sweeping the world

Chapter 195 Come on, let's do it!

Chapter 195 Come on, let's do it!
The teams of Liu Zheng and Fei Yan started, but the scale was not large, it could only be regarded as a partial conflict.

Anyway, before Liu Yan made a statement, the Han tribe, which owns Xiamiben City, Zicheng, and Walled City, was the one with the greatest advantage among the three forces present.

"Alliance has always been a weaker party uniting against a stronger party." Facing Liu Yan's question, Lu Yi was a little hard to give an opinion: "Fei Yan played the banner of Murong Xianbei, and it is not appropriate to form an alliance with him."

Murong Xianbei wanted to make Qingzhou into a complete mess, and maybe the whole Qidi would be involved. That was to buy time for sweeping up the surrounding areas in the east of Liao 1.

Shijie Zhao Guo and Murong Xianbei were in a warring relationship, so what was the reason for the Han tribe to form an alliance with Fei Yan, who played under the banner of Murong Xianbei?
The problem Liu Yan is facing now is that Liu Zheng has made it clear that he wants to choose a side. The Han tribe obeys the order to attack Feiyan's troops and can still be regarded as a member of Shijie Zhao State, otherwise it is a rebellion.

Since they are about to become rebels, it seems that it is not bad to form an alliance with Fei Yan?If you understand it this way, it is definitely a big mistake.

The fact that Liu Yan has a territory in the east of Liao 1 was exposed, but as long as he didn't admit it, it wouldn't be a big problem. Even if he was hostile to Shijie Zhao Guo, showing his banner and not showing his banner are definitely two different things.

"For us now, it's not a question of which side to choose." Liu Yan kept staring at the map, and said thoughtfully: "It's waiting for Yao Jing to enter the field. There is such a troop wandering outside the battlefield, Not a good thing."

Yao Jing, who was on the other side of the pavilion, hadn't moved yet. A large number of patients were secretly murdered, but one after another, it was like falling into an endless loop. The number of people under his command was decreasing day by day. It goes without saying that it will be a battle, whether it will collapse before the battle is another matter.

Therefore, rainy days are not suitable for activities. You should stay in a place where you can shelter from the rain, even if the modern army encounters the rainy season, it really has nothing to do with what era it is.

It was ten days later, that is, the seventh day of Liu Zheng and Fei Yan's quarrel, that the Han Ministry spied on the outbreak of contagious wind and cold in Yao Jing's barracks.

"That guy has no common sense in marching, so no one in the army can give correct advice?" Liu Yan had a constipated expression on his face: "We noticed this information too late."

Lu Yi also had a look of pity: "Seven days wasted for nothing."

During the seven days, Liu Yan has been arguing with Liu Zheng and Fei Yan, and the small actions between the three parties have not stopped.

Since the Han tribe pretended to attack Liu Zheng and Fei Yan, the two guys learned a lot later and sent people to pretend to be each other to attack the Han tribe. Of course, the result was constant petty quarrels between the three parties.

"Get ready..." Liu Yan pondered for a while: "It's time to attack Liu Zhengjun!"

Lu Yi has no objection. For the Han tribe, the Feiyan corps is not a threat. On the contrary, the Feiyan corps under the banner of Murong Xianbei is very necessary. As long as the Feiyan corps is not eliminated, Shijie will be the first The target of the attack is definitely Fei Yan's troops, not the Han troops who have not raised the anti-flag.

"Let's attack Liu Zheng's army under the banner of Fei Yan." It is rare for Lu Yi to talk and laugh at the military meeting: "No matter what the result is, we will not admit to attacking Liu Zheng's Qingzhou Army anyway."

The Han Department became very busy that night, preparing dry food all night, resulting in uninterrupted cooking smoke from day to night.

The change in the Han tribe naturally attracted the attention of Liu Zheng and Fei Yan. The two groups rarely took any action, and they both chose to restrain the troops in the camp.

Affected by the change of the Han Dynasty, the camp of Liu Zheng and Fei Yan became extremely lively, and a kind of busyness before the war began to spread.

At the same time, Liu Yan sent troops to both Liu Zheng and Fei Yan, expressing their willingness to cooperate with each other in attacking the other. To show sincerity, they even clearly stated the approximate attack time.

Can you believe Liu Yan's statement? Maybe Liu Zheng and Fei Yan are equally skeptical, but this is at least a good start?
For about three consecutive days, somewhere in the garrisons of the three parties there will always be non-stop smoke floating into the sky.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the sound of war drums sounded in Xiami City, causing the camps of Liu Zheng and Fei Yan to passively gather their hands.

"Liu Yan is really going to attack Liu Zheng?" Fei Yan was full of doubts: "We are because we need and have a retreat, and they will attack Liu Zheng together with us who show the flag?"

Mr. Gong Tao nodded firmly and said, "Liu Yan will attack Liu Zheng's Qingzhou Army."

Even if he didn't understand it before, Mr. Gong Tao should know one thing after seeing Liu Yan's actions recently, that is, Liu Yan is definitely not a person who is willing to obey anyone's orders.Perhaps Liu Yan wanted to be a vassal, or Liu Yan wanted to separate Qingzhou.Those things will have an impact on Mr. Gong Tao, but maybe they are developing in a good direction.

