sweeping the world

Chapter 27 What is happiness

Chapter 27 What is happiness

Ah Xiang's body was moving, moving back and forth, she was being ridden by a figure, moving back and forth passively.what happen?What will happen to many Jin women in the Central Plains or Northland, they are being violated.

Not far from Ah Xiang, one after another, the bound male Jin people were bloodletted. The ground was covered with bright red blood, and the dazzling red pooled into a stream of water. Some low-lying places already had pools of blood. , Very, very many flies "buzzing" around.

Howls, howls from different starting points, some are about to die, some are like wild animals.

Yes, Axiang is not the only one who is being violated. There are at least thirty Jin women who are suffering humiliation and pain. The howls like wild beasts come from the mouths of the Hu people who violated the Jin women.

For Jin people, they are experiencing everything that seems to be in hell. The sky is approaching dusk, and the world will soon have no light.For the Jin people living under the rule of the Hu people in the Central Plains or the North, no matter how bright the sun is in broad daylight, there is no light in their eyes, and their bodies and minds are in the cold darkness.

Why not die?Soon to die!Ah Xiang longed for this very much.

Ah Xiang was located relatively close to the imprisoned Jin man, and she could see the imprisoned man through the gap in the fence. The person who met her eyes was a man with a dull expression and the same dull expression.If I remember correctly, that person seems to be my husband, right?

【By the way, what is my husband's name?It's called Li... What's wrong with Li?It’s only been over a month, and I can’t remember so many beautiful things…]

The vision became more and more blurred, it was because the eye sockets were filled with tears, Ah Xiang saw everything as if separated by a layer of mist.She couldn't remember a lot of things. She couldn't remember her husband's name. She couldn't remember the furnishings at home. She couldn't remember whether there was a stream in front of the door... Her body and heart were filled with humiliation and despair. Her mind felt like she wanted to scream when she recalled it. one month of experience.

"Husband, madam..."

A voice awakened Ah Xiang from her extreme trance, she tried her best to turn her head to look, and what she saw was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, who also had a beast on her body.

For Ah Xiang, this voice, this face, everything is very familiar, but who is it?She couldn't remember either...

"Ma'am, when will we die?"

"Yeah, when will you die?"

The girl's posture is a bit strange, her legs are raised high, causing her waist to be half-folded.With extreme pain on her face, she didn't know what to mutter, and her voice became lower and lower.

"...I really hope... that you can be buried after death,... no, no... being eaten..."

"Yes, what a happy thing it would be to be buried after death..."

Ah Xiang actually didn't know who Xiao Niang was, she really didn't have the slightest impression.According to the title, it should be someone from my own castle, otherwise I wouldn't call her madam.

The girl was silent. She tilted her head and the expression on her face had solidified. She looked extremely ferocious. There seemed to be a strange smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were full of expectation.

Yes, what a blessing it would be to have a touch of loess after death!

Ah Xiang knew that Xiaoniang was dead, and such things happened too many times.She heard the roar of wild beasts, and saw the little girl whose name she couldn't remember being picked up.

Ah Xiang knew that this person who forgot who she was, was about to be concocted, and would soon become food in the mouth of the beast.

There can be many misfortunes in the world. They are a tool for venting in life and food after death. Jin women in the Central Plains will not be the only one who has such an experience.

Such things have happened in the past and will happen again in the future, all because of the Jin Dynasty... that is, the Sima royal family, together with those bureaucrats and those who can escape, they romantically began to travel south in their clothes, bringing flowers to the country, and thousands of people. Abandoned by the people they were supposed to protect.

Countless people would curse the Sima royal family and everything that could be cursed before they died.

The sky in the Central Plains is floating, and the collected grievances are constantly floating, but the grievances are just grievances, and the illusory things are never difficult to change.Expecting the sky to strike down lightning and kill barbarians who are crueler than wild beasts one by one?God does not have the surname "Jin", so he has no obligation to avenge the people of Jin.

The Si~Ma~Jin family fled to the south of the Yangtze River. They were bringing civilization to the ignorant south, busy with banquets, singing and dancing to celebrate their escape from the tiger's mouth, and had no time to pay attention to what was happening to the people they left behind.

In order to maintain false stability, or because they were extremely afraid that they would not be able to survive even south of the Yangtze River, the Jin Dynasty court did not dare to accept the fugitives from the Central Plains.They seem to be very afraid of taking in the fleeing compatriots, which will attract Hu people to drink horses in the Yangtze River, and make them lose the last piece of land they dream of dying. If he is happy, he will not turn his attention to the south of the Yangtze River.

Ah Xiang really wanted to die, but she vaguely remembered that she couldn't die, and that after she died, she would harm someone important to her.

Yes, Jiehu told the captured Jin women that as long as they dared to commit suicide, they would do anything to their relatives.It's just that Ah Xiang forgot and couldn't remember, the figure of that little person was buried in the deepest part of memory.

A burst of cries seemed to reach Ah Xiang's ears, and she suddenly widened her eyes.

【Defeated?The 3000 people who went to battle were almost completely wiped out? ?The enemy army is heading towards Buqi City? ? ? 】

By the way, what is the Han army and does it have anything to do with the Jin people?Ah Xiang's thinking was a little messy.

However, it doesn't matter to Ah Xiang, as long as someone can kill these beasts, even being buried with them is a kind of happiness!


Not long ago, Erming City, who played in a majestic manner, returned. He took nearly 30 teams out, and when he returned, there were less than [-] people left.

Errong already knew the news of Erming City's defeat. Except for some of the Jie people who escaped back to Buqi City alive, the 300 people brought along were either killed or captured. ?Most of the survivors among them may choose to flee all over the mountains and plains, but there are really less than 30 people who have returned to Buqi City.

400 people against [-], only less than [-] of the [-] are left, and the opponent is completely wiped out?Errong wondered if he had heard something wrong, it wasn't something else, which tribe or tribe's leader would take out the tribe's armed forces to bury him like this?
Yes, Errong understands that even if the nearly [-] temporarily gathered people can win, there will be heavy casualties. He actually doesn't care how many people die. What he cares about is who will take out the tribal armed losses in such a meaningless situation. on the battlefield.

"They are coming towards the city?" Errong felt a little confused: "What kind of power? The Han? A newly rising power! It is not a small power that can produce at least [-] soldiers, even if it is Murong Xianbei in Liaodong only has [-] armored soldiers with the power of the whole clan, when did armored soldiers become so worthless?!"

Er Mingcheng looked extremely embarrassed, and he was still panting heavily!Taking a deep breath of air, he said: "Brother, now is not the time to pursue this matter. Hurry up and let people guard the city, and then recruit people from the surrounding area!"

Stick to the city?Although Buqicheng is the county capital of Changguang County, when has the city been repaired!The city wall with gaps everywhere is like a sieve.Calling people to defend the city?It is true that there are quite a few people in the city, but all the miscellaneous Hus who were called before were buried. In addition to about 3000 Jie people in the city, some "nationals" who originally lived in the county capital, it seems that there are only more than [-] people who have been arrested. The Jin people who came to make meat?

"Wait!" Errong made a silent gesture, and he pretended to listen attentively. After listening for a while, his face changed color: "So fast!?"

What's so fast?I heard a somewhat vague cry, it seemed like...a cry to kill?

Recommended book: "Rebirth of the Soviet Union"

PS:明儿个起恢复两章的更新,没有特别通知的话,Chapter 1改为早晨07:30,Chapter 2晚上07:30

(End of this chapter)

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