sweeping the world

Chapter 139 What is Ice and Snow!

Chapter 139 What is Ice and Snow!
Incheon, including the retreat of the troops on the Han River Bridge, is a trap. What makes people speechless is that the Baekje people seem to be too eager to take back the "lost land". They clearly promised the Han to get along with each other, but they didn't even notify them. None, the "bait" thrown by Ji Chang was eaten without hesitation.

"Now, let Jin Yuandao launch an attack on Baekje." Liu Yan looked at the troops that were beginning to assemble, and said, "If Jin Yuandao doesn't fight, it means that the mutual agreement is invalid."

It was originally agreed that if the Baekje people reoccupied the Incheon area, the Han tribe would tend to mobilize their troops southward. At this stage, Baekje should mobilize to take a defensive posture against the attacking Han tribe. Then It was Jin Yuandao's turn to take advantage of Baekje's energy being dragged to the direction of Incheon and lead the Goguryeo army to the Baekje army so suddenly.

According to the local people, it will snow within three days, and any military operations can only be completed within three days. It is worth saying a few words that after the Baekje people took control of the Han River, they did not dismantle the Han River. Two pontoon bridges built by the Ministry.

In this way, Goguryeo attacked the Baekje Army in the central part of the Korean Peninsula as promised, and the Han Dynasty would tell the Baekje Army in the west how wrong it was.

"It's not that they don't demolish it, it's because of their ability that they can't build a bridge across the river before the ice and snow melt." Gongsun Bao agreed to Liu Yan's suggestion and agreed to capture part of Baekje and Goguryeo in the Han Dynasty. After the land, he became the agent of the interests of the Han Dynasty in the Korean Peninsula, and he was a puppet to put it bluntly.

Sure enough, the leading party must exist, which is beneficial for the invaders to understand many things about the locals, from geography to ideology.

The Han River is frozen, not the kind that freezes the entire river, but some areas of the river that freeze.

That’s right, the Korean peninsula is not too far from the Arctic Circle, and the eastern region is icy and snowy every year. The location of the Han region is not bad. I heard that the eastern region is not only full of snow, but also the various water systems are covered. frozen.

The same situation has appeared in various ports on the east side of the Korean peninsula, which means that there is no way for the east coast of North Korea to even think about going into the sea.If the west coast of North Korea had a large number of fishermen going to sea in previous years, they would get some food from the sea to survive the difficult winter.

However, as far as Baekje or Goguryeo are concerned, because there are fleets of Han tribes constantly cruising in the waters near the Korean Peninsula in the Bohai Sea, they will not deliberately pursue ships that are far away from the Han tribes, but they will certainly attack them. Is to shoot an arrow or crash and sink.

In this way, only some guys who are not afraid of death will dare to go fishing and hunting in Baekje.At least one-third of these guys who are not afraid of death will become floating corpses and be swept back to the shore by the waves.

Jin Yuandao seems to be a more decisive person?Mainly he was really eager to hit Baekje hard.

The news of Goguryeo's disastrous defeat in the north will definitely spread to Baekje and Silla. The two countries will not miss the opportunity to make trouble. Jin Yuandao doesn't have many choices to ensure the peace of Goguryeo in the south.

"Therefore, we can trust the sincerity of the Goguryeo people with greater possibility. Their biggest enemies are not us, but Baekje and Silla." Ji Chang has almost sorted out the entanglement of various forces on the Korean Peninsula. Gongsun Bao, who expressed his opinion, glanced at some generals at all levels in the army who were listening carefully, and finally said to Liu Yan: "It is better for us to occupy part of Daifang County than to fall into the hands of Baekje. At least we can serve as a buffer. From the general plan In other words, until Koguryo recovers, they will welcome the existence of our power on the peninsula."

Gongsun Bao immediately said: "Yes, Baekje and Goguryeo have fought for generations, and there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence."

Liu Yan didn't pay much attention to listening, he was thinking about a more important matter.

It will be snowing in three days, and any war must end within three days.

According to the scouts' investigations, whether it is Goguryeo or Baekje, most of the soldiers on both sides do not have complete winter clothes, so it is conceivable how serious non-combat casualties will be in this winter battle.

There are currently only 1 Han troops on the Korean Peninsula. The auxiliary troops can basically withdraw and have returned to the Liaodong Peninsula by boat. That is because the Han is still unable to provide a sufficient number of winter clothes.

As a result of the mobilization of nearly 4 people by the Han Dynasty, it is still so difficult to provide winter clothes for 4000 people (it was prepared for less than four months), and the northern region of Goguryeo fell. How should the winter clothes for the [-] army be prepared?Baekje is a country in the form of half slaves and half tribes, and I am afraid it will not be easy.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ji Chang agreed very much: "Even if you use troops in winter, even if you are well prepared, there will be a large number of non-combat casualties. It shows that Goguryeo has made great determination."

"It's all a hasty battle, not a pre-preparation." Gongsun Bao said very pertinently: "It's like this on both sides. So, I'm afraid many people will die this winter."

Regardless of how many people died on the Korean peninsula, Liu Yancai was waiting for the news of Goguryeo's attack.

