sweeping the world

Chapter 416 I'll Come, I'll See You. (Xie Piaoyun Temple Host Shengwan Rewards)

Chapter 416 I'll Come, I'll See You. (Xie Piaoyun Temple Host Shengwan Rewards)

Li Kuang was still a local powerful man five years ago. He knew that he knew the character of the Zhongyuan family. Any Jin family that had been ruled by the Hu people for a long time would not have any loyalty, especially to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty that abandoned him. More so.As for the Hu people's families, they have no desire to belong. They are not from the same family as the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and they will not destroy their own families for the sake of the Jin army.

In the afternoon of the same day, there was another attack that consumed the equipment of the defenders of the city. The number of losses and defeats of the servant army during the attack and retreat reached more than [-]. It was only at night that the fighting was temporarily stopped.

At night, Li Kuang sat quietly in his big tent, waiting for something that had a high probability to happen.

Facts also proved that Li Kuang did not wait in vain. First, someone from the top of the city shot an arrow to help write a strip of cloth, and then someone simply came down from the top of the city with a rope.Without exception, they all represent some families in the city, and their basic purpose is surprisingly the same, they want to contribute to the capture of Ruyin by the Han army as internal agents.

"There are people who have surrendered." Li Kuang didn't look very proud. He checked the banners again and again, and even personally questioned the people who had surrendered. After returning to the big tent, he summoned the generals and said calmly: " What should be distinguished now is whether they are really trying to act as internal agents, or whether the enemy is setting a trap."

Previously, Li Kuang's troops had raided the surrounding areas of Ruyin City and uprooted some fortresses or forts that were easy to fight. They had also accepted the support of some local powerful men and there was no shortage of people who knew the situation in Ruyin City.

Those who submitted their orders were identified, and most of them were able to identify the families that were to serve as internal agents. The ones that didn't match might be because no one knew about them, or it might be the Jin army's layout.

"It must be to attack the city." Wang Biao naturally suspected that there was a trap, but he thought that he should try it anyway. As long as he was careful, even if he failed, he would not lose too many troops, and he would not let the army's vitality be seriously injured. Will miss the big picture.He said: "Agreement with them to signal, so that we can act on the spur of the moment?"

Li Kuang shook his head and said to the crowd, "The counselors will deduce some countermeasures based on what will happen."

The most feared thing in large army operations is to adapt to the situation. Even if it seems rigid and restrained, it is better than having no plan in advance. That is because the army relies heavily on coordination, and military orders can only be written by one person. It cannot be a large army doing its own thing.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Kuang continued to send out his servant troops to attack the city, and the attack continued until the evening before withdrawing his troops.On this day, a servant army successfully climbed to the top of the city, but was quickly pushed back.Those servants who successfully boarded the city got Li Kuang's promise fulfilled in advance, and they were removed from their slave status and received a hundred gold (copper). After the whole army was informed, the morale of the servants whose morale had dropped somewhat became high again.

On the second night, those who wanted to come over the previous day contacted again. A Qiang family in the city said that it had gathered about a thousand private soldiers with several friendly families and could try to capture it when the Han army attacked the city. city ​​gate.

"Qiang people?" Li Kuang asked. It was a Qiang family named Zhang, and it was a relatively famous family in Ruyin City.What he had to ask was: "What are their conditions?"

Wang Biao complicatedly entertained the people who came to discuss the matter and replied: "Zhang Luo wants to become the governor of Ruyin City, and some of his own family members and friendly families want to become Han soldiers."

Of course, it is impossible to be a servant army if you want to become a Han army. If you go directly to the field group, you must also want to be an official.

It is not that there are no officers in the Han army who were originally Hu people but were naturalized. For example, Qian Jiantong is an example, and he still holds important positions in the Habayashi Army.

Li Kuang said before that the massacre of the city was purely a threat, not to mention that he did not have enough status to actually order the massacre of the city, even if he really had enough status, he would not dare to do that.

The main problem is that once the first case of massacring the city is opened, the person who ordered it will definitely be criticized, and then it may cause the Han army to conquer the south and face one city after another that firmly resists to the end.

Of course, it may also frighten other cities into not being able to resist.

On the third day, the servant army attacked the city as usual. They had more enthusiasm to launch the attack than the previous two days, just because hard work could really be rewarded.

While the servant army was attacking the city, the six thousand Han army also began to make their own preparations.If someone in the city really should open the city gate, the first batch to rush in will be the servant army, and the Han army will firmly control the city gate.

