sweeping the world

Chapter 23 Jin people?Waste ears!

Chapter 23 Jin people?Waste ears!
It was too fast, everything happened too fast, so fast that people couldn't react at all!

It was just a face-to-face meeting, but Lu Rong Ruichi, who was known for his bravery, was decapitated at the moment of charging each other? !
Liu Yan really wanted to play with holding the enemy's head with one hand, and holding the rein with the other hand, so that the horse under his seat would stand up and show a majestic side.It is a pity that he is not equipped with stirrups, so the chances of falling off the horse will be relatively high.

Erming City was still busy issuing orders and wanted to rely on Lu Rong Rui Chi to fight with the Han general. When the whole army pressed forward, his face became stiff the next moment.

On the other side, Liu Yan, who returned to the formation, had a joyful smile on his face. He wanted to kill the opponent who came to fight, but also turned into a neutral white because of more red marks.

[Seeing that more than [-]% of them have become neutral, it means that the guy killed just now is famous? 】

The Dilan tribe is not a big tribe in Qingzhou, but it has been in the limelight many times in recent years, all because of a warrior in the tribe, that is Lu Rong Ruichi.

Now, the face of the leader of the Dilan tribe was ashen. He looked at the headless corpse of Lu Rong Rui Chi on the battlefield and suddenly said "Uh, ah!!!", then he vomited blood and fell off his horse, causing some tribesmen to rush over. , and soon the leader was helped up.After a while, the troops from the Dilan tribe actually left the group.

"Damn it!" Er Mingcheng's face was really ugly, he glanced fiercely at the departing Dilan tribe, and turned to look at Ji Chang: "What's your idea?"

Ji Chang shrank subconsciously, waiting to say something, but saw that Er Mingcheng didn't have a horsewhip.He wasn't whipped, not because he was happy, but because he felt fear in his heart.Just because sometimes you don't get whipped on the spot, the consequences are more serious than being whipped!
Seeing that more and more onlookers around the battlefield have turned from hostility to neutrality, Liu Yan is already thinking that it is time to act in accordance with the established deployment.

Erming City now feels a little bit trapped in a tiger. He already knows what kind of enemy he is facing. The Han tribe does not look like a newly rising tribe.Even if a newly rising tribe is brave and good at fighting, it will not be so luxurious in military equipment. He should wonder if there are some forces who saw Zhao Guo's defeat in two consecutive national wars and inserted themselves in to stir up trouble.

While Erming City was hesitating whether to continue, there was a new move from the Han Department.

Liu Yan was ordering the Jin soldiers to retreat slowly, and the Han troops were divided into two parts. Then he saw that the elite troops also retreated a moderate distance, and actually left the thorn barriers on both sides.

"..." Er Mingcheng stared blankly.

"Master, what a great opportunity!" Ji Chang said with an incredulous look on his face, "They took the initiative to retreat and split into two groups. Without the cover of thorns, the cavalry..."

Although Ermingcheng was extremely confused in his heart, he didn't know whether the chief general of the Han Dynasty had a broken head, and he had the advantage to do that kind of inexplicable move.He didn't figure it out, but he wasn't an idiot either. It was his luck that the enemy did something stupid, "Hahaha!" laughed loudly, and then gave the order to blow the horn.


That was the signal agreed between Erming City and the left and right cavalry. The two groups of cavalry who heard the horn started to approach the Han.

"What do you want to do?" Tuobaxiu said blankly, "Retreat to a position where the enemy cavalry can penetrate left and right?!"

Liu Yan knew exactly what he was doing, he didn't have the time to talk to Tuobaxiu, and while he was concentrating on paying attention to the enemy's movements, he also needed to observe changes in the surrounding forces watching the battle.

Xu Zheng was also extremely nervous at this moment. He had just received the order. After receiving the order, they were close to 300 people and did not need to do anything else. Even if the sky fell, they only had to keep running. If they evacuated to the scheduled second battlefield, they would have completed the mission. .

Does retreat count as completing the mission?Xu Zheng had to wonder if he and others were undertaking some difficult task. When he noticed the movement of the cavalry that had been cruising on the left and right wings, he could not stop the fear in his heart from rising.

The rest of the Jin soldiers were also in a big uproar. They themselves had a lingering fear of the Hu people. They were guilty of being pulled into battle, and they were always worried about whether they would be treated as expendable items.As of now, Liu Yan didn't ask them to die, but not before doesn't mean "after" not!

