sweeping the world

Chapter 271 Decisive Battle Moment

Chapter 271 Decisive Battle Moment

In fact, what kind of combat plan should be planned before, the difference is that it needs to be adjusted according to the actual changes in the situation.

Wang Luan arranged for a manpower to riot in Zhao's camp in Shijie?This is good news for the Han army, but it is impossible to say that they fully believe it.

There are not many adjustments made in the plan, only slight adjustments in the direction of the input of troops at certain points in time, and they need to know the real and accurate number and types of elites from Liu Yan.

"Imperial Guards?" Liu Yan has long since disappeared. Once he was asked about the embarrassment and crampedness of the system troops, he thought for a while and said, "There are nearly [-] armored cavalry, [-] assault cavalry, and [-] armored cavalry." Infantry, [-] crossbowmen, [-] crossbowmen, [-] pikemen."

Of course, this is not all the system troops that Liu Yan can use, but the precise number of troops he can use in the next battle.

Not to mention the heavy cavalry and assault cavalry, the newly "summoned" thousand swordsmen and some additional infantry units of other systems are waiting in the main camp.There are one thousand swordsmen, one thousand crossbowmen, seven hundred pikemen, and one thousand continuous crossbowmen in the infantry in front. These system soldiers act as "gears" to make the infantry so coordinated.

Liu Yan has always been aware of one thing, as long as he can "seamlessly connect" with the system troops anytime, anywhere, then he can change the direction of a battle if he uses it well.

Like now, the system troops in the circle don't need to say much, and there is no way to relay the orders from Liu Yan, but they will take the lead when they act.

The filling of the trenches last night went very well, and the trenches in some areas have been completely filled.What the infantry needs to do today is to continue to advance steadily inside and continue to fill in the trenches inside.

During Wang Luan's command of Shijie's Zhao army, this guy dug three trenches in the camp, each trench was three feet wide and one foot deep.They only need to adjust the wooden bridge that originally connected the two sides, and it will immediately become an obstacle. Maybe there are war horses that can leap three feet, but not all war horses can do it. Or just go in and climb.

The eight thousand infantry of the Han army had a very careful division of labor. The tower shield soldiers of the system troops and the non-system troops focused on defense, and the rest of the non-system troops temporarily acted as digging, packing, and filling trenches.Because of the detailed division of labor and the fact that the interference of Zhao Jun from Shijie would be dispersed by strong bows and crossbows, the filling operation proceeded very quickly.

This battle has almost entered the final stage. Liu Yan knows this, and Zhai Bin also understands it.

With a kind of enthusiasm ready to go, Liu Yan waited for the infantry to open the way forward, at least to fill in those trenches.Afterwards, he should ride on the field with a heavy armor, but he didn't know whether Shijie Zhao Jun would give him such a chance.

Zhai Bin has a mentality of rage and aggrieved. The Han army's strong bows and crossbows are really too strong. Not only the arrows seem to be inexhaustible, but also the tower shield soldiers that form the shield formation seem to be extremely elite. As the saying goes, it is difficult for him to attack at all, and he can only be led by the nose after taking over the command with the superior force.

No matter who and who thinks, the war is still going on.

It was almost noon when the situation on the battlefield changed as the Han infantry advanced to the third trench.Liu Yan, who was the main camp of the Han army, was once again fully clothed. All the heavy cavalry, including the Huben army, were waiting for orders to attack, and together with the six thousand cavalry, they were also ready to attack at various positions.

When the Zhao army in Shijie began to fill the third ditch in the Han army formation, Zhai Bin gradually lost control over the generals under his command. As a result, the situation in the camp became somewhat out of control, and many generals were arguing about Continue to fight or retreat topic.

In fact, the Hu people don't have the mentality of dying. Even though they have occupied the Central Plains for decades, their national habits are still a kind of "fight if you can beat it, and run if you can't beat it".In this way, if the situation is not good and you want to escape, there is really nothing strange about it.

Zhai Bin became even more panicked when he realized that he had lost control of the troops. He only brought over 500 soldiers, and he was able to command the troops purely because of Shi Hu's deterrent to the rest of the barbarians.

Shihu can act as a deterrent, provided that Zhai Bin is not so incompetent, but Zhai Bin's ability is more than one level worse than that of Wang Luan before.

Recognition among warriors is very important. Ability may not be respected sincerely, but the big guys are more or less willing to obey orders.If he didn't have the ability to appear extremely arrogant, it would be good if a similar commander was not shot to death with a black arrow from behind.

"Patriarch, there is a riot in the camp!"


Zhai Bin was dumbfounded when he got the report. He really didn't expect that anyone would dare to do that. After all, the current situation is only that the development of the war situation is not good for them, but their number of troops is almost twice that of the Han army. Everything is still there. There was a commotion during the fight. Doesn't it mean that he is incompetent to a certain extent?
"Suppress!" Zhai Bin was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood: "Suppress immediately!"

It wasn't the people left behind by Wang Luan that rioted, but some miscellaneous Hus first refused the order to fight again, and then more miscellaneous Hus joined in, and Wang Biao, who was from Jin, secretly fueled the flames.

It is impossible for Zhai Bin to suppress the riots while the state of war is still in place, especially if no one agrees with him.After finding that he couldn't suppress it, he began to prepare how to run away with a state of extreme panic.

On the other side, Liu Yan, who was waiting to attack, received the news that Zhao Junying in Shijie had caused chaos by himself, and thought it was someone arranged by Wang Luan to do it: "Those guys are not good at doing business, but they are good at making trouble."

The sound of exciting war drums was sounded, at least more than a hundred cowhide drums were hammered according to the same rhythm, and the movement was as if the earth was breathing.

The drums were accompanied by bursts of shouts, which were shouting: "Han Army! Han Army! Han Army!"

Following Liu Yan's order, the armed and heavy cavalry left the camp, followed by cavalry in various areas, which indicated that the time for the general offensive had arrived!
Of course, it is impossible for heavy cavalry to accelerate at full speed as soon as they go out. They need to drive to the front line at a relatively slow speed, and they will exert their strength after entering a suitable distance. Liu Yan is the first.

The Shijie Zhao army heard the thundering drums and the "Han Army" war cry shouted by the Han soldiers in unison. Everyone knew that the war had entered the most critical stage, but the Shijie Zhao army almost didn't care. What, they fell into a camp situation not long ago, and their own people started fighting with their own people.

"Soldiers, charge with me!"



"Han army mighty!"

………Dividing line………

No more!After changing doctors, I became extremely sleepy after taking medicine, and my mind was simply confused.Maybe a drug allergy?

This chapter has [-] words and has been coded for seven hours, and the honor is also drunk.Post this half chapter first, and see if I can post another chapter tonight.

Everyone, take care of your body too, health is so important!
(End of this chapter)

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