In the morning, I attacked and you defended as usual. Both sides were bleeding at the city gate and on the city wall.

During the lunch break, the siege equipment of the Han army from the rear was brought up. Li Mai looked extremely bad after seeing the siege equipment.

"The atmosphere in the city is very strange." Li Mai said to his lieutenant general: "Once you find a large number of people gathering, send troops to suppress it immediately."

It would be false to say that the Jin army did not find out what some people in the city were doing, but the length of the city wall was too long to stop them absolutely.The Jin army killed dozens of people who tried to leave the city within two days, and even more archers who wanted to shoot cloth strips. How could they not know that the threat of the Han army to massacre the city really worked.

Lu Wang is Li Mai's lieutenant general. He asked nervously, "Did we succeed in pretending to be the internal responders?"

Li Mai is not sure whether it is successful or not.The people he sent had an agreement with the Han army, and they used torches to interact with the Han army at the top of the city the next night as agreed. It stands to reason that the possibility of success is still very high.

"Ruyin City doesn't have an urn city, opening the gate to pretend to let the Han army rush in may cause the gate to fall." Li Mai frowned and said: "Actually, the general didn't know how to set up a scheme against the Han army, he was just planning for a rainy day. "

Because of Chu Po's complete "brake with stillness" before, the Jin army's strongholds around Ruyin City have been pulled out by the Han army. The reality is that the Jin army only has defenders in Ruyin City.

After three days of fighting, the Jin army defenders in Ruyin City killed and injured more than a thousand people. The loss is really not serious, but the city has become dark and turbulent. troops to monitor the city.

The so-called isolated city not only means that it is difficult to obtain support, but also that there are no own troops except inside and outside the city.There is no good way to trap a city like this. Apart from holding on, we can only hope that reinforcements will come.

However, Li Mai knows one thing very well, unless Shouchun has reinforcements coming, it is absolutely impossible to count on Xincai.

Thinking about it, Li Mai couldn't help looking in the direction of Shouchun, where there were green mountains and flat fields. At this moment, the distance between Ruyin and Shouchun was really farther than reality.

Li Mai's understanding in this way is because he has seen through Chu Po. It is not how hard Chu Po did not work hard, nor did Chu Po do anything that caused the whole war to collapse. How much despair.

The head of the state, Chu Po, who had a good reputation before, was actually a fake name thief, and all his good reputation was completely revealed when he was challenged, in the same way that he showed his bottom to the sky.

"If...the end will be if..." Lu Wang glanced left and right, and asked in a low voice: "If Ruyin is not enough to defend, do we have any hope of breaking through?"

"Breakthrough?" Li Mai thought about this question more than once, and he raised his finger to the side of the Han army camp outside the city, where a large number of war horses were showing off: "About [-] Han troops, there should be more than [-] cavalry. "

In fact, the Han army did not have as many cavalry as 4. The cavalry of the Han army was equipped with at least two horses. According to the standard, there were more than [-] horses outside Ruyin City, which is about [-] cavalry.

Lu Wang also felt a tinge of despair in an instant. The 2000 Jin troops in Ruyin City had only less than [-] horses. Getting out is not so difficult.

"Persevere!" Li Mai was encouraging his lieutenant general, and also encouraging himself: "The imperial court must know that a war broke out here, and will send reinforcements."

The news that the Jingkou Jin Army Navy suffered heavy losses has not yet reached the ears of Chu Po, Li Mai and others, and of course the news that the Yangtze River section in Shouchun was blocked by the Han Army has not come.

Because of the unequal news, Chu Po who was sticking to Xincai and Li Mai who was sticking to Ruyin respectively, Chu Po was confidently waiting for the arrival of reinforcements to launch a counterattack, and Li Mai's inner despair did not reach its peak.

The Yangtze River was blocked, and there were a large number of Han army scouts wandering on the north bank. It would be very difficult for the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to spread any news to Xincai, and it would be even more difficult to seal Ruyin, which was besieged on all sides.

The battle in Ruyin City entered the fourth day, and Huan Wen's fleet finally arrived around Xinxi. When they were about to land, they were attacked by the Jin army on the coast. The Jin army was led by Xie Shi.

Xie Shi is only this year. Considering that he can get married and have offspring at the age of 13, and also know that he is the main direct member of the Xie family, it is really not feasible for him to be a herdsman officer in a certain place or a commander of an army. It would be too surprising.

