sweeping the world

Chapter 213 System Complete Upgrade

Chapter 213 System Complete Upgrade
Any group, whether it is a family, family, tribe, tribe, country...as long as it is a group, how fast it can integrate how many people can be assigned indicates how strong it can be.

Whoever can mobilize more people to do one thing will mean how much power is exerted.Only labor that is effectively utilized is useful manpower. Otherwise, even if there are tens of millions of people, only a small number of people can be mobilized. What is the use of having many people?

More than 15 people were put into war preparations in the new round of the Han Dynasty. It does not mean that there are 15 troops, but the number that was mobilized in a series of constructions including those prisoners.

Xu Zheng was assigned to be the chief general in the direction of Guizhou and Zou. He had a total of 4000 and 1 cavalry troops under his command, including auxiliary horsemen, of which the number of cavalry was [-].In addition to the cavalry, the number of infantry soldiers is [-], and there are an equal number of auxiliary soldiers, making a total of [-] infantry.

Later, Li Kuang came with [-] troops, causing Xu Zheng's troops to expand to [-], including the servant army, new attached army, and slave soldiers.

After the battle of Xia Mi, Xu Zheng became a partial general. He was not considered a high-ranking general, but he was the No. 1 military general in the Han Dynasty besides Liu Yan.He was excited but also worried about being able to command an army with more than [-] soldiers and a total of more than [-] other miscellaneous soldiers.

"It will take at least two months for [-] slaves to dig the foundation and clear the surrounding greenery to clear out the area we need." Xu Zheng looked at the flat terrain with his fingers: "In addition to the main city, the corresponding sub-city and Although the camp does not have to be completed at once, it will definitely take a long time."

This side of Guizhou and Zou is a vast plain. It is overgrown with weeds and the woods are extremely densely distributed, making it look extremely desolate.Such an environment was caused by the Shijie Zhao Kingdom. Going forward one or two hundred years, there were many villages in this plain.

Li Kuang was half a horse behind Xu Zheng on horseback. He just arrived yesterday and was led to familiarize himself with the terrain today.

"There was no change in the direction of Xuzhou." This is what Xu Zheng deserves to be happy about. He said: "Xiao~chao~ting has made a lot of moves on the border, and the Xuzhou army was forced to move south to defend."

According to the estimate of the group of scribes around Liu Yan, although the Eastern Jin dynasty was clamoring for the Northern Expedition, whether the Jin army could really make the Northern Expedition was really uncertain.

Mr. Gong Tao went to Xiami to talk to Liu Yan about a lot of things, among which was the matter of coordinating with the Eastern Jin Dynasty to attack Xuzhou. However, when Liu Yan asked about the preparations of the Jin army, Mr. Gong Tao did talk about some things, but he heard it. A little exaggeration can be heard.

According to Mr. Gong Tao's original words, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had assembled tens of thousands of troops in Shouchun and Huaiyin directions. As long as Jiankang gave an order, it would send its troops north.

Liu Yan asked very specifically, and when he learned that the commander of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the north was called Chu Po, he immediately became constipated.

Nowadays, Chu Pei is the father-in-law of the current dynasty. At that time, he was the general of Wei and the leader of Zhongshu Ling.

Chu Pei had previously served as a Situ and served as a lieutenant. After his daughter became the queen of the Sima family, she was called into the court to serve as a minister and minister.He begged to go out to serve, so he became General Jianwei and governor of Jiangzhou, guarding Banzhou.

Speaking of which, Chu Po's official reputation is very good. Not only is he famous, but he is also a frugal person, and he has a good poetic talent. He has connections with Xie An, Wang Xizhi, Xu Xun, Zhi Daolin and others.

In the fourth year of Xianhe (329 A.D.), during the Su Jun Rebellion, Chu Po seemed to have also performed in the military. Because of his meritorious service, he was named Tinghou of Duxiang, and was moved to Situ to work as Zhonglang.

If you just look at the previous deeds, Chu Po seems to be the coach of the Northern Expedition?There was a reason why Liu Yan felt constipated when he heard that Chu Po was in charge of the Northern Expedition this time. It was probably because Liu Yan remembered a record very clearly. During the fifth year of Yonghe (349), it was Chu Po who led the Northern Expedition in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but that time The Northern Expedition was a joke.

It's hard to understand why a person with glorious deeds who performed so effectively before turned out to be a joke when he actually presided over the Northern Expedition as the chief officer.Based on his preconceptions, Liu Yan immediately judged that even if the Eastern Jin Dynasty's Northern Expedition really happened, it would be unlikely to be effective. Maybe it would make the joke about "the Northern Expedition of the Emperor of the Kingdom" happen in advance?

With the mentality that the Eastern Jin small~chao~ting would not succeed, Liu Yan of course had to hurry up and prepare for the war, so that Xu Zheng led the army to station as the main general, and he was also working hard to build a military town.

"Strange?" Li Kuang looked puzzled: "How many troops are mobilized by Xiao~chao~ting? Forty thousand in the direction of Shouchun, thirty thousand in the direction of Huaiyin?"

"...?" Xu Zheng actually didn't understand, and said with a general feeling: "Here in the Central Plains, tens of thousands are often used for repeated expeditions."

