sweeping the world

Chapter 430 Han's First Civil and Military Controversy

Chapter 430 Han's First Civil and Military Controversy

For the Han Kingdom, the present opportunity is rare. If they don't take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the Shijie Zhao Kingdom in one fell swoop, they still don't know if they will have such an opportunity in the future.

The plan Liu Yan made for himself was to destroy the Shijie State of Zhao within one year and lay the foundation for the recovery of the Central Plains.Then the most useful and powerful way to defeat the disabled Shijie State of Zhao is to severely injure the Jie soldiers of the White Horse. As long as a certain amount of Jie people die, Shihu's dominance in the Central Plains will not only be shaken, but the two sides of Shijie and Zhao State will also be shaken. The Qiang and Di people who are big accomplices will also have different thoughts, and it is hard to say whether many miscellaneous Hus will no longer obey the rule of the Jie people.

It is a risky plan to cross the Yellow River and attack Yecheng or Xiangguo.

Leaving aside Yecheng, Xiangguo is the true center of Shijie Zhaoguo.Xiangguo has always been the essence of Shijie. The essence here does not refer to the economic center. Regardless of Shi Le or Shihu, they placed the core parts of Qiang, Di, Jin, Xiongnu, etc. around Xiangguo. The country is more densely populated than other places.

"In the past one or two years, Shihu has gradually moved Jie people and people from all ethnic groups to Yecheng, and Yecheng has become the most important companion capital of Shihu." Many members of the Sangyu family were officials in the Shijie Zhao Kingdom before. Some of the core tribesmen hold high official positions and have a high level of understanding of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom.He said: "Shi Hu mobilized the Jie people to go on an expedition. He would not leave too many Qiang, Di, and Jin people in Xiangguo or Yecheng. He would also be worried about those people rebelling."

Yecheng has been building palaces in recent years, using more than a million manpower, and material resources are even more difficult to calculate. It means that most of the national power of Shijie Zhao State is used for the construction of Yecheng.

The national strength of the Shijie State of Zhao was not strong in the first place, and the construction of Yecheng consumed a large amount of materials. It was said that Shihu was not prepared enough for this war because of this.

Since Yao Yizhong was captured by the Han army, the Qiang nationality has actually entered into a substantial division.

Shi Hu originally thought that he would be able to control the Qiang people easily, but what he didn't expect was that without Yao Yizhong's restraint, it was easier to talk about the familiar Qiang, but the Sheng Qiang became the main force causing trouble.

Uncivilized peoples will always have a distinction between "cooked" and "raw".The so-called "mature" means that society has developed to a certain level, for example, it has begun to be organized and coordinated, and naturally it also counts as having a certain cultural foundation.And "sheng" refers to barbarism and disobedience to leadership. Usually, the "sheng" part of each nation is the most barbaric group, and being able to use it for oneself has great military significance.

Yao Yizhong is the general leader recognized and recognized by the Qiang people, and it is precisely because of this that Shi Hu is afraid.

Generally speaking, Shi Hu's original calculations were in vain. Although Yao Yizhong was a threat when he was there, after Yao Yizhong was captured by the Han army, the Qiang people, who were constantly in chaos, became a real threat.

Not only was Shi Hu unable to control the Qiang people because of Yao Yizhong's capture, but the Di people after Fu Hong went to Longxi didn't follow Shi Hu's instructions so much.

Take this time Shi Hu led the army to Puyang County as an example. If both Yao Yizhong and Fu Hong were still there, Shi Hu could let them gather the young and strong of the Qiang and Di tribes to join the battle. Can mobilize Zahu and Jin people in Shijie territory.

Zahu are generally low-class people, not to say how weak Zahu is, but that Zahu's tribe is too many and too diverse to be organized, and his spirit is also incomparable with other clans.Zahu can be extremely brave in a downwind battle, but will choose to work and not work hard when encountering a stalemate. When the situation is unfavorable, Zahu is the first to collapse.

Jin people are at the bottom of the society in Shijie Zhao State, and their social status is not even as good as wild animals.That was clearly stated by Shijie's Zhao State in the law. In Shijie's law, there is a "crime of hurting animals" that is specifically used against Jin people.The so-called "crime of injuring beasts" is easy to understand, that is, Jin people are not allowed to harm wild animals in any way, even if they are attacked by wild beasts, otherwise Jin people will be investigated by Shijie officials, and the way of investigation Just to kill the Jin people.

Those Jin people in Shijie’s Zhao State who were not having a good time were faced with annihilation in the eighth year of Jianwu (AD [-]) in Shijie. The reason was that Shihu obeyed the monk Wu Jin (also known as Hu into) prophecy.

