sweeping the world

Chapter 140 The Natural Responsibilities of the "Shit Stirring Stick"

Chapter 140 The Natural Responsibilities of the "Shit Stirring Stick"
Baekje's treachery was the first, and the Han's passive counterattack followed.This program can't be forgotten!

Psychologically, people all have the desire to pursue revenge. How else can we say that the sad soldiers must win and justice must win?
The party who is wronged will be in a psychologically hesitant and hesitant state of mind, and will become hesitant to do anything.

Therefore, it is really reasonable to pursue being famous as a teacher!
Standing on the side of justice and pursuing a better life, there is no need to worry about the morale of the Han soldiers who are on the weaker side when the war begins. They are well-armed and have psychological advantages. As soon as they come into contact, they can suppress the numerically superior Baekje Army. Fighting.

Arrows criss-crossed on the battlefield, and the soldiers' weapons were waved together. In the eyes of the Han soldiers who had decided to award military merits, the Baekje Army was one after another who could walk around.

Baekje is currently in an era of half-slave and half-feudalism, where meritorious service belongs to noble lords, but the dead are slaves.

That's right, there is no such thing as commoners in Baekje, only the distinction between managers and servants.They don't distinguish between counties and counties. There are hundreds of "Dao" in the country, and there are "Yiluo" under the Dao, each of which is managed by "haomin".

No matter in terms of armament configuration or morale, the Han side is completely superior to Baekje. The sword and shield soldiers are in the front, and the spear soldiers pick up the omissions. The whole battlefield situation does not take advantage of the large number of Baekje.

Douah has hacked to death four Baekje soldiers, and he still has extra time to stop and cut off the head, and tie it firmly around his waist, causing four bloody heads to swing around his waist every time he walks. .

Cutting off the enemy's head on the battlefield has become the combat habit of the soldiers of the Han Dynasty. They will leave a trail of blood behind them every time they take a step. The blood naturally drips from the waist and head.

Facing such an enemy, the servants of the Baekje Army couldn't help but tremble with fear.They think they are barbaric enough (the truth), but they only dispose of the remains of the enemy’s war dead after the war. To help the more savage, he couldn't wait to cut off his head on the battlefield.

Anyone who sees the enemy soldiers with the heads of their own soldiers hanging from their waists will have thoughts in their hearts. Those heads are likely to be known by someone, or even their relatives. Most of the rest should be timid, and the shrinking of the cowards will affect those who still have courage, and the spread will happen like that.

Even when the generals of the Baekje Army wanted to save the unfavorable battlefield situation, the Baekje Army was defeated without any accidents when the enemy troops on the left and right flanks were pincer-like.

"Don't kill, arrest people!"

I don't know who yelled that first, facing the collapse of the Baekje Army, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty began to enter the mode of catching slaves.

It's quite boring to say. When the Han tribe fought against Goguryeo, even though the Goguryeo tribal army didn't have a unified uniform, at least there were still coordination.Baekje Army?Not only were the uniforms in disarray, but the coordination capabilities were also in disarray. As a result, about [-]% of the casualties were lost and the battlefield collapsed, causing the battlefield to enter "garbage time."

"General, please don't underestimate Baekje with the results of this battle." Gongsun Bai said more solemnly: "The chieftain has [-] royal troops in his hands, so don't take it lightly."

To put it more clearly, the Han tribe defeated [-] mobs assembled by the tribes, and the real elite was not encountered by the Han tribe.

Liu Yan is not proud or anything.Can't he see that the Baekje Army is a mob?
In fact, the [-] Baekje troops who fought against the Han were not to mention that their uniforms were not uniform, and they also had a variety of weapons. Less than three-tenths of them had serious weapons, and the rest had everything. Holding farm implements.

The [-] troops with excellent equipment and long-term training are also troops that have seen blood. Against the [-] mob, they won a one-to-five victory. They should be happy, but there is really no need to be proud of it.

Lu Tai on the side snorted coldly. He didn't care what he was facing. In short, the result was that two thousand troops from the Han tribe faced ten thousand Baekje troops, and won a big victory in less than half a day.

As the new order was issued, the troops participating in the war began to squeeze in a cooperative manner, forcing more Baekje people to surrender, and reducing the active forces of Baekje in the area as much as possible.

It was almost evening, and Liu Yan could already see the scene where a dozen or so local soldiers escorted hundreds of prisoners of war back.

The soldiers of the Han tribe who escorted the prisoners of war were extremely excited, while the prisoners of war who were escorted were shivering.

The Baekje prisoners of war were not all afraid. Judging from their thin clothes, they must have been shivering from the cold.Looking at the honest face, the age range ranges from thirteen or fourteen to forty years old. It is true that the [-] Baekje Army is a mob.

"The next step is to transport these prisoners of war back to the Liaodong Peninsula." Liu Yan said with a satisfied smile on his face: "Then take advantage of the situation and take the surrounding cities."

