sweeping the world

Chapter 401 Spoiler, or variable?

Chapter 401 Spoiler, or variable?
The two cavalry fought fiercely, and small groups of Han troops arrived around Puyang one after another. They were the vanguard of Si Hongzhuang. Decide whether to take the city gate by surprise.

Correspondingly, troops from the Shijie Zhao army also arrived one after another. When the Han army gathered close to 2 people in Puyang, the Shijie Zhao army and the Puyang defenders numbered more than [-]. After fighting until night fell, the Han army voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield.

Li Tu came to Puyang, climbed to the top of the city and looked southeast. The Han army camp ten miles away was already quite large. There were too many bonfires and torches that reflected the clouds in the sky.

"Is the enemy hiding a pot to make rice?" Li Tuo could smell the aroma in the air. Besides the aroma of rice, it was the aroma of meat. It was very strong: "Is there meat in every meal?"

The current foundation of the Han Dynasty is in Qingzhou, and Qingzhou is close to the sea. From the very beginning, Liu Yan added seafood to his meals. He captured a large number of cattle, horses, and sheep over the years and sent people to graze them. There is really no shortage of meat.

In addition, there is another point that is the unique output of the Han Dynasty, and that is sea salt.Salt is divided into fine and coarse salt, and sales have never stopped. Even when Shijie Zhao State and Han State were at war, private trade actually never stopped, but the amount was greatly reduced due to the impact of the war.

Looking from the top of the Puyang city, the situation on the side of the Han army camp is actually rather vague, with a rough outline of the camp, some moving black spots in the firelight, and dense smoke rising into the sky.

Zhao Jun in Shijie is actually starting a gang, slaughtering cattle and sheep, and throwing all kinds of coarse grains into the pot. The same main ingredients have different cooking methods and seasonings, resulting in different fragrances.

"How is the other party?" Li Tu must not be asking about food, he said: "Is the morale of our army seriously affected?"

During the fierce battle during the day, the 300 Shijie cavalrymen of the Zhao army who served as the vanguard suffered serious losses. More than [-] people were killed on the spot during the battle, and [-] people were seriously injured. Almost everyone was slightly injured. There are also more than [-].

When the Han army retreated, they tried their best to take away the remains of the dead. Li Tu could only count more than 300 Han army dead.

"The number of enemy soldiers killed in battle will not exceed one thousand..." Qi Ai looked miserable, with a bloody cloth wrapped around his forehead and a wound cloth wrapped around his chest. He was the schoolmaster of Zhao State in Shijie General.He lowered his head and said: "The enemy's cavalry and archery troops... are very threatening, and our soldiers who fought in the battle may not dare to pursue them again in the future."

The cavalry archers of the Han army used riding bows, and the longest range could reach 150 steps, and the lethality within [-] steps could be guaranteed.

The furthest range of the horn bows used by the barbarians is about a hundred paces, and the arrows fired after more than thirty paces will become soft and fluffy, and hitting people without armor is killing people, and armored people are basically the same.

During the day when the two armies were fighting, the three thousand Han army archers kept a distance and rode and shot. First, they dragged down the same number of Shijie Zhao troops who were chasing him, and then cooperated with the assault cavalry to fight a charge. Hedging produces the most casualties, and the rest of the time is actually not very intense.

Qiai is actually the name of a kind of grass. The Jie tribe was originally a slave race, and it is a common phenomenon to have no name or surname.

Similar to the same phenomenon, other ethnic groups of Hu people give themselves a random surname, or even keep no surname.Among them, the Xianbei people are somewhat similar to the Yanhuang Miao people. Several major tribes use place names as their surnames.

The ability of the Han army to fight was generally considered to be because of its excellent weapons and armor. This was basically the case with the rumors Li Tu had heard before.Not only him, but everyone in the Shijie and Zhao Kingdom basically held this idea. It was only after Yao Yizhong's defeat that the concept was changed.

"The Han army's intention must be to capture Puyang." Li Tu patted the parapet at the top of the city and said seriously: "Since they want it, let them attack it!"

The Puyang guard turned pale when he heard Li Tu's words, and had to say: "General, Puyang has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are gaps in many city walls. If you want to defend the city, please repair it quickly."

Li Tu was indifferent.

Shi Xuan, who was in Baima, had been waiting for news that it had been nearly two months since Li Nong had withdrawn his troops from the Tongguan battlefield. arrival.

