sweeping the world

Chapter 126 Play too much

Chapter 126 Play too much
It is impossible for Liu Yan to show weakness. He already has a strong background. He had those islands before, and the Han tribe was already invincible.

The current population of the Han tribe in the territory of Hou Zhao is less than 3. With the current transportation capacity, if we don't care about the supplies and only bring people, [-] people can be completely transferred within two months.

Ji Chang didn't know what was going on, and he had been persuading more people to be transferred recently, thinking that it would not even be necessary to keep troops in Hou Zhao's territory, only the army would be enough.

Well, Ji Chang was definitely frightened by Liu Yan, and if he flatly refused Yao Yi to buy a lion and asked for food, how could he not be afraid?

Not only Ji Chang is afraid, but also those families who have taken refuge in the Han tribe. The bachelors have already migrated with their clans, at least to the islands first, and those who are difficult to let go are the main members who have migrated and left some people to take care of them. family property.

Liu Yan has accepted Ji Chang's suggestion, and will relocate some of the tribes in Hou Zhao's territory.They are still buying slaves, and if they buy them, they will not be placed on Hou Zhao's side, but will be sent to Qianyan.

At the current stage, the Han Department attaches great importance to that peninsula, because after the city wall is built, it will be safer there than Houzhao.In fact, this is also the case. After the city wall is built, the entire peninsula will be regarded as the rear, unlike Houzhao, where it is difficult to form a relatively safe development site.

"Your Majesty... you've played too much!" Cai You smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, the deterrent force from the last cleaning is still there, otherwise I don't know what troubles will happen."

Ji Chang listened expressionlessly.He believed that he had been treated with courtesy like a scholar, and had Liu Yan's trust in constantly delegating power. He tried to persuade him several times to no avail. Although he was extremely frightened and irritable in his heart, since Liu Yan was so determined, he could only follow the same path. Just go to the dark side.

"Soon, the two counties will be empty." Cai You was being served by four or five maids. Some were squeezing, some were gently tapping and massaging, and some were serving food to his mouth.He said: "Almost no one dares to stay on the land within the territory of the (later) Zhao State. Isn't that what your Majesty wants?"

Ji Chang simply closed his eyes, and he also contributed to the evacuation of the two counties.

Cai You is different from Ji Chang. The Cai family has been a wealthy family for many generations, but they have built ships for the royal families of Qin and Han.Cai You knows how to enjoy it, but it’s not to show that he is special. This is the style of a wealthy family or a wealthy family.

What style?Take a maid with you when you go out, let the maid serve you in your spare time, drink when you have time, and drink even more when you don't have time. The more weird your behavior is, the more you will look like a celebrity. This is the so-called Jin and Wei demeanor.

The two counties are really getting more and more empty!Those families either went to sea by boat or moved away from the two counties. It seemed that Liu Yan had resolutely implemented Shijie's standards for governing the place, killed more people, and turned the town and land into pastures.

Are you kidding me?Absolutely not.The "nationality" of Hou Zhao, that is, the Jie people, they want to turn the entire Central Plains into a large pasture.Therefore, it seems that Liu Yan's doing this is extremely excessive, but as long as he is not independent, Guanggu City, the capital of Qingzhou, will not respond at all.

Not only the capital of Qingzhou, but also Xiangguo did not respond. According to the news sent back by Zhang Shi, it was not the people who bought Liu Yan to cover up for Liu Yan, but there was really no administrative response.

According to another message sent back by Zhang Shi, Shi Hu seemed very happy to have a sheriff like Liu Yan working so hard to reduce the population, which made Liu Yan feel a little terrified: "It is indeed a perverted family."

"Yao Yi will add fuel to the flames when he buys it back. Now we have not only offended Xiangping County Duke, but also Yan Gong." Cai You has been thinking about it for a long time, and he doesn't mind Ji Chang being a boring gourd: " The Duke of Xiangping County may not be easy to deal with us, but the Duke of Yan is not difficult to deal with us."

"There are a lot of giant trees on the east side of Liao 1, and your majesty wants to add manpower to cut them down in large numbers." Ji Chang directly ignored Cai You's broken thoughts: "The purpose is to build sea ships in larger quantities."

