sweeping the world

Chapter 237 Success or failure is here!

Chapter 237 Success or failure depends on one move!
Five hundred Dragon Guards attacked, and nearly [-] Qingqi were waiting for Deng Heng's military orders in the rear.

That's right, armored and heavy cavalry was originally a kind of unit used to clear the way. Deng Heng knew that he had been suppressed and beaten by the Han army since last night, and he continued to spend the whole morning, which greatly suppressed the morale of his army.

Deng Heng could not change the advantages of the Han army in battle. After all, the weapons and armor of the Han army were sharp, and the soldiers of the Han army had a strong desire to fight and a firm will. These things did not mean that they could be changed if they wanted to.

Now that he was at a disadvantage in the battle, Deng Heng simply showed the ruthlessness that a general should have, and sacrificed his life first to cultivate the arrogant heart of the Han army.

Originally, cultivating arrogance is a time-consuming thing, and it takes a few days or even a month or two for one side to lose, but Deng Heng can't lose the frontier camp, it can only be done in a hurry.

Taking a unit that had little desire to join the war as a bait, it really lured the Han army to pursue it. The five hundred Longteng guards charged regardless of whether they were the enemy or the enemy, and swallowed up the pursuing Han army sword and shield soldiers, regardless of whether they were all killed. From last night to now, Shijie Zhao Jun has achieved the best results.

Cui Xuan saw that the Longteng guards had submerged the Han sabers and shields in their formation, and said passionately: "Master, order Qingqi to attack!"

Deng Hengxin hesitated, his vision was too bad, and he had presbyopia. He really couldn't distinguish the strength structure of the Han army's main formation. He did receive reports or long-range troops such as archers, but in the end he didn't see it with his own eyes. rest assured.

Cui Xuan urged: "It has reached such a point, why is the military leader hesitating?"

[That’s right, now that we’ve set up the game and taken the first step, let’s try it first! ] Deng Heng began to give orders, and the three thousand Qingqi in the valley immediately swept out.After he gave the order, he thought again: [The Han army has always been at an advantage. They used armor and riding equipment to break through their defenses and charged straight forward. If the Han army was careless, it would definitely lead to a horse-riding attack on the joint camp. 】

It has been less than a day since the Han army came here, even if there is a fortification in the camp, it should not be very perfect. That is the main reason for Deng Heng's determination, whether it is a night attack or a daytime game.

If you allow more time and wait for the Han army to gain a firm foothold, Deng Heng thinks it is acceptable to be able to fight a stalemate, but seeing that the Han army can't wait to launch an attack, and let the Han army enter the camp to advance, The possibility of being blocked into the mountains is the greatest.

No general is willing to be in a passive position when commanding a battle, because being passive means being suppressed, and it is often at a disadvantage from the moment of being suppressed. It is very difficult to get back, and it is basically possible to maintain a A decent end is nice, but more often than not it's a defeat.

The Dragon Guards with heavy responsibilities, of course they heard the deafening hoofbeats behind them, and knew that the Qingqi behind them had dispatched as planned.Just like this, they still march forward bravely with the tricycle crossbow, even seeing the rising "dark clouds" without fear.

Isn't it just arrows?Since when are armored and heavy cavalry afraid of arrows!

Well?The Han army is so not afraid of death, and even organizes a spear formation in the face of heavy cavalry?I don't know that the spear array is the same for the armed heavy cavalry. As long as there is a wave of armed heavy cavalry platooning into it, there will be a massacre of cavalry against infantry behind it?

It is a relatively common formation for the infantry to form a spear formation to resist the cavalry, but such a formation does not mean that it can be formed if you want to form a formation. It is difficult to understand the horror of the cavalry collision.

The spear array can only withstand a round of cavalry's impact, whether it is light cavalry or iron cavalry. After all, it is just a spear array, not the Great Wall of Steel.

The range of the powerful crossbow can reach three hundred steps. The first dark cloud composed of dense crossbow arrows fell, most of them missed of course.Only a very small part of the crossbow arrows that hit the Longteng guards were inserted into the gaps in the armor, since they were joints, most of them bounced off when they collided with the armor.Unless it was an eye shot, or even a joint hit would only injure the Dragon Guard, not kill it.

The number of crossbow bolts exceeded [-]. After one round, they only knocked down four Dragon Guards. In the second round, they knocked down eleven Dragon Guards. In the third round, they didn't even get a single one.

The Dragon Guards continued to gallop, and the knights on horseback were already roaring. When they charged into the distance of fifty steps from the Han army, a new round of crossbow arrows actually shot down more than 20 people at once, making those roaring Jie The human knight's throat seemed to be choked by something suddenly.

If you look at it from the perspective of the Han army, you can see the charging stone armor and heavy cavalry. Arrows are stuck everywhere on the fronts of the people and horses, so that each of them looks like a hedgehog.

Still not dead with arrows stuck in his body?There is nothing strange about it, those arrows are probably the arrowheads slightly nailed to the nail plate, and if they penetrate, at most, they will stick to the silk underwear inside, and it is estimated that they will not even shed a drop of blood.If you pay attention to the joints that were shot, it doesn't seem to affect the movement too much. That's because the joints of the armor have several layers of silk besides the iron ring.

