sweeping the world

Chapter 238 Strong Bow and Crossbow

Chapter 238 Strong Bow and Crossbow
Hundreds of heavily loaded horses rushed forward with their hooves on. Although it can't be said to be earth-shattering, its momentum is definitely huge.

Forming a gun formation and waiting, some timid people would really want to escape in the face of the rolling heavy cavalry if they hadn't seen the calmness of their companions around them.This has nothing to do with timidity, it is purely a survival instinct of human beings.But the timid people are surrounded by people who look calm, and they will hesitate subconsciously, thinking: 【The companions are insisting, so let me persist, shall I? 】

Who stipulated that a hero must be a bold person?Heroes are often produced inadvertently, after a brief hesitation, before they react, they become heroes (dead).

Real warriors will not hesitate. They face the rolling horseshoes with calm expressions, well... because they are system soldiers.

The Longteng guard rushed in, and there were bursts of screams and screams in an instant. The impact force was at least one ton. If it hit the spear, it would be useless to have a piece of armor blocking it. It would be pierced directly, but the next moment The shaft of the spear will be broken, or the spear will be knocked and flew with too much force.

At the moment of the collision, the dragon guard on the horse was thrown out with a force, and the mount was stabbed into the body by the spear and let out a wail. The horse stumbled, and the horse's head slammed down heavily.

One after another, the armored and heavy cavalry were consumed. They might have died, but the knights who smashed forward cleared an open space and disrupted the spear formation; Plowing the ground must break open an area, or cause chaos in the formation of the Han army.

The loss of forty riders drove away or disrupted the spear array of the Han army. In the next moment, more dragon guards rushed in. They lacked the threat of long spears to exert greater power, but the picture they expected to see did not However, the infantry of the Han army did not panic and fled!
The rhythm is completely wrong. How can there be infantry who are not afraid of facing the battle with heavy cavalry?
The correct rhythm should be that the infantry panicked when facing the armed cavalry rushing into the formation, and ran around crying one by one, disrupting their formation!

In fact, many soldiers of the Han army were definitely scared to pee. They kept yelling "Mother" or murmured unconsciously. If you are too nervous, you can use more force to grasp the spear in your hand.

Zhao Qian watched helplessly as a armored cavalry that had lost its master knocked away the robe in front of him, and when it got to his side, its hooves were already limp and dragged on the ground with its belly, it was like a palm in front of him. stopped.At that time, he had to admit that he was really scared to pee, his crotch was wet, and his head was a little blank.

【Mother! 】Zhao Qian could swear that this was definitely not the first time he peed his crotch on the battlefield. He actually peed the first time he went on the battlefield.He subconsciously touched the head of the horse in front of him with the tip of his spear. The tip of the spear collided with the armor on the horse's forehead and made a crisp sound [thick armor? 】

The sound of heavy collisions and exclamations mixed together, and batch after batch of Longteng guards rushed into the Han army's infantry. After getting in, he rushed straight inward for nearly 120 meters before losing speed.

At the moment when the Longteng guards charged into the formation, the three thousand Huren Qingqi were enjoying the raindrops of arrows.

Huren Qingqi was scattered by the crossbow at 450 steps (675 meters). In fact, there are only fifty crossbows, and the target that can be hit is the same, that is, after the ten-foot-long crossbow arrow hits the target The scene was tragic enough, even if the knight was shot flying, even the man and the horse were directly nailed to the ground, which was very cruel.

After 450 steps (300 meters), it is covered by strong crossbows. The Han army's strong crossbowmen are only seven or eight hundred, and they can cover a square area of ​​about 12 meters at a time. The dense crossbow arrows falling are definitely cleared. An area, resulting in clusters of crossbow arrows all over the ground, the ground and the people or horses hit by the arrows are all crossbow arrows.Should the shooting frequency of the crossbow be ten breaths (about [-] seconds) per wave?
At 300 steps ([-] meters), it is covered by strong crossbows and strong bows. At this distance, Huren Qingqi seems to have stepped into hell mode, rushing forward one after another, but waves of arrows rain cover How much you rush forward is how much you turn your back on your back.

At a distance of 150 steps ([-] meters), Huren Qingqi is actually in a state of chaos. There is no formation, and some are just galloping forward.They wished, with all sorts of moods, to rush into battle, but they came within range of the repeating crossbowmen.

The continuous crossbowmen shot the crossbow arrows without stopping, so that the crossbow arrows in midair flew one after another with a sharp sound of piercing the air, and they were so dense that they would even collide with each other.

The 2000 barbarian light cavalry who were continuously covered by the rain of arrows had actually lost at least [-] cavalry when they rushed a hundred steps away from the Han army. No one would pay too much attention when everyone was rushing forward. , the result is that the remaining [-] or so two hundred riders are still moving forward despite the cover of the Liannu.

