sweeping the world

Chapter 188 Absurd Facts

Chapter 188 Absurd Facts

The real situation is that the Han Department didn't even know that the Yao family would send troops to participate in the battle in Qingzhou. The sentence Liu Yan said just now was just a question.

However, Lu Yi thought that the matter on Cao Yan's side was more threatening than the Yao family's sending troops to join the war. He said: "The Cao family's plan is very big. If we work with such people, if he can betray Donglai Academy, he can betray us."

Liu Yan agrees with Lu Yi's words from the bottom of his heart, but his position does not allow one size fits all.

For the ruler, there are only two points that can be used and cannot be used, and the rest of the good and evil are secondary. If Liu Yan wants to gain the rule of Qingzhou, he will need Cao Yan's power, and it may be more useful than he imagined. After all, no matter how weak the Cao family is, it has been operating for nearly ten years. Presumably they don't just know how to hide in the dark, they must have more information that people don't know. For example, it turns out that Mr. Gong Tao is A person from the small ~ court ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

For Liu Yan and Lu Yi, it is extremely important to know that the Yao family wants to intervene. In contrast, it is not important which side Mr. Gong Tao belongs to.

"The information we urgently need to know is whether the Yao family dispatched private soldiers or gathered miscellaneous soldiers." Liu Yan was thinking, since the situation has changed, they should make corresponding changes: "From the direction of Gaomi County There seems to be an explanation for why the enemy army that came was dragging its feet.”

In fact, according to Lu Yi's suggestion, the Han Dynasty swallowed Donglai County, and it has the basics of Changguang County and Dongmou County. There is really no need to pursue a high degree of expansion in a short period of time.

It's not about being cautious, but Changguang County and Dongmou County are sparsely populated, and the one county of Donglai County only added less than 14 people to the Han Dynasty.

Wars are never expansion for the sake of expansion. It should be that every expansion should be able to digest the dividends generated by the war, so that the newly occupied population and resources will become the boost to start the next war.

Obviously, although the Han tribe captured Dongnae County, it is too early to say that it is really digested. They are currently only relying on high-pressure policies to squeeze out manpower, and obtaining resources is mainly based on high-pressure exploitation.This situation is rather bad. As long as the Han tribe loses a little in a certain battlefield, Dongnai County will definitely become a turbulent place full of phoenix eyes.

"We didn't take the initiative to expand, right?" Liu Yan didn't like repeating this topic endlessly: "What you should do now is to ensure that we can continue to win."

Compared with Ji Chang, Liu Yan doesn't like Lu Yi, and even Sang Yu, who appeared not long ago, makes Liu Yan feel more happy to get along with than Lu Yi.But still the same sentence, as a leader, one size fits all, it has nothing to do with good or evil and preferences, only useful or useless, Liu Yan can only try his best to make the two of them more tacit.

Whether Dong'an County is a part of Qingzhou or not is not clear now. It seems that Shijie Zhao State has not paid attention to local states and counties for a long time. The repeated reforms of administrative states and counties have made the local administrative system a bit messy. The most obvious An example is that whoever is strong enough to kill the original sheriff can replace him.

Precisely because he didn't know whether Dong'an County belonged to Qingzhou or not, Liu Yan suddenly realized that he didn't have many choices. For example, there was no need to bring in another state. .

"Yanzhou?" Cao Yan was obviously taken aback for a moment. He said, "Qingzhou is surrounded by Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Jizhou, and Yuzhou. The counties under each state are always changing."

Liu Yan was nodding, but he was really complaining endlessly in his heart. Although the Shijie Zhao Kingdom was a country, it was really too casual.

"Yanzhou doesn't have too much power, it's similar to the current Qingzhou." Cao Yan raised his hand suddenly and said, "Xuzhou is the one that should be paid attention to, there is a relatively obvious military mobilization there recently, and they are gathering in the direction of Qingzhou. "

Liu Yan specially made up for the relevant knowledge. For example, Shijie Zhao State determines which state is its sphere of influence according to its title. For example, Shi Bin is the Duke of Yan, so Yandi belongs to Shi Bin's sphere of influence.

Precisely because Yandi is Shi Bin's sphere of influence, he needs repeated Northern Expeditions to ensure that the surrounding area of ​​Yandi is not threatened. After Husi, a Xianbei tribe, was regarded as a threat, he immediately ushered in the conquest of the army.

"So Qingzhou is Shi Shi's territory now?" Liu Yan had a little impression of Shi Shi, and only recently found out that Shi Shi was only three years old: "Then it's no wonder that Yanzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou are in chaos."

