sweeping the world

Chapter 429 Is it necessary to take risks?

Chapter 429 Is it necessary to take risks?

To put it bluntly, Han Guo is now covered with feces and urine. If you do more before cleaning it up, it will be more embarrassing. If you don’t recover the Central Plains, and even if you don’t solve Liaodong, Guanzhong and Northwest, it is inappropriate to go south.

The Han Dynasty can use all means to deal with the barbarian countries, but it cannot deal with the forces of the same ethnic group. Regarding the acceptance and absorption of the population, it is even more difficult to deal with internal conflicts.Therefore, when the Han Dynasty dealt with Zhang's Liang Kingdom and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it could attack them from an official perspective, but it could not be as unscrupulous as it was against the Hu people.

There are so many aristocratic families in the south that it is unimaginable, how to deal with those aristocratic families, so far Han has not made up his mind.It is absolutely impossible to kill all of them, and most of the high-level officials in the Han Kingdom are unwilling to kill some of them. After all, there are only so many benefits, and there is not enough distribution among themselves.
"So, only by solving the Central Plains, Guanzhong, Northeast, and Guanzhong can we go south with all our strength." Liu Yan has already led the army to set off, and their destination is Jibei County.Of course he was riding on the royal chariot, and the person talking to him was Wang Meng: "The situation we are currently facing is very complicated. We have to fight against the government and deal with powerful forces from all over the world. In fact, we don't have enough troops."

Wang Meng has been Liu Yan's secretary for nearly a year, and it is certain that he will be sent to a local county magistrate in winter, and how long he will work in the local area depends on his political achievements.

They set out from Fenggao and walked along the Wenshui River. There were nearly [-] troops on land, and boats and warships were densely packed on the waterway, making it look like a mighty force.

There are many officials accompanying this time, the left and right prime ministers are accompanying them, so is Jiuqing, and then there are many middle-level officials.After all, the king of the country is in charge, and Liu Yan has no one to supervise the prince of the country, so the big and small affairs of the country will definitely be gathered on the king's chariot.

The season is approaching autumn, and autumn is the season for the main slaughter. The Han State clearly rejected the possible peace of the Murong Yan State, and also refused to redeem Yao Yizhong from the Shijie Zhao State, but only agreed that the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty would release Chu However, the treatment of other countries is flat.

The more the Han State showed that it was not afraid of the world's enemies, the more countries dared not make mistakes against the Han State, and some countries that wanted to form an alliance with the Han State became more eager.So, sometimes momentum is really important.

"Shi Jie has no specific national policy. Judging from the current situation, he hastily broke out into a war without being prepared. The Xianbei Yan Kingdom had previously wiped out many countries and tribes and fell into a quagmire of counterinsurgency and war." Wang Meng has many benefits from being Liu Yan's secretary. One of them is to have a better understanding of the general trend of the world: "The Han Dynasty is well prepared for war. There is no shortage of food, soldiers, armor and equipment. Although the supply of soldiers is slightly insufficient, it is at the upper hand of national strength."

This is the reason, Han Guoqiang is stronger than national power, and there is no need to be a coward at all.Not only can the Han state not show a guilty conscience, but it must remain as tough as ever. The more the morale of the country's people is higher, the less confident the enemy country will be.

In the past, Liu Yan didn't know how the Hu people's country was operated, but in the past few years, he has basically understood it.The Hu people really do not follow the national policy, and most of the time they just do one thing while patting their heads.Not only the Hu people's country, but even the Chinese civilized country has a similar situation, the difference is that at least there will be some preparations.

Shi Hu was originally going to Guanzhong, but he went to the battlefield in Puyang County during the period, which was tantamount to a change of mind midway.It doesn't matter if an individual wants to do something halfway, but the country can't do something one moment, but stop doing other things the next moment, which will cause many previous preparations to fail, and new things have to start from scratch come again.And things at the national level will not appear simple, and a change of mind midway will appear hasty for the country, and it is easy to cause changes.

The national power of the Han State is so strong that it makes no sense at all. It is not only due to systemic factors, but also has a major relationship with state management, and then it is a matter of popular opinion.

Let’s not talk about the benefits of the system, but let’s first talk about the mainstream ideas of the Han people.The source of the population of Han is liberation and salvation. All of them have experienced tragic turmoil. They have a stable living land and all they think about is production, and their enthusiasm for production is absolutely high.

The vast majority of the population of the Han Kingdom is managed by collective farms. The country implements the national policy of farming and warfare. Under the premise that the army does not wantonly recruit, working hard to produce and expecting to obtain titles has become the only way.

