sweeping the world

Chapter 121 Preparing to cross the sea

Chapter 121 Preparing to cross the sea
Can you still hope that the current families in the Central Plains have extra morals?That's definitely overthinking.Morality, conduct, integrity, everything must make way for survival!

Wang Yu only accepted Liu Yan's request on behalf of the Wang family, and promised again and again that he would deploy the manpower according to the limited time.

Liu Yan began to investigate since seeing the strange behavior of Donglai Academy. Two years later, he did not find anything too detailed, but some clues found that there was a certain connection between Donglai Academy and the Cao family.

What is the Cao family?Let's start with the Yongjia Rebellion.Cao Ni of the Cao family followed Wang Mi in the uprising and once controlled Qingzhou, but was later wiped out by Shi Le.

It's very interesting. Donglai Academy actually has a background from the Cao family. What is it trying to do?In particular, people from Donglai Academy are spread across almost the entire state, serving various parties. If they say there is no conspiracy, no one will believe it.

"Cao Yi still has a grandson alive." Ji Chang had served as an aide to Er Rong and knew a lot of secrets: "Then Donglai Academy and Cao Yan should be related."

Some people think that they have seized the handle of Donglai Academy and can use this to blackmail, but Liu Yan is hesitant about this.How to blackmail without direct evidence?If it can be coerced, the Han invasion of Goguryeo will probably be affected if things get serious.

Even if Donglai Academy is used to talk about the matter with the Cao family, it is obvious that the Han Dynasty can find out, so why can't other people find out?I haven't seen anyone use this to threaten Donglai Academy, so it can be seen that Donglai Academy has countermeasures.

There is no need to talk about threats, but it is still possible to do something. The Han Dynasty has not been happy recently, and Dongnai Academy, one of the fanatics, has not been too happy.

This will be interesting. First, it was revealed that Liu Yan, the leader of the Han tribe, was not from the five major clans, and then there were unclear rumors about Donglai Academy and the Cao family.

The rumors about Donglai Academy did not first appear in Changguang County, but from Pingchang County. It spread to almost half of Qingzhou in less than a month. In an instant, Donglai Academy was pushed to the forefront. The head of the ministry is not from the five major clans, the relationship between the Cao family and Donglai Academy is the most explosive news.

The Cao family once ruled Qingzhou, and they were most afraid of similar families. Even if it was unconfirmed, those in power would definitely take similar things very seriously.

Gossip can kill people, and it is no small matter to be involved with the former dignitaries, especially the Cao family once ruled Qingzhou. No matter how much Later Zhao did not pay attention to local governance, he would never allow anyone to secretly seek control of a state.

This time, Guanggu City moved very quickly. While the horse rushed to send the news to Xiangguo, some officials rushed to Donglai Academy immediately.

At the moment when Donglai Academy was in trouble, the Han Department was more intensively cleaning up those who did not surrender, and the war never stopped.

"What stage has the Battle of Saibei reached?" Liu Yan was soaked in blood. He didn't appear on the battlefield, but was assassinated bloody when he was patrolling the territory.

Many families and tribes have been wiped out, and now there are absolutely many people who want Liu Yan to die.If a high-ranking person has no enemies, he can never be called a successful high-ranking person. Assassination or something is simply commonplace.

In other words, it is not an assassination, after all, Liu Yan has a map in his mind, and the map can also identify the enemy and ourselves.He simply let his subordinates surround him first, and after a while of fighting, a guy with good martial arts skills broke through, forcing him to cut the guy in half, and the blood on his body was splashed at that time.

Back at the station, a group of people were shocked by the blood on Liu Yan's body, and Lu Tai, who was in charge of the defense, was so frightened that he knelt down to plead guilty.

Some assassins infiltrated the settlement of the Han Ministry. Lu Tai was responsible, but whether it was a capital crime depends entirely on whether Liu Yan wants to kill Lu Tai.

Facts have proved that Liu Yan has no intention of killing Lu Tai, but he cannot simply expose it.Liu Yan dealt with Lu Tai's demotion and fines, but the military sticks and the like had to be recorded temporarily. After all, it was uncertain when the Han tribe's invasion of Goguryeo would start.

