sweeping the world

Chapter 24 Sharing the Glory of Killing the Enemy

Chapter 24 Sharing the Glory of Killing the Enemy
There is a saying in "Cao GUI Debates": When a husband fights, he also has courage!Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The battle is all about morale. The barbarian cavalry charging into the formation failed to defeat the Han troops who were fighting in formation. Erming City ordered the entire army to press forward, but it did not cause the Han troops to disperse. At this point, the actual battle was has entered consumption mode.

The cavalry lost their speed and lost their advantage. The cavalry standing in place is not as good as the infantry standing on the ground. It is not that there are no cavalry who want to retreat, but it is difficult for them to have enough space, and they are completely held back.

In addition, the Hu people who charged on foot, they ushered in a few waves of arrow rain on the way, leaving nearly a hundred lives and wounded before they got close.They ran into the shield wall made up of swordsmen. After all kinds of weird collisions, shouts, and roars, the collision of weapons and the screams of people joined in.

From the outside, except for the fifty Jie tribesmen brought by Erming City, all the others have joined the offensive. At the scene, a party with a large number of people formed a siege of three and attacked the Han army.

Many people thought that in this situation, the Han army would definitely not be able to bear the pressure, and they should escape through the rear route specially left by Erming City.But no, really not. Although the Han soldiers they saw were on the smaller side, they were still fighting calmly, silently, and calmly.

"I didn't expect... such elites would appear in Qingzhou without knowing it!" Erming City almost gritted his teeth and said, "I won't give in to His Majesty's Guards. Which force do they belong to?"

Ji Chang was always worried about how he would be accounted for when he went back, and he wanted to explain it, but he couldn't figure it out at all.

"When they are defeated and the battlefield is cleaned up, people are not allowed to hide them, and they must be confiscated!" Ermingcheng looked at the battlefield and said, "Those who dare to hide will be killed as soon as they are found."

Ermingcheng was speaking to the Jie tribe. He deeply believed that it was the enemy's excellent armor that showed such strong combat effectiveness.

Ji Chang wanted to talk about the quality of the Han soldiers, not just the quality of their armor, but his lips moved and he didn't say it.

After several battle losses, less than [-] system soldiers faced at least [-] enemy troops. In fact, the losses were greater when the cavalry charged into the formation. The exchange rate in the subsequent battles was definitely one to five. about.

A barbarian holding a wooden stick, he squeezed for a long time before he was able to squeeze into the battle circle. He was about to stab a spearman with the wooden stick in his hand, but he stepped on a corpse. Someone from behind pushed him again, and he fell to the ground as a result.

The fallen barbarian tried to stand up repeatedly, but his back was trampled on by a big foot. The violent suffocation made him feel like he was going to faint.He stretched out his hand and scratched randomly, felt the armor, looked very hard, and saw that he touched the armor of a soldier, the ecstasy in his heart dispelled the dizziness in an instant, and he was not trampled on the next moment.

The ecstatic Hu Ren was half standing. He rushed over and untied the armor of the enemy's dead man. Unexpectedly, with just a slight pull, the armor that originally looked very strong fell apart, causing the expression on his face to change. The ecstasy turned to shock, and the next moment a spear stabbed through his face, fixing the shock forever.

Using military buildings to produce soldiers, whether it is armor, weapons, or even as small as a belt, Liu Yan has long discovered that with the death of soldiers, there is an inexplicable restriction or something. The interior will be destroyed, the armor will fall apart, and the metal and cloth will corrode in a short time, making it difficult to reuse at all. At most, the metal can be collected and returned to the furnace to increase the iron unit.However, there is no limit to the items produced by the blacksmith shop, which is why Liu Yan was able to trade a hundred weapons with the Xu family.

More than 2000 barbarians attacked 400 people from three sides. In Liu Yan's mind, such a picture was a vast number of red dots squeezing towards the green dots from three directions. He could see the red dots melting in pieces, but the green dots The speed of disappearance is not slow at all.

"Hey! Your tribal armed forces are going to die!"

"Don't be noisy!"

Liu Yan stopped Tuobaxiu, and he had to command the soldiers of the system to fight. On the other hand, he had to speed up the production of soldiers, and at the same time, he had to pay attention to the changes in the surrounding forces watching the battle. It can be said that he was very busy.

Tuobaxiu had never seen a tribal leader who was even more prodigal than Liu Yan. He was a tribal armed force, and he was an elite soldier with excellent armor.

The whole process took about two and a half hours from the time of the battle to when Liu Yan retreated with the Jin soldiers and stood still again. The sun that was originally in the east had already moved into the sky.

Liu Yan led his men to retreat until they reached a slope about two kilometers away from the battlefield before stopping.

Except for a few people on horseback, the rest of the people who ran for two kilometers all seemed out of breath. They looked at the expressionless Liu Yan who was riding on the horse with suspicious eyes, and then they seemed to aim at random, as if they were looking at Liu Yan. Observing where the so-called reinforcements are, it seems like they are looking for a direction to escape.

[It’s all over..., the red dots representing the enemy on the battlefield have been reduced by a large amount, and the remaining number is estimated to not exceed [-]?Even some of the surrounding spectator forces that had turned neutral turned red. 】

Liu Yan was too far away from the battlefield and could only vaguely see some.

On the battlefield, Ermingcheng looked at the corpses and wounded all over the ground with a livid face. He brought out more than [-] people from Buqicheng, and several tribes joined him behind, making the number more than [-].