Shi Xuan has sent someone to Li Nong to order the begging army to enter Dunqiu County, and to attack Jibei County by crossing the Yellow River no matter what.

The intention of the Zhao army in Shijie is very simple. Xu Zheng led his army into Puyang County, and the Han army in Jibei County will inevitably become empty. It would be best if Li Nong could cross the river and attack. The blocking of the Han army's fleet can also attract the attention of the Han army and disrupt the overall strategy of the Han army.

Coincidentally, Xu Zheng also had the idea of ​​attacking the enemy's rear, even if he failed, it would draw the enemy's attention and strength.

Lu Shaoyang, who was the captain of Liu Yan's bodyguard before, was transferred to the army and started as the commander of the camp. It has been seven months since he was transferred to the Yanzhou battlefield. He accumulated military exploits, received a title and became a military marquis.At this moment, he was standing on the deck of the transport ship, listening to the sound of the waves on the river, and looking at the dark opposite bank.

In the snow season, the Yellow River will not freeze immediately, and it will wait until the deep winter to freeze, but after it starts to snow, ice slag will appear on the Yellow River, which is actually not suitable for navigation.

The Han army who was ordered to cross the river was not too many, only five thousand, and the main general was Dou Ah, who had become a dignified captain.

The hull of the transport ship is huge and has a deep draft. Naturally, it cannot directly approach the shore. It stays not far from the shore, and then lowers the boat from the ship. Soldiers climb the nets from both sides of the ship to get on the boat, paddle and then land. .

"It's better to be slow than to rush." ​​Dou'a was still very nervous. There is moonlight today, but because it is not a full moon, the light is not enough, and it is not suitable to use torches for sneak attacks: "Go down slowly one by one, fall into the water Don't yell after that, there will naturally be Pao Ze who will control the boat and rescue you!"

Even though they were very careful, some people would still slip and fall into the water. Only a few people could be rescued immediately. Most of them were supported by pig urine bubbles and floated downstream and were caught by a net before being rescued.

Of the 5000 people, only 600 were able to reach the north bank of the Yellow River. Not all of the 400 people who fell into the water could be rescued, and there were still drowning deaths.

More than 300 people disappeared before opening, and Dou Ah's heart will naturally feel heavy.The order he had received in advance was that there was no need to fight any big battles after crossing the river, and the main goal was harassment.

Dunqiu County is not a big county. Compared with the flat terrain of Puyang County and Jibei County on the other side of the Yellow River, it is a hilly terrain. Otherwise, Huaxia's naming of regions is really reliable.

"The enemy's main camp is in addition to the necessary guard points along the Yellow River, and the main army is stationed in Gudu, Wangmang River." Dou'a did not dare to lead the troops into the forest area, but took them to the edge of a hill. The officers were summoned to tell the target of this battle, and finally said: "Gudu has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are many shoals that can be crossed, and we also have enough hills as cover."

Because of Shijie's "beast protection order", there are so many wild animals in the wilderness these days, packs of wolves can be seen everywhere, and there will never be a shortage of tigers in the woods. A few years ago, Shihu ordered more than 40 people to be recruited. Scattered on the road, but nearly 10 people were buried in the mouth of wild beasts.

The daytime is actually fine, when a large number of people gather together, the beast knows how to seek good fortune and avoid evil, but at night, the beast does not know whether it is blind or courageous, but it is very fierce.

Of course, Wang Mang River’s ancient dungeon was written by Wang Mang. Its southwest is directly connected to the Yellow River, and its northeast reaches the territory of Pingyuan County. The total length is more than [-] miles. A hundred years later, this section has desecrated some areas and has actually been almost deserted.

Doua was talking to the officers here, but a scout was sent back to report that a large number of enemy troops were found marching at night from the northwest. However, there was no light in the night, and the enemy troops did not show their torches, so the scouts could not see the flags clearly. and the specific size of the enemy force.

"During a military meeting a few days ago, it seemed that I heard about the movement of the begging army to withdraw from the Tongguan battlefield?" Lu Shaoyang looked at Dou'a and said, "Does the captain still remember?"

Several military lords also responded immediately.

In fact, Dou Ah had already forgotten such a thing. After being reminded, his face was extremely ugly. It was ugly rather than embarrassing. If the unknown armed forces found were really begging soldiers, then it is conceivable that the begging soldiers are coming to the banks of the Yellow River What are you doing.

Dou Ah was puzzled and said: "The problem is, our fleet didn't find the enemy's navy?"