As long as it can attract Xuzhou's army, it doesn't matter what Qingzhou becomes to Mr. Gong Tao.

Similarly, as long as Qingzhou can attract the attention of Shijie Zhao Guo and prevent Shijie Zhao Guo from affecting Murong Xianbei's Liaodong strategy, Fei Yan's task will be considered overfulfilled.

No one cares what Qingzhou has become, Shijie Zhao Guo doesn't care, Murong Yan Guo doesn't care, the Eastern Jin Xiao~Chao~Ting doesn't care, maybe even Liu Yan doesn't care that much.

What is war supposed to be, but destruction?

There are not many things worth destroying in Qingzhou. What should be destroyed was destroyed when Shijie Zhao State eliminated Cao Yi's separatist forces. Shijie Zhao State also never thought about building anything in Qingzhou, that is Liu Why did Yan see desolation everywhere.

Although there are mountainous areas in Xiami, the terrain is mostly flat, and the tens of thousands of troops will appear a little crowded.If there is a real fight, it is impossible to say that there is only one battlefield, it will only be distributed into several local battlefields.

Almost when Liu Yan was about to attack Liu Zheng's Qingzhou Army, the scout brought back a piece of information.

"The road back is cut off?" Although Liu Yan has a golden finger, such as a map in his mind, as long as he doesn't pay attention, he can't find it at all. It's impossible for him to do nothing all the time and just stare at the map: " Yao Jing led all the enemy soldiers around to the rear?"

This news came very timely, but it is not clear how many people Yao Jing took to detour, but it is only known that Yao Jing led people to activities on the West Bank of Jiaozi.

As long as Liu Yan knows the information, he can immediately turn the "vision" in his mind, and after checking, he found nothing wrong. For example, the pontoon bridge built was not damaged, and several camps serving as sentry posts were not attacked. .

"He...why didn't he attack?" Liu Yan's golden finger was not omnipotent, and he knew Yao Jing's intention to go around, but why Yao Jing didn't attack could only be guessed.

Yao Jing's detour to Liu Yan's rear has only one intention, nothing more than to threaten the logistics supply line of the Han Ministry.This is also a direct and effective means of military pursuit. After all, if an army's food road is cut off, it will be extremely fatal.

"Our side can't move!" Lu Yi's face was a little serious: "I have already communicated with Liu Zheng and Fei Yan. Once the troops move, it is the time to start the war."

Xia Mi City has been operated by Liu Yan for more than two months. It was originally intended to be a defensive fortification, but later it was converted into an advance base. Some military supplies were inevitably hoarded.

"We have half a year's supply of food and fodder here, so there won't be any problems in a short period of time." There is one thing Lu Yi didn't say, which is military equipment. Many buildings are built, and the blacksmith shop is one of the buildings that must be built, so that there will be no shortage of military supplies such as weapons.

Liu Yan never intends to reveal anything about Goldfinger to anyone, but only for the necessary information. As for what they think, that is a relatively indifferent matter.

Since we knew that Yao Jing had gone to the rear and couldn't mobilize troops to deal with it in a short time, we could only notify the various places to take precautions, and then mobilize troops from other places.

"Let Xu Zheng solve it." Liu Yan said as a matter of course: "The cavalry can only be chased by the cavalry."

"It can only be like that." Lu Yi nodded in agreement, and said, "Then our plan...continue?"

The dry food is ready, it's time to start the battle!

Liu Yan once again sent someone to contact Liu Zheng and Fei Yan, to the effect that it was time to inform the attack. As for what Fei Yan or Liu Zheng would think, they could not change the fact of the war.

Before any war is fought, there will be many problems. In addition to preparing for the war, there are various tricks.Once the war really starts, most of it depends on hard power.

On this sunny day, Liu Yan dispatched his army very much as promised, the gate of Xiami Bencheng was opened, and groups of soldiers stepped out.

At the same time, the gates of Liu Zheng and Fei Yan were also opened wide, and the troops belonging to the two sides came out one after another.

In the dense sky, the war drums and horns echoed continuously, and the tense atmosphere before the war did not need to be deliberately created to appear very strong.

If one looks down from a high altitude, the preset battlefield can be seen clearly at a glance. It is the southwestern side of the troops of the Han Dynasty who have set up a character of "Pin", and the two "mouths" of "Pin" are respectively aimed at Liu Zheng's Qingzhou County. Neihe Feiyan's rebel group, the "mouth" below is clearly the reserve team.

Seeing that Liu Yan dispatched 1 troops, Liu Zheng and Fei Yan were very sure that the previous warm-up had ended, and any plots and tricks should be suspended for a while, and it was time for a real fight.

Liu Zheng's troops should be the largest among the three parties, with a total of [-] troops.If you look at the overall layout, you can only say that his central army is somewhat decent, at least maintaining a certain column formation, and the rest of the troops distributed can only be described as "pinch", that is, there is no terrain to speak of, just It's just a messy pile.

Feiyan's side was even worse, Liu Zheng still had at least [-] county soldiers who looked like soldiers, Feiyan only had about [-] soldiers who could line up a little neatly, and the rest were piled up in piles.



(End of this chapter)

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