Cai You knew about this a long time ago, and said casually: "Yes, there will be a dock in Ma Shi 1 Jin, and there will be three docks at the beginning of construction. It is expected to take two years to complete the construction."

Ji Chang stared straight at Cai You: "You will pass over, and the family will also transfer there. Duke Yan will kill you, but he won't be able to kill you."

If it were someone else, he should have been embarrassed or ashamed, but Cai You had a hippie smile on his face: "We haven't been together for a long time, but I respect you very much. When a war breaks out, you should be on the front line. Aren't I worried about you? "

While the two were chatting, they would look not far away, where troops were conducting daily drills.

The current army of the Han Dynasty is 1000 or [-] people. It is only after the integration of the private soldiers of each family that this number can be achieved.

Among the 1000 two hundred people, there are 800 absolute elites capable of cavalry and infantry combat, [-] cavalry troops between cavalry and cavalry, [-] infantry troops, and the rest are auxiliary soldiers.An absolute elite warrior has three auxiliary soldiers to serve, cavalry needs two riders to serve, and infantry each has an auxiliary soldier.That is to say, the number of soldiers is [-], and the auxiliary soldiers can also fight when necessary.

"Your Majesty is going to Liao 1 East again!" Cai You looked back: "There is accurate information that the (former) Yan Kingdom has officially invaded Goguryeo. What is Your Majesty planning to do this time?"

"I have found a landing site on the coastline of Goguryeo. Your Majesty will send people to Dragon City after passing by." Ji Chang's tone was very low: "I am not looking for an official position, let alone an alliance, but...to do business."

Cai You just found out about this. After all, he is not a battlefield strategist, and his recent responsibilities are related to shipbuilding.

What business?Almost everyone in Qingzhou knows one thing. There are a large number of large ships in the Han Dynasty, and almost all the people have gone to the island. Therefore, the court can only turn a blind eye to what happened in Changguang County, and even ignored Dongmou County. The reality of actual control.

He is so arrogant and unscrupulous, and the Han tribe also has such qualifications. Who makes Hou Zhao without a navy?

Liu Yan sent people to Qianyan, but he didn't mention the occupation of the peninsula by Qianyan. He just talked about the fact that the Han tribe would invade Goguryeo from the sea. The peninsula, good to have a buffer argument.

By the way, Liu Yan will also tell Murong Xianbei that he married the princess of Tuoba Xianbei, who came from Xianbei Tiefu.

But to be honest, Murong Xianbei probably knew that a younger sister of the Tuoba clan married the sheriff of a certain place in Houzhao, but they didn't know if they knew that Tuobaxiu was supposed to be the princess married to Murong Xianbei, but was killed by Liu Yan was robbed.

"Is the invasion... about to begin?" Cai You looked a little confused. It wasn't that he didn't know about the invasion of Goguryeo, but he felt that everything was happening too fast: "But... are there just a few fewer troops?"

The troops Liu Yan mobilized to the east of Liao 1 consisted of only [-] tribal armed forces, [-] infantry soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers.

"No, not that fast." Ji Chang sighed: "But it's too soon."

Of course, Cai You could see that Ji Chang was depressed recently, he interceded: "We will wait for the empty hinterland of Goguryeo before invading, and there won't be any big trouble."

What Ji Chang thinks is that the Han tribe is struggling on the Hou Zhao side, and the Qianyan side will definitely go crazy if they know that the peninsula is occupied. As a result, Liu Yan will soon provoke another country, which means that the Han tribe has three national levels. enemy.

The pressure, it's really stressful!Ji Chang never thought that he was timid, but that Liu Yan was surprisingly courageous.

"The Yan army will not find out in a short time. Wait for them to find out that the city wall on the peninsula has been completed. I have seen the terrain and fortifications with my own eyes. I wait for the Daheishan to build a cottage. It is the Yan army who comes to attack. It is not easy to be attacked. Eat it down." Cai You said with a heartless look: "It's okay, it's okay, and what's more, it's a big deal to hide on the island."

Ji Chang's face turned completely dark.In his opinion, it is certainly possible to hide on the island, but what is the use of that?If it really developed to that situation, wouldn't the Han tribe become pirates?What future is there!

(End of this chapter)

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