Chapter 116

In fact, the honors are quite high. If I write in detail, I will say that the plot is slow to advance, but if I don’t write in detail, it will be like this. It’s really embarrassing.Also, please give me a recommendation vote, thank you!

Long Island is very big, and Liu Yan's visual inspection definitely surpasses Lingshan Island. The most rare thing is that there are not so many mountains here, most of them are plains, but... the wind is really too strong!
One thing Liu Yan didn't know was that Changdao is one of the three major wind farms in Tian~chao, so you can imagine how "abundant" the wind is.He originally considered developing agriculture here, but anyone who knows a little about farming understands the truth that farming cannot be done at all in places with strong winds, and the rice stalks or wheat stalks cannot be allowed to grow crookedly, right?

Later, the professionals walked around the island, and the answer they gave was that some areas of Long Island could actually be used for farming. Liu Yan was taken aback to go to check it out in person. The land that can be farmed is not small. Although there is wind, it is definitely much smaller than other locations.

In the 21st century, Changdao is the name of a county, consisting of 32 islands and 66 reefs and a sea area of ​​[-] square kilometers, including ten residential islands.

In AD 341, Long Island was the name of a single island, the largest of the group of islands.

It may be due to the changes in the past dynasties, the Yellow River has changed its course many times, or the water level has changed, etc. The Miaodao Island Group that Liu Yan saw was not as many as the modern islands. There are only seven that can be called islands. Mingjiao The number is much more, and it is difficult to count clearly for the time being.

"Is there fresh water resources on the island?" Liu Yan is regretting his guts now. Except for the stronger wind, Long Island is definitely more suitable for placing town centers than Lingshan Island.His cheeks trembled a few times: "In the initial measurement, the usable land for farming is no less than [-] mu?"

Liu Yan wanted to die this time, can you stop being so exaggerated?In fact, he didn't know what 290 mu was. The available arable land in modern Long Island is [-] hectares.However, [-] mu refers to the largest island where they are located, and does not include the surrounding islands.

Even if he knew that, Liu Yan would still want to die. A single island can roughly find about [-] mu of arable land. How much should it be for the seven big islands?The island can still provide the water needed for farming, but he placed the second town center on Lingshan Island early!

After that, Liu Yan took a boat to stroll around the surrounding area again. There were no big waves on the sea during non-gale seasons. It seemed that even small fishing boats could move freely. The wind force is the strongest in autumn and winter every year, and the wind in winter is the strongest. fiercest.

The more he looked at it, the more Liu Yan regretted it. Now he can't wait to dig up the town center and even the land, but even if he digs up, he can't get to Long Island.

"How many ships do we have now?" Liu Yan's current location is called Beichenghuang Island in modern times. Now it has no name, and it is called by a modern name.He turned his gaze to the east, and he could see the land there: "Is Murong Xianbei's Yan Kingdom on the opposite side?"

Murong Xianbei was founded in 338 AD, and the name of the country was Yan. (There is also a swallow at the back, this book will refer to this stage as the former swallow)

The people who were asked looked at each other in blank dismay, only Cai Youyou, who followed, nodded.

"Your Majesty, the opposite side is the border of Yan Kingdom, but it is barren." Cai You must have been to this place, he hesitated, and said: "Every summer, it is very easy to reach the other side from here. The coast there is hundreds of miles away. There is no one in the area.”

Liu Yan and the original core class did not disclose the matter of crossing the sea to conquer Goguryeo, and Cai You certainly does not know now.

Cai You talked about some more things, and talked about going to Liaodong to trade with the Xianbei people. Most of them took some goods from pots and pans, a few salt, ironware, etc., and traded medicinal materials and furs with the Xianbei people.

"Most (Dongmou County) families will do this more or less, but..." Cai You flashed a bit of embarrassment: "Actually, it's useless to get so many goods back, and they can't be sold."

There are wars everywhere, nomadic tribes everywhere, the cost of organizing a caravan is too high, recruiting guards is not absolutely safe, and there is almost no environment for doing business.

If you want to do business in this year, you need to have enough deterrence behind it, such as Yao Gezhong, Fu Hong, or directly from the Shijie royal family, otherwise it will be really difficult.

"The other side... is not inhabited all year round, right?" Liu Yan did not pay attention to other things: "Are you sure?"

