sweeping the world

Chapter 127 The time has come

Chapter 127 The time has come
"Haikou?" Liu Yan was full of surprise: "How could we be pirates!"

Li Hong and Wei Junchi looked at each other, they were extremely suspicious that what Liu Yan said was a lie.

It's the original thing!The population of Changguang County and Dongmou County has been migrating outward. The most populous place in the Han Dynasty is currently in the Miaodao Islands. The population on the Liaodong Peninsula seems to be more than that on the Houzhao side. All signs are in the It shows that Liu Yan intends to develop on Zhao's side after giving up.

"No, no, don't misunderstand, I can't give up Changguang County or Dongmou County." Liu Yan said with a serious face: "I'm just creating an atmosphere to make Shi Bin and Yao Yizhong think that there is no The value of taking a shot against the Han Department."

Liu Yan is an ant to Shi Bin and Yao Yizhong. If Shi Bin and Yao Yizhong think that there will not be much profit when they conquer the Han tribe, if they just want to vent their anger, they should wait until they want to conquer the Han tribe. Finish their own business.

Shi Bin wanted to find trouble with the Xianbei people, and the name of the manpower gathering had already been announced, and he would not attack the Han tribe at this time.If he attacked the Han tribe at this time, the rest of the tribes or families would be alarmed. After all, if he could attack the Han tribe, he would be able to attack other people.

Yao Yizhong seemed to be solving the troubles in the northwest, while Qianliang was fighting hard. As the patriarch of the big clan in the northwest, he was sent by Shihu to frighten Qianliang, who was about to make a move.

"For at least two years, isn't it the same with Xiu Chenghou?" Liu Yan has been paying attention to Ran Min's movements: "Xiu Chenghou has been quite comfortable recently."

Ran Min has indeed had a relatively healthy life recently. The big men in Hou Zhao are all busy with their own affairs. He is constantly acquiring weapons and salt from the Han Dynasty, and his economy has improved a lot. After all, he is not one of those who unilaterally supports him. People ask for it, and there is a proper return.

Because of the feud between the Han Ministry and Yao Yimai, the salt provided to the Yao family was unilaterally reduced by the Han Ministry for some reason, and most of the remaining salt was distributed to Ran Min. Ran Min did not establish a sales channel by himself. To those who support their families.

Salt has never been short of sales, especially the salt in the Han Dynasty is not so expensive. After Ran Min started to repay the families who supported him, what he gained was even greater support.

The sea breeze is relatively strong and it is a tailwind.The big ships sailed on the sea in accordance with the wind. There were six of them in total. They sailed in a sea area called Changshan Islands in later generations.

The Han Dynasty seems to be determined to focus on developing the sea area. While building large ships, the sea conditions on the Bohai Sea have been reconnaissance, and it is estimated that they will soon head to the depths of the Yellow Sea.

Liu Yan sent people to Qianyan, and they took the sea route.The people sent will land from the modern Qinhuangdao waters, and then go overland to Longcheng.

The important figures of Murong Xianbei are now gathered in Longcheng, and even the King of Yan, Murong Hao, is personally driving the conquest.If the envoys from the Han Dynasty had not been killed on the way, they would probably have met a large number of Xianbei dignitaries including Yan Wang Murong Hao.

It was Xiqian Boliao who represented Liu Yan to Longcheng, and Li Mingzhi was the deputy envoy.The identities of the two are a bit particular, and they will not mention the official position of Hou Zhao, but only as the head of the Han tribe.The official position of Later Zhao is not mentioned because the former Yan and Later Zhao are now enemy states.

"This sea area... is really complicated!" Wei Junchi blocked the sea breeze with his hands, and from time to time misty sea water would splash on him: "The clear reefs that can be seen with the eyes, and the hidden reefs that cannot be seen, are distributed along the coast. sea ​​area.”

There must be a price for exploring the sea area. Four ships used by the Han to explore the coast have sunk, and that is still under the premise of releasing small boats or boats in dangerous sea areas.

It stands to reason that any ship is currently very precious to the Han, and should not be lost in a non-combat state.But if people who understand this way absolutely do not understand the development of the navy, how can they not explore the sea if they want to develop the navy?The wider the sea involved, the more losses there will be.Therefore, any sea area development is based on the sacrifice of the "navigator".

