Chapter 196
The wind is blowing, the horses are howling, and the sound of war drums is roaring.

Because of the gathering of too many troops, the surrounding area of ​​Xiami City has been cut down bare, and it looks like a piece of gray-yellow land, making it even more desolate.

Wang Pu looked around, and he proudly found that his side was the only one on the battlefield that had unified uniforms. Whether it was the Qingzhou army brought by Liu Zheng, or the Gaomi rebel army brought by Fei Yan, they were all colorful Some of them are just a piece of cloth wrapped around the crotch to cover their shame.

Uniform uniforms can give people a subconscious of "I am a member of the group", so that people can clearly know which side they should stand on, and they will have a sense of intimacy and trust because of the same uniform.

Do you know what it's like to stand on the side with colorful uniforms and look at the other side with uniform uniforms?In addition to jealousy, it is more of a mentality of "the opponent is very good" and "we are amateurs". If you don't start fighting, you will be short in your heart.

"The Han Dynasty is really rich!" Liu Zheng had a reason to say this: "In the entire Zhao Kingdom, only the Heavenly King's 'Longteng Guards' have uniform military uniforms. I didn't expect Liu Yan to ration the entire army with uniforms!"

What Liu Zheng said was the truth, Shijie Zhao's army rarely had any uniform system, including military uniforms.

Not only the Shijie State of Zhao, but all the current Hu regimes, most of the armies under their command do not have uniform uniforms, and only some special elite troops will be equipped with uniforms in the form of the state.

The Dragon Guards of Shijie Zhao State, the Three Thousand Cavalry of Murong Yan State, and the Yi Guards of Tuoba Dai State.

The Longteng Guards of the Shijie Zhao State were selected by the warriors among the Jie people. They were the troops defending the capital of the Shijie Zhao State. Only three thousand cavalry equipped with armored horses and eight thousand heavy infantry with only enough financial resources.

The three thousand iron cavalry of Murong Yan Kingdom were also equipped with armored cavalry. They improved when Murong Ke was in charge.

The Yiwei Army of the Tuoba Dynasty is actually iron cavalry, only a pitiful thousand in number, composed of warriors from the Tuoba clan, and is directly under the supreme ruler just like the Heavenly King of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom.

The reason why it is named after Yi is because Yi is the pet of Gonggong, the ancestor witch and water god in myths and legends. , living in water, with infinite power. (Later killed by Vulcan Zhurong)
Don't underestimate the importance of unified uniforms. Look at the atmosphere at the scene, and then look at the three armies of different camps, Liu Zheng's Qingzhou Army and Fei Yan's Gaomi Rebel Army. The uniformed troops of the Ministry will feel more inferior every time they look at them.

Of course, it was based on the prestige of the Han Dynasty’s victories in the war. If you want to think about the army of the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting, although the soldiers of the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting are also wearing uniforms, but because the Sima royal family is fighting abroad Repeated failures, any army that faces the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting, even if it is dressed in colorful clothes, is not afraid of the Eastern Jin army wearing uniform uniforms.

The military prestige of the Han army seemed to be at its peak, but Liu Zheng and Fei Yan had the slightest expectation. After all, Liu Yan sent someone to say that he would stand in their camp.Although they didn't believe it that much, Liu Zheng and Fei Yan could only secretly pray that Liu Yan was really on their side.

After hearing the rumbling drums, many people felt unaccustomed to losing the sound of the drums for a while, and their eyes seemed to be in a trance.

Almost at the moment when the war drums stopped, the three parties each took action. It was Liu Zheng's Qingzhou army who dispatched [-] troops to leave the main formation, and the Han army to leave the main formation with [-] new troops. Defensive posture.

Looking at the dynamics on the battlefield, Liu Zheng and Liu Yan's troops were slowly approaching Fei Yan's troops, as if they were going to join forces to wipe out the rebels.

"Liu Yan doesn't know how to act fake, does he?" Fei Yan said that he was not nervous, it was definitely a lie, his breathing became a little rough: "What do you think?"

Mr. Gong Tao looked calm, and said, "Liu Yan has no reason to do that."

The war ahead was about to break out. After the two sides came into range of each other, the war started with the shooting of arrows.

Wang Pu was shouting loudly: "Stand up the shield!"

The Han tribe dispatched [-] newly attached troops, preparing to defend against incoming arrows on the one hand, and shooting their own arrows on the other.

Liu Zheng was relieved to see the confrontation between Liu Yan's army and Fei Yan's rebel army.He ordered the main formation to wave the flag, indicating that the [-] troops who had left the brigade could launch an attack.

Waves of shouts began to appear on the battlefield, and various dialects or languages ​​were yelling "Kill". In waves of arrow feathers, screams and muffled grunts came from the mouths of the soldiers who were shot, and blood was spilled on the ground At the same time, one corpse after another crashed to the ground.

Feiyan's troops were on the defensive side, and they could rely on the horses and fences that had been put out, and shoot arrows again and again amidst the sound of impatient clappers.

The progress of the offensive and defensive battle will not be too fast. The comparison is whose archer can shoot more arrows and whether the hit rate is enough.Then there is the will of the soldiers. Which side can advance or hold on despite the casualties, the war will only be temporarily stalemate.