Cai You was slightly disappointed. After talking so much, didn't he just hope that Liu Yan would focus on medicinal materials and furs?In the end, Liu Yan actually asked this question.He carefully concealed his disappointment and focused on telling Liu Yan what he knew, but he suddenly realized that Liu Yan wanted to extend his hand to the Liaodong Peninsula.

"Your Majesty..." Cai You was a little shocked and incredulous: "I want to cross the sea in Liaodong..."

Ji Chang coughed a few times, cut Cai You's words, and said, "Since there are so many families in Dongmou County who have hoarded medicinal materials and furs, you can communicate with the landowner, and the tribe will buy them at a suitable price."

Cai You waited for what he wanted, but he just didn't have the time to think about any deal. He was completely shocked that Liu Yan wanted to go to Liaodong, and felt that it was an extremely irrational behavior.Because the scene was wrong, he naturally couldn't persuade him, so he began to think about how to persuade Liu Yan not to do that.However, judging from Ji Chang's reaction, it was obvious that the plan was already in progress, and he was really not sure to persuade Liu Yan.

The inspection lasted a full ten days, not only inspecting the various islands, but also making detailed observations of the surrounding sea areas.

Later, Liu Yan transferred the system farmer. He needed to build a dock in a suitable place, and even needed to build other buildings.

This kind of behavior confused too many people, until they returned to the resettlement site in Huang~dao District, Cai You couldn't help trying to persuade him but was called aside by Ji Chang.

In the ten days or so that Liu Yan took people to Long Island for inspection, he had accumulated quite a lot of official business. He focused on the information about Saibei.

"Haven't started playing yet?"

Liu Yan had a reason to be surprised. The Battle of Saibei had been "warmed up" for nearly two years, and there were many forces preparing for the war. The direct participants were the Xiongnu Tiefu tribe and Daiguo, and Hou Zhao and Murong Xianbei, who were connected to each other. It seems that Yuwen Xianbei, who was severely injured, and the remnants of Duan's Xianbei are also indispensable.

As a matter of fact, there is already a tendency to move the whole body with one move in Saibei. Later Zhao and Cheng Han flirted with each other because Saibei did not start fighting, which made it difficult for Shihu to use troops against Jin; Murong Xianbei wanted to clean up Yuwen Xianbei again, and even They planned to attack Fuyu, Yeji and other forces, but Tuoba Xianbei didn't know if they could hold back the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu; the Jin Kingdom noticed the changes in Cheng Han, and a few people with lofty ideals such as Huan Wen thought it should be preemptive , but most of them are still intoxicated.

"Your Majesty!"

I don't know how Ji Chang and Cai You are talking, but when they came in, they both had solemn expressions on their faces.

"The queen of the Dai Kingdom collapsed." Liu Yan tapped a piece of silk cloth on the table full of words: "When Tuoba Xianbei desperately needed Murong Xianbei's support, she died."

This is really bad news, not only for Dai, but also for the Han.

Within a year and a half, Liu Yan gave Tuoba Shiyiqian a lot of supplies in the form of "loans". If Daiguo lost the battle with the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu, those things would be in vain.

"It doesn't matter, your Majesty is not marrying..." Ji Chang did not say his name. He said in a tone that considered the pros and cons: "If you don't marry Tuoba Xianbei, there is no chance of seeking a marriage with Murong Xianbei."

"No!" Liu Yan said with a smile: "I will marry Tuobaxiu in the near future, and besides...increase the supply of supplies to Daiguo."

Ji Chang was surprised: "Your Majesty thinks Dai will still win without the support of Murong Xianbei?"

Liu Yan doesn't know too many things. He only knows that the country of Dai has not been destroyed. As long as the country of Dai continues to exist, the investment is not in vain.

Isn't there such a sentence?There are many people who add icing on the cake, but few people give charcoal in the snow.Liu Yan needs the favor of Tuoba Shiyijian, maybe he can get in touch with Murong Xianbei through Tuoba Xianbei?
"Your Majesty, if necessary, the Cai family has ten large ships at your disposal at any time." Cai You saluted and said, "It's just... Your Majesty, it's too far away from Goguryeo, and there is another route to Goguryeo. "

Upon hearing this, Liu Yan was stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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