sweeping the world

Chapter 302 What is a Celebrity?

Chapter 302 What is a Celebrity?
To be honest, Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao originally thought in the same direction, but as they got to know more about the Han tribe, the development of the current territories of the Han tribe, and the structure of the Han army, they seemed to be infected with it. It belongs to the arrogance that the Han army should have...or domineering.

"There are over [-] armored cavalry, more than [-] sudden cavalry, and nearly [-] light cavalry." Huan Wen counted with his fingers: "[-] elite infantry, nearly [-] soldiers at the county and county level, and more than [-] more. Soldiers worthy of a battle. An Shi, this is the army you can use now."

"So many armored cavalry equipment?" Xie An was deeply surprised: "Shijie Zhao Guo used all the power of the whole country to train three thousand armored cavalry equipment. The Han army has only developed for four years. Qingzhou was occupied and abandoned. There are only a few islands. How can it be possible to share a narrow territory with Liaodong..."

"There are really so many." Yuan Qiao said with great certainty: "Joe's current position is involved in the transportation of luggage, and he is also involved in the division of logistics. What Yuan Zi said is absolutely the truth."

Xie An was really surprised.As far as he knows, there are only a few countries that can have armored riding equipment. It seems that only Shijie Zhao and Murong Yan can have the number of three thousand. Two countries rely on armored equipment to become the overlord of the Central Plains. , and the other is punching Fuyu and kicking Goguryeo after becoming the overlord of Liaodong.

"Ran Min also has armored riding equipment, the number should be about [-]." Huan Wen said with a wry smile: "Most of the armor and weapons were provided by our side in the early days. Chang Shi (Ji Chang) inadvertently revealed that, If the armor and weapons are sufficient, Ran Min can organize a cavalry force of over ten thousand."

"Then it means that the Han tribe has no shortage of military armor and equipment. As long as there is a suitable source of troops, it can be equipped as a heavy cavalry?" Xie An was so surprised that he was in a state of numbness, and his face was absent-minded: "How could it be possible? With such productivity, why is it only equipped with three thousand armor riding equipment?"

"The Huben Army has extremely strict requirements on the source of troops, not only riding skills and fighting skills, but also traceable backgrounds, and then there is a limited number and the method of eliminating the good and the bad." Huan Wen thought that he had made it clear and would not continue That topic turned to the discussion at the beginning: "So, it is only natural not to be afraid of the imperial court's attack, and it is not a bluff."

"Actually, why don't we know something?" Yuan Qiao said bitterly: "If the Northern Expedition is really possible, how can we turn a blind eye to the emptiness of Xuzhou. Now it seems that there are envoys coming to Xiami, I am afraid that there is no need to say too much."

All three were descendants of aristocratic families from the south of the Yangtze River, and two of them were the patriarchs of the family. Huan Wen was the patriarch of the Huan clan, one of the four great clans in the south of the Yangtze River.

It is precisely because they know what is going on south of the Yangtze River that they deeply know that it is not surprising that Liu Yan does not respect the Sima royal family. Who of those powerful families south of the Yangtze River respects the Sima royal family?
"To tell the truth, Anshi, Wen really wants to work well under the command of the emperor." Huan Wen said the absolutely explosive news: "Although the Huan family is one of the four great powers in the south of the Yangtze River, Wen dares to be sure. Wen's newly established Huan family in the Central Plains will definitely be stronger than the main family in the south in the future, and even the main family in the south will have to rely on the Huan family in the Central Plains in the future."

Xie An was stunned. The reason why a family is a family is not only because of their wealth, but also because of their connections that ordinary people can't imagine, and there are many aristocratic families relying on him for development.He heard what Huan Wen said that the Huan family in the Central Plains would become the savior of the Huan family in the south. Does that mean that one day the Han army will go south, and it will be a sweeping force?
It took four years to grow from nothing, and there are nearly 20 troops. Who would believe it?It's not the kind of mob that resembles refugees, but the kind of combat-capable and well-organized troops, which really makes people think hard.

"Some time ago, our army attacked Pengcheng, mainly for training." Huan Wen now has no psychological barriers to saying "our army": "Wen has made great achievements, and now he is the captain of the school, and he is a noble."

Huan Wen's official position in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was that of Langya's internal envoy (equivalent to the prefect), and his title was county male.I have to say something like a joke, Langye refers to Langye County, and Langye County is occupied by Shijie Zhao State.

