sweeping the world

Chapter 402 Soldiers, tricks

Chapter 402 Soldiers, tricks

"It's so majestic!"

Looking from the south bank of the Yellow River to the north bank, you can see densely packed people marching about five miles along the line. They have set up banners, but the banners look a little messy.

Xu Zheng and Yuan Qiao reunited on the edge of Puyang. The Han army and the Shijie Zhao army led by Li Tu were still fighting, and the battle did not stop because of the arrival of the begging army.

Crossing the river from Doua's headquarters in Jibei County, they found only the leading force of the Begging Army. The large force of the Begging Army was located on the other side of the Yellow River in Puyang County.

"The Qihuo army marched along the Yellow River on purpose to let us find out." Yuan Qiao touched the beard of his chin and said, "There can be many interpretations."

"What Chang Shi means is that Li Nong deliberately let us discover them?" Xu Zheng had already sent someone to report the situation to Liu Yan and was waiting for the next instruction.He asked Yuan Qiao: "You deliberately let us know that they are coming so that they don't have to cross the river, right?"

"I can only say that this is the most likely possibility, but I can't be sure." Yuan Qiao said in a speculative tone: "The leader should know astronomy and geography. season."

The sunny weather is only about half a month, and one day is one day less.

The rainy and snowy season will last for about a month, and then there will be complete snowing weather. The cold weather does not mean that you cannot fight, but fighting in this kind of weather will cause serious non-combat casualties. It's a very uneconomical thing.

"Your Majesty is in Gucheng, we still have to be cautious." Xu Zheng raised the binoculars again, and he could clearly see the begging army in a loose formation, and he could also find that the begging army was not marching fast.He looked at it and said, "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

The main combat intention of the Han army this time is to capture Puyang, and the secondary strategic goal is to destroy more enemy troops so as to prepare for the coming spring.

Because the Han army's intentions were too obvious, Shijie's Zhao army must have known about it, so that the two sides would have a chance to fight head-on when the weather allowed.

Liu Yan is still staying in Gucheng, so it can be said that he is not very far from the battlefield. Regardless of whether the high-level officials of Shijie Zhao think that Liu Yan is still staying in the army camp, the begging army will really have an effect if they want to cross the river. .This is the troublesome part of the king on the battlefield. While putting great psychological pressure on the generals, they need to allocate the necessary troops to defend.

The battle on the battlefield in Puyang City did not appear to be intense yet, and the two sides could only say that they had entered the stage of exploration.The Han army was waiting for the siege equipment from behind to follow up, while the Shijie Zhao army also needed time to mobilize troops.

Yuan Qiao couldn't criticize the king's behavior, he could only say: "We are in control of the Yellow River, even if Li Nong crosses by force, he will suffer heavy losses. Qiao still thinks that since Li Nong was discovered by us on purpose, he was trying to preserve his strength." .”

The two were talking here, and fighting took place in the open space left between the Han army camp, Puyang city, and Shijie Zhao army camp.

The ten-mile land is not small, allowing the cavalry to have enough space to cruise and fight.

Most of the Han troops on the field were light cavalry, and a few were imperial guards who were plundering the formation.It wasn't that Xu Zheng didn't dare to consume too many guards, but that the intensity of the battle was not high, and the cavalry of the field regiment needed more combat experience.

Shijie's Zhao army was not sent out by elites. The cavalry of the Jie people did not move at all, and the light cavalry of Zahu entered the field.Li Tu did this to test the combat power of the Han army, so that he had a certain amount of heart.

For three consecutive days, the Han army was not in a hurry, and many generals and schools on Shijie's Zhao army had to wonder if their previous guesses were wrong.

"Isn't Puyang the main target of the Han army?" Wang Hua held his hands on the female wall, subconsciously stood on tiptoes, stretched his neck and looked out: "The number of enemy troops has not increased, and they have not shown too urgent an offensive."

Li Tu also had a pensive look on his face. So far he still believed that the goal of the Han army was definitely to capture Puyang, but he was just as confused as many people as to why the Han army hadn't made a big move.

To the south of Puyang City, the vast wilderness was filled with the sound of killing and the sound of horse hooves. The total number of participating parties was about [-], and they continued to shoot at each other. It was rare for them to hedge, and the people who looked at the excitement were really heartbroken. Not too much.

"We're going to catch Liu Yan, and we'll go on like this..." Qi Ai looked at Li Tu who was still in deep thought, and asked, "Will Liu Yan slip away?"