Without letting the Han side wait long, the scouts arranged in the central part of North Korea quickly lit the beacon smoke as agreed, and then the arranged staff used the beacon smoke in a ladder mode.

When the Han camp in Haizhou saw the yellow smoke, the whole camp moved instantly, which meant that Goguryeo kept its promise and attacked the Baekje people.

"The Goguryeo army that was approaching us has retreated [-] miles away, and the Baekje army on our south side also shows signs of retreating. They left troops by the bridge, and we can dispatch those Baekje troops at any time. Eliminate." Li Kuang temporarily took over the scout battalion, reported the military situation in detail, and finally said: "Your Majesty, we also found a Baekje team crossing the bridge. It looks like a special envoy team."

The Han Dynasty will soon launch an attack on Baekje, Liu Yan has no time to play diplomatic games now, he will detain the special envoy team.

It will snow in two days, Liu Yan is waiting for Gongsunbao's direct heirs to come over, he has asked Gongsunbao to leave a letter of submission, and then get out.

Gongsun Bao is really gone, and will return to the political center of Baekje. As for whether he said that he escaped while the Han guards were not paying attention, or that he used the three-foot Qingfeng to fight out heroically, it has nothing to do with the Han Side things.Liu Yan didn't have any requirements for what he should do after he returned, but there was only one, and he would do it when Liu Yan passed the instructions!
The smoke came back, and the Han Dynasty once again controlled the crossing bridge of the Han River.

There was no large-scale confrontation in the process of snatching the bridge, only forty or fifty Baekje troops who were about to burn the bridge were killed, and the rest of the Baekje army fled when the Han Ministry scout battalion appeared.

Six hundred vanguard troops crossed the Han River, followed by a thousand troops.

Liu Yan waited to explore the surrounding area, and found that Goguryeo was very honest and did not play any tricks to hide Chen Cang, so he personally led the two thousand rear troops to set off.

There will be [-] garrisons left in Haizhou, and Ji Chang also stayed in Haizhou.He won't stay in Haizhou for long, probably because Liu Yan took back Incheon and started to wreak havoc in Baekje's "various ways", he needs to return to Changguang County to preside over government affairs.

It was supposed to be Liu Yan who went back, just because something happened in Xiangguo, and it had nothing to do with the Han tribe, but for some reason Shi Bin was involved, and Shi Bin was involved in Yao Yimai, which ended up implicating the Han tribe as well. went in.

The reason why the Han Dynasty was involved in the big event was quite nonsense, it was actually rejecting Yao Yimai's request for a huge amount of grain and fodder.However, the Han tribe was weak, and in the post-Zhao political environment, no one would care whether the weak side was wronged or not.

Ran Min was also involved in the incident. If Liu Yan was only involved in the corner, Ran Min really encountered big trouble this time.

Of course, what Liu Yan needs to do now is to achieve the goal of invading the peninsula, spending so much effort, investing so much manpower and material resources, to give up halfway?How will the Han Dynasty continue to develop in the future!

The Han army crossed the river again and returned to Incheon. The Baekje army did not press forward immediately. According to the original words of the detained Baekje envoy, Baekje did not tear up the cooperation agreement and the bridge crossing the Han River was not destroyed (unsuccessfully). ), the port of Inchon is also well preserved (Baekje wants to use it), if the Han army attacks Baekje, then the Han army will be the treacherous party.

The Central Plains are turbulent, and the Shenzhou land is sinking, which has caused the Central Plains to stop talking about benevolence, righteousness and morality, that is, Liu Yancai arrogantly made Baekje bear the "pot" of breaking the agreement, and famously mobilized the army before the resumption of war, shouting for revenge The name of the Baekje people's treachery once again invaded the Baekje territory.

The work has been done, and enough nonsense has been said, Liu Yan didn't say anything, but in action he just put on "I'll beat you up".

Under the ice and snow, the [-] Han troops pressed against the nearly [-] Baekje army, and the battle started from the moment they came into contact with each other.

What I have to say is that the three countries (actually four) in the Korean peninsula are all of the same virtue, because they are tribal forms, and the improvised armies do not have uniform uniforms at all.In this way, when the chaotic Baekje army meets the Hanbu with uniform uniforms, psychologically, there is a sense of "the opponent is a regular army, and we are miscellaneous".

Liu Yan's mobilization call was about the people of Baekje tearing up the agreement.Although they were talking nonsense with their eyes open, it was true that the Baekje people disregarded the agreement and recaptured the land that should be lent to the Han.

Many times, if a person is reasonable, he will be more confident, and he will be full of anger if he feels cheated or belittled. That is why the army always pays attention to being famous when it goes out.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the teacher is unknown, as long as other methods can be used to arouse the warlike psychology of the soldiers, it doesn't matter whether they occupy the righteous side or not.

"Heads, military merits, lives, slaves!" Dou'a has a wife, and she is pregnant. He wants military merits to be transferred to the fields, and he wants to seize the lives alive as labor: "Kill! Capture!"

What happened to the ice and snow?The soldiers' desire for a better life can't be stopped, and a better life is based on victory, only victory can have military merits, and there will be people to catch!

(End of this chapter)

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