sweeping the world

Chapter 303 Nondiscrimination and Faith

Chapter 303 Nondiscrimination and Faith

It's not that Liu Yan likes to walk around with many warriors and armored soldiers. It has nothing to do with whether the protected person has a strong force value. It is an inevitable defense measure after reaching a certain status. No one is excluded. Bai Private visits in Yulongfu or microservices are actually a kind of brain-dead pretentious behavior.

It’s not a joke, the identity reaches a certain position and it’s not used to pretend to be coercive. What kind of identity you have, you have the responsibility. If you are either responsible or have a major relationship, you are an idiot, and you will die if you die. How many people should be killed if their deaths caused a series of turmoil and even a war?

Wasn't there a world war that was caused by a certain big shot's security measures?It was a world war caused by an assassination. Typically, one commits suicide and then detonates a war, causing more people to die.

Of course, the Grand Duke never died, and the war would be fought, but the fact that he caused the world war is indisputable.

Another one, does Liu Yan like to run around with women?Apparently there is no such hobby.Here comes the question, why does he take women around?There is only one answer, that is, there is no heir to the huge family business of the Han Dynasty!

The origin of the women around Liu Yan is not complicated, most of them are direct daughters of subordinate families.As a ruler, he could not refuse his subordinates to force women to serve as female officials or maids, because once they reached the status, they had to have a facade, which included some beauties who specialized in serving, even as scenery.

No one will reject beautiful women. It is one thing to look at it, but it is another thing to do other things you like to do.In fact, people are not "pile drivers". Everyone has a love for beauty, but who can bear it if they sing and sing every day?

How will Liu Yan deal with Yang Yu leading people to block Sun Chuo?The more obvious thing is that Murong Yanguo and the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting turned against each other, which is definitely a favorite of the Han Dynasty. The literati are looking for a place...whether it is a literary fight or a martial fight. The people on the side don't care what the result is.

"What does An Shi think Yan should do?" Liu Yan's self-proclaimed modesty made Xie An astonished.He has reached the point where he can be called a widow, and he is actually getting closer to that step.

Xie An was surprised by Liu Yan's self-proclaimed name. Any person who holds a powerful army and occupies a huge territory, if not a lonely person, even calls himself "I" is also appropriate.The reason why he clearly called Liu Yan the king just now is that he actually looks like that. He has enough strength and has a territory. He is so modest, he doesn't look domineering at all.

How do you say that?Excessive modesty can become a kind of hypocrisy.Xie An didn't know the above sentence, but he could fully realize in his heart that the reflection in the pupils of this young man who claimed to be famous in front of him was nothing but the whole world!

In such a year, if you occupy the top of the mountain, you are the king. When there are too many people waiting to be called the king, the king is not enough to show greatness. As a result, the barbarians created a title of heavenly king.For example, Shihu called himself the king of heaven, making the rest of the barbarians feel like a dwarf if they didn't call themselves kings of heaven.For example, Murong Hao also abandoned the title of Yan Wang, which does not seem domineering at all, and changed his name to Yan Tianwang.

Liu Yan doesn't have the problems of the barbarians, and he doesn't look like some grass-headed king. He comes from a time when he paid attention to "low-key" and talked about building walls high, accumulating food widely, and becoming king slowly.For him, the title of Wang is just a title. When the time comes, it will come naturally. If the time is not right, what does it mean to be self-proclaimed.

How to deal with Yang Yu leading people to surround Sun Chuo?Before there was a big fight, it was the trouble of Murong Yanguo and the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting, and it would be Liu Yan's trouble after the fight.Before that, the most beneficial thing for the Han tribe is... Even if the two sides don't fight, they still have to stumble to make the two sides fight. There is no such thing as national righteousness in it, but it is only related to interests.

Xie An was able to clearly detect Liu Yan's evasion, and asked slowly: "I heard that Mr. Liu wants to protect the descendants of the Han family. I don't know if Sun Chuo is considered a descendant of the Han family, and those soldiers of the Jin army who are about to bleed to death?"

Is this Xie An's test for Liu Yan?For example, Zhuge Liang avoided seeing twice before visiting the thatched cottage three times?
In fact, Liu Yan is now thinking of visiting the thatched cottage, so he can't comment on Liu Bei's desire for talents, but there is a big debate about whether Zhuge Liang is known as the number one wise man in the Three Kingdoms.

Zhuge Liang, known as the number one monster in the Three Kingdoms, no matter what considerations he proposed to divide the world into three parts, compared with those northern counselors who are determined to sweep away the troubled times and bring peace to the world, the so-called number one counselors in the Three Kingdoms... ...The determination itself seems to be extremely lacking.One wants to occupy a random place and wait for the opportunity, and the other ones focus on the whole world from the beginning, comparing the two without looking at their own talents, the size of the layout is really incomparable.

There is nothing indisputable about "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" being a masterpiece, but it is... inappropriate to regard the novel as history.

