sweeping the world

Chapter 321 Come, have a good fight

Chapter 321 Come, have a good fight
The generals of Shijie and Zhao Guo that the Han army encountered before rarely had any twists and turns. They basically fought in a straight-forward manner. How many armies came directly, and then the two armies set up their formations. Even if they had a strategy, they just arrived at the battlefield. At that level of tactics, I have never seen a battle-level strategy.

This time Yao Yizhong was different. He came to the north bank of the Yellow River section in Qingzhou, and started to do some seemingly complicated things. Compared with other Shijie Zhao Jun, he was also different.That kind of difference is directly reflected in the level of activities, such as differences in collective consciousness.

The Qiang army in Qinghe County and Yuanyuan County was estimated by the Han army to be 40, which included the old and weak, women and children, and not all soldiers.

"About 12 are placed by the Yellow River. From a distance, they are basically young and strong. From the clothes, they are mostly Qiang."

Who let the Han army have binoculars here?Even if it is hundreds of miles away from the Yellow River, you can actually see it clearly with a telescope.

"Recently, Yao Yizhong ordered a strict investigation and clean-up, and our scouts have become more and more difficult to operate on the north shore."

Scouts on the north bank of the Yellow River relied on carrier pigeons to deliver messages to the south bank, and carrier pigeons were actually used to deliver messages during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

In many wars, scouts entered the battlefield first, and even carried out reconnaissance in the enemy's active area. They are the most dangerous soldiers.

A qualified scout is not easy to train. Every scout is definitely a veteran of hundreds of battles. The death of a qualified or even excellent scout will have no less impact on the army than the death of hundreds of new recruits.

Given that Yao Yizhong started to target Han army scouts, the recent loss of Han army scouts is a bit surprising.Originally, there was fog in the investigation on the north bank of the Yellow River, and the large loss of scouts directly made the command center of the Han army even more unclear about the intelligence of the Qiang army.

Liu Yan had to ask: "Is it possible to cross the river before the flood season?"

how to say?The number of troops placed by the Han army along the Yellow River was a little smaller, no matter how you looked at it, the troops under Yao Yizhong had an absolute numerical advantage.

Because of the lack of intelligence, no one could tell Liu Yan the exact answer. The Han army could only strengthen necessary combat preparations, and the investigation of the coast also needed to be strengthened.

As the situation on both sides of the Yellow River became more and more tense, some other news kept coming to Liu Yan.

First of all, the emperor Li Shou of Cheng Han died, and his eldest son Li Shi succeeded to the throne as the new emperor.Li Shou finally came to a conclusion, posthumously named Emperor Zhaowen, temple named Zhongzong, and buried in Anchang Mausoleum.

After Li Shi became the new emperor of Cheng Han, the originally negotiated trade between Cheng Han and the Han tribe had setbacks, and Cheng Han and others who were in Xia Mi were recalled.And there was a rumor that Li Shi was going to renew his alliance with Shi Hu.So, does it make sense for Li Shi to recall Cheng Han and others from Xia Mi?

In addition to Cheng Han, there was also new news from Tongguan.Ran's Qin army actually went out to fight an offensive battle. First, they attacked from Xiaoguan and defeated the Shijie Zhao army outside the pass. They waited for the Shijie Zhao army outside Tongguan to pay attention to the battle situation in Xiaoguan. Someone under Li Nong rebelled. The Ran family's Qin army came out again, but the Ran's Qin army on the Tongguan road was ambushed by Fu Hong when they left the pass.

In the short thirteen days, Ran's Qin army and Shijie's Zhao army outside the pass once again killed bloody rivers. The [-] Ran's Qin army who left the pass fled back to the pass with only [-]. There were [-] to [-], of which the begging army borne [-]% of the casualties.In this way, Ran's Qin army really killed one thousand enemies and lost eight hundred.

The Han tribe, who have been paying attention to the east of Liao 1, of course also got the news of Murong Yanjun. The Murong Yanjun who had been in the army for several months was led by Murong Han as the commander, and led an army of [-] as the vanguard to march towards Youzhou. What is more strange is that half On the way, Murong Han was seriously ill. After a good march, he stopped when he reached Lingzhicheng near Bashui.

There are capable people under Shi Bin's command, and they don't know how they got the news that Murong Han was seriously ill. Qingqi rushed forward to attack Murong Yan's army, defeated Murong Yan's army who had lost command in Lingzhi City, and forced Murong Yan's army to escape Bashui.

Murong Han crossed the river while sick, it seemed that he fell into the water because of accident, although he was rescued, his condition got worse and he died not long after.