In fact, there are reasons for the two different concepts.

The Hu people dispatched an army that looked huge, but did the real soldiers have a tenth of them?In addition to a small number of soldiers, they are generally called out temporarily, and the other is the mob that is coerced along the way.In this way, the Hu people's army looked extremely large many times, but once the situation was unfavorable, it would be very easy to collapse.

The population of the Eastern Jin Dynasty should be about 450 million?The national military strength will not be higher than 30 (27 at the peak of historical records). The border between the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Shijie Zhao State is extremely long, and there is Cheng Han in the west. A large number of troops cannot move, and [-] can be spared to prepare for the Northern Expedition. It is very rare.

Then go back to the question mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. As a group, the mobilization ability of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is not only incomparable with that of the Hu regime, but even the Han Dynasty is far behind.

The ability of the Han Dynasty to mobilize a lot is absolutely related to the strict household registration system. 20 people mobilized [-] people to serve the war, that is, it can only be done with a vigorous force.

There are [-] system farmers who have come to Qianzou, and they are busy building the sub-city.

The scale of Qianzouzi City was borrowed from Xiami, and its architectural layout was in the shape of a six-pointed star.Facts have proven that city walls of this shape are beneficial to the defense side, but I don’t know why the Chinese civilization did not use them in various cities, but instead built straight-line city walls?The answer is relatively simple, related to the pursuit of "square and round", and the construction process and cost of angular city walls are relatively high.

Next, the Xuzhou army still showed no sign of going northward, and at the same time, the relevant preparations for the Northern Expedition of the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting seemed to be dragging their feet.

As time progressed during the First World War, more and more people knew about the existence of the Han Dynasty. Xiangguo, the capital of Zhao State in Shijie, had always had a debate on how to deal with the Han Dynasty.

From the very beginning, those great Confucian scholars who received benefits wanted to tilt public opinion towards Feiyan's rebels. Public opinion about appeasement of the Han and eliminating Feiyan's rebels once dominated the mainstream.

As the main combatant, Yao Yizhong advocated the elimination of the Han tribe from the beginning.Joining the main fighting faction later were Shi Zun and Shi Bin.While this group of people stated that they wanted to eliminate the Han tribe, they naturally could not ignore the Feiyan rebels due to political needs.

Shi Hu's first reaction was relatively straightforward. He expressed that he couldn't bear the rebellion of the Fei family. He sent people to Fei Yan's hometown to arrest the family, but found that the main descendant of the Fei family had already run away, leaving two or three kittens behind. .

The captured people of the Fei family were left behind. After they were taken to Xiangguo, some of them were quartered on five horses, and some were executed in Lingchi. They were killed as cruelly as possible.

Later, Shi Hu may have felt that too few people were killed, and the relatives involved with the Fei family began to suffer, and even the neighbors were also bad luck.Shihu's method is called Yi San Clan Zhu Jiu Clan, the difference is that there is no professional term to describe it.

After a bloody massacre of people related to Yu Fei's family, Shi Hu made a decision about Qingzhou.Not only did he not pursue Liu Yan's unauthorized conquest, but he appointed Liu Yan as the governor of Qingzhou, and at the same time ordered Liu Yan to exterminate Feiyan's rebel army.

Coincidentally, the day when Xiangguo's decree was delivered to Liu Yan happened to be the moment when the system upgrade was completed.

Liu Yan has waited long enough for this day. It wasn't Shi Hu's will, but because the system had entered the "Castle Age", and he didn't even care about the people who came from Xiangguo.

When the upgrade of "Castle Age" is completed, the system prompts that the population limit will be increased by another [-], which means that the number of system units that Liu Yan can "summon" reaches [-].

It's 1!Liu Yan was so excited that he was trembling all over!Without saying a word, he just built a new building when the system upgrade was completed.He was more disappointed that no heroic units appeared in the system upgrade.

In contrast, the types of troops that will appear in the "Castle Age" in the game have not changed. What is more annoying is that it takes six hours to produce a cavalry.In addition to the new horse cavalry, there are of course camel cavalry.Scout cavalry can also be upgraded to light cavalry.It takes four and a half hours for light cavalry and six hours for camel cavalry.

Liu Yan summoned horse cavalry and camel cavalry. While waiting, of course, he observed the rest of the buildings and found that the monastery was far more useful than he imagined. He could summon Taoist priests as medical soldiers, and he seemed to be able to preside over religious affairs?Other new buildings such as universities, siege weapons manufacturing factories, etc. also have a lot to say.

In the place that Liu Yan didn't pay attention to, the moment the system was upgraded, the system units located in various places were stunned for a while.Please note that he was stupefied, the system unit didn't show any expression before.

Waiting for the cavalry and camel soldiers to be "summoned", Liu Yan checked the things and found that the system units actually had emotions?Does that mean that with the upgrade of the system, the system units began to have IQ?
"What's your name?"


Well, there was no response to Liu Yan's question, but the system unit really has an IQ!Is intelligence a good thing or a bad thing?He couldn't be sure just yet.

Looking at the new units that were "summoned", Liu Yan started to wonder how to evaluate them...

(End of this chapter)

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