Regarding the southward movement of the Han army, Xincai and the north of Ruyin have been completely captured by the Han army. The Han army is attacking Ruyin where Li Mai was stationed. Chu Po gathered the remaining Jin troops in Xincai County and Ruyin County to Xincai City. Wait a series of news, Xie Shi more or less grasped some.

As Xie An's younger brother, Xie Shi received a very good education since he was a child. He immediately mobilized the Jin army of Runan County to set up camp near the section of the Yangtze River near the information, and vowed to his subordinates, saying: "Since the Han Dynasty The army has moved south, so it is entirely possible to carry out a back landing from the Yangtze River, and Xinxi will be the most likely place to be attacked."

Sure enough, Huan Wen came with the fleet, and Xie Shi ordered the Jin army to stop the attack on the shore without any hesitation. What was more depressing was that the Jin army on the shore was hit by the bed crossbow and strong crossbow on the Han army warship. Covered, dead and wounded, had to retreat inland.

"What?" Xie Shi looked at the tall and straight figure, but he looked thin, and he asked in disbelief: "The Han army bed crossbow has a range of 250 steps (370 meters), and the strong crossbow has a range of more than 750 steps ([-] meters)? "

Xie Shi's shock was not due to how far he could shoot. You must know that the Qin army in the pre-Qin period had a crossbow, and the crossbow had a range of nearly 600 steps (800 meters). {There is also another saying that the range of the Qin army's crossbow can reach [-] meters}
The long-range attack of the Han army was too far away, and the Jin army suffered heavy casualties before they fought the Han army. It is obviously difficult to prevent the Han army from landing.

The young Xie Shi really didn't believe in evil. He personally came to the front of the battle and urged a thousand Jin troops to try again to launch a tentative attack on the landing Han army. , The Han army ships on the river immediately fired their crossbows at full force, probably in a few breaths, the crossbow arrows fell intensively, and the Jin army's test troops, who were killed or injured by nearly a hundred, turned around and ran away.

"Who is the enemy general?" Huan Wen didn't think that the other party didn't care about the lives of the soldiers, but said, "I'm a bit of a general, but I don't believe the reports of my subordinates. I'm suspicious and stupid."

As commanders-in-chief of the army, soldiers have always been regarded as numbers in their eyes. That is the psychological quality that commanders must have, that is, the so-called kindness does not control soldiers. The difference is whether the losses of soldiers will be created. more than enough value.

Yuan Qiao replied: "The scouts have gone around and the report is that the enemy army should be about [-], and the general's flag has the word 'Thank you'."

"Thank you?" Huan Wen thought for a while, and knew that he must be from the Xie family, but there were many children from the Xie family, so it was hard to guess who it was.He shook his head indifferently: "Knowing that we will land is very prescient, but it can't change anything at all."

Yuan Qiao didn't comment, and talked about other things: "Wang Pu led the army to advance from the direction of Xuzhou. Considering that the Yangtze River has been controlled by us, it is difficult for the Jin army to cross the river to support the north bank. The [-] army should come in a few days. "

Going south from Yanzhou is Li Kuang. According to the military establishment of the Han army, Li Kuang can be regarded as Huan Wen's second lieutenant general.

As the first lieutenant general, Wang Pu led his army to advance from the direction of Xuzhou, and walked close to the Yangtze River. The purpose was to let the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty know that Han was playing for real this time, and also let the small court of the Eastern Jin know that he provoked the Han Congress. What's the price.

If you want to land from a ship, especially when the big ship cannot approach the shore, the speed of landing with many small boats will definitely not be fast.

It took four hours for the 9 Han troops to land from Sishi (17 o'clock) in the morning to Youshi ([-] o'clock) in the evening.

During the landing of the Han army, Xie Shi tried many times to push the river bank, including organizing a shield array, or cutting wood to make a wooden wall. After trying again and again, it is difficult to tell how many casualties there were, but he failed to break through the Han army once. The bed crossbow and the cover of the crossbow waited until evening before Ming Jin returned to his camp.

"It turns out it's Xie Shi!" Huan Wen didn't know who the commander-in-chief of the Jin army was until evening. He said to Yuan Qiao: "I know An Shi (Xie An)'s younger brother. He has been smart since he was a child, but he is very stubborn. Such a situation If we come, we won’t worry that the Jin army will retreat to Xinxi City.”

(End of this chapter)

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