sweeping the world

Chapter 415 Surrender or massacre the city

Chapter 415 Surrender or massacre the city

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had only 20 standing troops, and they were stationed along the Yangtze River all the year round.

Yu Bing used [-] troops to easily take Xincai County, Ruyin County, and Runan County while the Han army was restraining the Shijie Zhao army. Withdrew and replaced with the regular army of the imperial court and the forces of the Xie family, the Chu family and other families.

After almost half a year of preparation, the three counties newly occupied by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty formed a defense system in Yu Bing's defense plan, with Ruyang, Nandun, Pingyu, Xiyang, Gushi, and Song counties as the frontier defenses in the north chain.

Ruyang is located in the far west. It is more than [-] miles away from Song County from the plane map. However, due to the multiple defense chains, the defense line deployed by the Jin army is not a straight line, but is in the shape of a half-crescent. .

The Han army was heading south from the direction of Liang County, not Yingchuan County. It stands to reason that the first attack target should be Song County, which is located at the easternmost end of the entire defense chain of the Jin Army, but it happened to attack Gushi first. From this, it can be seen that the Han army...at least Huan Wen, who made the attack plan, looked down on Chu Po.

After capturing Li Kuang's troops in Gushi, they did not receive a strong counterattack from the Jin army, and they could always get good results even if they attacked everywhere.That is based on the premise that the Jin army stationed everywhere has no interaction. The Han army can concentrate its superior forces to conquer one point after another occupied by the Jin army. Gathering less into more has achieved pretty good results.

"Together with the Jin army that ambushed the original deer, we have killed nearly 34 enemy troops and captured nearly [-] enemy troops." Wang Biao looked very happy, and he patted the paperwork in his hand: "Conquer the enemy's defense point There are also a lot of them, [-] in total!”

According to Yu Bing's defense plan, the Jin army will definitely be able to respond to each other while dispersing and sticking to some key points. They will even flexibly mobilize the Jin army to fight a battle of encirclement and annihilation according to the attacking enemy army. The commander of the army is Chu Po, the patriarch of the country who "brakes with silence". As a result, the Jin army can have many opportunities to ambush and encircle the Han army, but they are let go time and time again.

"The number of Jin troops entrenched in the three counties should be around one hundred thousand?" Li Kuang actually counted the regular Jin troops, private soldiers of aristocratic families, and militiamen together.He asked: "The enemy has retreated, and most of them are concentrated in Xincai County?"

"Yes, General." Wang Biao said excitedly, "It is only by constantly intercepting small groups of troops mobilized by the enemy that we can achieve those victories."

Li Kuang didn't mean that at all. He just wanted to know how many defenders had gathered in Xincai City.

Wang Biao was still good at observing words and expressions. Seeing Li Kuang frowned, he said, "The number of Xincai defenders is estimated to be around [-]."

"Then that means, except for Ruyin, the rest of the Jin army has gathered in Xincai?" Li Kuang couldn't understand what Chu Po wanted to do, so he asked another question: "What actions are the locals doing?"

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty always thought that it was the king's master. Not only should the people in the places where they passed should eat pots of milk to welcome them, but they should also help the Jin army unconditionally.

What is the reality?Of course, there are locals who help the Jin army, but they are treated more indifferently, and there is even less resistance and resistance because the Jin army wants to collect taxes.

The situation in the world today is very complicated. Liu Yan, the king of Han Dynasty, challenged the Zhengshuo status of the Sima royal family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The last time he worshiped the Yanhuang Temple in Mount Tai shocked the world, which was equivalent to a "two days in the sky" situation.

The Han Dynasty was too tough in dealing with the local powerful people in Qingzhou. Although the powerful people and powerful families in the newly occupied counties did not dare to resist, the soft resistance of the powerful people and powerful people never stopped.

In the land of the three counties, at least those places where the Han army appeared, most of the local tycoons and big families took the move of not helping each other.

Li Kuang has already transferred his troops from Gushi to the city of Ruyin again. He has received the news that Huan Wen is going to attack Xinxi from the belly of the Jin army, and he needs to respond from the north. Then there is no better move than trying to capture Ruyin city. .

"With the lessons learned from last time, the Jin army in Xincai City will definitely not dare to come to help again." Wang Biao reminded him, "We only have [-] troops left behind in Gushi. Will Cai's Jin army attack our rear?"

