sweeping the world

Chapter 162 How to Govern?

Chapter 162 How to Govern?

In an era when education is monopolized, talents can only appear in aristocratic families, because the vast majority of ordinary people have no way to acquire knowledge at all, so unless they are "born with knowledge" or "innately gifted", otherwise it is possible to become a talent Sex is barely there.

The background of aristocratic families and aristocrats is the period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Sixteen Kingdoms!
When did the concept of having a family but not a country, knowing a family but not a country, start?It started from the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty!
If Liu Yan remembers correctly, Yang Sui's national policy after the establishment was to weaken the aristocratic families and powerful families?

When Yang Jian was in power, he messed up a bit. After being counterattacked, he died down. Then he was obviously an extremely wise emperor. He became old and began to pursue pleasure. He was forced to choose Yang Guang as the successor. .

Yang Guang has done a lot of things. If you don't talk about the pain of contemporary people, which one thing is not "a merit that lasts forever"?Whether it is opening a canal or conquering Goguryeo.Is there any use behind the canal?Li Tang scolded cruelty while using it, so don't use it!Not to mention Goguryeo, Li Tang was not defeated until Li Zhi's generation.

In other words, Yang Guang's strategic vision really has nothing to say, and he fell down because he was too anxious.He probably inherited some of Yang Jian's behest, and he has always been weakening the family and the family. In order to achieve the goal of weakening the family and the family, he did not hesitate to launch wars and won repeated victories against the Turks. In the end, he had no choice but to fight Goguryeo. It was deliberately burying the army in order to weaken those families (one of the sayings).The result was overthrown by the family...

Liu Yan, who could tolerate the family at first, knows very well that there is no family that has truly formed a giant, and there are two powerful families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Central Plains?He believes that it is impossible to have aristocratic families in the Central Plains. The so-called five surnames and seven Wangs are basically dog ​​legs holding the thighs of the barbarians. At this stage, they are very cautious.

"We can't let aristocratic families appear..." Liu Yan said and stopped: "No, no one can prevent aristocratic families from appearing. After all, there will be meritorious deeds when there are wars, and even aristocratic families will appear after many generations of officials..."

Tuobaxiu couldn't understand it at all!

"Then don't want a family, what about vassals?" Liu Yan didn't seem to find that Tuobaxiu couldn't understand, or simply needed someone to listen to: "The vassals will cause the end similar to the Zhou royal family being killed by the courtiers. , but without vassals, won’t they be killed?”

What kind of big bad joke is this?The vassals will kill the lord, but at least after the war, like Xia Jie (Lu Gui) destroyed Xia after the Shang Tang Mingtiao War and established Shang.The demise of the Shang Dynasty was established in Haojing by Zhou Wuwang Jifa after the defeat of Emperor Xin Shangzhou in the Battle of Muye.The demise of Zhou was when Qin State invaded Luoyi in 255 BC, which led to the official demise of Zhou and brought China into the true Warring States era.

Vassals at least need to use war to kill the king. In the history of China, powerful officials can use countless methods to kill the king. In many cases, even a glass of poisoned wine can do it.

Why do vassals need war to kill the king, but powerful ministers can use countless means to kill the king?The answer lies in the difference between "co-lord of the world" and "emperor".

"I would rather my descendants be defeated and replaced by my vassals on the battlefield, and I don't want my descendants to be strangled to death on the bed by powerful ministers with a piece of white silk one day!" Liu Yan finally saw that Tuobaxiu had extra expression.

"What!?" Tuobaxiu suddenly looked like a lioness: "Whoever is a minister of power, my husband will kill him immediately! Kill his whole family! No chicken or dog will be spared!"

Liu Yan likes such a woman, who is usually very docile, but the interests of the whole family can be violent in an instant.He comforted Tuobaxiu, managed to calm down Tuobaxiu's mood, and asked, "Xiu, has your brother written a letter recently?"

Tuobaxiu nodded, and began to talk about the contents of the letter, probably about the development of the war, and then some things about the royal family's bullshit.

The stalemate between Daiguo and the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu is still going on. There are not many armies of the two sides in formal confrontation. They are basically sweeping each other to see who can break down the other's production system first.

"Our promise to support your brother will not change." Liu Yanna is making a profitable investment: "It is the promised returns. I hope your brother can keep his promise."

Tuobaxiu was a little speechless and thought that it was nothing else but that it was really normal to go back and forth these days, and it was absolutely unknown that things that were clearly agreed would not be implemented in real terms.

There was nothing complicated about the transaction between the Han and Dai. Liu Yan provided weapons, salt, and salted fish to Dai on credit, and Tuoba Shiyiqian promised to provide livestock including war horses and slaves (prisoners of war).

At the same time, Tuoba Shiyijian also promised to give Tuobaxiu a generous dowry, including Tuobaxiu's original tribe and property, as well as a pasture (fief or territory) on the grassland.