Nearly [-], there were [-] cavalry, they were really facing [-] enemies, but after a while of fighting, not to mention the first few losses, the leader of the Han tribe made a mistake later, they seized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight By the time the last Han soldier was killed, there were less than three hundred of them who could stand!
"In the world, there are such warriors!" Ermingcheng's face was very bad, but his tone was incomparably admiring, with unconcealable fear in his admiration: "After the lord escaped, all the four hundred warriors chose to fight to the end!" For a moment, no one escaped during the process, and no one made a sound! Such an army... such an army...", he took a deep breath: "If it wasn't for four hundred, if it wasn't for their leader who fled, the number would be Four thousand, with a leader who will never leave, who can be the enemy?"

In fact, not all barbarians died at the hands of system soldiers. Some barbarians got scared and turned around to run away after being beaten. The fleeing barbarians were either shot to death by the Jie tribesmen or chased to death by horses.It is estimated that some miscreants died due to crowding and trampling?Only 840 people actually died at the hands of system soldiers.

Why are the numbers so precise?That's because Liu Yan's system has an enemy kill statistics table, and the number on his statistics table is 89, which is a year's accumulation.Liu Yan guessed that the number of enemies killed must be of some use, but he has not figured it out for the time being.

"Military lord, the Han tribe...what kind of force, they don't even cherish such a warrior, how could they not perish! Are we going to chase and kill the fleeing enemy army?" Ji Chang said, pointing two kilometers away : "They've been there a long time since they fled."

Erming City is hesitating. Three thousand can fight four hundred like this. Now there are less than three hundred to fight against three hundred. Although the enemy's three hundred seem to be a group of slaves, but... Guilt!

"Master, there are many people from the surrounding tribes watching." Ji Chang really wanted to contribute more to avoid being punished after returning: "The master sent someone to invite and promise something, and there must be tribes joining the crusade."

Er Mingcheng was right when he thought about it, the Jie tribe is now the overlord of the Central Plains, and it is only natural to summon Zahu to serve.He immediately sent his people out, promising not to pursue the wait-and-see of those forces, and then promised that after the Han tribe was wiped out, he could share the armor and weapons.

Some tribes were really moved, mainly because Liu Yan left behind the elite of the tribe's armed forces, and the rest were only [-] slaves, and he felt that it was a closing battle to pick up cheap.In this way, within two or three hours, Erming City cobbled together a team of about [-] people.

Gathering more than 800 people, Er Mingcheng took another deep breath, pointed at the direction of Liu Yan and others with his mace, and shouted: "Go, kill them all!"

After standing for a long time, Xu Zheng didn't understand what he was doing standing on the slope, because the two sides were only two kilometers apart, and there was no cover in between, and they could actually see each other.He could see that the number of enemy troops decreased sharply after the fight, and he thought that Liu Yan was going to lead the fight, but he didn't.In the back, he was really at a loss when he saw the enemy advancing again, until he heard the sound of neat footsteps behind him, thinking that someone was coming from behind, he turned his head in horror, but he was stunned. up.

The sound of footsteps came from the woods not far away. A row of spearmen wearing red shirts came out of the forest first, followed by the second row, the third row...the soldiers lined up neatly , they are all red jerseys and black breeches, they are all tall and majestic fighters!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty's tribal armed forces!"


The Jin people who thought they were about to die were boiling, do you know how scared they were before?He even wanted to drop everything and run away, but he just stood there in a daze because no one took the lead.

Now, they stared at the troops coming in line, and the fear in their hearts disappeared in an instant, leaving only excitement, and a sigh of relief for the arrival of powerful reinforcements.

Tuobaxiu felt astonished as hell, she almost gnashed her teeth: "You, you are an absolute bastard! How can there be tribal armed forces dispatched separately, if eight hundred tribes are armed at the beginning..."

"Shut up!" Liu Yan glanced coldly at Tuoba Xiu, who was talking a lot. He took the reins and asked the horses under him to move. He trotted in front of the excited Jin soldiers and shouted: "Soldiers! The reinforcements have arrived. The enemy has been exhausted after fighting for a while. 400 people killed three thousand of them, and the enemy is already frightened."

The Jin soldiers were looking at Liu Yan, who was trotting on his horse.

"For how many years, you have been weak, you have been incompetent, you have been bullied, and you have forgotten that your ancestors are called Han! The Han who is not the Huns is a strong Han, a Han with one Han as the five barbarians!" Liu Yan turned to look at Seeing the Zahu army getting closer and closer, he ordered the system soldiers to advance directly towards the enemy in his mind. He raised his sword high and roared: "At this moment, I am willing to share the glory of killing the enemy with you! At this moment, it is time to wake you up The blood of the Han people belongs to the Han people! Let us slaughter the enemy!"

Xu Zheng took the lead and shouted: "Your Majesty is mighty! The Han army is mighty!"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with shouting that. After all, Liu Yan claims to be from the Han tribe, so the Han army is also right.

Han army, how many years ago, how many people shouted "Han army is mighty", and then galloped across the battlefield, killing the Hu people with fear, and killing the Hu people thousands of miles away!
The Jin soldiers looked at the advancing... Paoze?They looked at each other again, and one shouted "Han army is mighty", then the second, and then a large group of people shouted.

At this time, the friendly troops advancing in formation accelerated their pace, and their neat footsteps seemed to be beating war drums.

"Kill with me!"

"Ah hey!"

"The Han army is mighty..."

The war chants were irregular, but Liu Yan didn't care. What he cared about was the group of people from the same ethnic group who were still Jin people instead of Han people. They finally raised their weapons and had the courage. Their faces were not cowardly but ferocious, and they dared to charge against the enemy... …


In fact, one update can equal almost two chapters of 2K, right?
(End of this chapter)

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