sweeping the world

Chapter 212 Don't wait for me

Chapter 212 Don't wait for me
According to the previous system rules, Liu Yan needs to be recognized by Shijie Zhao Guo as the governor to complete the system task, but there is no such restriction for occupying eight counties.

After completing the task of upgrading the system, Liu Yan chose to upgrade immediately, and it only takes 26 days to complete it today.

Most of the counties in Qingzhou except Qijun were occupied by the Han tribe. If they follow the universal rules, their army from the Han tribe can be called the Qingzhou army from now on.

After completing the occupation of the eight counties, the top officials of the Han Dynasty immediately invested in the population statistics. During this period, it was inevitable to have contact with the families of each county.

The first battle of Xia Mi gave the prestige of the Han tribe. Most families chose to cooperate when facing the people of the Han tribe, but there were always some recalcitrant guys, so it became inevitable for the Han tribe to conquer the recalcitrant families.

"Before a new war breaks out, we must clean up those families that don't cooperate." Ji Chang is always so murderous: "Select a few typical seats, and when necessary, no one will be left behind!"

Heavy codes are used in troubled times. Liu Yan's soft policy at the beginning was just a lack of strength when he rose.At present, the Han Dynasty has developed, and when it is time to be tough, it must not be weak.

"Indeed!" Sang Yu agreed: "Integrating the interior is the most important thing, and it is the most taboo to not clean the interior during a war."

The sudden cavalry on Zhuangwu's side is a typical example. Fortunately, because of the slow transmission of information, the Pu family only raised troops in the battle of Xiami to decide the winner. Otherwise, the trouble would definitely be much greater than imagined.

Appeasement will only raise traitors, and the high-level people in the Han Dynasty are the people who have been eliminated and cultivated repeatedly, and they can distinguish between primary and secondary.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the family. After all, all classes in the Han Dynasty also have their own families. What they have to do is to eliminate those families that are unwilling to cooperate and keep the useful ones.

Cleaning up the counties in Qingzhou will be a huge project, which also involves related migration issues.Liu Yan has issued an order to relocate the population to Changguang County and Dongmou County as much as possible, to develop the easternmost area of ​​the Shandong Peninsula first, and the remaining counties near the west that will be attacked by war in future wars are not suitable. develop.

According to the division of Zhao State in Shijie, the land in Changguang County and Dongmou County is actually very large. It is a pity that the two counties have more mountainous land and only a small amount of land suitable for farming.

"Preliminary population statistics show that the population in several counties is more than 47." Cai You has taken over the civil affairs, and Tian Shuo has been transferred to Liaodong.He frowned and said: "The migration of people is quite expensive. Will it affect the subsequent war?"

The main reason is that Liu Yan seems urgent, otherwise it would not be very appropriate to carry out population migration before the war.

"We have never been short of food and fodder." Ji Chang was extremely confident: "We have occupied several counties this time, and most of the farmland has been confiscated. In addition to our three-year storage, there is enough food and fodder to last until tomorrow autumn."

The Han Department would like to thank the batch of farmland that has three crops a year. No one except Liu Yan can figure out why it can be cropped three times a year, but the Han Department as a whole is enjoying the benefits.Since they couldn't figure it out, many people temporarily gave up on it, and just needed to know that there would be no shortage of food and fodder.

It is not just the farmland served by a thousand system farmers that supports the grain and fodder of the Han. The Bohai Sea has become "our sea" of the Han. To be honest, it is richer than land.

So far, the sea can provide the Han with more than [-] tons of fish every year, which is the premise that the Han does not have enough fishing boats. If the scale of fishing boats is increased accordingly, the sea's output will definitely increase.

At the beginning, it was a natural fishing method, and later it took the breeding route.Not only fish farming, but other seafood farming industries have emerged one after another. Facts will prove that the sea is definitely a source of rich food, and the more troublesome thing is nothing more than the problem of freshness preservation.

The Han Dynasty does not have a very sophisticated means of storing seafood at present, and the more effective methods are all kinds of pickling.So salted fish has become a signboard, and there is definitely salted fish in every meal, and people in the Han Dynasty are almost nauseated after eating it.

"Develop Changguang County and Dongmou County, and do our best to develop them." Liu Yan felt melancholy when he heard that the population was only 47: "We can't relax on the narrow peninsula of Liaodong."

The Han Dynasty still has troops stationed on the Korean Peninsula. When the war in the Central Plains was the most tense, it also left enough garrisons to maintain enough pressure on Goguryeo.

On the Korean peninsula, the Han tribe united Baekje to fight against Goguryeo, and later Silla also joined the alliance against Goguryeo. The three parties expanded to the north, and Baekje took the biggest advantage.

The trade between the Han Dynasty and Baekje has never stopped. You can get enough slaves from Baekje to invest in the construction of the narrow peninsula in Liao-dong. In this way, you don’t need to send labor from the Central Plains. Instead, there will be surplus labor. Central Plains.

