Chapter 120

Li Chun and Principal Wang came hand in hand, and some of the guards they brought were familiar to Liu Yan.Liu Yan remembered correctly, should he be protecting that warrior named Wang Yu?
"Wang Yu?" Wang Xiao said with a smile, "That's a junior in the clan."

Donglai Academy is not a family private school. It will absorb some outstanding talents. It seems normal for families on the Shandong Peninsula to have children studying in the academy?
Liu Yan has a bad feeling towards Donglai Academy, but he has never shown it in front of anyone other than Ji Chang.He said a few polite words and asked about the two families' intentions.

Li Chun and Wang Xiao glanced at each other, and the latter explained his intention, but he first expressed his support for Liu Yanqing's suppression of a group of people in Changguang County, but also said that it is not good for too many people to die.

Under the two-year "food order", Liu Yanqing has suppressed one batch after another, and the population of Changguang County has decreased by nearly [-]% compared to the original.Li Wang's family is obviously worried. Those small families have been wiped out. Is it their turn next?

Some things need to be open and honest. Liu Yan knows that the two Patriarchs have shown the greatest sincerity by coming in person.Although the two of them didn't say it clearly, they deliberately brought the warrior Liu Yan had seen before, indicating that they didn't know what Liu Yan was going to do. Under a little panic, it didn't mean that the two families had no way out.

In the past, when Liu Yan encountered such a thing, the most likely thing would be to get mad, but now he sees it more plainly.

For these families, betting on both ends, or even betting on the long side, is really very common.Liu Yan knew that he could not count on them to fully support him, especially when he was not very strong and was in crisis.

"To be honest, my side may have a big conflict with Yao Yimai of the Yao family." Liu Yan gave a brief introduction, and then said: "I will not interfere too much with the choice of your two families. If you don't cut off those It is impossible to gather together a family!"

The Li and Wang families are strong enough, but they want to change Liu Yan's established strategy?That's too much thinking.It is useless for them to add Donglai Academy. The strong Han has the Miaodao archipelago, which is an almost perfect retreat. Changguang County will be destroyed if it is destroyed. Even the Yao family or Shi Bin can resist the pressure. Still care about the level of pressure from the Li Wang Family and Donglai Academy?
"Your Majesty, are they leaving?" Ji Chang came with Cai You, and after they sat down, Ji Chang said, "Did the two make a choice?"

Liu Yan said "hehe" a few times, and said with a smile: "Not every family has the courage of virtue and talent."

De was Cai You's cousin. He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Every family in Dongmou County relies on the sea to make a living. It doesn't matter whether they can go to sea or not. Who is a big family like Li and Wang who doesn't have one or two people on land? Thousands of acres of land? It’s only right that it’s difficult to give up. If they are willing, the villain will have to persuade you to be careful.”

Liu Yan and Ji Chang agreed with Cai You's statement.

indeed!If a family like Li Wang's family is willing to abandon the land, there is definitely a big problem.

When planning Dongmou County, Changguang County has common interests, and Dongmou County does not have a powerful family as resistance, so everyone can seek common ground while reserving differences.However, now it is the Yao family, which is the behemoth of Hou Zhao, who is plotting against the Han tribe. The Li and Wang families are not small families, and they cannot make decisions easily like some people.

"Most of the families in Gui County swear to die, Your Majesty." Xiqian Boliao maintained a salute posture: "The subordinates have brought all the people who are willing to move with them!"

Cabinet County?It can be regarded as the first area that Liu Yan swallowed in Changguang County. Those families are also the first to benefit. Most of the families are willing to follow. Perhaps they have seen the potential of the Han Department, and I am afraid that more of them have already entered the country. The boat is too long to get off.

Sure enough, Xiqian Bailiao reported some things later, and he and the Su Le family have cleared out those families who are unwilling to cooperate according to the previous instructions.

"Divide the captives of those families." Liu Yan must give sweetness to the obedient families, and said: "Whoever contributes the most can get the corresponding land in the Miaodao Islands."

Xiqian Boliao breathed a sigh of relief, and expressed his loyalty joyfully again.