The Battle of Saibei between the Xiongnu Tiefu Tribe and Tuoba Xianbei started in October last year. Both sides had hundreds of thousands of troops marching across the grassland. The wars, large and small, did not end until winter.Generally speaking, both sides had their own victories and defeats in the war. Dai Guo's side had a greater advantage, but the casualties on both sides were not that heavy.

In the spring of this year (342 AD), the Huns and Tuoba Xianbei had been harassing each other all winter. They began to harass each other frequently before the ice and snow melted. The main reason is that spring is the season when animals are in heat and mating. If they can rely on harassment to make each other's The mating of livestock has been disrupted, and the consequences will be revealed next year.

"It's really hard work!" Liu Yan was not gloating: "In this way, the two sides will fight hard."

"Murong Huang chose a new queen for Tuoba Shiyiqian." Ji Chang frowned and said, "Murong Xian's daughter died before, so Murong Huang chose his biological sister to continue the marriage. Murong Xianbei attaches great importance to Dai Guo."

Qian Yan should value the Dai State, and Murong Xianbei wants to clear the rear so that he can go south without any worries, so how can he not attach importance to the Dai State?

Regarding Qianyan, after a year or so of investigations, some news came back. Last year (AD 341), the Yan State reformed aggressively, and the population and household registration system, which was the most critical to the rise of Murong Xianbei, was implemented.

The implementation of the household registration system in history is considered to be the foundation of Murong Xianbei's prosperity. The reason is that only strict household registration can maximize the use of labor force, and the excavation of military resources will also reach the maximum.

In addition to working on population and household registration, Qianyan is still building a city. It seems that it is still building a capital, otherwise there is no need to build a palace.The city they want to build has no scale yet, but the name has already been chosen, called Dragon City.

"Huh? While building the capital city, you are preparing for war?" Cai You's expression looked exaggerated...or rather funny: "Liaodong...doesn't have a lot of people?"

After all, Cai You is a young man in his twenties. According to the customs of the Han Dynasty, 20-year-old crown ceremony (adult) is still young.However, he is now one of Liu Yan's aides, and if he does this again, don't think that others will think that there is any majesty, and it will be difficult to convince the public.

"What is the population of Yan State?" Ji Chang was thinking: "The Xianbei clan should be around 200. If the number of Jin people is counted, it will not be less than [-] million?"

The current Qianyan has not yet gone south and has stopped at the west bank of Ru River. Most of its territory is freezing cold and the population should not be very large.As for the population of Qianyan, only their country's top officials know, and no one will announce the population of their country to the whole world.

Liu Yan now has a feeling that "the book will be hated when it is used". He only knows a general idea of ​​what happened in Wuhuluanhua, but the specific details are really unclear.

"Your Majesty?" Cai You's face was full of interest: "Is our construction of the camp on the other side going to happen soon?"

The correct time was at the end of March. At that time, the Bohai Sea was relatively calm. The Han Dynasty would cross the Bohai Strait via the Miaodao Islands, and carry out related construction on the Lushun Peninsula in later generations.

On the Lushun side, Liu Yan did not intend to arrange for civilian settlements, and would focus on building fortress-style military forts. If the situation allowed, he would even directly build a city wall in a narrow location to block the passage of the entire peninsula.

One thing to know is that Liu Yan has been collecting stones for a long time, and the quantity is already quite considerable. Although it is impossible to build a city wall that is hundreds of miles long on the Shandong Peninsula, it is absolutely necessary to build a city wall that is [-] to [-] miles long. enough.

The cleansing of Changguang County and Dongmou County will soon come to an end. Waiting for the Li family and Wang family to gather their manpower, Liu Yan should personally lead the vanguard to set off.

In addition to the army, the vanguard will also have fifty system farmers, and there will naturally be related engineering civilians.Liu Yan needs to go to check the terrain in person, mainly because there are people in order to direct the construction of farmers in the system.The most important thing is that Liu Yan really wanted to see if he could build a city wall. If the Han Dynasty could control the Lushun Peninsula, it would mean that the Han Dynasty had firmly controlled a peninsula in both Later Zhao and Qian Yan.

If the two places are in business, and Hou Zhao wants to deal with the Han, Liu Yan can withdraw people to Qian Yan, and vice versa.What's more, if you really want to operate it, it can not only be used as a retreat, but why can't it become a bridgehead for invasion?

(End of this chapter)

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