The title has a special meaning in the Han Dynasty. It is not only to obtain a high social status, but also the only basis for changing one's life and even future generations. The most important thing is to have a title to have one's own private land. People will try their best to have a title.

Last year (344 A.D.) when the Han army recruited soldiers, the response from the people was far beyond imagination. It was a situation where as long as it was a settlement, there would be a long queue to register. Those who were accepted were so excited that they did not become a member of the army. It is beating one's chest and stamping one's feet.

The 50th Rank Lord had already determined one thing in advance, and the consensus was that military merit was the most important. If it had not reached a certain level, and for the sake of the health of the country, it would not be difficult to recruit [-] million soldiers based on the population structure of the Han Dynasty.

Wang Nian arrived in Dong'e, Jibei County [-] days later, and Ran Min led many generals to welcome Liu Yan.


It was Ran Min who took the lead to meet, because it was a military salute with the armor on his body.

The military salute of the Han army is to stand up straight, put your right hand across your chest, and turn your head down.

The Ran Min that Liu Yan saw seemed to be high-spirited, and Ran Min did have reason to be high-spirited. There were nearly 15 Han troops in the main battlefield of Puyang, including its surrounding areas, under the command of Ran Min.

After Ran Min took over the command, the battles with Shijie and Zhao were mutually beneficial. However, the Han army on the Puyang battlefield did not show signs of decline. The surrounding Han army was suppressing the Shijie and Zhao army. This was exactly the case. That's why Shi Hu wanted to seek a truce.

"Before the king came over, our army and Shi Jie had just finished fighting over at Wei City." Ran Min followed Liu Yan and introduced: "Both sides used cavalry. We ate the equipment and heavy equipment of three hundred Longteng guards. There are cavalry and [-] light cavalry, and the enemy also has [-] infantry.”

It is not easy for the cavalry to achieve great results in the battle, which aroused Liu Yan's curiosity about the battle in Weicheng.

It wasn't too complicated to say, it was Ran Min who set a trap to attract Shijie's Zhao army, and then encircled and devoured them with superior forces.The method seems common and simple, but it is not easy to implement. It is related to the commander's overall view and command art, and it uses the advantage of troops generated by the mobilization of local troops in a major situation.

"An Shi." Ran Min greeted him from behind. He waited for Xie An to get closer before saying, "An Shi was the one who fought on the spot. It's up to An Shi to tell the story in detail."

The Dragon Guards of Zhao State in Shijie were not so delicious. Liu Yan vaguely remembered that when he ate [-] Dragon Guards in the Battle of Taishan County, his own losses were three times more than that of the Dragon Guards.

Xie An can show his face in front of the king, even if he is a gentleman, Xie An will not let it go. He is also a very cultured person. Just three hundred Longteng guards caused nearly a thousand casualties to our army, and the enemy's light cavalry will be annihilated later, and the equipped infantry and crossbow troops will wipe them out."

The Shijie Zhao army that appeared in the Battle of Wei City was not just [-] Dragon Guards, [-] light cavalry, and [-] infantry; there were [-] Dragon Guards, nearly [-] light cavalry, and nearly [-] infantry.The part eaten by the Han army was gradually divided into parts, and then the rest of the Shijie Zhao army was isolated and then surrounded and annihilated. This involved battlefield scheduling issues. It can be seen that Xie An is also good at military affairs.

"The main thing is for the soldiers to use their lives." Xie An didn't look like he was being modest: "An doesn't deserve any credit."

Liu Yan didn't say anything, but asked: "What is the enemy's current movement?"

Just like sending envoys to Fenggao, Shihu's willingness to send Longteng guards is also a signal.It was probably because of Shijie's Zhao Jun's logistics problems, and it was difficult to stand up for a long time, otherwise Shihu would definitely be reluctant to part with his precious lumps.

Ran Min's later introduction also explained that in the main battlefield of Puyang, the Han army used inferior forces to compete and see-saw with the 19 Jie human soldiers in the hands of Shi Hu. On the peripheral battlefield, Xu Zheng, Xie An and Huan Wen went back and forth to sweep and attack. , the battlefield covers hundreds of miles around Puyang County, which means that the logistics line of Shijie Zhao State was also hit.

For the same reason, Shihu's troops on the outskirts also attacked the logistics line of the Han army. The problem is that Shijie's Zhao army is facing many military forts and fortresses in various arteries.What's more... They didn't know that the logistics line was not too necessary for the Han army, because the Han army did not rely on long-distance transportation for food, fodder and ordnance.

