sweeping the world

Chapter 329 Reasons to be Proud

Chapter 329 Reasons to be Proud

Liu Yan's deployment of troops to the north for reinforcements will inevitably affect the overall situation. How could Sun Fudu and Liu Kai, the governor of Yuzhou, who were stationed on the edge of Dongping County, remain indifferent to the transfer of the Han army?They are all the generation to lead the army, even if it is not for Yao Yizhong but for themselves, they must take the opportunity to enter the army.

Reinforced by Fan Tan, Sun Fudu led a crowd of [-] to Dongping County, and fought with the Han army in Fan County (northwest of modern Liangshan).

Liu Kai gathered 13 soldiers from the counties and counties of Yuzhou, crossed the Jishui River (a tributary) from Changyi, and fought the Han army in Jinxiang.

The Han army in Dongping County has always been only [-], with only [-] soldiers, and the remaining [-] are auxiliary soldiers.The commander of the Han army in Dongping County is Huan Wen, the commander of the army is Xie An, and there are also generals such as Zhong Hui, Li Hong, Gai Nie, Chen Jiaju, Wang Yong, etc., employing [-] cavalry soldiers and [-] soldiers. Army soldiers.

Huanwen's road is mainly defensive. It started to build fortifications when it captured Dongping County. Thanks to Liu Yan's consideration of Dongping County as the next stage of the western barrier, the original county capital Xuchang was rebuilt and a large number of fortifications were built. The "castle" of the city, and even the sub-city was built.

Xu Chang was working on a defense level similar to that of the lower secrets. Although he only got a buffer period of more than three months, he couldn't bear the fact that those "farmers" were really good at building cities, and Liu Yan spared no expense to mobilize them. Resources and fortifications have begun to take shape.

Huan Wen should have resisted the city and defended it, but he thought that he could not stick to it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Xie An considered Huan Wen's opinion, and after personal investigation, he thought that Fan County on the bank of the Mizi River was a good battlefield, so Huan Wen led all the cavalry and [-] soldiers to fight, leaving [-] soldiers and all The auxiliary soldiers defend Xuchang.

The soldiers of the Han army are really full-timers. They only need to serve throughout the year.

The full-time full-time soldiers who are out of production and the soldiers who combine soldiers and farmers cannot be generalized. Everything is said to be proficient. The soldiers who usually do nothing but train killing skills and the soldiers who only practice in their spare time. There is a gap between the two. in there.

At this time, Huan Wen led the army and the Shijie Zhao army led by Sun Fudu was separated by two miles.

On the side of the Han army, there was only occasional neighing of war horses, and the rest of the soldiers waited silently.Most of them were rescued by Liu Yan personally led the army five years ago. First, they went through spiritual baptism, and later in life they knew the social status of soldiers well. Then it was Liu Yan who gave them a new life. It can be said that Liu Yan was natural. diehard.

If it is really counted, this is the first time that Huan Wen has led an army alone. Before that, he was either a civil servant or an assistant to someone in the small~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"An Shi, only by leading an army alone can you know the strength of the Han army." Huan Wen felt so much in his heart that he couldn't help comparing the Han army with the Jin army, saying: "Such an army, five thousand can be worth as much as the Jin army." The [-]-strong Jin army. It’s not the weapons or armor, it’s the soldiers’ will and desire to fight.”

Xie An nodded approvingly. It wasn't because he looked down on the Jin army that he thought that one Han soldier was worth six Jin soldiers. There was a gap between weapons and armor, and more of a difference in mental outlook.

"If the Jin army also adopts the [-]th rank..." Huan Wen asked hesitantly, "Will there be any changes?"

"There will definitely be changes, and the desire to fight will inevitably increase, but..." Xie An smiled wryly and paused for a while before continuing: "It's just that there will be some changes in spirit, but there is still a big gap in quality."

The two armies were about to fight, but Huanwen Wenwen and Xie An still had time to chat. It was because they were more or less concerned about the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and it was only when they really integrated into Liu Yan's command that they would know the horror of the Han army.

The ranks of the Han army are very clear, and the arms are not mixed. The most obvious thing is that full-time combat does not do chores, but those who do chores are desperate to become full-time soldiers. There is vitality everywhere. , and in more detail, it will also distinguish the types of soldiers.

Thinking of somewhere, Huan Wenwen and Xie An subconsciously twisted their bodies and turned their heads to look back...

The left and right wings of the army array are arranged cavalry.The cavalry of the Han army is divided into armored cavalry, which is equipped with heavy cavalry, and there are also cavalry who wear armored horses and the first half of the armor. They must be light cavalry without armor or just wearing leather armor. Archers.

The middle army of the army formation is the infantry, tower shield soldiers and heavy infantry (big swordsmen) are arranged in the front, followed by pikemen, spearmen, strong crossbowmen, strong archers mixed, some sword and shield soldiers The war sword soldiers are scattered in various square formations.

To be honest, Huan Wen didn't really understand why the divisions were so detailed. He witnessed those soldiers fighting with his own eyes, and overheard Xie An talking about specialization in skills, so he admitted that practice makes perfect, which is like specialized training. .

Huan Wenwen and Xie An looked at Zhao Jun who was opposite Shijie again as if they had a tacit understanding.