The fact is that Murong Han was injured by an arrow during the battle with Yuwen Xianbei. If history does not change, he will be given death by Murong Hao.

This time, it was Murong Yan Guo Taiwei Feng Yi's idea for Murong Han to lead the army. What he wanted was for Murong Han to go out with illness. It was always better to ask Murong Han to die of illness than Murong Hao to kill Murong Han.

Speaking of which, Feng Yi probably did not expect that Shi Bin would take the initiative to attack. Murong Han was dead, but Murong Yan's army also suffered losses of nearly ten thousand.

Because of such an incident, Feng Yi was blamed by the Murong clan. If Murong Haixin hadn't re-conferred the title on him, Feng Yi's end would have been miserable. After all, Murong Xianbei had internal strife, but Murong Xianbei, who was on the rise, had no influence on the army. He still attaches great importance to his care and will not do things like abandoning tens of thousands of troops just to kill one person.

When the overall information was collected, Liu Yan found out one thing in bewilderment. The seemingly misty Shijie State of Zhao did not dispatch the Jie tribe army. Going south was easily thwarted by Shi Bin. These partners of his... don't seem to be very good at it?

Yes, they are just partners, definitely not allies.

It’s not that Liu Yan disdains those countries, he just knows that they are competition targets. The last time the parties met, Murong Yan’s country didn’t talk about any alliance matters. Some of them just agreed to attack Shijie Zhao State together, which shows that Murong Yan’s country also It was clear that there was no need for an alliance. However, Ran's Qin State and Zhang's Liang State had made similar proposals, but the Han did not confirm them.

The non-alignment policy is Liu Yan's decision, and it is not appropriate for the Han Dynasty to form an alliance with anyone at present.

Murong Yanguo is already ready to go south again, with Murong Hao personally conscripting, with Murong Jun as the former general of the army, and Murong Ba as the deputy general, the number of the entire army should be 22?
Murong Yanguo's move cost 22, which is not a small amount. After all, when the Murong Yan army swept across the east of Liao 1, the Murong Yan's army only dispatched 22 at most, and [-] should be almost all out.

[It seems that Murong Xianbei really doesn't like the bitter cold land in Liao Yidong, and really plans to go south with all his strength even if he gives up Liao Yidong. 】Liu Yan thought of this and couldn't help but smile wryly. They and Yao Yizhong are still in a stalemate across the Yellow River: 【If there is no victory and defeat with Yao Yizhong, Murong Yan's army has captured Youzhou, and Murong Yan who captured Youzhou The army will definitely continue to march into Jizhou, when Jieshi... it will be troublesome! 】

There is absolutely no doubt about the strength of Murong Yan State, as it can be seen from the fact that they will occupy two-thirds of Shijie Zhao State's land after the collapse.

The Shijie Zhao army that the Han army faced was not the main battle force, but the Jie people's own army had fought against Murong Yan's army more than once, and every time it seemed that Murong Yan's army had won?From this point of view, who can deny the strength of Murong Yanjun?no one!
At the beginning of June, the Yellow River in Qingzhou was full of wood and sundries floating everywhere, and this was not all that was left behind by the Qiang army. Most of the wood and sundries were actually floated out of the sea.

One thing is quite funny. The wood that floated out of the sea was basically picked up by the ships of the Han Dynasty. After being stored in the warehouse, it became part of the system resources.

Liu Yan was actually shocked when he saw the data. They only collected that part of the sea. There are still nearly two hundred miles of floating wood in the Yellow River waterway. How much forest did the Qiang army cut down? Such wanton destruction of forests would cause What impact does the soil quality on the north bank of the Yellow River have?
On June [-], the Qiang army finally made new moves.

"Are they going to put up planks?"

"No doubt, yes."

Looking at the north bank of the Yellow River, it was densely packed with people, and some nailed wooden boards were piled up like a mountain.

A soldier is trying to lay nailed wooden boards on the river surface that has been piled up with floating logs. The wooden boards are about two feet four feet long and one foot wide.

After the first plank was placed and stabilized by iron cables, bursts of cheers were roared from the north bank of the Yellow River, which represented that the plan of the Qiang army to cross the river was effective.

The Han army standing on the south bank of the Yellow River looked at each other. The Qiang army seemed to have the intention of crossing the river, but... the garrison on the river bank did not receive any orders.

