Guardians was one wave after another. The shield in the hands of Xiao Qi who was in the front row was hit twice in succession, and he could feel the force produced was not light.

Ran Min, who was holding up the binoculars to watch, gave a "tsk" first, then turned to look at Li Tan and said in bewilderment, "Why didn't we think of this trick?"

"..." Li Tan really didn't know how to answer. They paid attention to military weapons such as crossbows, bed crossbows, and catapults, and they really forgot about the throwing spears that were used in ancient times.He touched the beard on his chin and said: "It can be used as a reference, it can be used as a reference. In the future, it is necessary to add gun throwing training, and even equip infantry with small axes for close-range throwing."

Ran Min nodded, looking very interested in the suggestions mentioned by Li Tan.

Li Jun, who stayed in the rear and commanded the headquarters, was actually stunned for a moment when he saw the enemy throwing spears. After observing that there were no casualties in his own troops, he let go of his worries.Inevitably, he also had an idea that could be used for reference. Just thinking about it, he quickly concentrated his attention and ordered the drummer next to him to speed up the rhythm of the drum.

Thirty steps is just a matter of running for a few seconds for other arms, but it is difficult for armored heavy infantry to run fast, they can only move forward step by step.

The two sides approached within twenty steps, and the dragon guards stopped throwing their spears. It could be seen that the dragon guards in the front row were tightening the distance between each other and stacking their shields as much as possible.When doing these actions, they didn't know what they were shouting, and it sounded loud but it seemed very noisy.

The rest of the spectators.Zhao Jun in Shijie on the north bank of the Yellow River burst into shouts. I don't know how many people were shouting, and the voice was so loud that it could cover the sound of drums and horns.On the south bank of the Yellow River, the soldiers of the Han army kept quiet.

Xiaoqi visually checked the distance between the two sides, and they would not exceed ten steps between each other.He clenched the shield in his hand, and subconsciously turned his head slightly to look to the side. He heard the voice of an officer in his ears, and he saw the spears being passed forward one after another.

"Prepare to engage the enemy. Hold the shield and control the spear in pairs!"

The sound of metal rubbing seemed so slight amidst the noise. The heavy infantry of the Han army under the protection of the shields were following the orders of the officers and doing various actions. In order to push forward with their shoulders, the people in the second row used their shields to interlock with each other, and turned their hands on the back of the front robe, followed by people who were always ready to stab their spears out of the shield's stabbing hole.

On the battlefield full of noise, a neat and loud "Han army is mighty" was shouted out, and the next moment, the shields of the two armies collided with each other, and the roar of metal covered other sounds for a while.

Since the rhythm of the battlefield is controlled by the Han army, the battles of the three bridges basically took place one after the other. After the three huge collisions, no matter it was the sound of war drums, horns or noise, it was a meal.

In the next moment, the heavy infantry of the two armies after the battle touched and pushed each other with their shields, the sound of metal friction between the shields, the friction sound of the shield base being stuck on the ground, and the sound of the horns being shouted in unison. Zisheng, they have become the mainstream of the battlefield.

The contest between armored heavy infantry is really a struggle of strength. They are separated from each other by a layer of shields. Even if they want to swing or stab their weapons, there must be room.Without space, the comparison is which side is strong enough, that is, pushing each other desperately, resulting in the shield walls on each other wrestling back and forth, until the shield wall of one side cracks.

"...This method is a bit stupid." Ran Min can use the binoculars to observe the battlefield carefully: "Our shield has an interlocking device, and it can be held with something like a door bolt. It will be more powerful than the enemy's shield wall. It's solid, but is it just pushing..." He seemed to stop when he saw something in the middle of speaking.

This time it was Shijie Zhao Jun who made an unexpected move. In front of the two armies was the shield wall pushing each other, but behind them there were soldiers climbing up to the foothold formed by the shield wall. The heavily armored soldiers stepped forward on their shields, jumped to the top of the Han army's shield array, and smashed heavy weapons such as maces and flails.

The soldiers of the Han army inside the shield naturally noticed the situation above. After reacting, they stabbed their spears upwards from below.

Li Tu didn't have a telescope. He squinted his eyes to see the development of the battle. When his Donggong Gaoli ran to the Han army's shield and smashed it, there was still a sense of anticipation. Seeing the Han army's shield constantly stabbing spears was not too special. expression.

There was originally Donggong Gaoli on Jijin's side, but Shi Xuan took most of them when he went to Chaoge to preside over the battle.

Donggong Gaoli is a group of Kongwu powerful guys, they come from various ethnic groups, and they are fierce people carefully selected by Shi Xuan.Donggong Gaoli, who was trying to attack from the top, is now facing a sharp spear that may come out from below at any time. It is definitely lucky to be hit on the sole of the foot, and the worse thing is to be stabbed in the balls.

Whether it is the soles of the feet, legs, or balls, Donggong Gaoli will inevitably fall if he is injured. When he falls, he will feel that his body will be smashed into a rag. After retreating, most of them really ran back, and those who really couldn't retreat and were still alive jumped into the rolling river fiercely.

"This trick can also be learned." Li Tan didn't know when, holding a piece of paper in his left hand and a writing brush in his right, he wrote it down and said, "They really have a lot of tricks, which are totally worth learning from."

Ran Min seemed to curl his lips, but he didn't hide his dislike: "The big man's army combat mode has always been rigid, and it's time to try to diversify."

"Isn't that what you said." Li Tan refuted Ran Min rarely, and said, "Like Zhao Jun, who we fight constantly, their generals don't know how much they envy the rigidity of our troops."

"I'm not talking about discipline and tenacity." Ran Min was really disgusted, and said, "I'm talking about head-to-head confrontation, and fighting is also the way of coming and going."

"This is actually..." Li Tan couldn't deny it, and said with a wry smile: "Arrow array attack, others charge, others are blocked, arrow array attack, arrow array attack is completed, the rest charge. This is the tactic of back and forth."

It was the first time Ran Min heard that tongue twister, tasted it, laughed "haha", slapped his thigh and said, "With just this new trick, the big man has conquered such a huge territory."

(End of this chapter)

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