sweeping the world

Chapter 328 Pull 1 to activate the whole body

Chapter 328
There were a total of about [-] cavalry on both sides, and the horses under them kicked up the dust. From a distance, two clouds of dust were approaching each other.

The Qiang people are all light cavalry. When they approached the cavalry of the Han army, they chose to shoot arrows first. In an instant, the arrows were like locusts.

Arrows will fly in the air for a certain distance, and most of them will be shot in the air when they fall. The galloping Han army cavalry will bend down, and the person or horse hit by the arrow depends on where it hits. The leather armor blocks are only injured, and only when they hit the vital point will they fall to the ground.

"The cavalry of the Han army can't ride and shoot?" Yao Yizhong couldn't see it clearly, and said in surprise, "It seems that there is no bow equipped."

The assault cavalry of the Han army really couldn't ride and shoot. That was a limitation of the system, and Liu Yan couldn't change it if he wanted to.

At this moment, about [-] Han cavalry cavalry rushed forward. The cavalry archers and a few cavalry cavalry were cruising around the periphery, looking for an opportunity to attack from the flank of the Qiang cavalry.

The movement of the cavalry confrontation is far beyond imagination. When the cavalry collides with each other, when the horses collide head-to-head, the two cavalry are thrown out by a huge force and dance in mid-air. More often than not, they pass by each other. When crossing, wield or stab the weapon.

The assault cavalry of the Han army were equipped with lances and sabers. The lances in their hands would shatter when they hit the enemy. It was a scene of sawdust flying around.After the lance is damaged, they will draw out the horse-chopping knife placed on the side, and they don't need to swing it too much. They only need to swing the horse-chopping knife horizontally to cause damage.

The equipment of the Qiang cavalry is relatively complicated. If they have guns, they are long spears with metal sharp objects on the tip. Not all of them are generals. As a result, many Qiang cavalry who stab the target will be knocked off their horses by the shock force.Falling off the horse on the battlefield where the cavalry is facing each other means death, and it will be a very miserable way of death.

The guys in the hands of most Qiang cavalry are blunt weapons, that is, maces or wooden sticks.Blunt weapons are the most common weapons used by barbarians. It's not just because barbarians lack productivity, but also because barbarians don't have such a strong background in Chinese civilization. The army of Chinese civilization has the method of training, but barbarians are recruited from free range. It is the herdsmen who leave for the soldiers.

Hu people have the least number of weapons such as swords or guns, so they are really limited by the lack of productivity.

Riding combat is a state of movement, and it is not a trivial matter to be hit by a mace while galloping at high speed, even if it is whipped by a wooden stick, it will cause serious injury.It is the same as the effect of hitting an object at high speed, it is a kind of kinetic energy brought by sprinting, for example, people will have accidents when they run into a wall, not to mention being hit by each other while galloping at high speed.

The casualties of cavalry battles that intend to charge each other have never been low. If it is not necessary, the barbarian will not use a tactics similar to head-to-head combat. They are more used to shooting arrows at each other in a long-term cruising, using time-consuming methods to compare toughness , Whoever can't hold on first is the loser.This is the way the barbarians compete for the pasture on the grassland. The main purpose is to drive the opponent away from the pasture, so the casualties are not too high.

After the two cavalrymen collided with each other, the Han army cavalry cruising on the flanks was the Qiang cavalry chasing them like cats teasing mice.

"This..." Yao Yizhong was a little surprised when he noticed the situation over there: "It's unexpected that the Han army has knights with such riding skills!"

Yao Yizhong couldn't help being surprised. About [-] Han troops were moving and shooting arrows, and the nearly [-] local cavalry who were chasing up chased them all the way to the death. signs.

In fact, the five thousand Qiang cavalry wanted to give up chasing. Anyone who saw that the opponent was unable to cause any damage, but chased all the way to the death, would be terrified and frustrated at the same time.They had to chase again, or they just watched the Han army rush in from the flank of their own army.

Looking at it, Yao Yizhong and other generals of Shijie and Zhao State kept feeling cold on their heads. They couldn't figure out why the productivity of the Han army was so strong. riding knight.

The cavalry of the two armies was fighting, and the actions in other places did not stop, but the attention of the coaches of both sides was temporarily attracted by the fighting cavalry.

The hedging of the cavalry was over soon, and after the two sides staggered past, the people on the sidelines worked hard to make quantitative assessments.

"Our loss is more than three thousand." Hu Yansheng's archery skills are very good, and people with good archery generally have a pair of eyes with good eyesight: "The other party's loss is about one thousand?"

The loss of the Han assault cavalry was actually not as much as one thousand, the exact number was 680, and the loss of the Qiang cavalry was [-].That is the unequal weapons and armor of the two sides, and it is also the difference in quality.It is normal for the light cavalry and the assault cavalry to have a five-to-one battle loss ratio.

