Chapter 360
If conditions permit, Liu Yan has always been a person who is very capable of getting things done. Not only has he created stir-fries and other cooking, but also some life needs have brought fresh things to this "barren era".

Anyone who travels to ancient times, his words and deeds have actually changed the world, the difference is how much the status can change.

Liu Yan has brought many changes to this "world", and will continue to change.

The real need is to continuously strengthen the military, and then restore the self-confidence of the Miao descendants of the Han family, so that Liu Yan can focus on the military and the spirit.

In fact, Liu Yan will definitely make gunpowder. The difference is how powerful it can be. It is not because of any reason that he has not done it, but the time has not yet come.

For the Miao descendants of the Han family, the spiritual needs may be more urgent, so the existence of the Yanhuang Temple is a must.

Mount Tai is not only one mountain, it is divided into five mountains. The Yanhuang Temple is located in Dongyue (in Shandong Province). According to the plan, it has at least seven main halls and 49 branch halls. Currently, only one main hall and Nine branch halls.

In addition to the palace, the construction of necessary forests and gardens is because the construction period is too fast, and even one percent of the project has not been completed.

The square is the place with the highest priority to be built. Looking at the square, which should cover an area of ​​about five acres, it has a large number of statues.

The placement of the statues is a bit particular. They are arranged according to the dynasties. Each statue is restored as much as possible after consulting the classics and according to the recorded image. For example, Shennong looks like an old farmer with a medicine basket on his back. Dayu is holding a big tripod.

Because they were placed in a planned way, the first thing I saw when I came to the square from the mountain road was the statues. The lowest one is three meters, and the highest one is more than five meters. Each image is extremely clear.

"This war horse is carved as if it were real." Sun Chuo was stopped by soldiers of the Han army when he tried to get close. He was amazed at what he saw and didn't care to get angry: "If it is painted with colors, it will be lifelike."

Just like the Hall of Valor has a dedicated guard army, the Yanhuang Temple also has a dedicated army to guard it.At the founding ceremony, Liu Yan bestowed not many troop numbers. In addition to rectifying the name of the Huben Army, the Yulin Army was also officially awarded, and then there were two palace guards, the Heroic Guard and the Yanhuang Guard.

The Twelve Guards of the Sui and Tang Dynasties already had a prototype in the Shijie State of Zhao, but they had not been formally assigned a designation. It was in the military of the Shijie State of Zhao, the State of Fu's Qin, the State of Murong Yan...etc. After repeated reforms, it was not really confirmed until the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The Twelve Guards are the foundation of the Fubing system. The starting point is that each state has a standing army, and the source of troops comes from the products of the country's equalization of land. However, with Li Tang's reforms again, the Twelve Guards collapsed and began to be replaced by the Jiedushi system.

The Yingling Guards and the Yanhuang Guards sounded very powerful, but in fact, most of the Yingling Guards were retired soldiers from the army who were disabled. Although the Yanhuang Guards were selected based on merit, there were only a thousand of them.

On the square, there were two rows of sergeants standing with halberds. Their uniforms were no different from other uniforms. It was the armor that showed the difference.

Sun Chuo and other people with obvious romantic literati thinking were observing the scenery on the square, while others were not looking at the scenery.

The armor of the Han army adopts the same iron armor as the Western Han and Eastern Han on a large scale, that is, the kind of armor that is inlaid with the armor. Some elites such as the Huben army will use the same Mingguang armor as in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Now a new type of armor has appeared. armor.

The breastplate has already appeared in the Han army. As the name suggests, it is an iron plate on the chest. The rest of the armor is mainly made of lock collars. Only necessary leather is added to some joints, making the whole set of armor look incomparable. concise.A suit of close-fitting armor, combined with the tall and straight body and strong figure of the soldier, naturally has a heroic air.

"This is... what kind of sacrificial place?" Wang Xizhi is also one of the romantic literati. He didn't think of more things for a while, and he didn't notice Yu Yi, whose face was already livid. He said to Sun Chuo: "Look at the rest The terrain that is being cleared, the Han Kingdom is going to build it up."

Can Yu Yi not turn pale?The difference between him and the romantic literati is that although they are smart, the romantic literati always don't use their intelligence in the right place, such as politics.

Not everyone can worship the Three Emperors and Five Emperors at will, and at the same time, it is not possible to worship the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in any place. It seems that the largest place for worship in Dingtao will be the palace for Shun.

People with high political values ​​have already begun to tremble on their lips where their consciousness has come. Without exception, they are all well-read poems and books, and their ancestors have been officials for generations.

In fact, Yanhuang Temple has many names, some are called Huangdi Temple, Xuanyuan Temple, Huangdi Mausoleum, some are called Yandi Temple, and some are called Yanhuang Mausoleum, but without exception, Yanhuang Miao people are used to pay homage to the ancestors of the nation.

For a nation, perhaps the most important thing is its common origin. Knowing that it has common ancestors and pride is the starting point for a sense of belonging.

