sweeping the world

Chapter 272 Looking forward to the "Master Wang" like looking forward to the rain

Chapter 272 Looking forward to the "Master Wang" like looking forward to the rain

If Shijie Zhao Jun continues to use Wang Luan as the commander, even if they lose in the end, they will probably lose better?
The problem is that Wang Luan realized that the situation of the Jin people in Shijie Zhao Guozhong was getting more and more worrying, and it had even begun to spread to the upper class. He felt panic and coupled with the fact that the Xuzhou battlefield had become an established fact of corruption, he chose to back down.

Wang Luan used his main force to confront Liu Yan. Although the rest of the battlefield was at a disadvantage, the Shijie Zhao army under Wang Luan's command at least seemed to be confronting the Han army.

After being replaced by Zhai Bin, it seems that Shijie and Zhao Jun collectively suffered from the symptoms of "declining IQ". In just two days, the war situation became unmanageable, until the battle roar caused the fact that the battle was defeated.

Maybe it's not that Wang Luan is too powerful, or that Zhai Bin is too incompetent.One of them is a general from the Jin Dynasty. With the knowledge of the crystallization of civilization, Wang Luan is able to fight steadily. The other is Zhai Bin, a Dingling who completely relies on instinct to command operations.
It was also Zhai Bin's unlucky encounter with Liu Yan who wanted to launch an offensive with all his strength, and Zhai Bin himself was too arrogant and didn't know how to assess the situation, so the tilt of the battle took place within two days.

Zhai Bin has Shi Hu's trust, but Shi Hu is not on the battlefield in Yecheng.Zhai Bin can take advantage of Shi Hu's power. If he is a little gentler and more rational, he will either accept the command immediately or have a command style that is completely different from Wang Luan. People naturally think that they are also being consumed. As a result, the Jie people in the army also hesitated, and the newly promoted Ding Lingren, who became the commander, was completely rejected.

A good war, because a shit stirrer turned into an anticlimax...

Liu Yan led all the heavy cavalry, including the Huben Army, onto the field. Each of them originally thought that they would become a dazzling presence on the battlefield, but the real situation was that the assault cavalry and even the light cavalry were much more beautiful than them.

The armored heavy cavalry was just a charge, and the infantry drove in, and the rampage directly killed the Chinese army. The Zhao army in Shijie, who was in chaos along the way, did not resist at all. Cavaliers who loaded heavy horses felt dull.

The assault cavalry originally followed the heavy cavalry to "eat ashes", but later Liu Yan found that it was meaningless, and consciously began to order the assault cavalry and light cavalry to cut the battlefield.

Nearly [-] assault cavalry and light cavalry became the busiest existence on the battlefield. They sometimes scattered to drive away, and sometimes gathered to attack the resisting enemy army. They were more industrious than bees, but they were not "buzzing". It is stepping on the shocking horseshoe, performing division and encirclement countless times.

Later, the infantry of the Han army began to cooperate with the cavalry, cutting and encircling a part of the enemy army, which was covered by arrow rain first. The soldiers of Shijie Zhao army died and were pulled down. "If Shijie Zhao Jun surrendered, it would be fine. If Shijie Zhao Jun did not surrender, he would continue to be covered by arrow rain.

Under the repeated cutting and encircling and arrow array coverage, Shijie Zhao Jun had no ability to resist at all.The most unlucky thing for them is that the Han army only filled the trenches on the front of the camp, leaving the trenches on the other three sides intact. They could have escaped from facilities such as suspension bridges, but Wang Biao, who had been looking for opportunities, was The "killing blow" was given to them, and the bridge was destroyed.

There was a Han army at the front of the camp, and the other three sides were blocked by trenches. At the beginning, Shijie Zhao Jun, who was a little smart, gave up riding horses and chose to abandon horses and climb the trenches.Later, Wang Biao, a traitor, not only led his own troops to block the attack, he also called on the remaining Jin people in the army to block it together, saying that to set things right, the Han people would unite and complain.

In fact, there are not too many Jin slave soldiers in the Zhao army in Shijie. It is pure luck that they were not dragged up to suffer arrows and die. Excellent, if you can make some contributions, is it more likely to save your life?
The armored heavy cavalry including the Huben army were called out of the chaotic battlefield by Liu Yan after only two impacts. They happily became the scavengers of the battlefield. It was a charge that immediately fell apart.In this way, the depression in the hearts of these arrogant elites was relieved to some extent.

If you pay, you should be rewarded. Regardless of whether you were an enemy the moment before, Liu Yan showed this very well when facing Wang Biao.

"You did a good job!" Liu Yan was sitting on a high platform at this moment. He was sitting on a chair with Wang Biao kneeling in front of him.He just glanced at Wang Biao, who was kneeling and bowing and showing obedience, and spent the rest of the time either observing the map in his mind or watching the situation with his naked eyes: "Be the captain of the new attached army."

Wang Biao obviously knew what the new attached army was, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his lowered face, but his voice responded extremely obediently: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Look, I really know the structure of the Han Dynasty. Other places call it "Master", and the only one who calls "Junshang" is the Han Dynasty.