"Everyone!" Xu Zhengneng could hear that his voice was extremely hoarse: "Your Majesty has never treated me badly, and the time has come to repay you!"

Most of the Jin soldiers were excited and shouted anything, but it seemed that less than [-]% of them wanted to sacrifice their lives for the service.

"The Jin people are indeed the most useless bunch of trash." Tuoba Xiu's face was full of ridicule: "Look at how you treat them well. When you need to fight side by side, how many people will follow you? So, the Jin people are slaves. She's just a maid, not suitable for the battlefield at all."

Liu Yan was a little speechless.

Nearly [-] soldiers of the system have been changing formations, from the previous flat and long form to an "eight" double flank formation, with spearmen on the outside, and swordsmen and archers on the inside.

Ermingcheng was watching with wide-eyed eyes. He wanted to know whether the Han tribe would recombine into an army next, or the part that watched the cavalry charge towards the elite.

Yes, the barbarians on the left and right flanks are facing the system soldiers.From a normal military point of view, it would not take much effort to defeat the vulnerable part first to accumulate morale, and then to clean up the mob.

However, the current situation in Erming City is a bit different. He believes that it is the right choice to attack the elite part first while the enemy army is in a mess.Just because he believed in one thing, that is, there are only so many elites in the Han tribe, and the elites are cleaned up first, and no matter how many remaining mobs in the Han tribe are, they are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Xu Zheng and other Jin soldiers were already waiting in fear for the end, but when they saw that the enemy cavalry was not charging towards them, they felt a mixture of emotions at the same time. They felt lucky and lucky, but also panicked.When they were a little overwhelmed, Liu Yan issued an order for them to run and retreat.

From the perspective of outsiders, what happened was that the Han tribe was in disarray, and the mob fled, forcing some part of the elite to stop retreating and fight on the spot.

"It's a bit different, isn't it? It looks more like the Han tribe did it intentionally to seduce the cavalry to take the initiative."

"Well, it looks like this. But... how can anyone use the elite to fight for consumption?"

Tribal armed!No one can bear the loss of tribal armed forces. The situation on the battlefield is really incomprehensible.

When the cavalry rushed into the formation, the sound of horseshoes alone should disturb people's minds. The problem was that what was waiting in the formation was a group of systematic soldiers who resolutely carried out the order.

Everyone was paying attention to the big collision that was about to break out, but they had no interest in watching the mob who turned around and ran wildly. Even except for a very few people, no one found that the always brave general of the Han tribe was also in the retreat.

Ermingcheng, who had been paying attention to Liu Yan, was one of the people who discovered it. His face was stunned for a while, then he laughed wildly, and then was ecstatic: "The enemy general has escaped!"

"Please, military leader, spread the word!" Ji Chang shouted loudly: "To disrupt the enemy's morale!"

Erming City didn't use Ji Changjiao at all in this aspect. He was already roaring when he found out, to stimulate the morale of his own side, and also wanted to lower the morale of the enemy army.

The problem is...it doesn't work!The system soldiers had no morale interference at all. They silently accepted the charge of the cavalry, and then killed or were killed mechanically.

In fact, as long as the infantry is in formation and does not get confused when encountering cavalry attacks, the casualties of the cavalry when they attack the infantry will not be much lighter than the infantry being charged.

It can be seen that the rushing Hu cavalry were first blocked by the spiked spears of the spearmen, and the people and horses were stabbed to death during the sprint. He fell off his horse.The infantry who withstood the first wave of impact, as long as they don't panic, can advance after suffering a certain loss. The cavalry who have lost their impact are facing the sharp weapons that are constantly being stabbed. At this time, it is not an advantage to be condescending. The target becomes larger.

The scene that Erming City expected did not happen. What he saw was that the cavalry's charge was stopped, and then they fell into a positional battle!

The cavalry did not achieve the expected results, and instead fell into a positional battle against attrition. There is simply no more worrying way of fighting than this.

"The whole army is on!"

Shouts came from the mouths of the Hu people again, and they felt that they had the upper hand.

On the other side were Liu Yan and others who had already distanced themselves. They didn't stop. They learned that tribal armed forces would come to support them later. The people who were originally in a trance were stunned for a while, and then they felt a little relieved, and their morale was also high. Get excited.


Please, allow me to save some manuscripts to use when I have a recommendation.Give me a chance to update the order for two or three days^_^
(End of this chapter)

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