Wu Jin is a native of Jin, and became a monk who was "not within the Five Elements" after he converted to Samana. His Jin origin was exempted because of his status as a monk.

Wu Jin, who is not in the "human world", predicted to Shihu that in the future, the Shijie State of Zhao will be destroyed by the Jin people, and the Jin people should be killed wantonly, so that the vitality of the Jin people cannot be restored.

In addition to his own enjoyment, another big reason for Shi Hu's desire to build palaces in Yecheng is Wu Jin's prophecy.

The construction of the palace requires a lot of manpower. With today's technology, death in engineering operations is a common phenomenon. Only from the eighth year of Jianwu to the 11th year of Jianwu, more than 20 Jin people were conscripted to the In Yecheng, I don’t know if there are [-] people alive today.

There is another thing. In order to further kill more Jin people, Shi Hu carried out a canal excavation operation, and the manpower recruited reached a terrifying 500 million.

It is to recruit 500 million people to dig the river, it is 500 million people!It can be said that Shihu definitely did a feat that has never been seen before or since. Based on the total population of Shijie Zhao State of more than 2000 million people, it has recruited 500 million people as corvee.Even Yang Guang later used more than 200 million people to dig the canal, and Yang Sui's national population at that time was more than 4000 million.

"How else can we say that Jin people are weak and useless." Ji Chang's face was livid when he said this: "If you are not treated as a human being, you will be persecuted all the time, but you will be divided to protect yourself. As long as you don't let them go They will only watch with cold eyes, and when they really move their heads, others will also choose to watch with cold eyes."

Ji Chang’s words are still somewhat paranoid. After the Central Plains fell into the hands of the Jie tribe, there were many people who raised troops and called for resistance. Some people, such as Chen An, Hou Ziguang (a monk), Fan Ben, etc., successively raised troops to rebel against the Hu people, but The structure of these people is basically too small, occupying a county and calling themselves kings and emperors. The righteousness of resisting the Hu people has become their own selfish desires, and the response is not wide. The consequences are similar, but there is no way to protect themselves and they are easily eliminated.

Liu Yan was on his way again with people, leaving [-] troops stationed in Dong'e, and took [-] troops and a group of idlers to go to Fan County in Dongping County.

There are quite a lot of idlers. For example, Liu Yan has close to a hundred maids and waiters (mainly serving those concubines). Of course, the rest of the officials also have people who serve themselves. The total number of people is more than 1000. people.

Whether or not to take the risk of traveling hundreds of miles to attack Yecheng and Xiangguo has been under discussion. The civil servants have no specific statement, and the military officials are Ran Min and Huan Wen who are trying their best to turn Liu Yan's ideas into practical actions.

At this time, Ran Min and Huan Wen rode side by side on horseback. They were just acquaintances before, but they quickly approached after they had a common desire.

"Shihu mobilized the young and strong of the Jie tribe and the young and strong of all ethnic groups to go out as soldiers. Yecheng and Xiangguo must be unprecedentedly empty at present." Zhu Long's horse under Ran Min's buttocks is definitely more majestic than Huan Wen's Xiji horse, which caused him to ride He was much taller than Huan Wen when he was on horseback, and he said condescendingly: "There are hundreds of thousands of people in Yecheng who are forced to do coolie labor. Get hundreds of thousands of coolies to respond."

Huan Wen didn't know as much about Shijie Zhao Guo as Ran Min did, and it was Ran Min who explained the situation in detail at the beginning.He really hoped that Liu Yan could take a risky action, thinking that it was a great opportunity to catch him by surprise, and the possibility of success was not low.He knew how great the risk would be and how great the credit would be, and his eyes were fixed on the candidate for the commander.

"In the pre-Qin period, Zhang Han used a group of criminals as his soldiers, and he was invincible in all battles. It was only when he encountered an overlord that he fell into the sand." Huan Wen mused: "There is no such thing as an overlord in Shijie Zhao State. .”

Now there is one person who is hailed as the overlord, and that person is Ran Min who rides alongside Huan Wen on horseback.And Ran Min belonged to the side of the Han Kingdom, Huan Wen said that in some flattering sense.

"As soon as our army arrives, we can take those coolies for our own use. Isn't that the reason?" Ran Min looked at Wang Nian's position and said, "Your Majesty intends to send troops to Yecheng and Xiangguo. There must be similar forces." idea."

Not only Liu Yan was on the Wang chariot, Ji Chang, Sang Yu, Lu Yi, Cai You, etc. were all on it, watching the lively conversation from afar.

Huan Wen also looked at Wang Nian, and asked in a speculative tone: "Prime Minister Zuo is not a cautious person, and he has a great influence on the king. If we can get the support of Prime Minister Zuo, things will be easy."