Yao Yizhong was not surprised by the heavy losses. He said calmly: "One thousand at a time, Liu Yan will lose his mobile strength if he attacks a few more times."

The generals of the Zhao State in Shijie took advantage of the small number of Han troops and made a plan to lure the Han troops out to fight a war of attrition, especially to consume the few cavalry Liu Yan had on hand. General attack for service.

In the next few days, the situation on the battlefield was repeated tediously. The Qiang infantry that should advance and build fortifications suffered heavy casualties and continued to work, and it was time to lure the Han cavalry out of the camp to continue the battle.

The battle situation on the main battlefield was boring and bloody, and the battle on the periphery was also started with the arrival of Liu Yan's reinforcements.

Yao Yizhong found out that there was a Han army fleet approaching Luoyin, so he sent [-] cavalry there, commanded by Huyi General Hu Yansheng.

They originally wanted to prevent the landing of the Han army, but the Qiang troops who went to the river to block the attack were shot first by the bed crossbows from the warships, followed by the strong crossbows and strong bows, and had to withdraw from the river bank after being killed and wounded. Watching the Han army land.

Hu Yansheng dispatched cavalry immediately after the Han army landed, but this time they faced the Han infantry who used tower shields to build a shield wall, and a large number of pikemen formed a spear array. will be absent.

The attacking Qiang troops paid a heavy price by rushing into the Han army's shield formation and spear formation, but they did not achieve much results after the collision. After all, facing the infantry in a dense phalanx, as long as the infantry does not collapse on its own, even if it is A heavy cavalry with armor will feel intimidated, but you should know what will happen to a light cavalry when you charge into the battle with a little thought.

Hu Yansheng's report to Yao Yizhong was that the Han army that came to aid was definitely elite, and he reported the composition of the Han army's arms, especially mentioning a unit that he encountered for the first time, that is the great swordsman.

According to Hu Yansheng's description, the heavy infantry of the Han army with big broadswords was quite brutal, and they were like a wall when they advanced. However, Qingqi ran into extremely bad situations, as long as it was struck by a huge broad sword, both people and horses would be cut off.

"..." Yao Yizhong looked at the document in his hand, with a strange expression on his face, and he said puzzledly, "Liu Yan... how could he have such a development?"

There is nothing unusual about armed heavy infantry. The Chinese civilization created such a situation with infantry combat, becoming the mainstream nation in the eastern world, and once becoming the only overlord on the eastern continent.This does not mean that the Chinese civilization does not know how to fight on horseback. In fact, since the horses were tamed and able to drive, both chariots and cavalry were well used by the Chinese civilization's army, and this is not nonsense.

Spring and Autumn has a special name, that is, the country of many times.In the Warring States Period, as long as the Warring States were connected to the northern grasslands, who lacked cavalry?Even if there was a cavalry cultural gap in the Chinese civilization caused by the struggle for the throne at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the Han Empire also absorbed and made good use of the cavalry skills of the Huns and Zahu, and drove the Huns out with the relearned cavalry methods.

At present, even if the Sima family moved south with a large group of aristocratic families, the Jin army still mastered the tactics of cavalry warfare, and there were not a few Jin people in the Central Plains who could fight on horseback.The Chinese civilization is not good at riding and fighting. It took until the Song Dynasty to re-emerge the fault, but that was also caused by the loss of the stud farm.

Yao Yizhong is even more depressed. He has repeatedly lured the Han army out of the camp to fight in recent days. After fighting for several days, he found that no matter how many Han cavalry were consumed the day before yesterday, there would still be no more than [-] Han troops every other day. The cavalry gave him a weird impression that the cavalry in Liu Yan's hands would never die.

"How much of the Han army did we consume...the cavalry and cavalry archers of the Han army?" Yao Yizhong got a figure that was supposed to be [-], and he was very puzzled and said, "Is it because we miscalculated, or Didn’t you notice Liu Yan’s continuous reinforcements entering the camp?”

General Mu Jian of Ningbei Zhao State in Shijie said with certainty: "If you can't be sure before, after strengthening the investigation and sentry, you can confirm that there is absolutely no reinforcements entering the Han army camp!"

Yao Yizhong was still skeptical, he really didn't understand how the number of cavalry in Liu Yan's hand could be maintained at around [-] all the time, it was completely unreasonable!

In fact, there is one thing that Yao Yizhong doesn't know yet. The five thousand cavalry that Liu Yan repeatedly sent out is not the limit at all. The number of places that Liu Yan can "summon" is constantly increasing.

Yao Yizhong's side was considered the main battlefield, and the places he sent to stop Liu Yan's reinforcements were local battlefields. How could Dongping County far in the center of Yanzhou and Gaoping County in the northwest of Yuzhou not be local battlefields?
If you look at the big picture, the total number of Shijie Zhao troops serving Yao Yizhong definitely exceeds 50. This is a situation that was agreed with Shi Hu, which means that the entire Shijie Zhao State attaches great importance to the Han!

(End of this chapter)

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