Paying homage to the ancestors of the nation is a major event at any time. It has the same power as offering sacrifices to heaven. It is something that Zhengshuo can only do. In addition, whoever dares to sacrifice is challenging the authority. There can never be more than one Zhengshuo.

After Wang Jian found out where he came to, he was stunned at first, and then he said happily that Murong Jun said: "The end of the matter here is the beginning of the discord between Han and Jin."

Murong Jun heard the bewildered look on his face, and asked in surprise: "How do you say?"

"The Sima family has always maintained their own Zhengshuo, and they hold the only 'feudal' power." Wang Jian looked at those people from the south of the Yangtze River gloatingly, and said: "My son, the important affairs of the country are the sacrifices and the soldiers. That is the Han Dynasty. Clan Liu is challenging Sima Clan of Jin, how can he not become a mortal enemy!"

Although Murong Jun is a barbarian, and he is still a mixed-race barbarian with white blood, but they are well-developed!

Any well-developed Hu people will learn Chinese culture. Confucian scholars like to inculcate "feudal" ideas first. If they don't betray the nation and country, what is the purpose? Isn't it just for glory and wealth!Only those who have "feudalism" can be treated, otherwise the Hu regime is generally a slave system.

"Although the Han Kingdom was newly established, it only took five years to grow from nothing..." Murong Jun had a joyful expression on his face: "They have great military strength, but they don't know how to behave."

What I want to say is that there is no political wisdom. For example, if you have great strength, you don’t know how to hide it. When you are in a state of war with Shijie Zhao, you don’t want to find allies. Shuo's status was challenged.

"Whether it's ignorance or stupidity, the more stupid they are, the better for us." Wang Jian said a truth between countries, raised his hand and quietly pointed to Ran's Qin State and Zhang's Liang State, and said: "Look at them, isn't that funny look on their faces?"

If the people from the Xiao~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were as disgusted and angry as if they had eaten flies, the people from Zhang's Liang country should be shocked and a little dazed, and those from Ran's Qin country It was shock with relief.

"It's really done like this." Xie Ai was very confused, and said to Zhang Zuo as if he lost his way: "What kind of... courage is this?" What he wanted to say was actually stupid.

Zhang Zuo is the eldest son of Zhang Jun, and he basically didn't figure out what happened.

"Are you confident in your own strength without fear, or are you arrogant!?" Xie Ai was really shocked, and said a little indiscriminately: "Even if the king sacrifices, it is quiet, and the King of Han is directly showing the world."

Zhang Zuo finally understood a little bit.He seriously thought about what he had seen and heard when he came to Han, then looked around, and said as a matter of course: "The king of Han has more than [-] armored men, and they are full of vigor after repeated battles. It must be because Have confidence in your own strength."

Xie Ai was speechless. He had seen early in the morning that the Zhang family's royal ambitions were a little low, and some of them were only peaceful and separatist. It seemed that they had some depressing fear of marching into the Central Plains.

"No matter who is Zhengshuo, what does it matter to us?" Zhang Zuo looked at the back of Liu Yan who was still walking forward, and then looked at the people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty who had stopped and whispered, and said with a smile: "They fight for them. Zhengshuo, let's attack our Western Regions."

There is no other way, Xiliang is sparsely populated, and no matter what time it is, it can only be regarded as a frontier area. While the cultural accumulation is insufficient, the productivity is also lagging behind.

It is not complicated for the Zhang family to have the current achievements. They are very aware of how much weight they have. Instead of rushing arrogantly towards the Central Plains where they do not know how many people will die, they might as well develop themselves honestly and be able to treat the weak Play with domineering side leakage, find a thick thigh to hug if possible.

The so-called permission for the Zhang family is to allow and tolerate them to play the little game of "I play mine". It is just a matter of face, and face is a pile of shit compared with real interests.

The envoys of Ran's Qin State, who fell behind Zhang's Liang State envoys, were extremely complicated both in their faces and in their hearts.

"I really did it without any taboo." Tiao You was both admiring and worried, and said in a puzzled way: "The King of Han has such strength, he fought with Shijie and also fought with the Eastern Jin at the same time, but...why bother?" in this way?"

"Sikong." Jiang Gan looked a little excited, and said, "Qian has been in contact with the King of Han many times, so he knows a little bit about it."

Ran Zhi, a brat, couldn't understand what the two important ministers were saying. He only felt that Liu Yan seemed to be more domineering than his father, and that little face was completely filled with admiration.

"I vaguely remember that when I was still a tribe, the King of Han said something?" Jiang Gan showed a reminiscing expression, a little uncertain: "It seems to be, 'If you don't accept it, you will do it', or what?"

……Dividing line……

Thanks to book friend Hu Ba Ruiyi for being so popular, Wan Rewards will add a new chapter as usual.I need to take my child to get vaccinated today, please allow for a delay.Of course, I also thank everyone who gave the reward, the honor will not live up to your expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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