Liu Zheng was paying attention to the Han side, seeing that the number of arrows fired at each other was normal, and looking at the soldiers on both sides constantly falling, he finally put his heart back.

When some people become relaxed, others will become tense. Fei Yan asked more than once, saying that Liu Yan doesn't seem to be acting, worrying that Liu Yan won't keep his word.

"Military Lord, don't worry." It doesn't matter what Mr. Gong Tao thinks in his heart, he looks extremely stable: "Our existence is more beneficial to Liu Yan than harmful, but if he has the ambition to capture more counties, he should eliminate them. Liu Zheng is under his command, not us."

Fei Yan understands those things. They have already shown the banner of Murong Xianbei. For Shijie Zhao Guo, they should be eliminated. As long as they still exist, Shijie Zhao Guo will tolerate the wanton expansion of the Han. After all, one is The obvious enemy army, and the other is a local tribe who showed their ambitions, that is, the Shijie Zhao State no longer has a national concept, and knows how to distinguish what is more important than what is more important.

Every battle in history has never been possible to fall into a decisive battle at the beginning, it will only be a slow consumption of the opponent, in simple terms, it is bloodletting for the opponent, and the strength and morale of the opponent will be continuously consumed.

Liu Zheng ushered in the third face-to-face conversation with Liu Yan. It was Liu Yan who sent someone to tell Liu Zheng that Liu Zheng was the main force. If Liu Zheng didn't plan to invest more troops, Liu Yan would choose to withdraw from the battle temporarily.

"It's reasonable." Liu Zheng said to his deputy Zhang Lin: "That's how it was on the first day, Ming Jin withdrew his troops."

The sound of gold ringing sounded, and the troops belonging to Liu Zheng withdrew from the battle. When 3000 people retreated from the battle, they only lost less than 200 people. It can be seen that the battle was not tragic at all.

Liu Yan also ordered Mingjin, and the 2000 people who played in the battle were withdrawn for 920 six.

At the end of the first trial on the first day, the combined losses of the three parties will not exceed [-], but this is also expected. After all, there are not only two camps fighting, but three camps, and the existence of Liu Yan Not only did it make Fei Yan afraid, but Liu Zheng also didn't believe that Liu Yan really wanted to cooperate.In this way, the three parties will basically adopt a cautious attitude, so how could they really make a desperate effort.

With the first time, there will be a second time, and after the first wave recedes, there will be a second wave.

Fei Yan was afraid, so he chose to withdraw his troops back to the camp, relying on the camp for defense.

Everything has a corresponding matching. For example, Fei Yan's withdrawal of troops back to the camp made Liu Zheng feel at ease.

This time Liu Zheng was obviously a little relieved, and the [-] troops he dispatched started to rush into the camp. It seems that the first melee fight is about to happen today?

Liu Zheng sent someone to issue instructions to Liu Yan, ordering Liu Yan's troops to also rush to the camp.

"In order for Liu Zheng to relax his vigilance, why don't you send slave soldiers to the camp?" Lu Yi thought that since it was a show, it should be realistic, and said, "Should we send someone to appease Fei Yan?"

Fei Yan really didn't look like a bold person, I really don't know how such a timid person would do such a sensational thing and show off the banner of Murong Xianbei.

"It should be persuaded by Mr. Gong Tao." Lu Yi reminded Liu Yan, saying: "Scholars are good at talking and acting unpredictable."

For the next four consecutive days, Liu Yan and Liu Zheng jointly attacked Feiyan's city fortress. There were several times when Liu Zheng's Qingzhou army almost broke into the city. As a result, Feiyan sent more and more envoys to contact Liu Yan. The more humble you are.

Until Fei Yan sent someone to be strict, saying that if Liu Yan did not take any action, they would choose to retreat, and they would directly exit Qingzhou as soon as they retreated, leaving Liu Yan to face Liu Zheng and Yao Jing alone.

"I'm more curious about how they will retreat and where they will push." ​​Liu Yan was really confused: "Murong Yan does not have a navy?"

"I will retreat to the Jin State." Lu Yi recounted the fact that Liu Yan had forgotten: "Murong Hao is the king of Yan and the general of the Jin State, and Fei Yan can lead the army to retreat to the Jin State."

Liu Yan was stunned.He really didn't think about it, and when he heard Lu Yi say that, he suddenly said: "No wonder..."

Now that Fei Yan couldn't hold on anymore, Liu Zheng should relax his vigilance after many days of acting, and the troops that should be in place are already in place, so it is indeed time to show his real fangs.

That night, Liu Yan sent someone to contact Liu Zheng, and agreed to work together to wipe out Fei Yan's rebel army.

While sending people to Liu Zheng's side, Liu Yan contacted Feiyan to indicate the time when the Han army would attack Liu Zheng.

"It's hard to defeat in one battle, so the first battle will focus on destroying the living forces." Liu Yan smiled a little strangely: "When the time comes to change the flag, say that those troops were bewitched by Fei Yan and joined Murong Xianbei's camp."

It's like a child's game, but many things don't need to be logical at all. A sentence from the officials of Xuetian~Chao: Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!
(End of this chapter)

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