sweeping the world

Chapter 26 In Hell, Looking Up to Heaven

Chapter 26 In Hell, Looking Up to Heaven

In the eyes of quite a few people, Liu Yan doesn't look like someone who can fight.And indeed, Liu Yan also thinks that he is not some peerless famous general.

"Who would let the tribal armies divide into batches, instead of concentrating together to win?"

It won't be just one person who has a similar idea, but what do they know? If Liu Yan can gather [-] soldiers of the system at once, why is it so exhausting?

The battlefield was cleaned up, all the metals were gathered together, and the corpses were also selectively separated, and the soldiers belonging to our side dug several large pits to be buried together.Enemy corpses?Who cares so much!
After about three hours, Liu Yan led the troops and continued to march towards Buqicheng.

Compared with the silence when they came, the Jin soldiers who embarked on the journey again talked more, almost everything they said, and the most talked about was how many Hu people they killed to avenge their own people.A small number of people were comparing the number of enemies killed. Some people didn't kill enemies on the battlefield at all, but participated in the execution later.

"Are you planning to attack the city?" Tuobaxiu had too many questions, but Liu Yan didn't answer all of them.She said: "The Jie people are weak, but the overlord of the Central Plains is still the Jie people. You can show your power by doing that, but you have to face the next wave of revenge from the Jie people."

In fact, Liu Yan also weighed it. He didn't choose to do such a thing because of impulsiveness.

Yes, Liu Yan has almost no influence, and his strength is also weak. He has a thousand reasons to ignore those who are called Jin people instead of Han people, and are slaughtered and eaten by Jie people or some Hu people at will.

The strength is too weak, is this reason enough?Then he hid, as if he had never heard of thousands of Jin people being imprisoned to be made into human jerky, and he did not know how many girls from Jin were raped day and night, and girls were killed and eaten from time to time.

Many times, as long as you find an excuse for yourself, there will be countless excuses.Liu Yan doesn't know how other people understand it. He has read some professional psychology books, and he clearly knows that as long as people make excuses once, they will inevitably have another excuse.

Throughout the long history, people who want to do something big can avoid things because of unfavorable times, but they will never go against their hearts, especially when it comes to some necessary trade-offs, no matter how difficult they are, Even if they are defeated in the next moment, they will do it without hesitation.

People are advancing one after another with difficult choices and struggles. Many times... If you don’t make progress, you will fall down!

Many times, people have no choice, like Li Kuang from Jin, who has no choice.

Li Kuang should be regarded as a family, right?But that was before the Central Plains swing.The Jin family fled south, and many aristocratic families fled with them, and a considerable number of families stayed in the north and the Central Plains.They thought that it didn't matter who became the ruler, anyway, they were all responsible for paying taxes and taxes, but they were wrong.

This is the first time for the Hu people to rule the Central Plains, and no one has any examples to learn from before.The land of the Central Plains has been in turmoil since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. When the princes fought, the rulers changed again and again. They really thought that it would make no difference if the Hu people became the rulers.

Wrong, really wrong, there is a difference in the rule of the Hu people, the difference is huge, but when they regret it... there is no way to escape south!
About a month ago, Li Kuang's family was like many powerful people who stayed in the Central Plains. They built Wubao, recruited civilians, and lived a closed but moist life.

In the past, the Jie people had a kind of laissez-faire attitude towards Wubao, who would lose manpower if they fought, but could recruit things anyway if they didn't fight.But I don't know how it started, maybe it started from the collection of more and more taxes by the Jie people, and then more and more Wubao couldn't pay the taxes?The Jie family who didn't care much about Wubao in the past, actually used some people who are also Jin people to deceive Li Kuang's family's Wubao...

Li Kuang's family was over. After they were over, people were arrested and things were robbed.Li Kuang and others were coerced by the Jie tribe with the lives of their relatives, so they found a friendly Wubao, and they did the same trick of defrauding Wubao, almost repeating the process of their own victimization, but this time he stood up. on the side of the traitor.