How high you stand and how far you can see, and then you are determined to decide the goal of struggle.No matter what Zhengshuo's theory is to praise Liu Bei's camp, to belittle Cao Wei's camp, or perhaps to ignore the Soochow camp, Zhuge Liang's flaws can never be made up for by a lot of "borrowed" battle examples, just one Knowing that the Northern Expedition is not an option, it is no match for the population, no comparison for the material goods, to beat up a good land of abundance and lose its youth, and after his death, the Shu Han has no one to use. This is what the so-called number one wise man in the Three Kingdoms can do. thing?
[Perhaps Zhuge Liang knew that the unification of the world was unstoppable, he played a big game of chess, and realized that the Sima family would kill Cao Wei in the end, so he kept sending heads to increase the prestige of the Sima family? 】Liu Yan looked at Xie An with a smile on his face: 【A monster who can even borrow the wind, that seems impossible. 】

Xie An was a little terrified by Liu Yan's straight gaze, just because he saw a smile in Liu Yan's eyes, no, maybe it was a kind of sarcasm?
Liu Yan didn't mean to look down on Xie An. There is a saying about his appearance. Xie Xuan of the Xie clan is also a ruthless character who can borrow wind from God. The difference is that Xie Xuan finished the battle of Feishui He resigned from his post, which shows that Xie Xuan is a sensible person, he knows what it means to be a master of great power, and he can still leave his name and reputation by living in seclusion early.

Purely in terms of blood, Sun Chuo, including those soldiers of the Jin army, is undoubtedly one of those Liu Yan needs to protect. The question arises whether those people who need to be protected recognize Liu Yan.

"So... if Sun Chuo is willing to serve in the Han Dynasty, those soldiers of the Jin Army are willing to change into our uniforms, or if they wear our 'number plates', then of course Yan has the responsibility to protect them." The number plate that Liu Yan mentioned used to be wooden, but now it has been changed to iron, which is divided into ordinary identity cards and military plates.He didn't lie at all: "The Han army has the responsibility to protect anyone who agrees with us, but it's limited to this. We didn't shout to save the whole world."

At that moment, Xie An felt that Liu Yan was not a qualified ruler. A qualified ruler must know how to speak big words, even if those words are false.He was still about to say something when a bell rang in his ear, followed by a burst of shouting.

It was at least tens of thousands of people saying the same thing, because the voice was too loud, it sounded very clear, it was shouting: May the heroic spirits who died in battle be with us, the people of the Li people will be rich and healthy, the king will live for thousands of years, and the Han army will be mighty !

Xie An had heard such shouts more than once, and felt strange at first, but later learned that they were praying.

It is prayer, which is not the patent of "Green Family" or "Cross Family". The real situation is that prayer ceremonies have existed in China since the Shang Dynasty, and they were especially popular in the Spring and Autumn Period. Among them, the most solemn and grand one is the former The Jin army...is the Jin of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jin that was divided into three families, not the current Eastern Jin.

In the Spring and Autumn Period of the Jin army, their prayer ceremony on the battlefield even frightened away the Chu army who dared to ask for the title. It was tens of thousands of Jin troops who knelt on one knee and held their weapons upward in the voice of the password. Recite: Thank God for giving us a temperate weather, thank our parents for raising a strong body, so that we have enough rations and bodies to gain glory on the battlefield, and we will conquer any enemy and plunder everything they have.

In the Jin army in the Spring and Autumn Period, the god they talked about was not the one in the west, but the Supreme Supreme God of Haotian Jinque, Natural Mira to the True Jade Emperor.The title is so long, so I asked, are you afraid? ?Anyway, when the Chu army at that time heard it, oh my god, they actually prayed directly to the boss in the sky, and even publicly talked about conquest and plunder. They are more barbaric than us, so we must be afraid!
The current Eastern Jin Dynasty has long had no prayer ceremonies, but a group of barbarians such as Shijie Zhao Guo have similar ceremonies, but only the nobles and royal families are qualified to pray, and it is enough for the soldiers to watch.

Xie An was also afraid. He heard the meaning of Liu Yan's words. Only those who agree with each other are their own people. All Han people including Liu Yan absolutely have no cheap responsibilities, and some are just tied to each other equally. Responsibilities and obligations, don’t be the Virgin whose brain is caught in the door.

In an area they couldn't see, Yang Yu, who led people to block Sun Chuo, was also startled by the sudden shout.

In fact, even though Yang Yu has been in Xia Mi for a long time, he has not tried to understand why at a specific point in time, not only the Han troops here in Xia Mi, but also the Han troops anywhere would shout (pray) like a madman. .He saw with his own eyes that when the soldiers of the Han Dynasty who were patrolling heard the sound of the bell, they would kneel on one knee and hold their weapons and shout along. No matter how many times they saw it, they would feel that it was a disease that needed to be cured.

(End of this chapter)

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