This time, Huan Wen's expectations were about to come to nothing, and the king had already talked about whether it was necessary to take risks.

"Attacking Yecheng or Xiangguo can force Shihu to deal with it, but no one can guarantee whether Shihu will withdraw directly once the fortification offensive and defensive battle evolves into a mobile war." Ji Chang repeatedly considered what he wanted to say. : "The national strength of the Han Dynasty is superior to that of Shijie. It is beneficial to the Han Dynasty to fight a stalemate and a war of attrition. Why give up the advantage and change the situation?"

Liu Yan has already said his idea, which is to establish the expectation of recovering the Central Plains within a year.There was approval for his statement, but dissent began to emerge over whether the risk should be taken.

"Most of the young and strong of the Jie people are concentrated in the white horse, which is what the big man has been looking forward to." Cai You was also thinking about it. He said: "Our army is not short of food and equipment, and our experience in offensive and defensive warfare is better than that of Zhao Jun. Hu people are better at field battles, especially cavalry battles."

Can Liu Yanneng say that he is already thinking about gradually changing the Guards into cavalry?The [-] cavalry of the imperial guards cooperated with the [-] cavalry of the field troops, and the Han army did not hesitate to fight the Hu cavalry.

"Our army's armor and equipment are also better than Zhao's army." Sang Yu said with a smile: "It's rare that Shihu is willing to concentrate the main force of the Jie people in one place, and it would be bad to let them run away."

The three most core civil servants expressed the same opinion, and they all believed that the current situation is very good and should not be changed lightly.This time Liu Yan had to be cautious.

Ran Min and Huan Wen had already approached the king's chariot, they got on the king's chariot after asking, and knelt down on their knees after saluting.

"My lord." Ran Min didn't know what happened on the king's chariot just now, so he told the conversation with Huan Wen, mainly talking about the response of tens of thousands of people when the Han army arrived in Yecheng, and finally said: " Once Yecheng and Xiangguo are conquered, the core of Shijie will be mastered by the great Han. At that time, all nations and ethnic groups must know who is stronger than the Han and Shijie. "

The matter of combining vertical and horizontal alliances was Huan Wen telling Ran Min that as the Han army became more advantageous in various battlefields, combined with the continuous alliance between Shijie Zhao State and other countries, it is really similar.

"Considering that most of the Hu people are cavalry, and the trend of shifting from positional warfare to mobile warfare is greater, Min has carefully studied the terrain of various places and the distribution of the two armies." Ran Min looked extremely confident when talking about military affairs: "There is a large number of troops on the side of Dunqiu. It is mostly mountainous, and it is not easy for the barbarian cavalry to enter. The terrain of Ji County and Wei County is relatively flat, but the distribution of water systems in the two counties is dense. As long as Jijin is controlled by our army, the fleet can enter those areas. Water system."

The Yellow River has many tributaries, such as Qingshui and Qishui in Ji County, and Baigou in Dunqiu County, Yangping County and Wei County are also one of the tributaries of the Yellow River, and Baigou also has many tributaries. Many water systems are actually There are intersections.

Liu Yan looked at Ran Min strangely.As far as he knew, Ran Min didn't understand water warfare at all, so the matter about the water system was Huan Wen's suggestion to Ran Min?

Seeing Liu Yan's gaze, Huan Wen immediately smiled and said: "The Baigou is still connected to the Yellow Pond, which is a large lake with a large area. The water system is controlled by our army, and the battle season is in the autumn when the water is high, even if the barbarian cavalry has strong mobility, we will find an opportunity to intercept it."

Ji Chang and Sang Yu looked at each other. They had seen the intentions of Ran Min and Huan Wen. They had some extraordinary interest in marching into Yecheng or Xiangguo, and they even discussed how to make a strategic layout.

The system of the Han Dynasty decided that without a general, Prime Minister Zuo had the right to be involved in the military, but he only had the right to make suggestions, not the right to be arbitrary.Then again, regardless of who has what rights, Liu Yan was the one who finally took the case.

"Qingshui can be used as the first line of interception. If it can't be stopped, there is still Qishui." Huan Wen continued with a thoughtful look: "Baigou and related tributaries are backup interception lines. Our army does not lack inland water troops. Quantities can also be piled up to form a water interception line that is difficult to cross. In this way, when the enemy moves, our army can find more opportunities and seek more fighters. In other words, frequent mobilization will definitely increase organizational strength. Isn't the chaos caused by a weak enemy army just an opportunity to take a bite here and there, and gain the greatest victory with the least loss?"

(End of this chapter)

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