The cleansing in Guixian County is only the first batch, and there will be other areas to follow. Before the spring plowing, Changguang County and even Dongmou County will be a bloodbath.

All the troops of the Han Dynasty were sent out, and those family private soldiers who were willing to obey the order were gathered together, and they were cleared one by one. Some areas were cleared with the cooperation of the local families, and some areas were completely cleared.

The commotion here in Changguang County is not small, especially for such a big move in the spring. Even if Liu Yan sent an official document to Guanggu City in advance, they still expressed considerable concern.

The Han will not stop the cleansing because of someone's attention or obstruction. Except for a few big clans who are temporarily unable to move, the rest of the people who did not obey the order are all within the scope of the cleanup. In an instant, the flames of war spread almost throughout Changguang County. A group of mobs who assembled to resist were wiped out first, then those who were not in the city or the dock, and finally the city and the dock.

This time, Liu Yan no longer accepted surrender after the war started. As long as any force had trouble with the Han, unless the whole family fled, they would still be attacked one after another even if they were in the fortress or Wubao.

When attacking the Walled City or Wubao, the Han Dynasty had a large number of catapults and bed crossbows, and repeated attacks were nothing but bombardment with stone bombs. If it was a solid city wall with a thickness of five or six meters, it would be fine, but the Walled City and Wubao How can it be five or six meters thick, so it can't shake the thicker two-story structure below, and can't shake the walls that are less than [-] centimeters thick above the third floor?

"It's broken!" Li Tan shouted loudly: "Get ready to fight!"

Right in front of the army of the Han Dynasty, under the constant bombardment of stone bombs, the Wubao was collapsing on a large scale. One wall was followed by the next. The defenders who did not want to be buried in the ruins had to open the door to break out, but they ran into the early The Han archers who were ready to cover and shoot on a large scale almost died as many as they came out. If a fish caught in the net rushed to the front of the sword and shield soldiers, it would be the fate of being cut to pieces.

After two years of high-intensity training, and with the nutrition of the food to keep up, the once thin young man has become a muscular and strong man. He broke through in a hurry while waiting for the battle. The result is needless to say.

Continuously attack the Walled City and Wubao, enough times to accumulate experience, and basically don't need to bombard too much later, knowing where the vulnerable positions of the Walled City or Wubao are.It doesn't matter if it's hard to collapse, isn't it okay if the catapult doesn't throw stones?Instead of throwing fire oil, if you don't come out and surrender, just burn it all into charcoal.

The progress of the cleaning was far faster than expected. It was almost the spring plowing season. Those who should flee had already left the city or Wubao and wanted to escape. Most of them would encounter the cavalry and cavalry led by Xu Zheng in the wilderness and surrendered. Some of them were killed by one out of ten draws, and the rest became slaves.If you resist to the end, you will all die.

It may be that the fighting power displayed by the Han tribe is too terrifying. First, a neutral family could not bear the pressure and chose to join, and then formed an effect. In the end, Li Chun's family and Wang Xiao's family who wanted to not help each other had to express their views.

Li Wang's family coyly sent people to Liu Yan's side, and each offered five hundred shi of grain and fodder.

For the Li and Wang families, the Han Ministry discussed it internally and decided to accept it conditionally.After all, these two families are too big, not those small and medium-sized families that cannot stand up. It will take a long time to start a war, and it will have a relatively large impact on the Han Dynasty's upcoming cross-sea invasion.

"For each family, take out half of the family's private soldiers and send them no less than [-] young men." Liu Yan's face was non-negotiable, and he looked at Wang Yu with dignity: "Don't say anything else, just say yes or No. I would very much like you to say no."

Wang Yu's cheeks were twitching, his appearance was more telling, and he wanted to rely on the Donglai Academy to put pressure on the Han, but Liu Yan didn't give the nonsense a chance at all.

The Han Dynasty made too much noise, but they won battles one after another. The army suffered losses after defeating them one after another, but the army became more and more elite and good at fighting.

Facing Liu Yan, who was crazy at the beginning of the battle, Wang Yu has a thousand words, but the other party is only willing to listen to the answer and not other words, what can he do?It's just that no matter how many plans you have, if you don't want to lose too much, you can only admit cowardice.

(End of this chapter)

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