There are not many troops of the Han army on the south bank of the Yellow River, only about [-]. What they need to defend is at least [-] miles of the river, so how many miles should there be before there is a Han army?
Yao Yizhong is personally supervising the feasibility of the plan. After the first plank is placed, the second and third... don't know how many planks have been placed and stacked repeatedly. The wooden bridge with a width of ten feet on the river bank extends About thirty feet out, cavalry were already sent up to repeatedly stampede and gallop. The wooden plank bridge only seemed to be shaking slightly, but it did not fall apart.

"What happened to the Han army on the other side?"

"Back to the army master, the fast horses of the Han army have made a lot of noise, but for the time being, no new Han army has appeared."

Yao Yizhong should have been happy when he got the answer, but he was only confused in his heart.

There are Han troops on the south bank of the Yellow River, and there are about a thousand of them on the other side of the bridge, and there are only so many. At most, there are close to [-] in Dongping Mausoleum?
"It doesn't make sense." Yao Yizhong said in a confused tone, "Why didn't Liu Yan prevent us from crossing the river?"

"Our judgment is that Liu Yan doesn't have enough troops." Hu Yansheng is from the Huns, but he is the Tiger Wing General of Shijie Zhao, and this time he is serving under Yao Yizhong: "There should be no mistakes, after all... ...There are really too many places where Liu Yan needs to use his troops."

General Huyi, General Longxiang, etc. are all generals, also known as miscellaneous generals.Miscellaneous generals need to have another military rank, that is, add a rank of commander or something, in order to have real actual military power.The appearance of miscellaneous generals was a characteristic of the late Three Kingdoms period, and it continued until the Hu people were in power, usually to win over some people.

Of course Yao Yizhong knew that Liu Yan needed to use troops in many places. He also knew that there were 14 Han troops on the Juye Ze line alone, and there were even about [-] Han troops in Yuzhou. The Han Dynasty has only risen for nearly five years.

According to intelligence, the total number of Han troops is only 20.There are already 14 Han troops on the western front, and there are about 17 Han troops on the opposite bank of Qinghe County and Pingyuan County. Then Liu Yan spent [-] at once. There is really nothing wrong with it!

Although he was able to deduce those things, Yao Yizhong really felt that something was wrong. It was a conclusion that something was wrong without thinking too much.

"They..." Yao Yizhong said in an extremely strange tone, "They want us to cross the river!"

The Han army of about 30 is absolutely unable to defend the Yellow River section that is nearly a thousand miles long. Even a force of [-] troops cannot defend such a long section of the Yellow River. It is all because it is too long.The defense of such a long river section requires a powerful and large inland water army first, and then spying on the location of the invading army. This is an effective defense, not a passive wait.

Is there only one landing point for the Qiang army?That is obviously impossible.They are here with great fanfare, but it is just an experiment. Once the river crossing plan is actually feasible, there are many slow-flow areas in the Yellow River section, and those sections of the river can be used as crossing points.

"It's because they knew that they chose to let us cross the river." Of course Yao Yizhong knew that half-crossing would attack, but depending on how many crossing points and how many troops crossed the river, only a few crossing points would be afraid of half-crossing. If you cross the river and attack, if you cross the river more than one point, the loss is only a small number.He asked: "I heard that the Han army is good at defending the city and fighting?"

Hu Yansheng nodded, and said: "But... Liu Yan did it too obviously, what gave him such confidence?"

It is too obvious that Liu Yan came here as a bait, and there is no strong city on the Dongping Mausoleum, so it seems that Liu Yan's behavior is very irrational.

"We need to cross the river." The helplessness in Yao Yizhong's heart is not enough for outsiders: "Any strategy needs a strong military force to implement, and in the end, the soldiers must work hard to win or lose."

It is so reasonable to say that any war is a contest of iron and blood between the armies of both sides. During this period, no matter whether it is a strategy or what kind of strategy, if there is no army to execute it, it is just a talk.

The Qiang army moved aggressively, and intelligence gathered intensively to Dongping Mausoleum where Liu Yan was located.

"So, there are 23 river crossing points arranged by Yao Yizhong?" Ji Chang was looking at the map, which was the section of the Yellow River along Qingzhou. He looked at Liu Yan, who had no expression on his face, and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, Are we taking too many risks?"

Liu Yan didn't speak, he was also looking at the map.

The Han army in Jinan County is really only [-], and there are no strong fortresses here, and there are hundreds of thousands of Qiang troops who are about to cross the river... Well, those who are fake are not counted, and there are some who can participate in the battle [-] to [-], would it be too much to use [-] Han troops to fight against?

……Dividing line……

Pit, fortunately, I have a look, or it will fail if it is not released automatically.The reason is... the Honor setting is wrong for the release time, embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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