Silk is definitely an important strategic material. If you have enough conditions, wearing more layers of silk is definitely not to show off your wealth. The underwear made of several layers of silk is quite tough and can penetrate even arrows shot from a long distance. Through the armor, it is often impossible to continue to penetrate the underwear.

When the arrows fired at close range penetrate the silk underwear, the arrow clusters will be wrapped in silk and enter the human body, which effectively prevents the possible spread of toxins carried by the arrow clusters, and the silk-wrapped arrow clusters can be easily taken out. Hooks don't work either. (So, whether it is the Romans or the Central Asians, their pursuit of silk is not just for showing off, but they know that silk can save lives in many cases!)
Silk arrows also have a limit. The strength of the crossbow at fifty steps is extremely strong, and the arrowhead is in the form of a three-edged flat armor-piercing arrow. It knocked over twenty dragon guards at a time, and reached an interval of thirty steps. The round directly shot over fifty.

The chariot crossbows of the Han army shot about [-] large crossbow bolts, the strong crossbow troops shot about [-] crossbow bolts, and the continuous crossbow soldiers shot more than [-] crossbow bolts.Not counting the crossbows, but only the bolts fired by the strong crossbow and the continuous crossbow, the damage caused by the [-] crossbows to the Longteng guards is as good as breaking a hundred?
The remaining [-] or so Longteng guards continued to charge forward, but the Qingqi behind them became the new target of the Han army.

The firing frequency of bed crossbows is low, and they have begun to make room for other arms, and the positions are quickly filled by a new batch of spearmen and sword and shield soldiers.

On the left and right wings, the tower shield soldiers and spearmen who moved to this position from the middle are erecting the shield wall. They have been paying attention to the enemy's cavalry and are always ready to meet the light cavalry from Shijie Zhao's army.

The Han soldiers in the middle.Some of them have no expression on their faces. They are system spearmen. Although they are intelligent, they still look dull.The pikemen who are not soldiers of the system, the expressions on their faces are much more exciting. Some even urinated on the spot, but no one meant to laugh at anyone, and no one even paid special attention at all. Everyone stared at the collision with wide eyes. The enemy army came with cavalry.

In view of the fact that system soldiers have been able to communicate, and usually belong to different organizations, but during wartime, they will coordinate and coordinate to the maximum extent. It should be said that the effect is very good. At least from last night to noon, it was relying on the system troops to lead the conventional troops. "Playing" makes the battle appear so rhythmic.

"Aren't you afraid?"


"what's your name?"

"...no name for now."


Liu Yan is too busy, how could he give the names of the system units one by one, if there is a dictionary, it will be easy to handle, just give a few surnames and ask the system units to look up the dictionary, the problem is that there is no dictionary now.Not only are there no dictionaries, but neither the Thousand-Character Classic or the Three-Character Classic.

More realistically, the characteristics of the system troops who are not afraid of death still exist, which means that the death rate is really high, so the matter of the name... is cold-blooded, it is really not a so-called thing.

An officer kept shouting: "Steady!"

The armored heavy cavalry and the infantry spear array were about to collide. On the other side, the barbarian light cavalry following behind the dragon guards, they first suffered a few waves of strong crossbows. Unlike the dragon guards who ignored the crossbow arrows from a long distance, Whenever the Huren Qingqi was shot, no matter whether it was an arrow hit by a person or an arrow hit by a horse, he would suddenly fall short while running at high speed, and either rolled over and fell off the horse or was hit from behind because of a meal.

Deng Heng, Cui Xuan and other generals of the Shijie Zhao army who stood watching from a high place had pale faces at the moment, and a few people with poor psychological quality even spoke incoherently and didn't know what nonsense they were talking about.

"The loss is too great!" Cui Xuanru mourned his concubine: "If we can't complete the piercing, we...we...will definitely be punished heavily!"

That's the dragon guard!It is equivalent to the strongest military force of Shijie Zhao State, and a loss of one hundred is really not a small amount, it is a lot.

In addition, Deng Heng put all the cavalry he brought into battle. If they did not complete the set goal, they would lose their highly mobile troops and they would really be stuck in the mountainous area.

One side stared wide-eyed, and the other side Longteng guard had bumped into it.

Even though the Dragon Guardian is a heavily armored cavalry, it doesn't mean that they will bump into it foolishly. How to charge is actually very strategic.They have a division of labor during the gallop, and a very small number of them will move horizontally to form a scattered straight line, and they will break through the gun formation and open the way for the companions behind.The second batch of Dragon Guards followed closely behind the first batch, and their formation was also spaced out, but the number on the horizontal side would be relatively small, and the number on the straight line would be larger.

Perhaps a psychological illusion?The moment the first batch of armored heavy cavalry slammed into the spear array, it seemed that the whole world slowed down. People around could see that the long spears were either broken or pierced into the armor. The movement seemed extremely slow... …


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(End of this chapter)

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