There are many examples in history of using inferior troops on the main battlefield and deploying more troops on the peripheral battlefields. There have been many successes and failures. The key point is that the main battlefield with inferior troops must be elite enough.

Liu Yan has relevant data at hand. After seven months of fighting on the main battlefield in Puyang, the strength of the Han army has dropped to about [-]. This is the battle casualties caused by the long-term back-and-forth between the two sides. In exchange, Shihu's Jieren soldiers Lost nearly [-].

The Han army only achieved a slight advantage of [-] in terms of casualty exchange ratio.The Han army's armored equipment is more sophisticated than that of the Jie people, which shows that it was not luck and accident that Shijie became the overlord of the Central Plains, and it is not without reason that all countries and ethnic groups fear the Jie people.

"Min thinks that Shi Hu will seek a decisive battle next." Ran Min said that with a determined expression. He said with great certainty: "There is already a clear gap between the two sides in terms of national strength. If it continues, Zhao Jun is likely to suffer from logistical reasons." It becomes demoralized and even collapses without a fight.”

Isn't it because of this that Liu Yan led the reinforcements here in person!
Procrastination is beneficial to the Han army, which has an advantage in national strength, and it will become more beneficial as the battle is dragged on for longer. That is a matter of course.Shihu tried to seek peace, even if it was a temporary peace, the starting point was to integrate national power, at least to search for enough supplies for war. It was nothing more than that Shijie and Zhao Guo were really not ready for war. Han who understood this could not let Shihu Good luck.

Everyone entered Dong'a City.This is a city that has become a large barracks with the arrival of the army. Like other cities, it looks dilapidated, and there are not many civilians in the city.

Dong'a is close to two hundred miles away from the main battlefield of Puyang. Liu Yanhui came here mainly because it is close to the river that can provide fleet navigation, and land transportation is also convenient.The most important reason is that when necessary, the Han army can cross the Yellow River from near Dong'a to the north bank, cut off Shihu's retreat on the back road, or directly attack Xiangguo and Yecheng.

"Perhaps... the general trend of the world will change greatly in the next year." Liu Yan moved into a mansion in Dong'a City. It is estimated that this mansion is also a relatively good one in Dong'a.He waited for everyone to take their seats before continuing: "What we want to strive for is to win the victory over the entire Central Plains within one year!"

The center of the Han Kingdom has once again ordered the conscription of troops. The number of conscription in the second phase is as many as 20. The posture they put out is truly a decisive battle to determine the fate of the country.

Counting the servant army and the slave army, after recruiting another 20 troops, the total number of Han troops will be close to 80. They are full of militarism, but the next year may really be a rare opportunity, and Shi Jie must not let Zhao Guo breathed his last.

Liu Yan couldn't let go of this opportunity. He didn't want to take his time if he could quickly dig a hole to bury Shijie Zhao Guo. Shijie Zhao Guo was not the only enemy of his.

"Your Majesty." Ran Min had just learned that Liu Yan intended to attack Xiangguo and Yecheng directly. After thinking for a while, he was full of excitement: "This is a snake hitting seven inches, which will definitely cause the stone tiger to move, far more than The current attack and defense relying on fortifications will be beneficial!"

That is a matter of courage. The normal concept is to launch a decisive battle wherever the enemy is. Liu Yan does not want to fight a fortification offensive and defensive battle. He must find a way to make Shihu move, but the risks are not low at all. For example, the Han army that crossed the river and fought deep into the enemy's territory might be completely wiped out.

Dong'e is about 250 miles away from Yecheng, and more than 350 miles away from Xiangguo.Baima is more than two hundred miles away from Yecheng, and more than [-] miles away from Xiangguo.Judging from the distance between each other, it is Shijie Zhao Jun who has the advantage.From the perspective of military motivation, it is the Han army that has the initiative.

Liu Yan asked with a smile: "Does Yong Zeng think it's feasible?"

"Of course it is possible!" Ran Min is not a timid person, it can even be said that he has a high spirit of adventure.He couldn't suppress his excitement and said, "Whether it is Yecheng or Xiangguo, it is the key point of Shijie. If it can be taken, it will inevitably cause turmoil in Shijie. The army took the initiative."

The rest are thinking, mostly because they think the move is too risky.The reason why they think this way is very simple. At present, the Han army has an advantage in national strength and logistics, and what they can't afford is Shijie Zhao Guo. Why take risks when they can do things steadily and steadily?

(End of this chapter)

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