There will certainly not be only 47 people left in Qingzhou. The war forced a large number of people to hide in the deep mountains and old forests. As long as the situation stabilizes and the Han Dynasty tries its best to promote policies, people will come out of the deep mountains and old forests one after another.Furthermore, there are still a large number of families that have not counted their population, which means that the population will inevitably increase.

To put it simply, Liu Yan needs to try his best to put the internal affairs on the right track. Even if several other counties are still abandoned, Changguang County and Dongmu County must be developed to serve the subsequent war as soon as possible.

"Feiyan's troops are raging like locusts in Dong'an County. They ask to use slaves to trade food, fodder and weapons with us. Considering that we may be able to use them in the future, I agree to the transaction." There are too many expressions, but the tone sounds a bit gloomy: "Their existence will become our first line of warning."

I don't know if it's stupid or what, Fei Yan raised the banner of Murong Xianbei, who is naturally the number one enemy of Shijie Zhao.One thing to know deeply is that Liu Yan captured several counties in Qingzhou, but the Han tribe did not raise any banners. In that case, although the Han tribe would be the target of Shijie Zhao Guo's suppression, it would be in the Feiyan rebellion in terms of ranking. After the army.

"Those great Confucian scholars may tolerate us, but Feiyan must be wiped out first." Sang Yu smirked: "It can be guessed that Shijie will comfort us first, and even comfort the high-ranking officials generously, or even comfort us. I agree with you to become the new governor of Qingzhou, and then order you to destroy Feiyan's rebel army."

I am talking about the great Confucians, not those barbarians.

A great Confucian has a curved intestine and can weigh the pros and cons of everything. For a great Confucian to openly raise the flag of rebellion and then show the flag of the enemy country, it is much more serious than a force like Liu Yan who just keeps silent and goes to work.

There are many Jin people and great scholars in Shijie Zhao State. Although they do not play a key role in national decision-making, it is almost their instinct to be noisy.In fact, this is also the case. How can a great Confucianist show his presence if he is not noisy?
The strategy adopted by the Han Dynasty against Feiyan’s troops is similar to raising the bandits’ self-respect. Liu Yan has already sent instructions to Zhang Shi who is in Xiangguo. What effect depends on the effect.

External factors are trying their best to do better. For example, Zhang Shi asked those great Confucianists to help the Han tribe to speak out. However, internal construction still needs to be paid close attention to, such as the construction of important military towns.

After the Battle of Xiami ended, Liu Yan started a new arrangement, with Pingshou and Qianzou as the main ones.

Doesn’t the system reward the population limit?The town center on Lingshan Island was unable to "summon" farmers during the upgrade, but the town center in the valley next to Keixian County was vigorously "summoning" farmers.

The "summoned" farmers were escorted by the army to go to Guizhou and Pingshou respectively. Among them, the construction of Pingshou had started a month ago, but the construction of Guizhou had only recently started.

Considering that the Xuzhou army might come at any time, Xu Zheng led the army to build a camp in front of Qianzhu to carry out the necessary guards.

Li Kuang is now a school lieutenant, and his title has also been promoted to the fourth-class "Buchang", so he should be a relatively high-ranking figure in the Han tribe.

Of course, Li Kuang was not promoted to the official and title because of the capture of Yao Lan. Like many others, he became a new batch of beneficiaries because the Han tribe won the secret war.

Yao Lan was taken to Guizhou on the way.Any idea why he wasn't recognized?Apart from keeping a low profile, he still had several scratches on his face, and his hair was always disheveled to cover it up.It would be hard to recognize a face with so many scars on it if it wasn't someone absolutely close.

Low-key and silent, Yao Lan still couldn't change his fate of becoming a prisoner of war. He and many captured people were escorted to Qianzou on the way.

Li Kuang rode on a war horse, followed by a group of officers, among them was Li Tan, who was a military marquis.

"Eight hundred acres of Shangtian, and another mansion." Li Kuang looked very happy: "There are 24 servants, and there are government slaves to help with farming every year, and monthly salary."

Those things are all on the side of Huangyi Island District. Huangyi Island District will become the administrative center of the Han Dynasty for a long time in the future. Li Kuang's mansion is only two miles away from Liu Yan's mansion. Some other core figures in the Han Dynasty foreshadowed that Li Kuang would have a place there.

This is the case with the Han tribe. Each level has its own treatment. As the Han tribe develops day by day and sees its growing power, some things can be expected.

Li Kuang yelled: "You guys have to work hard!"

Yao Lan happened to pass by, and he glanced at Li Kuang's location without leaving a trace. There were many people in luxurious military uniforms riding on horses, with indescribable vigor.

It is not a lie to say that the military uniforms of the Han Dynasty are luxurious. All Sima and above in the other departments are equipped with a set of Mingguang armor, which is matched with other items, which looks extremely glamorous.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. The Han Dynasty has been very particular about clothing from the beginning. It is still a psychological hint. It is like many prisoners of war looking at the soldiers of the Han Dynasty and seeing the uniform standard military uniform. The idea of ​​"losing to them seems inevitable"?

(End of this chapter)

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