Chapter 361
Human beings can do tricks and tricks, and use all means to make themselves stronger.

However, the country cannot have too many tricks and conspiracies, which will completely lose the ambition and self-confidence to rise again after the defeat in World War I.

It's not that Liu Yan is arrogant or stupid, putting his own strength on the bright side, in vain causing enemies all over the world. On the contrary, he believes that showing strength is the only way for the Han Dynasty.

The purpose of founding a country is to condense cohesion, and the establishment of Yanhuang Temple is to publicize one's determination to the world.

Sometimes determination is far more important than anything else. "Just one step away" refers to something that could have been accomplished, but because there was not enough determination, the hesitation led to bad things.

Everything has pros and cons. For Liu Yan, those countries are enemies in the first place, and whether they suddenly become enemies does not exist. The difference is nothing more than putting it on the bright side.

Perhaps the Han State showed great strength to attract other countries to join in the crusade, but the path Liu Yan chose was destined to have few allies.

Regardless of whether Liu Yan needs allies or not, the truth in the world is that there is never a real unity of heart between countries. Every country has its own interests. There are few people in the world who sacrifice their own national interests to make other countries better.

Nowadays, it is difficult for all countries in the world to have a heart of true allies, and it is nothing more than taking what they need.With the intrigue after the alliance, it is better to start a battle.Friends who should be friends will always be friends, and enemies will not suddenly become deeply emotional.

"How can the widow not know that the country needs diplomatic relations?" Liu Yan has already stayed where he needs to stand, and only waits for the ceremony to start.He saw that Ji Chang and Sang Yu who were standing behind him on the left and right were both faintly worried, and said with a smile: "Compared with diplomatic relations, I care more about how many Han people there are in the world."

"Your Majesty said, I will spare you the trouble." Ji Chang's prime minister's uniform looked good, with black and red colors, and some purple stripes for decoration. In fact, it looked very similar to the crown uniforms of the princes, but it was by no means belonging to the imperial court. A type of crown.He looked down. The civil and military personnel of his country had been arranged according to their ranks, but the envoys from various countries were whispering to each other frequently, and said with a wry smile, "It's just that I'm worried."

"Hehe, it's exciting enough just thinking about it." Sang Yu said with a bitter face, "I'm not afraid of the enemy of the world, but after the founding of the country, we seem to be the first without a state?"

Liu Yan frowned and said, "A strong country has no allies. You two should understand this sentence."

Ji Chang and Sang Yu adjusted their moods, and replied heavily: "No!"

He said so on the lips, but he still couldn't help but think too much in his heart, just like people are social animals. When they are lonely, they always have doubts in their hearts. It is a kind of nature to look for companions.

"Relax your mind." Liu Yan said with an absolute calm attitude: "Next is the moment to divide the camps. Those who should be friends will still be friends, and those who should be enemies will not change after all."

Ji Chang nodded silently.

Sang Yu pulled his cheek and smiled.

When the music starts, it is grand and upright.This kind of music is used on solemn occasions. Since the Yin and Shang Dynasties, this kind of music has accompanied every grand ceremony, and it has not changed even until now.

The so-called grand and serious music is actually a kind of straight music with almost no ups and downs. The chimes are used as the main tune and are accompanied by a small number of other musical instruments. It is not good-sounding, but it has been like this for thousands of years.

Yu Yi had already realized that Sun Chuo and Wang Xizhi were pulling. The latter two learned that Liu Yan was going to pay homage to the ancestors of Yan and Huang, especially Xuanyuan Huangdi, who was publicly recognized as the "beginning of the nation" and the great "pioneer". At that time, it was really urgent.

"Let go!" Sun Chuo said with a righteous face, "That Wuzhuzi is too hateful, how can he have the qualifications to hold such a sacrifice!"

Yu Yi is not a romantic scholar, and his brain will not be so lacking that it will cause twitching. Liu Yan has not been a minister of the Jin Dynasty from the beginning to the end, and he did not rely on any foreign power during his rise, especially since the Jin Dynasty seems to be dragging on. A lot of hind legs, Liu Yan doesn't care who you are, who is famous all over the world, and the trouble at the important ceremony is because the bully knife is not sharp enough?

"Zhigong, you are also a minister of the Jin Dynasty, what's the point of keeping silent on such occasions!" Wang Xizhi was a little annoyed at being pulled by his sleeves, he is a celebrity, a celebrity!In addition to being a celebrity, he is also a world-renowned great calligrapher. He always flatters him wherever he goes. As for what governing the country is, he said he doesn’t know for the time being. What he knows is that if he doesn’t say anything, he will make the world laugh. The famous Liu Yan dared to kill, so he stuck his neck: "Childish, let's see Xizhi's refutation makes that Zhu Zi feel ashamed."

Yu Yi didn't know if Liu Yan would feel ashamed, but he only knew that there was no such thing as a modest gentleman in the Han Kingdom, and the people of the Han Kingdom who were murdered from the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, always had the style of "You piss me off, I will kill your whole family", or that kind of " He said that if he kills his whole family, he will kill his whole family and not even a single chicken will be left alive." He looks rough and barbaric, but he really can't be offended easily.

"Yi Shao, Xing Gong, let's calm down, we must calm down!" Yu Yi actually didn't care whether the two romantic literati would die, and it wasn't because he was afraid that he would be implicated, but the matter was far from the point of death to keep the chastity: " Report to Jiankang, why does the court plan to deal with it again, how can we, as ministers, decide on state affairs without authorization?"

Wang Shu, who had been standing quietly by the side, smiled cheerfully, and this smile immediately aroused Wang Xizhi's glare.

"Why do you think so?" Wang Shu bowed to Wang Xizhi and said, "This place is quite close to the King of Han, why don't you roar loudly?"

Wang Shu can be regarded as the faction on the side of the Yu clan. After all, he first served as a meritorious officer under Sima Yue, and was later recruited by Yu Bing as a long history. However, there is no enmity between the Yu clan and the Langya Wang clan, it is entirely their own. In private.

That's right, this Wang Shu was the one who had a grudge with Wang Xizhi because of an egg. The two never had a good conversation together, and sometimes they were at odds, and it was usually Wang Xizhi who provoked Wang Shu first.

Wang Xizhi was so irritated that he really wanted to roar loudly, but Yu Yi quickly covered Wang Xizhi's mouth with quick eyes and hands. Then Yu Yi looked at Wang Shu with an angry look on his face,
A group of people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty were making a fuss, and everyone was not blind and naturally saw it, but no one planned to get involved, just stood by and watched the joke.

In fact, everyone knows what those groups in the Eastern Jin Dynasty are anxious about, and they are all waiting for someone with kindness to jump out and disturb the sacrificial ceremony of the Han Dynasty.At that moment, I didn't know how many people hated Yu Yi, a calm guy. If Sun Chuo and Wang Xizhi, who were already anxious, were not allowed to make trouble, it would be a good show.

Of course, everyone thought that Liu Yan would not raise the butcher's knife. After all, both Sun Chuo and Wang Xizhi made a statement, but punishment is necessary. To watch the fun, the onlookers will not be damaged or injured anyway. Own.

(End of this chapter)

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