The contract between the two parties was completed after Dai Guo defeated the Tiefu tribe of the Huns, but Liu Yan always doubted whether Tuoba Shiyiqian would really keep his promise.

"Within half a year, we need to have enough territory on the peninsula, and we will most likely have to face the chaos in Changguang County and Dongmou County." Liu Yan's face turned cold: "Great chaos, great opportunity , or possibly a few crashes."

This is the first time for Tuobaxiu to know about this. She has almost no chance to participate in politics. Ji Chang and other Jin people "partnered" to control it.

"Actually, the land of the two counties has become irrelevant now. Ji Chang suggested that I 'let go' the two counties for the time being, and wait for the affairs of this narrow peninsula and the Korean peninsula to be straightened out before raising troops to fight back." Liu Yan The bottom line in his heart is to at least ensure that Dongmou County is not lost, and the other is to ensure that Huangdao District is under actual control: "So there should be no big movements here." He was talking about the narrow peninsula in the east of Liaodong.

Dai Guo is still of some use to the Han, such as communicating with Qian Yan.

Qianyan really needs Dai now, because Qianyan and Houzhao are enemies. Once Daiguo is lost, which can attract Houzhao, Houzhao can only find Qianyan, the enemy, if he wants to make trouble.

Shi Bin has been preparing for the war for nearly two years. It is no secret that he wants to fight north. Qianyan is so eager to clean up the countries and forces around the east of Liao 1. It is not just for the sake of going south. A big battle broke out with Hou Zhao to reduce the possibility of back fire, otherwise who would want to fight in winter?

"There are many countries and forces around the east of Liao 1. If the Murong family wants to clean up, it will take at least two years, even if it goes well." Tuobaxiu generally knows the surrounding situation: "Gaoguryeo is strong on the outside, but Fuyu is a whole country. country of hunters."

Buyeo has a long history. If there are farming peoples and nomadic peoples in the world, then there is another people who are not very famous, which is the hunter people.

In a broad sense, the hunter nation is a group that mainly hunts. They live in deep mountains and old forests all year round, relying on hunting prey and gathering wild fruits to survive.For example, female straight is a pure hunter nation, and the back face began to change to semi-agricultural.

Each nation has its own special skills, just like the nomadic people are good at riding horses, the farming people are good at farming, and the hunter people have superb skills in archery.

"The Fuyu country on the plain will not be the opponent of the Yan army, but if they fight in the forest and mountains, the Yan army will not easily defeat the Fuyu people." Tuobaxiu was talking about a consensus, bowed his head for a while, and said: "There are quite a few great Confucianists in the (former) Yan Kingdom. Do they use tricks to lure or force the Fuyu people out of the forest?"

Where is Fuyu Country?Probably the rest of Jilin in later generations.Now there is a densely forested area, and it is still surrounded by ice and snow all year round. For the Buyeo people who have lived in that land for generations, no one can fight better than them in that environment.

Confucianism?For the Hu people, a great scholar is a person who is good at using intrigues and tricks, and then he can help them govern the country.The Hu people very much welcomed the help of the great Confucians, probably because of the presence of the great Confucians, they could establish a system, a system of how to exploit them more efficiently.What's weird is that the Hu people rely on great Confucians, but in their hearts they extremely look down on the Great Confucian who only relies on his mouth. It's quite a contradiction.

"Will my husband return to the (later) Zhao country?" Tuobaxiu was stroking her belly when she said this: "Will it be a long time?"

How long is it actually?Tuoba Xiu is pregnant, but it will take at least three months for her figure to show. Now she looks very flat.

Will it be long?Liu Yan is not so clear, just like what Tuobaxiu said, those great Confucians may not know anything else, but they have their own way of conspiracy.

All kinds of information from the Ministry of Han show that Donglai Academy is doing frequent activities, and it should be for some kind of connection, gathering more people to challenge Liu Yan's rule in Changguang County and Dongmou County.

Liu Yan thought that he had done his best for the families in Changguang County and Dongmou County. At least he didn't clean up like the Hu people who had the strength. As a result, only those families were allowed to pay the taxes they should pay. Are those families not satisfied?

"This time I will sweep, all sweep!" Liu Yan said in his heart that it would be impossible without Huo Da: "We already have enough strength to say to those families, 'Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish'. "

Tuobaxiu nodded emphatically: "That's right! Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish! Husband should have done this long ago!"

In fact, if it was earlier, it is estimated that Liu Yan was constantly besieged at the beginning of his development, and now he is just like this. It can also be explained that he is accumulating strength in the past, and he will only show his true fangs when he has enough strength.

However, Liu Yan knew in his heart that he was too naive in the past, always thinking that those people could be saved, but the facts proved that they could not be saved at all.

(End of this chapter)

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