"Join with another new attached army, and you will preside over the follow-up recruitment." Liu Yan didn't have clairvoyant eyes, so he couldn't see Wang Biao's dissatisfaction just now.He said leisurely: "Perhaps... after this battle, you can become the captain of the field army?"

The Han Dynasty was divided into classes almost everywhere, and the army was even stricter. It was only through the promotion of slave soldiers, new attached troops, servant soldiers, and auxiliary soldiers that they could become a member of the field army.

This time Wang Biao responded with great joy: "No!"

The next battlefield entered the "garbage time". Thanks to Wang Luan's previous arrangements, the trenches made it impossible for the Shijie Zhao army to break through and flee on a large scale.

The surrender has been carried out at night. From the beginning of the battle to the end of the war, there are more than [-] Xuzhou soldiers in Shijie, not to mention the remaining local battlefields. Even if the [-] soldiers on the main battlefield are not as completely wiped out as the entire army, they can be regarded as wiped out. .

The battle damage and results are carried out overnight, and the torches on this side of the night can illuminate the clouds in the sky.The ending here is in full swing, and several other battlefields have begun to enter the decisive battle stage, but there is no comparison between the local battlefield and the decisive battle scene of the main battlefield, regardless of the area affected or the number of participants.

"We killed 600 people and killed [-] of the enemy." Sang Yu said slightly excitedly: "The ratio of battle damage is almost one to eight!"

What Sang Yu didn't say was that most of the Han troops killed in battle were cavalry, which were extremely precious cavalry for the Han tribe!

"There are [-] seriously injured people. Given that we already have a good medical treatment system, is it expected that the number of soldiers who will die in the future will be kept below [-]?" Sang Yu said this with pride, and then there was some Sigh: "If there is no good treatment method, in fact, there will be a large reduction in staff later."

That is a fact. In the age when there was no special medicine, coupled with the lack of knowledge of hemostasis, disinfection, etc., the wound infection and pus caused by battlefield injuries will definitely make the vast majority of wounded soldiers suffer from the pain and suffering of subsequent injuries. Death, the most terrifying time is that [-]% of the wounded soldiers died one after another due to lack of good treatment.

Sang Yu continued to introduce, and looked at Ji Chang after waiting.Sangyu was talking about the statistics of the final stage of the decisive battle.

Ji Chang took over the report position with a flat expression: "From the beginning of the battle of Xuzhou to the present stage, our death toll is 11, including the number of wounded and missing who can no longer fight, and the loss of combatants is 11. Ten people. The number of enemy troops we wiped out is rather vague, it should be around [-] to [-]."

The number of eliminated enemy troops sounds impressive, but most of them are mobs assembled improvised. The standing soldiers in Shijie Zhao army should be around [-]?
"We are still counting the prisoners of war, and there will be more than [-]." Ji Chang rarely smiled when he said this: "These prisoners of war will select Jin people and some Hu people as slave soldiers. It is estimated that [-] slave soldiers will be organized. The rest will be escorted back to the rear and become our labor force."

Liu Yan nodded, and said with a wry smile: "[-] killed? We only have less than [-] field troops."

Several people looked at each other and smiled bitterly, but what they smiled bitterly was that the object of their allegiance was too arrogant.

In fact, the Han army had about 900 troops against the Shijie Zhao army with more than 11 troops. It is already very fierce to win. The death of [-] people is really not that many, even if you count the wounded and missing soldiers who can no longer fight. Going in, they lost [-] people in exchange for victory. Compared with the result of more than [-], it is not an exaggeration to call it a big victory.

"Our original plan was to use the new attached army to supervise the slave soldiers, plus the necessary field troops, and use this army as the main force to deal with the Jin army?" Ting retaliates: "How many field troops do we have available now?"

Sang Yu replied: "Not counting the Imperial Guards, there are about 2. Counting the Imperial Guards, it should be [-]?"

"Where are Xie An's troops now?" Liu Yan narrowed his eyes when he got the answer and said, "You haven't captured Jiangdu and Jiangshui Temple yet?"

"The latest information is that the Jin army has gained an advantage in Jiangdu." Sang Yu pouted and said disdainfully: "The main force of the Shijie Zhao army is on our side, and the combination of Jiangdu and the Shijie Zhao army in Jiangshui Temple is only ten thousand Now, they have been fighting for a month and a half."

"Crossing the river is different from fighting on land." Lu Yi was not trying to explain to the Jin army. He said, "To be able to gain an advantage in Jiangdu within a month and a half, Xie An is very capable."

Liu Yan first agreed with Lu Yi's words, and then said: "The Jin army will soon capture Jiangdu and the Jiangshui Temple. Do they have the courage to continue going north?"

This question is very critical. It is related to how the Han army gave the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting a little color, so these people, including Liu Yan, are more looking forward to the Jin army adding more troops and continuing to go north.

………Dividing line………

Well, the second update.Is it a surprise to be able to update at one point?
In addition, I got dizzy before and confused Wang Yong on Wang Ji's side with Wang Biao on Wang Luan's side, and it has been corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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