If it is said that the Han army pays attention to the formation before the battle, what kind of formation should it have is definitely displayed when there is a chance. The Shijie Zhao army has always seemed to be a large mess.

The military uniforms of the Han army are uniform, and you will feel full of momentum at a glance. Only some elite Zhao Jun in Shijie have uniform military uniforms. Their system of recruiting soldiers and leaving civilians may also be Hu people. I don't pay so much attention to it, and the result is that no matter whether Shijie Zhao Jun or other barbarian armed forces, there has never been a uniform uniform, and they can wear anything, but it is messy and colorful anyway.

There are more than a dozen oriental countries in today's world, and there are not many countries with uniform uniforms. The more countries (influences) with Han culture, the more they pay attention to the uniform uniform of the army, which will cause Zhang's Liang army, Jin army, The Han army, Goguryeo army, and Li's Cheng Han army had uniform military uniforms, while the rest of the Shijie Zhao army, Murong Yan army, Tuoba Dai army, and the Huns did not pay attention to them.

In addition, it must be said that the Qin army of the Ran family has also been pursuing a unified military uniform, but Ran Min has only occupied Guanzhong for a short time, and the repeated killings have destroyed the originally fragile production system, making it impossible for Ran Min, who intends to unify the military uniform.

Then there is the army of the Chenghan family of the Li family. Speaking of the degree of Sinicization of the Han Dynasty, the degree of Sinicization of the Han Dynasty is really quite high. Besides, Sichuan and Shu have been famous for their prosperity in weaving since ancient times, and the Chenghan family of the Li family has enough national strength to unify the army. uniform.Another thing is very strange, that is, the military uniforms of Li's Chenghan army are also red on the top and black (or gray) on the bottom. On the contrary, the Jin army who thinks they are Zhengshuo wears white war robes, which is not what Zhengshuo should look like at all. .

As long as you are familiar with history, you must know one thing. Since the army of the Han Dynasty chased the north, which one of the dynasties that considered themselves Zhengshuo did not use red as the main body?
One side has a rigorous military formation and uniform uniforms, while the other side is simply piled up and colorful. The two sides have psychologically separated before they start fighting.

Sun Fudu was checking the Han army's arrangements just now, hoping to find flaws.He looked around and found that Huan Wen's formation was very common, it was a fish-scale formation formed by combining small military formations one after another.

The fish scale formation is layered one after another like fish scales. If it is all infantry, it will be an echelon defensive formation. After the left and right wings are placed with cavalry, it will become an offensive and defensive formation.

Although Sun Fudu is a member of the Jie tribe, he also knows the formation. It is a pity that although he understands it, he can't show it. It has nothing to do with his hands-on ability. The main reason is that the soldiers under him have not been trained for many years.


The Shijie Zhao army in Dongping County has a large number of cavalry, and they are on the offensive side, so they can only wave their troops forward.

Sun Fu has carefully identified, coupled with the corresponding information, knowing that the number of crossbowmen of the Han army on the opposite side is only about [-], which is good news. After all, the Shijie Zhao army was forced by the Han army. The bow and crossbow were terrified.

The situation on the battlefield was still the old routine at the beginning. The attacking Shijie cavalry was hit by the Han army's crossbowmen at a distance of [-] steps. However, because Huan Wen's long-range strike troops were few, the actual loss was at the expense of the Shijie cavalry. within the tolerance range.

The new routine happened when Huan Wenwen and Xie An withdrew to the main formation. There should be about a thousand great swordsmen wearing heavy armor and holding big broadswords, stepping out of the main formation with neat steps to form a human wall.

Seeing that scene, Sun Fudu was a little stunned and surprised. The usual routine of the Han army before was to form a shield formation and match it with a spear formation. This time it changed its tactics?
When the Shijie cavalry approached the Han army at 150 paces, not only were their strong crossbows scattered, but even their strong bows were flying arrows like rain.Waiting for them to get within 150 paces of the Han army, the few Liannu soldiers of the Han army also joined in shooting, encountering more arrows in an instant.If the damage from 150 paces to [-] paces is one, from [-] paces to [-] paces is three, and within [-] paces it increases to five, and that is just less than [-] continuous crossbowmen joining the attack.

The first batch of [-] Shijie cavalry soldiers who were thrown into the battle, they rushed against the rain of arrows, and lost nearly a thousand talents. With a hideous expression, didn't they pay such heavy casualties just to get close?They firmly believe that as long as they can get close to hand-to-hand combat, there will be hope of victory.

Standing in a row of great swordsmen, each of them is holding a big broadsword sideways, and the blade is swung backwards.This posture can move the broad sword forward very smoothly, and the palm can be turned into a straight handle with a slight flip of the palm.They are ready to go, with their huge bodies and heavy armor, naturally they cannot do without that exaggerated giant sword, which makes people look very powerful.

The heavy and frequent sound of horseshoes is getting closer, the sound of war drums is loud, and the "Han army mighty" roared by more than 2 people resounds across the wilderness, and the great swordsmen who are ready to go out of the battle slowly squat down Standing on horseback, the Shijie cavalry swung their broadswords the moment they approached.

At that moment, the cold light flashed when the broad sword was swung out, and the corpses of people and horses that had been chopped into two sections appeared constantly in the pieces of cold light!

……Dividing line……

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(End of this chapter)

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