Chapter 189
It was unexpected and reasonable that Liu Yan chose to lead his army back to Xiami.

It would be surprising. Naturally, the Han tribe had just captured Duchang City not long ago, and the surrounding land was naturally included in the territory of the Han tribe. Since the boss's strength was abolished, he chose to give up again, which is very similar to the nature of the bandits. Unlike a rapidly rising tribe, every inch of land must be fought for.

But now more than one enemy army is approaching Liu Yan's troops. In addition to the more than 3 enemy troops from Gaomi County, there is also an enemy army numbering [-] to [-] from Dong'an County. Duchang City It is dilapidated and difficult to defend. The mountainous area is considered a wilderness. Only the lower secrets have been operated for a period of time and have relatively complete defenses. It is the best choice to retreat to the lower secrets to prepare for a defensive battle.

Cao Yan saw Xia Mi City, which had been run by the Han Dynasty, and naturally also saw Zicheng and the camp that was part of the Dujiao Force. He believed from the bottom of his heart that Liu Yan's choice was the right one.

Next, Liu Yan will face more than just two enemy armies. Even if he can defeat the enemy armies coming from Gaomi County and Dong'an County, there will be a steady stream of enemy armies coming. It can be confirmed that There are two teams in Xuzhou and Guanggu City preparing for war.

"It has been four years since the tribe was established. From nothing to controlling the territory of three counties, the most difficult test is about to come." Liu Yan has ordered Ji Chang to come over. In addition to Ji Chang, he will also deploy four thousand troops from the Korean Peninsula: "We must do our best to do a good job." Be prepared to face difficulties!”

What Lu Yi was more pleased with was that this time Liu Yan did not shrink back when encountering difficulties, but chose to concentrate on dealing with them.

Only when the Han Dynasty survives this crisis can it truly rise. What they want to attract the world's attention may happen in this battle. If they can win, the world's heroes will need to face up to the Han Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty will also start from From obscurity to public knowledge.

"Yes, we will go all out to meet this challenge!" In fact, Liu Yan's mentality has not changed. The difference is that he didn't have the strength to fight before, but now he has strength.He said: "We will mobilize this time, and within a month, [-] reinforcements will arrive in Shijie Zhao from overseas."

There are currently [-] Han soldiers in Shijie Zhao State, and with the addition of [-] follow-up support, it will reach [-].

Among the [-] troops that participated in the war, nearly [-] were soldiers who had been in the army for more than two years. They were soldiers who had seen blood on the Korean Peninsula; The newly attached army, servant army, and slave army in Lai County were forced to serve; nearly [-] soldiers were mobilized young and strong. They only received drills at a fixed time every year, and they could only be regarded as a kind of militia.

Because of the identity registration with number plates, it is very easy to check the population of Han Dynasty.When Liu Yan sent his army to the west, Shijie and Zhao State controlled three counties. The total population of the Han Dynasty has reached 34, and the free people are 22. The rest are either servants or slaves. This is in line with the newly captured A Donglai County is related to the capture of two cities and towns in Beihai County.

"We will try our best to bring out the potential of war." Lu Yi is full of confidence in this: "Thanks to our policy, the vast majority of new appendages, servants, and slaves are eager to change their status on the battlefield. destiny."

Not only that, the soldiers are eager for meritorious service, and those servants and slaves are also eager to become free citizens. As long as the Han Dynasty is not in a situation where the army is defeated and can stabilize at the front line, the potential for war will definitely be tapped, because for everyone In other words, this battle is an excellent opportunity to change their fate!
Yes, it is an excellent opportunity to change their destiny, including some families who are unwilling to integrate into the Han tribe, but they don't know what happened at the moment.

Xiami is really well managed by the Han. A well-defended city, plus a specially built corner city, the army camp located on the west side of Jiaoshui looks like a fortress. Three defenses The points formed an irregular corner, and any enemy who wanted to take Xiami City to attack one of them would definitely be flanked by the other two.

For all of us, the weather was less beautiful and it rained.

According to the local people, it is indeed raining at this time, and it will be rained intermittently for about half a month, otherwise it is called spring plowing season?Isn't it just planting the seeds, and God will give some rain?

"The enemy army on the south side is still eighty miles away from us. The flag they are flying is the flag of the commander Liu Min, the governor of Gaomi County." Lu Yi quickly entered the role. As a marching commander, Shi must understand the enemy's movements. , and make a reasonable response, but there are some problems, for example: "The scouts we sent did not detect any troops in the west."

Liu Yan immediately asked: "How far is the scout's reconnaissance range?"

"Hundred miles." What Lu Yi said is also a limitation of the scout's reconnaissance: "No matter how far it is, it will exceed the scope of Dong'an County."

do you know?The current Dong'an County was previously called Dongguan County. When Liu Yuan was in the Han Dynasty, Dongguan County was changed to Chengyang County in the northeast of Langya County. It means that Chengyang County disappeared. Dongguan County changed its place, and a new Dong'an County appeared.