The Huren Qingqi who was stepping forward couldn't see what kind of situation he was facing, but Deng Heng could see clearly.

It can no longer be described as tragic. Huren Qingqi galloped in a dense or scattered manner. Their dashing forward seemed to crash into a barrier. The raindrops of crossbow arrows kept falling. The barrier made of crossbow arrows fell down, and gradually the corpses of people and horses piled up into a hill made of flesh.

Originally, Shijie Zhao Jun, who cheered because the Dragon Guards had successfully rushed into the formation, stopped shouting a long time ago. The scenes they saw were different depending on where they were located, but they could always see the arrows that were constantly being shot into the sky, causing the light to dim How dense the vector is.No need to look at the tragic situation on the battlefield, everyone knows what kind of situation such dense arrow coverage will cause.

"Strong crossbows and continuous crossbows?" Deng Heng laughed like he was crying: "Information does not show that the Han army has so many crossbows, or even continuous crossbows."

Most of the generals of Zhao Jun in Shijie obviously have a lot of thoughts at this moment, but their minds are blank.

If there are crossbows, there are crossbows. If there are not thousands of them, it will scare recruits. The actual effect can only be shown in siege battles.

But... the existence of the strong crossbow and the continuous crossbow is extremely terrifying.

The emergence of the crossbow has changed warfare, not because of how far it can shoot or how powerful it is, but because the crossbow can greatly increase the number of long-range troops. It takes a while to raise the crossbow and launch it.

It is said that crossbows have changed warfare, which is recorded in history.Before the crossbow appeared, only samurai who had constant production were eligible to join the army. The samurai usually did not do production, but only practiced martial arts, close combat fighting skills, and long-distance bow shooting.Because of the need for professionalism, the number of troops who have repeatedly participated in the war has been greatly reduced, and civilians basically do not participate in the war.

The appearance of the crossbow gave civilians the qualifications to participate in the war. A warrior who has been fighting for decades, no matter how brave he is in the face of the crossbow, he can kill it with a single shot of the crossbow, which directly hit the existence of the samurai.If you can be sent to the battlefield after a short training, then the number of people participating in the battle will increase.

According to historical records, before the appearance of the crossbow, there were already a large number of troops composed of two thousand warriors, but after the appearance of the crossbow, it opened the door for civilians to participate in the war. Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops participated in the war became common.

"The Han army has crossbows, and even a woman can fight with them." Cui Xuan's face was ashen: "At this time, it is no longer appropriate to count how many soldiers Liu Yan has to fight. As long as Liu Yan is willing, he can draw Raise a sufficient force."

Deng Heng took a deep breath. The large-scale appearance of crossbows not only had that effect, but also foreshadowed several things. The productivity of the Han army was far stronger than expected, and the cavalry no longer represented an advantage.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Li Ling led 1 troops. Just because he had enough crossbows and enough arrows, the result was that the [-] infantry resisted the attack of [-] cavalry and killed more than [-] cavalry until the arrows were exhausted. had to drop.And this battle still took place on the plains!

The Longteng Guardian fell into it, and Qingqi failed to break through the arrow array to complete the subsequent impact. Deng Heng's attempt failed this time.

Not only did the attempt fail, but it can even be said that because of unexpected results, only more than 600 Qingqi escaped back in the end, and the rest either died on the spot or were captured. Ride more before taking the initiative.

"Withdraw!" Deng Heng's face was gray and defeated: "I'm finished, completely finished."

Cui Xuan said incoherently: "We are all finished, His Majesty will definitely take our skin off..."

It was not the first time that Shi Hu had done the skinning, and he would definitely continue to do it again. Regardless of whether the stalemate could be maintained in the subsequent war, both Deng Heng and Cui Xuan believed that they were doomed.The difference is whether they can die more happily, and whether their family members can not be implicated.

The confrontation on the battlefield was over, and the Shijie Zhao army took the initiative to withdraw the remaining troops, allowing the Han army to easily occupy the remaining camp.

Xu Zheng ordered to clean up the battlefield, and came to the front with Ji Chang, and they sent the literati Su Ding to surrender,

Su Ding was invited by Lu Yi in a letter from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He currently does not have a fixed position in the Han army, and he is regarded as a coordinator.

Zuo Liao's work is very complicated. Su Ding originally wanted to observe more before deciding whether to develop in the Han Dynasty. He saw the battlefield just now, so he didn't need to observe anything. He directly asked for the job of persuading him to surrender. I really want to work hard.

Su Ding rode forward alone. In the past, he would worry that he would be shot to death without even a chance to speak, but now he is full of confidence, which is the confidence given by the army behind him!
(End of this chapter)

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