"No!" Li Tu shook his head silently: "We have carefully studied Liu Yan's past, and we also tried our best to collect information about his character. He will not be a person who will avoid the slightest danger."

"Something is still wrong." Wang Hua finally stopped standing on tiptoe, turned to look at the crowd, and said, "The Han army has not increased its troops."

This is exactly what confuses many generals of the Zhao army in Shijie, and no matter how determined the Han army is to attack Puyang, or whether Liu Yan is on the front line or not, the Han army has always been around [-], which is unreasonable no matter what.

"Weiwuhou should have entered Dunqiu County, and our navy in the direction of Yangping County should also be spied on by the Han army." Li Tu said according to common sense: "The Han army has no reinforcements, which can be explained as guarding against Weiwuhou."

Speaking of Li Nong, these people including Li Tu are actually frowning. The begging army marched along the Yellow River. Xu Zheng and Yuan Qiao guessed that they deliberately let them be discovered. Li Tu and others are sure that Li Nong was deliberately discovered. .

Shi Xuan sent people to question Li Nong, and Li Nong gave an explanation: the marching avenue along the line was originally on the river bank, and the Han army fleet was sharp, and Shijie Zhao Guo's navy was no match at all. The method made the top Han army suspicious, and it might have an unexpected effect.

The Han army in the direction of Jibei County did not move in the direction of Puyang County. According to the investigation, it was a defensive posture. Shi Xuan believed Li Nong's explanation for the time being.

But!From the beginning, Shi Xuan wanted to catch Liu Yan. In order to achieve his goal, he even ignored Sun Fudu and the 6 people under his command. He said that Li Nong should try to cross the river, and it is best to cut off the river. The back road of the Han army.

Sun Fudu's troops are still resisting in Juancheng and Linqiu. His resistance is not worthless. At least the Han army's siege equipment has been dragging on these two battlefields because they have not been able to capture Juancheng and Linqiu. He was escorted to the battlefield of Puyang City.

Juancheng and Linqiu not only held back the Han army's siege equipment, but also involved a total of [-] Han troops. However, the news here was cut off, and neither Shi Xuan nor Li Tu actually knew it.

In order to quickly eliminate Sun Fudu's troops, Xu Zheng and Yuan Qiao reported to Liu Yan and obtained Liu Yan's permission. Liu Yan sent people to mobilize troops to the direction of Yuzhou. However, Yuzhou could only squeeze out 3 people to go north. Yuzhou had to take that into account. When Shi Hu is leading an army to hoard Sanchuan, it is not known whether Shi Hu will directly attack Guanzhong or Yuzhou.

After another two days of unhurried fighting, Li Tu finally got some new news from the detectives.

"Is there a Han army in the rear moving this way?" The information Li Tu received did not have a specific number, or even any news about siege equipment at all: "Continue to explore, be sure to find out the number, and also know whether there are any siege equipment among them. !”

The boss moved his mouth, and his subordinates not only had to work hard, but also died. It was all because it was not easy to collect any intelligence after the war started, especially when the two sides dealt with the scouts (scouts) and killed them absolutely.

The real situation is that Sun Fudu, who was unable to defend himself, broke through from Linqiu and retreated to Juancheng with his remnants, causing the Han army to release some troops and siege equipment. Li Tu learned that the Han army brought Some of the equipment was first deployed to the battlefield in Puyang City, and the battle in Juancheng was also at a relatively critical moment.

"Sun Fu is more resilient than we expected!" Xu Zheng's previous plan was to take Juancheng and Linqiu at the same time in five days, but the reality was not as expected. After five days, he only captured Linqiu, what about Juancheng? It is not easy to say when it is won.He said to Yuan Qiao with a little worry: "Once Juancheng cannot be captured quickly, can we carry out siege without fighting, and bring up the siege equipment and the batch of equipped infantry?"

Yuan Qiao was actually a little impatient, and the time left for them to attack Puyang was getting less and less. If they wanted to attack Puyang, they had to defeat the Shijie Zhao army led by Li Tu first, and the time was really short.

"Our troops here..." Yuan Qiao closed his eyes, his eyelids kept twitching as he kept thinking about the problem.After a while, he opened his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Form up an infantry formation and try to cut off Puyang City from the enemy barracks outside the city, and then ask for reinforcements from Yuzhou to take a detour from Yangwu to attack Wenshijin? "

Among Xu Zheng's imperial guards was an infantry army, which consisted of two thousand swordsmen and three thousand crossbowmen.He knew that there were these infantry guards as the backbone troops, plus [-] tower shield soldiers, [-] crossbowmen, and [-] pikemen in the field regiment, forming an infantry formation with [-] infantry. The example of the battle of Xuzhou was not impossible.