Huan Wen, the envoy of Langxie, was such a vain leader that after he accepted the eldest princess Sima Xingnan of Nankang, the court proposed to be promoted to general of the Fuguo, but the general of the Fuguo was actually a general with a miscellaneous name.

The generals in the Eastern Jin dynasty are worthless, as long as they are from aristocratic families and join the army, they are basically generals. The difference is whether they can actually lead the army, but not everyone can lead the army.

As far as the title is concerned, the title of the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting is even more worthless, let alone a county man, so what if it is a marquis?One thing to be really aware of is that when the Sima clan usurped the throne, he sent out hundreds of marquises to win over various clans and aristocratic families. It was almost a situation where everyone had a share.

Huan Wen was a noble man from Wanning County, inherited from his father. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it should be said that the title of county man was very worthless. If he did not have a real estate of [-] households, he would be completely out of the ordinary.

Yuan Qiao was a marquis in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but he was a township marquis, that is, Changhe township marquis.Marquis sounds like a lot, but the problem is that he is a Marquis, that kind of title that sounds like a dick when he hears that he is a Marquis, but he is stunned when he finds out that he is a Marquis.

That's right, that's what Sima's titles were when he usurped the throne. Many marquises don't own as many towns as barons. That's why the Huan family is clearly one of the four great clans, but the head of the family is the county man. s reason.That is to look at the food, not the title.

"Compared to the titles that are just jokes, the titles here are real." Huan Wen said calmly and calmly: "You can enjoy the treatment of any rank, and you can get it if you have the ability! "

Yuan Qiao said with a smile: "It is precisely because of this environment that everyone strives to be the first, and everyone is full of expectations for the future, which is obviously different from the stagnant pool in the south of the Yangtze River. Anshi should understand what this means."

Of course Xie An knew that, but he felt that the irony was that they seemed to be the vested interests in the rigid social system, and they were the group with the larger interests. As a result, Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao had a "rebellion" because they thought they were Will his ability climb higher, or will it be a kind of self-destruction after being abandoned?

Huan Wen seemed to be telling the truth: "Seeing the strength of the Han army, think about the strong productivity. With elite troops and strong productivity, plus there is no shortage of food, and then look at the vibrant society. With Anshi's Wisdom, can't you see it?"

The three of them talked from the early morning to the afternoon, and they talked about a lot of things, eating and drinking were settled on the spot, until Sun Chuo woke up from a hangover, or it was very likely that they would continue talking all night.

In other words, talking all night, even two days and two nights without rest, is not abnormal for people who are interested, especially if they are extremely excited.

After Sun Chuo woke up, he didn't have the slightest intention of leaving. He couldn't find Xie An, so he shifted his mind to Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao, because he was still a warrior with high force value.

"There are." Huan Wen said distressedly: "The problem is, they are personal soldiers, not trilogy!"

What is the part?It is the retainers. The recruitment of trilogy is very popular in the south of the Yangtze River, and almost any talent will be recruited.People who are not from the descendants of aristocratic families want to embark on official careers to change their own destiny. There is no other way out except to become a part-timer for high-ranking officials. Therefore, later generations will say that the two Jin Dynasties are a desperate era, and they are not only referring to Huren It is raging, and it is difficult for children from non-noble families to succeed.

Sun Chuo had plenty of free time to chat, and Xie An, Huan Wen, and Yuan Qiao, who had passed the conversation, were overwhelmed by sleepiness. First, Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao said that they had business to leave, and Xie An continued to entertain Sun Chuo despite the sleepiness.

Xie An really couldn't stand it for too long, after repeatedly hinting that he was too sleepy to die, Sun Chuo finally took his leave and left.

The next day, it should be around noon?Xie An woke up from his sleep. He opened his eyes and stretched his waist. He supported the bed half-slantedly with one hand. What he saw were the backs of two straight warriors in corsets. This discovery stunned him. Dazed.

There were far more than just two warriors. Xie An got up and dressed under the service of his followers. On the way to wash up, he saw warriors and armored soldiers everywhere.How could he not guess that some important person from the Han Dynasty came over, but he didn't have to show anything, he just went to wash up when he needed to wash up, and he should do what he should.