Snowball!This family was deceived and led to the fall of Wubao. The victim's family found the next family. There were always some people with relatively good relationships. One family after another was really snowballing!
How many tyrants in Changguang County, whether they say they are careless, they say they have no brains, they say they trust easily, most of them are almost wiped out under the conspiracy of the Jie clan.I heard that the person who came up with the idea was a great Confucian from Jin Dynasty?Right!Only Jin people can come up with that kind of method, and even only great Confucians have enough knowledge to design a set of interlocking strategies, but their heart... how poisonous!
At this moment, more than 4000 people, including Li Kuang, were tied up one after another like pigs and randomly thrown into a large fence like livestock.

It hasn't rained in Changguang County recently, the ground is dry anyway, tied up, the chest is against the ground, but the hands and feet are upturned like an overturned tortoise, at least they won't be smothered to death by the mud.

Many people were sobbing, some because of the murder of their relatives, some because of their own stupidity... all kinds of things.Sigh or something, they are likely to be pulled out in the next moment, bloodletted like pigs, their throats cut off, eyes widened in horror and despair, greedily watching the last light they can see, and then slowly being swallowed by the darkness shrouded.

On the other side of the fence where the male Jin people are being held, about 700 Jin people and women are being held.Their age distribution is relatively wide, ranging from seven or eight years old to their thirties, most of them are in their twenties, and they are not tied up.

From time to time, Jin people who were imprisoned were pulled out. Male Jin people would wail when they were pulled out. smile.

Fewer women were pulled out during the day, and they would cry when they were pulled out, but most of the time they silently stared at the place where the men were being held, their eyes filled with numbness...

It's not that those Jin people who don't cry are more spineless, it's that they are completely desperate.For women, their husbands or children are dead, and their hearts are completely dark. They are not afraid of death, but actually desire it.

At night, especially in the evening, more women will be pulled out.They are different from the male Jin people. No one will return after the male Jin people are taken away, and most of the Jin people who are taken away will return again.What were they taken away for?Can't bear to say it.

In fact, it can be seen that if the detainees reach the fence, not only can they see how the male Jin people were killed, but they can also hear various voices before they die.Not only can you see how the male Jin people were killed, but also how the female Jin people who were pulled out were insulted.

Li Kuang's position is better, but it's not a good thing for him. Instead, there is a visual stimulus that drives him crazy.

The person was tied up in a kneeling position, the hair was pulled and the waist was bent backward, the throat was clearly exposed, a sharp weapon passed through the throat quickly or slowly, and the blood was like a leaking faucet. Going out, people are knocked down at will, and at that time they can only wait to die of suffocation.

One followed by another, and one after another their throats were slit.Looking at the speed of the busy Hu people, some Jin people whose throats were slit and survived will be lifted up by the Hu people and walked to a row of large pots that are being boiled. Unnecessary internal organs, and then the human body that was cleaned up and thought to be edible, was thrown into the cauldron where the water was boiled at will.

There will be a smell in the air, it is hard to describe what it is, there is a stench in the blood, it seems a little tired of smelling?It was the smell of human blood, feces, and urine mixed with boiled soup.

Li Kuang knew the person who was thrown into the pot just now. It was the patriarch of that family who led his people to trick Wubao into opening, causing their family's Wubao to be attacked by internal and external cooperation.

Originally, watching the death of an enemy should be a very pleasant thing, but Li Kuang really didn't feel any pleasure in his heart. He only thought that he might go crazy in the next moment, but he didn't go crazy all the time!

"When will it be my turn?"

Li Kuang really wanted to see the sky, but because his chest was on the ground, most of his sight was blocked by the fence, so he couldn't see the sky.

"I don't know if the sky is blue or not, if there are clouds..."


It's a shame that there are few updates, but can I ask for a recommendation ticket?

(End of this chapter)

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