"As long as there are enough arrows, the formation is as stable as Mount Tai." Yuan Qiao suggested again: "This side of the camp will be used as an auxiliary force, and the infantry that will cooperate with the battle..." He stopped talking, and he had a big problem that he had to talk about. Said cautiously: "How to form a head-to-tail relationship depends on the command of the general."

Xu Zheng hates defensive battles the most. He likes to attack and then attack. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Our troops are small, and we can use counterattacks to disrupt the enemy's counterattack."

Yuan Qiao also meant the same thing. After all, the Han army on the battlefield in Puyang City is only [-]. Although there are [-] absolutely elite imperial guards, it is really troublesome when they do not have an advantage in numbers. Completely passive defense will only increase the trouble. When it is necessary, we should still use offense against attack, provided that the army is strong enough to fight.

On the sixth day, it was also a new day and a new action. The time for the Han army to eat the court food was much earlier than the previous six days. Li Tu was awakened in his sleep, and the first sentence after learning about the situation was: "It seems The Han army can't wait."

Li Tu directly summoned the generals to discuss the matter without even washing up, briefly introduced the possible movements of the Han army, and set aside a little time for the generals to ask questions.

"Last night, the Han army entered the camp, and it was found that they brought siege equipment." Wang Hua made a strangely relieved expression, and said with a smile: "It seems that our worries are unnecessary. Take Puyang."

Some Shijie generals who didn't know what was going on immediately asked questions aloud, and too many people's questions would turn into a chaotic "buzzing" sound.

"Quiet!" Li Tu was still very prestigious, and when he shouted, he immediately silenced the generals.He was also laughing, nodding his head and saying, "Puyang City was originally intended to be attacked by the Han army, and was to be captured. Otherwise, how could the Han army become a turtle in the urn?"

The guard of Puyang city who was used to pale face asked with trembling lips, "What do you mean?"

"Puyang City is going to be captured by the Han army!" Li Tu didn't have any extra explanations, and stood up as he spoke, "The bait is here, but it cannot be easily eaten by the Han army."

Hearing that Puyang City must be lost, the defender of Puyang City, who was used to looking pale, immediately passed out.He had to faint, Shijie Zhao Guo lost the city but his whole family would be slaughtered.

Soldiers continued to pour out of the Han army's camp.

The infantry did not run too far after leaving the village. They lined up according to the organizational system. The tower shield soldiers were at the outermost edge and obeyed orders at any time to form a shield formation, and the rest of the troops were arranged in echelons according to the weapons they carried.

After the cavalry came out of the stronghold, they immediately rushed to the Shijie Zhao army camp and around Puyang City. They were cruising around fast or slowly. Set up your troops to gain time.

The movement of the Han army is definitely far more than any previous one, and Shijie Zhao Jun will naturally have to respond.

Since Puyang City is about to be abandoned, Li Tu and other senior generals of the Zhao army in Shijie will definitely not stay. They left the defender of Puyang City who was used to pale and fainted. The defenders were also mobilized so that only 3000 people were left to pretend, and all the rest who had to go withdrew from the city.

The senior officials of the Han army, who were always paying attention to the movements of the Zhao army in Shijie, naturally found a strange scene. Of course they had to think about it. Considering that Puyang City is a dilapidated city, the defense of the city must be a field battle rather than a battle on the city wall. Shijie Zhao Jun has already given up thinking about the direction of Puyang City.

"As a veteran general, it is not surprising that Li Tu would make such a choice." Yuan Qiao had studied Li Tu when he was a member of the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting. Said: "In view of the ruins of the city, the ownership of Puyang City does not lie in the battle of the city, but in the field."

Xu Zheng didn't have any opinion, regardless of whether it was a field battle or a siege battle, it was a war anyway.The only thing he wanted to ask was: "It seems that there are not many enemy troops left in Puyang City, do you want to..." He paused, hesitated and then hesitated: "Take the opportunity to take it?"

Something seemed to flash in Yuan Qiao's mind. He seemed to have grasped it and seemed to be in a daze. He watched in a daze as the handsome flag representing Li Tu entered the field camp of Zhao Jun in Shijie, with a dazed expression all the time. ...

(End of this chapter)

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