The Han Department is now only exploring the sea areas that are needed, and the rest of the sea areas are powerless even if they want to.

There are not too few islands in the Changshan Islands, but compared with the Miaodao Islands, there are too many mountains.Standing on the deck and looking at the various islands, most of the islands are exposed rocky mountains. Even if there are no rocks, there are many rocks. What's more troublesome is that there is almost no flat terrain.

On the side of the Changshan Islands, Liu Yan sent people to search for a long time, and there was no suitable supply place at all.There is no natural deep-water port here. If ships cannot dock, it is not appropriate to build supplies. Do we need large ships to park one or two miles overseas and rely on small boats to transport them back and forth?Are you tired?

Where are Liu Yan and the others going?Do you know Dandong?In fact, it is on the edge of the Yalu River, and the Han Dynasty will establish a supply point there.

With the official start of the war between Qianyan and Goguryeo, there is not much time for the Han. The supply point in Dandong will be built, but the troops on the Han side are actually ready to invade Goguryeo at any time.

The stronghold in Dandong may be mostly used to store spoils, or to guard against Qianyan. When necessary, it can rely on the city wall to defend on the peninsula, and then land from here to harass Yan's army food road.

It's not just Dandong. In fact, the Han can also start from Yushui or Liaoshui. If Qianyan really wants to attack the peninsula, the Han will have plenty of countermeasures.Therefore, it is really a big advantage to know how to play the navy, especially under the premise that Hou Zhao and Qian Yan have no navy.

Liu Yan personally took a look at the situation in Dandong. In fact, he was lucky enough to find such a place. He left the scouts and took a stroll himself.All the premise here is that privacy is the most important thing, the terrain is not that complicated, it depends on the dense forest, and there are no towns around, but it is unknown whether there are nomadic tribes that will wander.

Soon, Liu Yan returned to the peninsula. What he needs is to supervise the combat sequence troops throughout the whole process and do everything to the best.

Time entered December of that year, and Liu Yan was quite dumbfounded after reading a piece of news.The news is that the former Yan's [-]-strong army defeated the army led by King Gao Zhao of Goguryeo in a devastating manner.

Please note that the intelligence said that the Goguryeo army was about to collapse at the first touch, and Gao Zhao just rushed all the way with a small number of remnants, and ran straight back to the hinterland of Goguryeo.

Liu Yan immediately ordered Ji Chang, who was in Changguang County, to come to the peninsula, and at the same time tried his best to collect information.

In the next few days, Goguryeo's spy agency sent back information. There was no direct evidence of Goguryeo's failure, but the Goguryeo government was tough and strong, and Gao Zhao was not on the front line. Several aspects can be explained clearly.

"Your Majesty, Goguryeo lost the first battle and recruited a large number of young and strong. This is the time to invade?!" Ji Chang meant that at least Goguryeo and the Qianyan army should wait for a while longer.He frowned and said: "Your Majesty, we are going to take advantage of the situation, not to fight a real battle?"

Liu Yan clearly remembered that when Murong Xianbei attacked Goguryeo, Gao Zhao was defeated in the first battle, and then Goguryeo never launched an effective counterattack. It seems that it was conquered in the first battle?

"Gao Zhao went straight back to the hinterland, and there will be no more big battles." Liu Yan said confidently, "Gaoguryeo is recruiting young men, which means that the regular army has been destroyed in that battle, and it is the most suitable time to invade."

Ji Chang opened his mouth, the information was slightly vague. He really wanted to ask Liu Yan how he knew that the elite of Goguryeo would be wiped out in one battle. When the road gets dark, just try your best to help!

"In the first batch, [-] tribal armed forces landed on the beach as the vanguard." Liu Yan tried his best to use a relatively calm tone: "The second batch is [-] soldiers. The third batch is the auxiliary soldiers, and the ferry and camp will be established. .”

A sound of "No!" resounded.

Li Hong, Wei Junchi, Ding Yi and others are also responding to the "promise". They have always heard that the tribal armed forces of the Han tribe are the elite among the elite, but this time they want to take a good look at what kind of elite those guys who have always been silent are. Law.

(End of this chapter)

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