Considering that the Hu people can't play with the regime at all, random reforms of administrative units are really very common, and the result is that the current situation in local states and counties is relatively chaotic.

How to say?For example, there are several maps of mountains and rivers that Liu Yan asked to hang on the wall. The first one belongs to the Western Jin Dynasty, and there is no Dong'an County in it.On the second one, it should be a map of mountains and rivers belonging to Liu Yuan's Han Dynasty, but Chengyang County disappeared.The third one is even weirder. The counties in it still have those names, but there are many contradictions in which state the county belongs to.

Those maps of mountains and rivers are very simple. They only roughly mark where are the counties and where are the cities. As for the mountains and rivers, etc., the terrain is blank. Isn't perfection just messing around?
The [-] troops led by Fei Yan, Gong Tao and others are currently in a place called Chunyu, about ten miles west of Tanshui (about thirty miles northeast of modern Anqiu).

In fact, Liu Yan no longer expected the enemy army from Gaomi County to speed up. According to the result of their negotiation, the enemy army from Gaomi County would only approach after the Yao family's troops arrived.

" we need to take the initiative to attack and destroy this enemy army before the Yao family's troops appear?" Liu Yan's point is of course the place marked Chunyu on the map: "How is the terrain there?"

This requires Cao Yan to answer. He said: "The area is located on one side of a mountainous area. To the west is a mountainous area. The terrain near the beach and glue area is relatively flat."

Cao Yan does not belong to the Han Dynasty now, he can only be said to be a partner, seriously, it is equivalent to some kind of guest minister?Part of his cooperation with Liu Yan was to provide the necessary intelligence support.

There is no doubt about the importance of intelligence. Without the intelligence from Cao Yan, the Han tribe would have to wait for the army sent by the Yao family to enter within [-] miles of the warning range, and would not know for the first time that the army belonged to the Yao family. , will only know that there is an army, and in terms of scale, it can only conduct investigation temporarily.

If he hadn't known in advance that the Yao family sent [-] to [-] troops, Liu Yan should have been near the mountainous area [-] miles south of Hanting at that time, perhaps fighting the enemy from Gaomi County, and then he was killed by the south and A flanking attack from the west would be a worse situation.

Knowing that the Yao family sent troops over is just one of them. Without the information provided by Cao Yan, the Han will not know that Xuzhou is preparing for war, but they will definitely know about Guanggu City, but it must be delayed by at least half. months.

"I think that the governor should increase the number of troops immediately." Cao Yan didn't know that Liu Yan had ordered the mobilization: "This time the Han will not face one or two enemy troops, and the war will not last for three or two months. It will be completed within.”

There are many things that Liu Yan does not need to let Cao Yan know. For example, Xu Zheng's troops, who originally planned to invade Gaomi County, accelerated their preparations for the invasion. It depends on how the enemy army from Gaomi County will react after Gaomi County is attacked. Will not shrink back.

If the enemy army from Gaomi County does not retreat, Xu Zheng will take advantage of the emptiness of Gaomi County to complete the capture, probably mainly to plunder materials and people, and then march from the south to Beihai County. Join the battle when the time is right.

Almost when the dispatched scouts finally discovered the army to which the Yao family belonged, there was also definite information from Guanggu City that the new governor Liu Zheng mobilized [-] troops to officially intervene in the Qingzhou war.

"That guy issued a statement, ordering all parties to return to their counties." Liu Yan didn't respect Liu Zheng, and sneered: "I was specially ordered to return to Changguang County, otherwise it will be regarded as rebellion."

Liu Yan's official position in Shijie Zhao State was just the governor of Changguang County. In Dongmu County, he was the former county governor. The county governor of Donglai County had long been killed.

"Liu Zheng is deeply trusted by Shi Hu, and he intervened in the war..." Cao Yan was laughing again, but it seemed to be a sneer: "It is a good thing for the Han."

The affairs of Qingzhou only belonged to Qingzhou. Liu Zheng was the governor of Qingzhou. Seriously speaking, he had the right to refuse the intervention of foreign states and counties. So whether it was the Yao family or Xuzhou, from a legal point of view, as long as he entered Qingzhou, it was considered a rebellion.

"Will Liu Zheng refuse the Yao family's army to enter Qingzhou?" Liu Yan still hasn't figured out whether Dong'an County belongs to Qingzhou or Yanzhou.

No one is the roundworm in Liu Zheng's belly, so how can they answer Liu Yan's question?

However, it is still possible to guess that Liu Zheng is not Liu Zheng.Judging from the content of the memorandum, Liu Zheng was clearly extremely afraid of Liu Yan, and he should have been looking forward to the Yao family's intervention and attack on the Han Dynasty.

"Then Liu Zheng's order is a fart!" Liu Yan showed his toughness: "Since one is a fight, and the other two are also a fight, it is simply a battle to determine the ownership of Qingzhou!"

The corners of Cao Yan's lips curled up, but he was really just sneering, thinking: "Where do you get such confidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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