"Shi Zun has been seeking to regain control of Qi. Although he is currently only in Pengcheng, several prefectures and counties have loyal officials to him. For example, Xuzhou Governor Guo Xiang is Shi Zun's right-hand man." Cao Yan watched. Liu Yan, who was wearing a military uniform and riding a majestic war horse, looked at Lu Yi, who was riding a horse like a Confucian robe, and finally turned his gaze to Liu Yan again, and said: "Mr. Gong Tao's multiple identities, about Murong Yanguo That level of identity is spread out by the Guo family."

A huge "connection map" is being opened in front of Liu Yan. For the first time, he has learned about the chaotic situation in Shijie Zhao State with relatively direct information.

Facts have proved that in the age without media revelations, it is really not so easy to know something, how is the relationship with whom, and who is with whom. To understand the pulse of it is really not relying on oneself Imagine it really is like that.

Liu Yan tried to understand what kind of country Shijie Zhao was like before, and the result of many investigations was a "chaos". understand.

The appearance of Cao Yan gave Liu Yan a chance to understand. Don't doubt how hard a person who hides in the dark and keeps running in order to stand in front of the stage, and don't doubt why such a person understands...or Said to know so much.

If the situation didn't allow it, Liu Yan really hoped that Cao Yan could be the chief intelligence officer of the Han Ministry. It's a pity that Cao Yan didn't join him. Cao Yan only expressed his willingness to cooperate with Liu Yan.

It should be said that even if Cao Yan took refuge, Liu Yan probably would not have dared to use Cao Yan if he had at least only one territory in Qingzhou before he achieved greater achievements.

Liu Yan led the army to leave from that mountainous area, and they were going back to Xiami.

If only the enemy troops from Gaomi County invaded, that mountainous area would be a good battleground, regardless of whether Mr. Gong Tao and Fei Yan were going to lead the army to march from that mountainous area.The problem is that another large army is approaching from Dong'an County. If the Han tribe continues to stay in that mountainous area, they will face a pincer attack from both sides.

Cao Yan's arrival allowed Liu Yan to learn more information, but it was all bad news.

One is that the Yao family intervened in the war in Qingzhou, the other is that the situation in Gaomi County will be more responsible, the third is that the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty may make some preparations for the Northern Expedition, and the fourth is that in Guanggu City Bian doesn't want to sit back and watch anymore.

Do you know why Liu Yan returned to the better city defense facilities to release secret codes?Just because the next thing to face will be an extremely bad situation.

In fact, no one took the Northern Expedition of the Eastern Jin Dynasty small~chao~ting seriously. It was a half-disabled country like a waste wood. The officials of that country were better at taking drugs, imitating donkeys, and drinking with pigs. Guy leads an army to war?Those who are really talented are suppressed because the Sima royal family is also afraid that their throne will be usurped because of the improper position, so they can only choose some stupid pigs to use.

"Of course the Sima royal family knows that choosing a stupid pig is not good for the country, but as long as they can continue to live and dream, a stupid pig is far less dangerous than a handsome man." Liu Yan doesn't like the Sima royal family. This is no secret in the Han Dynasty. Yan concealed this point: "Since you have stayed in that Xiao~chao~ting, you obviously know this."

Cao Yan, who has been active in the south of the Yangtze River in recent years, of course knows what the Eastern Jin Dynasty is. As a subordinate, then he must be a stupid pig, right?

Do you know what Cao Yan thinks?He unexpectedly discovered that either he was crazy or the world was crazy. How many counties did a person (referring to Liu Yan) who didn't understand the situation actually capture?That's right, they captured the three counties of Qingzhou!
After finding an excuse, Cao Yan thought that he should be quiet for a while.Ever since he found out that Liu Yan didn't know the situation in Shijie Zhao State at all, he had doubts about his own life just like Mr. Gong Tao.

"It's ridiculous! A guy who doesn't know anything can actually cause the established fact of capturing three counties?" Cao Yan wanted Ang Tian to laugh wildly, and repeatedly called out something.He patted himself on the chest, and looked at the stepping and orderly steps with extremely strange eyes, but he was a little stunned: "It really is enough to be barbaric and powerful enough to have Is it the era of foundation?"

It seems that the barbaric has been justified, and the powerful has been the truth. Whether it is Xia, Shang, Zhou, or Qin or Han, hasn't it always been the case that whoever is powerful has the final say?
Cao Yan can think that Liu Yan is an ignorant guy, and he can also think that the Han Department is almost a bumpkin who has no knowledge and does not know where he came from, but one thing must be admitted, that is, the system of the Han Department is very poor. Advanced... No, it should be said to be extremely aggressive. Furthermore, the army of the Han army is indeed as sturdy as the rumors, and there is no shortage of elites.

"As long as Liu Yan can survive this time..." Cao Yan took a deep breath: "Then choose to seek refuge!"

(End of this chapter)

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