The place where Xie An lives is a residential area that can be seen everywhere in Xiami. It was actually quite chaotic when he came here. After a few days of cleaning up by the entourage and two warriors, it was a bit like a home.

Precisely because it can be seen everywhere, and it looks a bit dilapidated, there will be no scenery to watch in such a place, and the only thing that can make people wait and stay, except for the small front hall, is the very ordinary thatched pavilion outside.

Xie An had already observed it just now, no matter who came, it was not in the front hall.After washing up, he even drank some porridge when he had time, and after rinsing his mouth, he went to the outside of the house to look at the pavilion with slow but steady steps.

The pavilion indeed has a thatched roof, and because of the narrow space, there will never be any scenery around it, and even if there is, it will be blocked by rows of burly soldiers by the fence.

A desk was placed in the airy pavilion, and from a distance, a man in black could be seen in a lazy posture with one hand propped on his elbow, and the other hand was holding a book or something. .

Several maids in ladies' attire and fur cloaks were busy making tea and wine.While doing things, it can be found that they will definitely sneak a peek at the man who is reading a book intentionally or unintentionally.

The man who looked very young was of course Liu Yan. He found Xie An standing at the door, smiled and nodded as a greeting.

Xie An subconsciously smiled and nodded. After completing this set of movements, he was stunned. He didn't understand why and subconsciously followed the same movements.

At this time, a scribe passed through the sentry area of ​​the soldiers and quickly entered the vestibule. He also nodded to the slightly dazed Xie An as a greeting, and walked to the pavilion without stopping. After saluting, he said: "Your Majesty, Yang Yu led people to block Sun Chuo."

Xie An was stunned, he already knew that Yang Yu had been targeting Sun Chuo all the time, but he never thought that he would lead people to surround him in broad daylight.

"Where is it?" Liu Yan not only had a lazy posture, but also his voice sounded a little lazy: "Did there be a fight?"

The scribe is Yang Dun. He looks quite cold. If he doesn't have that bookish air, he will look a little strange.Without any emotional fluctuations, he said: "It's just blocking." He paused and tilted his head, and then said: "When I came over, I saw Sun Chuo's entourage running back to the post."

Liu Yan's attitude towards the cold personality of the newcomer's secretary Lang is a gloomy attitude, but Yang Dun can't hold back that he can do things, and he won't chew his tongue.

In other words, Yang Dun is not famous, he thought he was famous because he refused to be a successor to someone from the same clan.It's purely because of his bad reputation that he will appear on Liu Yan's side. Many of Lu Yi's friends are coming, and when he finds out, he simply wraps up his package and comes to Qingzhou. After passing the assessment, he turns out to be Liu Yan's secretary.

What is the official position of Secretary Lang?Cao Wei Shizhi belonged to the secretary province, in charge of books and classics, or called secretary doctor.

Yang Dun is a person who manages related documents for Liu Yan. It is obviously appropriate to call him a secretary. The official position is not big, but I don't know how many people are staring at this position.

Liu Yan waved to Lu Shaoyang and said, "Go and have a look."

Lu Shaoyang performed the ceremony and replied: "No!"

At this time, Liu Yancai looked at Xie An again, straightened his body, and made a "please" gesture from afar.

Xie An started to step forward without hesitation. He went up to the pavilion and bowed politely before kneeling down and sitting down.The moment he sat down, a maid brought a plate, made a gesture of raising his eyebrows, served a cup of matcha, and put the plate containing the rest of the ingredients on his desk.

"I often hear that there is no extravagance in Qingzhou, and I hate that the southern gentry always bring women by their side?" Xie An met Liu Yan's eyes openly, and after saying the above words, they looked at each other quietly .

Yang Dun, who was standing on the side, moved his gaze over and stared straight at Xie An.

All the samurai and armored soldiers present turned their eyes to Xie An in an instant. The next moment, the warriors and armored soldiers turned their eyes away and scanned the surroundings vigilantly again.

For a moment, Xie An could feel the sharpness of those gazes, and said that he was sweating a little too much from being frightened, but his heartbeat really became a little faster.Seeing that Liu Yan was smiling and didn't talk to him, he sipped some matcha tea without adding any strange things, and asked very seriously: "But I don't know how the king will deal with the matter over there?"

It is said that Yang Yu led people to block Sun Chuo...

(End of this chapter)

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