sweeping the world

Chapter 161 Fighter, Get Out!

Chapter 161 Fighter, Get Out!
Liu Yan moved almost all of Changguang County and Dongmou County that could be relocated, and even a considerable number of families followed the migration of the Han Dynasty, resulting in a sharp decline in the population of Changguang County and Dongmou County.

The Han Dynasty's large-scale migration of population gave the outside world senses other than giving up Changguang County and Dongmou County, what else could it be?The result was that the Yao family wanted to retaliate against the Han, but they didn't know where to start. After all, the Han was ready to give up the two counties, so what else could hurt the Han?Shi Bin's reaction was similar to that of the Yao family. He basically felt that attacking a tribe that could get away at any time would not only bring no big benefits, but also cause a mess, so he simply didn't do anything.

High-status "elephants" have their own dignity. Even if they can reach out to kill an ant at will, they still have benefits after killing the ant. Whether it is to find an opponent or a character of the same level.

"Donglai Academy?" Liu Yan looked at the busy farmer...or is it a slave?Turning his attention to Ji Chang: "It has been confirmed that he is involved with the Cao family, right?"

"Yes, we have spent a lot of effort. The result of the investigation is that the Cao family and Donglai Academy are involved, but the Cao family is only one of them." Ji Chang was talking about coercion and lure, and this year is the worst What is important is morality, and it is nothing to betray a person if it is beneficial.He sneered, and said: "Donglai Academy is just a means for many families to survive. They rely on this method to build momentum, and when they have a reputation, they serve the barbarians in exchange for survival."

It's not difficult to understand. During the process of Liu Yan's rise, he repeatedly stated that he would get talents from Donglai Academy to play for him, but Donglai Academy's response was strangely indifferent.

Probably Donglai Academy was smart enough to realize that Liu Yan would not belong to the five major clans. As for being a miscellaneous Hu or a member of the Jin Dynasty, it doesn't matter at all. Anyway, they think that it is extremely difficult for non-five major clans to develop and grow their power.

Liu Yan has not appeared in Qingzhou for a long time. Donglai Academy was still secretive at first, but as time went by, it became more and more explicit.

"Li Chun wants to be two-faced?" Liu Yan obtained part of his information from the Li family: "What about Wang Xiao?"

In fact, the Li family and the Wang family still have "hostages" in the hands of the Han tribe. They are clan soldiers and young adults who were transferred from the beginning, and they have been arranged in the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1 and have not been returned.

"School Wang..." Ji Chang still doesn't want to have major turmoil, especially the things on the Korean peninsula have not yet come to an end.But things often backfire. He said: "The Wang family and the Li family are common choices."

It is in line with the choice of contemporary families when encountering difficulties, betting on both sides or multiple sides, and the family can continue to develop no matter who wins or loses.Liu Yan doesn't like such people, but he is more helpless, probably because this is the reality and the norm.

"Your Majesty, there are many benefits from joining our family, but..." Ji Chang really doesn't want anything to happen in the two counties now: "Maybe we can use power to overwhelm others?"

Liu Yan nodded: "You go ahead and do it, I'll wait for the finishing touches."

Donglai Academy has a wide range of contacts in Qingzhou. Once it takes action against this academy, it will not be a trivial matter. This is why Liu Yan did not directly use force even though he was extremely disgusted with Donglai Academy.

According to Liu Yan's wishes, he already has a card in his hand that can draw [-] system soldiers at any time, so all problems may no longer be problems.

"The last emergency mobilization mobilized [-] young adults just here." Liu Yan has been wandering aimlessly, walking through one place after another, seeing a lot of villages: "We don't lack What is lacking in the source of troops is confidence and courage!"

Ji Chang wanted to talk about related topics with Liu Yan a long time ago, but because he had no chance, he immediately picked up the topic and said, "Your Majesty, we just lack a big enough victory."

"Huh?" Liu Yan reined in his horse and stared at Ji Chang: "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, if any tribe wants to practice martial arts, it is to obtain a crucial victory that can be spread throughout the world!" Ji Chang said with a serious face: "We have been fighting, but...there is a lack of a crucial victory. victory."

Since that day, Liu Yan has been a little confused. He has treated the military well enough, and he has been cultivating warriors who dare to fight. How did he cultivate such a bunch of idiots?
It is by no means a simple issue of treatment. Otherwise, there would be no such words as "Renwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes" and "Wealth makes people weak".It's not a question of treatment, it's a question of morale!

If they want to be energetic, Liu Yan should let them bleed enough, but the population is a flaw now, don’t let the vitality and spirit be cultivated, and the young and strong in the Han Dynasty are completely consumed, then it will be true. It became a joke.