The sections of the Yellow River along Dunqiu County and Jibei County were under intensive surveillance by the Han fleet, and any non-Ark ships found were basically eliminated immediately.Furthermore, Dunqiu County has no water system connected to the Yellow River except for the Wangmang River Gudu, and the Wangmang River Gudu actually cannot take boats. Even if the Shijie water army wants to hide the boat, where can it hide.

"The only nearby Yangping County has a water system where boats can sail, and that is Luoshui." After all, Lu Shaoyang has been waiting by Liu Yan's side for a long time. Even if he can't learn much, he can hear and see. Definitely much more than his colleagues present, he said: "Regardless of whether they are begging troops or not, their large-scale march to the east cannot be to support the Jizhou battlefield."

Douah is in a dilemma. The military order I got was to harass the enemy's rear flank, but now I find that it may be the begging army coming, maybe it is not the begging army, but the large-scale mobilization of the enemy must have a goal, and the great possibility is also to hold With the intention of crossing the river to the south bank, what should they do?
"I think it can be done like this." Lu Shaoyang waited for a while, and then continued after seeing that his superiors and colleagues did not say anything, "It is inevitable to send someone to report the discovery here, maybe... we can take advantage of the terrain and suddenness to set up an ambush first." Let's have a game, and then act according to the actual situation?"

There was no conflict with getting the military order, and Dou Ah Xi agreed after thinking about it for a while.

Speaking of Dunhill County is a hilly terrain, there are not too many places where you can set up an ambush. They asked the scouts to pay close attention to the enemy's movements. Choose an ambush location.

There is one thing to confirm later, it is really a beggar army who came, and the leading troops are not too many or too many, that is, [-] pioneers.

"One thing is strange, why did they choose to march within ten miles of the big river?" Dou'a had already led his men to a valley, and after laying in ambush, he couldn't help being confused, and asked in a low voice, "Although the terrain is complicated, the enemy The commander-in-chief of the army should not ignore that we will send out scouts to keep an eye on the movement."

Lu Shaoyang said briefly: "They are begging army."

Dou Ah seems to understand but does not understand. He has been trained many times to build meritorious service, get titles and be promoted to official positions, but what he learns does not include politics.

With intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, and then full of suddenness, with the help of the night, this Han army set up an ambush and succeeded. It ambushed [-] beggars in a narrow terrain surrounded by hills on both sides, but it did not complete the complete annihilation. , Just wiped out and captured more than a thousand people, and the remaining beggars ran away without hesitation when they saw that the situation was not good.

"It didn't start too early!" Doua was very depressed: "How could they slip so fast!"

In fact, the 200 beggars did not gather together to rush on the road. According to the normal situation, there were 2000 people in the lead, 1000 people in the middle, and [-] people in the rear.

Dou'a and the others were not familiar with the surrounding terrain, so it was good enough to successfully set up an ambush hastily, but they underestimated the "old fritters" nature of the begging army.

So, when Lu Shaoyang said briefly, "They are the beggar army." Doua immediately understood.

In the early stage, the begging army was a unit that was good at fighting and fighting. It relied on fighting when it could fight and slipping when it couldn't fight. The begging army who can survive until now has a few minds. If you want to say that it must fight tough Yes, but the speed of slipping up is really not slow, especially in a dark environment with complex terrain.

After the ambush, Dou'a and the others definitely wouldn't stay where they were. They didn't know the situation well and they wouldn't go in hastily. They took advantage of the complicated terrain to hide in a forest only five miles away from the Yellow River.

It must be said that after entering the mountain forest, they fought many times, but it was with wild beasts.

In the early morning, the morning sun rose from the east, and the scouts sent by Dou'a finally found out the situation, but it seemed very complicated.They learned that the information was naturally sent to the rear, waiting for Xu Zheng to receive the situation, Yuan Qiao changed his original intention and brought Dou'a's troops back to the south bank of the Yellow River.

"Uncle Yan did the right thing."

Although Xu Zheng was surprised by the mighty army of beggars coming over, he was not surprised. Dou'a's army of only more than 4000 people was useless to stay on the north bank of the Yellow River at this time, and naturally it should be brought back.When he received the report, it was his subordinates who were fighting with the Shijie Zhao army. He was on the nest cart with many colleagues standing beside him.

"The other party has the same thoughts as us, but they don't know how determined they are."

……Dividing line……

Honor feels that he has lost his mind recently. He was already slow, but he has become even slower.

(End of this chapter)

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