In fact, what Wang Biao wanted to say was that Huan Wen's order was to restrain and attract the Jin army, and attack Ruyin City, which had only [-] garrisoned, so what should the nearly [-] Jin army do at Xincai?
"Gushi will only leave [-] garrisons." Li Kuang already believed in Huan Wen's judgment, that is, Chu Po's reaction was very slow, plus Chu Po didn't know how to command the army to fight at all.He said: "With [-] troops going to Xincai, it is best to lure the Jin army out of the city to fight. If we can't just contain it. I believe that with our army under Xincai City, the head of the country in the south will be very nervous."

Wang Biao was speechless.He could tell that the abbot in the south didn't seem to have done anything since the war started. Oh... he still did something. He gave up the outer defense line and transferred the Jin army to Xincai to protect himself, which made the Han army very Easy tightening can make it easier for Xincai and Ruyin to become two isolated cities that cannot echo each other at all.

Hu people are not good at attacking cities, but Li Kuang would not send the Han army headquarters to attack Ruyin City. In fact, he doesn't take the lives of Hu people as human lives, and even hates Hu people from the bottom of his heart. After all, he has had Hu people. caused misfortune.However, he did not deliberately consume the servant army composed of Hu people under his command, and the price he offered for the first comers was even quite good.

"The first person to attack the city wall, regardless of whether Ruyin was captured in the battle or not, can be released from slavery and rewarded with a hundred gold! Whoever retreats without orders, God will decide who lives and who dies!" Li Kuang's voice was very loud. After the servants who were about to attack the city finished shouting, they immediately slashed with their swords: "Attack!"

Regardless of whether the Hu people could understand the Shandong-flavored Chinese, it seemed that the morale of the slave army assigned to attack the city was pretty good.They shouted and charged, entered the range of the Jin army's archers defending the city, and rushed under the city wall in the face of the arrow rain, and then they were attacked by wood and rolling stones.

The servant army braved all kinds of attack methods to defend the city and quickly set up the ladder. Soon some people kept roaring and climbing with shields on their heads. Their actions were strongly counterattacked by the Jin army defending the city. Beyond the rolling stone, there was burning and boiling excrement and urine being tilted down.

The "golden juice" used to defend the city is a common method, and it will be very effective. The skin of the person who is soaked will soon fester. Even if he does not die on the spot, there is actually no good way to treat it later. People with insufficient resistance will die even if their hands and feet are drenched.

Shouts and screams are never uncommon on the battlefield, and there will always be casualties of soldiers from both sides. Li Kuang watched his troops being blocked under the city wall with a blank face.

"Our troops will be retreating soon." Wang Biao observed that none of the servants could climb the city wall, and he shouted loudly, "Should we let the crossbowmen step forward to suppress the defenders? "

Siege is never easy to attack, especially when the defenders have sufficient defensive equipment such as wood, rolling stones, and gold juice, so there is a saying that siege is the best.

There are many correct ways to siege the city. The best way is to lure the defenders out of the city to fight. When the defense tools are exhausted, it is also possible to say that the city will be captured after the morale of the defenders becomes extremely low.

"No." Li Kuang remained expressionless: "After the attacking troops retreat, send someone to shout to the city."

Wang Biao's cheek twitched and asked: "What are you shouting for?" He really suspected that Li Kuang was deliberately wasting the servant army.

"Those who donate the city will be rewarded heavily. Anyone who resists will be killed after the city is broken. If the resistance exceeds ten days, the whole city will be slaughtered." Li Kuang said with a smile: "Look at the big families or powerful people in the city and the Jin army. Not all the way."

Ordinary residents of Ruyin City?That's right, there must be the most ordinary residents in the city, but they have no possibility to decide their own destiny. They must be organized by some highly respected person, which is determined by the social class.

"Slaughter, slaughter...slaughter the city?!" Wang Biao was shocked, and he lost his composure and said, "Look at the situation, no people have been found at the top of the city. You will make the whole city feel resistant. Once Ruyin becomes united..."

It's not that Wang Biao was so shocked by the massacre of the city. There are actually many theories about attacking a city.There are cases where no offense is committed after a city is conquered, the defenders are liquidated after a city is conquered, the defenders are slaughtered after a city is conquered and their soldiers are indulged in plundering, and the entire city is slaughtered after a city is conquered, which is the so-called siege and restraint , Breaking the city and the like.Breaking the city in history heralded a feast of slaughter and robbery. What shocked him was that Li Kuang was making it more difficult for him to conquer Ruyin City.