After all, the population of the entire tribe is only that small, Liu Yan can't play iron and blood anyway, after all, there are only so many people, and if they are slaughtered, there should be no one left.

Now, the tribe has a population of over [-], and it is still impossible to play too iron-blooded things, but there is no way to be iron-blooded with soldiers, so why can't those officers not be able to play?
To be more ruthless to the officials, Liu Yan already has enough confidence to do that, and he has reached the point where he can't be ruthless. Just look at the group of people who are promoted!

It can accommodate incompetent guys and unbearable generals who are timid. This is Liu Yan's strongest thought now.

It is estimated that he did not encounter an absolute disadvantage. Liu Yan actually did not find that those people would be like that before, but he was disappointed once, and any ruler would never encounter such a thing for the second time.

The reason is very simple, warriors can be reckless or even incompetent, and they will only suffer defeat.But once a warrior dare not show his sword to the enemy, is he still a warrior?One day, will you feel that you can't win the battle, or will you wait for the enemy to kill your country's capital, and make a comedy about losing the country without fighting?It's not that something like this has never happened in history!

Excellent soldiers are hard to find, but it is the easiest thing to find those who want to be officials. Liu Yan encountered such a thing on the way, a young man had a sword, knife, bow, and spear on his armband. , the weirder one turned out to be a...a farmer?
"Returning to the lord, the villain's name is Lu Shaoyang."

"My lord? Call Your Majesty."

Lord is actually a more appropriate title, and nowadays, as long as it is not a national-level force, except for barbarians, all people who are loyal to them are called lord. Only Liu Yan would go back to calling him lord.

The Han Ministry has developed skill armbands, which means that there will be a special organization to conduct assessments, and you can receive badges from the official if you learn any skills.

A farmer has so many combat skills, but has no other production skills, and has not been drawn into the army. What is the situation?
"It's like this..." Lu Shaoyang introduced his background. Lian was once the eldest son of a family, but the family was wiped out by the barbarians and did not hide it. Finally, he said: "When the villain came here, the army Recruitment has not been initiated."

By the way, Liu Yan's recruitment system in the regular army is not a conscription system.

Recruitment refers to the open call to the public, not mandatory, that is, a mechanism similar to the nature of employment.

Recruitment refers to compulsory recruitment, just like corvee, which must be completed without the opportunity to choose independently.

"We will recruit again." Knowing that he is the eldest son of a certain family, Liu Yan was not surprised to see that he was able to obtain so many badges through the assessment: "If you enter the army, you can come directly to look for it. You can be my bodyguard. "

Lu Shaoyang directly fell to the ground like pushing a golden mountain and falling a jade pillar, and solemnly called out: "Your Majesty!" When he stood up again, Liu Yan's team had already gone far.

The spring in Liaodong is about a month later than that in the Central Plains, which indicates that the real start of spring plowing here is also a month later.

In fact, due to different regions, there are quite a few differences in spring plowing. For example, it is difficult to cultivate wheat seeds in the Central Plains in Liaodong. What is needed is to obtain cold-resistant wheat seeds from Liaodong.

Before the Han Dynasty came to Liaodong, they had already obtained cold-resistant wheat seeds from some sources. Because it was still a commune system, there was no need to distribute it to each household. At that time, the village would only need to take the lead in farming.

"There are about 1 hectares." Ji Chang couldn't say an absolutely accurate figure, which included Changguang County, Dongmou County, Miaodao Islands, Lingshan Island, and Liaodong Narrow Peninsula: "In addition to those With three crops a year, we will not be short of grain and fodder."

Speaking of which, the lack of food in the Han Dynasty was a long time ago. Since it has really developed, with seafood and Liu Yan's timely adjustment of more farmers to cultivate, there is really no shortage of food and fodder.

Ji Chang will not ask those mysterious things now, such as how tribal farmers can produce three crops a year, and why the rest cannot, and where the elite armed forces come from.

Not only Ji Chang, as long as it is a core member, everyone has discovered the abnormal phenomenon, but there are no idiots who can get into the core class, everyone is blind, and will not ask at all.

"There are a large number of folks who have received orthodox education, such as the man named Lu Shaoyang just now." Liu Yan has been thinking about whether to conduct imperial examinations, and now he has made a decision: "In order not to bury talents, I decided to recruit from the folks. Good talent."

Liu Yan had already mentioned similar things to Ji Chang more than once, and Ji Chang knew that at this time he would never be able to influence him like before, so he immediately said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Wise egg!Liu Yan was simply crossing the river by feeling the stones. When he discovered that his previous strategy was wrong, there was no reason not to change it immediately.As for what he was worried about before about being enemies with all the aristocratic families in the world, he was worried about nothing now. He really couldn't bear that the aristocratic families only cared about his own peeing!

(End of this chapter)

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