During the battle during the day, most of the tribes around Incheon should lose all their armed forces, which means they don't have enough troops to defend the city?

Liu Yan already knew how many cities there were in the surrounding area, there were only three pitiful ones, and the rest were villages.With the Gongsun family as the "leading party", Liu Yan knew more. For example, the entire Baekje is actually less than 1 cities, and the rest are either villages or stockades. I have to lament that the Korean peninsula is really small.

During the whole day, not only Han and Baekje are fighting, but the fighting in the central part of North Korea is much more intense. It seems that the fighting has not completely stopped at night?

"They only have two days, and if they want to decide the winner within three days, they will naturally have to be more intense." Liu Yan can see the obvious gloating expression on his face: "We only sweep around Incheon But it’s too exciting for the people of Baekje.”

The banner of the Han Dynasty is revenge, not to destroy Baekje.

In fact, the Han tribe can't destroy Baekje. Baekje around Incheon alone can gather [-] people, and the tribes in the hinterland must be mobilized more. Moreover, the Han tribe cannot leave the coast too far. "Ocean" is not worth the candle.

Liu Yan started to learn bad things. While beating Baekje, he sent men to Juba City.

Of course, the purpose of sending people to Juba Fortress was to accuse Baekje of treachery and to express Incheon's desire to temporarily lease. However, the conflict ended here, and the Han troops would not attack other places in Baekje.

I believe that Baekje will be more willing to accept the Han Dynasty's "receive as soon as it is good". You must know that Baekje and Goguryeo are in a war in the central part. Under Jin Yuandao's request, Goguryeo is constantly increasing its troops. Bing, with the Han Ministry here, they are willing to live in peace again, even if they are unhappy, the Baekje monarchs and ministers should understand that it is necessary to temporarily tolerate the Han Ministry.

Do you know what Liu Yan's actual thoughts are?It is because the preparations for this invasion are slightly insufficient, and it is also because there are really few cities at the level of "county" on the Korean Peninsula.He learned that there were less than 1 "county" cities in Baekje, and he felt a sudden chill in his heart. It meant that Baekje needed to be wiped out and occupied in order to meet the requirements for upgrading the system to 24 counties. .

The Han is currently unable to "swallow" Baekje, even if it can swallow Baekje, one has to face Baekje's continuous resistance and riots; Become an enemy.

It is very clear, no matter what, Baekje is also a tribal alliance with a population of 70 million, and the Han tribe is less than 20 including slaves. There are more than 20% of the [-] population. He is a Han Chinese, who will integrate whom?
In addition, if Goguryeo watched the Han tribe destroy Baekje, how stupid would the Goguryeo monarchs be?
"So, it's time for the Gongsun family to make great contributions." Liu Yan was a little regretful, but more fortunate, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly returned to normal, as if he was extremely suppressing something. , speaking faster: "Ask your father to be the special envoy for peace talks. Okay, let's get down!"

Do you know what the system prompted Liu Yan just now?It is to remind Liu Yan that he has obtained a new county, saying that because it is self-developed, two hundred cavalry will be rewarded again, and the population limit will be increased by another 500!

Liu Yan has not forgotten one thing, except for the expansion of the Han Dynasty in Baekje, it seems that there is no military movement in other directions. What is the situation of the newly added county! ?

It’s a county, not a county!If Jin Yuandao sent the city order from another city to show his sincerity, it should be a county, not a county!

The system maintained its original urine nature, no matter how much Liu Yan asked, he never got an answer once.He could only make wild guesses while trying to observe the map in his mind, and he really saw some clues.

It should have happened in the east of Liao 1. After the Han Dynasty occupied the Liao 1 peninsula, they built a large-scale construction. Not only did Liu Yan mobilize the peasants of the system to build the city wall, but he also built a city on the Ma Shi 1 Jin side. The surrounding area was also surrounded by the city wall. cover.If it is counted as a buffer zone, it is an area extending fifty miles beyond the newly built city wall.Generally speaking, it is really a county!

Of course, what Liu Yan didn't know was that Ji Chang went to Liaodong Peninsula to investigate the scale of the construction, and said, "It's already the size of a county", and suggested that Liu Yan set up a county administrative unit.

What Liu Yan finds strange is that there seems to be a bug in the system. For example, occupying a county is a county, and counties under a county need to be actually controlled before they can be recognized by the system, otherwise they will be strictly separated.He sometimes wonders if directly capturing Guanggu City, the capital of Qingzhou, will be counted as occupying a state by the system, or will capturing Xiangguo, the capital of Shijie, be counted as occupying a country?
That's all just thinking about it. Liu Yan, with the excitement of being rewarded by the system, needs to think and observe carefully. How should he continue to let Goguryeo and Baekje bleed desperately, and moreover, he should try to see if he can pull Silla away? Into the melee.

If the entire peninsula is plunged into war, it will definitely be extremely beneficial to the Han tribe!
(End of this chapter)

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