sweeping the world

Chapter 320 What Routine?

Chapter 320 What Routine?
The north bank of the Yellow River in Qingzhou was in a busy state. Yao Yizhong's men were cutting down the forest, not only felling trees but also collecting bushes.Their movements were so loud that it was difficult to ignore them. The scouts of the Han army sent letters every day, and the information showed that the Hu people had piled up an inestimable amount of wood.

"They fell trees like crazy and made a large number of planks." Sang Yu said in a daze, "Do they want to block the Yellow River with logs, and then lay planks on the logs as river crossing steps?"

Only with that kind of explanation, being able to come up with such a way of crossing the river can be regarded as an open mind, and it is not impossible to operate. The premise is that a certain river crossing needs to be intercepted first, and then the wood on the Yellow River is thick enough.

"It's similar to the freezing of the river." Ji Chang seemed to appreciate the person who came up with this idea very much, and asked, "Can you find out whose idea it is?"

The method looks stupid, but it is really practical. It is even much simpler than building a pontoon bridge with boats. At least blocking the Yellow River first can prevent the ships of the Han army from entering the Yellow River from the sea, and after laying planks Used as a bridge, it is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone.

Generally speaking, Yao Yizhong was in a hurry, otherwise he wouldn't be able to implement this method, and his eagerness was exactly in line with the needs of the Han Department.

War is like that, one side sits firmly on the Diaoyu Islands, the other side appears urgent, then the side that is always urgent will appear passive.

Once acting urgently, there will be greater flaws, and the initiative will be handed over to others, but Yao Yizhong's situation seems to be a little different, at least before the Qiang army has no signs of crossing the river, the two sides have no initiative, so it will be like this It is nothing more than the existence of the Yellow River, a natural moat.

The Han army assembled in Jinan County is not too much. Excluding the imperial guards, there are actually only 1 troops.There is a special reason for this. Jinan County is not considered a front, but there are many places where the Han army uses troops.There is one in Dongping County, another in Lu County, and then along the Yangtze River in Xuzhou, the same in Liaodong, and the Korean Peninsula.

All in all, Liu Yan currently has about 20 troops at his disposal, but with the expansion of the territory, the number of garrisons that need to be used also increases.This is an unavoidable problem for any rapidly expanding force, unless the force does not expand.

"According to estimates, if Yao Yizhong does something, it should be at the end of summer." Ji Chang said this is not without reason, mainly because of livestock issues.He smiled and said, "Are we going to land in Jizhou from the coastline, disrupting Yao Yizhong's preparations?"

This is the convenience of having a navy. Wars no longer only need to pay attention to the land. If the coastline is within the target that can be attacked, the coastline of Shijie Zhao is not short.

The Qiang army under Yao Yizhong's command, Qinghe County and Yuanyuan County where they are located can be regarded as inland, but Yao Yizhong's order was not to stick to Qinghe County or Pingyuan County. The Qiang army appeared in the two counties to prepare for war. When the army lands in Jizhou from the coast, the scene will definitely become interesting.

"The reason we didn't harass Jizhou before was to prevent Shijie Zhao Guo from turning his back on him, at least to prevent Shihu from coming with all his rage." Sang Yu rubbed his chin and asked, "Do you have similar concerns now?"

Seems a little hard to say?Shihu wanted to weaken the Qiang and Di tribes. Yao Yizhong took the elite of the Qiang tribe to the edge of Qingzhou, Fu Hong took the elite of the Di tribe to Tongguan, and the Jie people's own army was only assembled in Sizhou .

After all, the Jie tribe is the overlord of the Central Plains. It is false to say that the Han tribe has no worries at all. Shihu may be ready to send troops to Tongguan, or he may rush to Qingzhou. That is why Liu Yan chose to stop the front line at Juzhou The reason for Nozawa.

Sang Yu asked, no one can tell what kind of reaction will be caused by sending troops to Jizhou.

What they should ask themselves is, can the Han army directly confront the Shangjie army?Or is it necessary to fight the Jie clan army so early?

"The parties agreed to attack Shijie together..." Ji Chang said implicitly, "We have already attracted enough attention."

The original matter, the Han has already attracted the Qiang army, which is close to 40 Qiang and Zahu, and there may be many Jin people. Guo, Murong Xianbei, and even Murong Yanguo, they should die laughing, right?
Then there is nothing to say, it is not appropriate to stimulate Shi Hu too much for the time being, and play happily with Yao Yizhong's army first.

Almost at the beginning of summer, the Qiang army who had been cutting wood for nearly two months finally made a new move. They moved the felled wood to the edge of the Yellow River.

After the Yellow River completely thawed, the Shijie water army located in the Duma River also drove out of the Yellow River, and at the same time a large amount of wood was thrown into the Yellow River waterway by the Qiang army.

On this day, Liu Yan came to the south bank of the Yellow River again and saw the busy crowd on the other bank.

It was densely packed black spots moving. They were moved or pulled by vehicles, and a large amount of wood was randomly thrown into the Yellow River waterway, and then drifted eastward by the river.

"Isn't there any iron chains on the Hengjiang River?" Liu Yan said with some confusion, "They threw logs into the Yellow River, and if they didn't stop them, they would just float to the sea, right?"

The Han army has been closely monitoring the south bank of the Yellow River, and they have not found anything unusual. Regarding Yao Yizhong's orders to throw wood and other sundries into the Yellow River, he is actually thinking about what he thinks.

"If it's just to prevent our ships from entering the Yellow River waterway from the sea, it seems reasonable." Sang Yu said slightly strangely: "Could it be that Yao Yizhong... wants to cross the river directly?"

A similar possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, the Han army does not have a fleet in the Yellow River at present, but Yao Yizhong knows that it is not the Han army that does not have a fleet, so it may be that he thinks that the Han army cannot beat the Han army in water warfare, and wants to take advantage of the Han army's fleet not coming. before crossing the river.

Sang Yu also said: "We also found that the number of enemy troops on the north bank of the Yellow River has decreased by a batch. It is difficult to estimate the exact number. It should be [-] to [-]?"

The Yellow River was very long, very long, no one stipulated that Yao Yizhong's army could only cross the river from the Qingzhou side.

Liu Yan immediately grasped the key point: "Is there any change on the western front?"

Sang Yu replied, "No change has been found."

Speaking of which, since the last time the Shijie Zhao army withdrew from Dongping County and the Han army took control of Dongping County, there has been no new movement from the Shijie Zhao army. The strange situation of "no war on the line".

The Han army could discover one thing, that is, "there are no worthy men under the great name", and they were not so easy to guess what path Yao Yizhong was taking.

……Dividing line……

What a huge tragedy. Honor found a book called "Super Black Technology" yesterday and couldn't stop reading it.Only two thousand will be updated today, and updates will resume at seven o'clock tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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