Li Kuang didn't even bother to explain, and put on a confident attitude.

Soon the first batch of servants who attacked the city retreated. The Han army headquarters gathered the retreating servants and took them to another place. One pot after another was moved, and the retreating servants were ordered to follow the pots. Everyone in the room took out a stone, and those who got the black stone were either relieved or ecstatic, while those who got the white stone collapsed or cried out.

The very simple method of punishing the defeated army is generally to take ten draws and one kill. Those who get the black stones are lucky to survive, and those who get the white stones will be executed.This is a set of rules that has been passed down since the Shang Dynasty, and the Romans in Europe as far away as punishing the defeated army also adopted the same method.

The execution was carried out in public, and the unlucky people full of ugly faces knelt down in a row, and some other lucky people swung sharp weapons from behind to kill them.

The servants didn't feel agitated by seeing such a scene, they just watched quietly.

Of course, the headquarters of the Han army would not have any ideas. If they were not allowed to retreat in advance during a certain attack, they would also be executed ten draws and one kill.

On the other hand, the Jin army in Ruyin City screamed in surprise. They probably didn't understand why the Han army killed their own people in large numbers. They felt that the Han army was barbaric and unreasonable at the same time. After all, the attacking troops only escaped with a narrow escape.

"It's so... cruel!" Li Mai felt more scared than ever before. He actually understood what the Han army was doing.He turned to a man dressed as a scribe and said, "They are bound to capture Ruyin City."

The scribe is the prince of Ruyin. His name is not important. His face is pale and his hands and feet are trembling. What is really important.

The two of them hadn't talked to each other yet, but they found that the Han army in uniform uniform..., that is, the soldiers of the Han army headquarters, there should be about [-] people marching forward.

"Siege the city with 500 people?" Li Mai didn't show his fear. Seeing that only the headquarters of the [-] Han army was advancing, he laughed and said, "Aren't they crazy!?"

Of course, the five hundred Han soldiers did not intend to attack the city. There were about five thousand servants behind them, including those on the west and east sides, who were the siege troops.

This group of Han troops came beyond the attacking range of the arrows of the defenders at the top of the city, and began to shout in unison: "Giving the city will be rewarded, and resistance is no matter whether it is shot or killed. In ten days, the whole city will be slaughtered."

Only 500 people will definitely not be able to spread the shouts throughout the entire Ruyin City, but the defenders at the top of the city in the north can definitely hear what they are shouting, and these people who can hear clearly will spread the Han army's shouts throughout the city Everyone knows.

Although it is hard to imagine, Li Mai's expressions began to alternate between green and white, he stared blankly at the Han army who was still shouting, and when he waited to react, he yelled at the soldiers of the Jin army at the top of the city: "Let the arrows, let the arrows! ", this sentence was yelled at least twenty or thirty times in a row, showing how terrified it was, and then ordered: "No one is allowed to pass on the words heard to the city, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded!"

The scribe's reaction was more direct. He fell backwards and was caught by his servant, and then the master and servant disappeared at the top of the city.

Looking at the reactions of the two, it became clear that the relationship between the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the city, which had only occupied Ruyin City for less than half a year, was not very good. Otherwise, they should have surprised the Han army in the first place and forced the residents in the city to cooperate with the defense.

Li Mai didn't notice that the scribe Fu Zun was missing at all. He walked around the city in person, repeating repeatedly that he could not convey the Han army's slogans into the city.There is one more thing he must do, which is to send people to invite some big families and powerful people who have been friendly before, and to monitor those who have not cooperated for half a year.

As for the ordinary residents in the city?I'm sorry, but I'm not joking at all. Li Mai and Li Kuang, two people who may have been in the same family 500 years ago, have also been ignored.Considering the current social situation, it is not unreasonable for them to do such a thing.

Wang Biao was very melancholy. He looked at the servant army preparing to attack quietly for a while, and when his eyes turned to Li Kuang, he thought: [It is basically a one-hammer deal. If someone offers a city, it is easy to attack, and the whole city becomes united. I'm afraid it will be moved to Xincai, right? 】

(End of this chapter)

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