sweeping the world

Chapter 115 Miaodao Archipelago

Chapter 115 Miaodao Archipelago
The entire territory of Dongmou County is about the same size as Changguang County and is located in the easternmost part of Shandong Peninsula.

The Shan-Dong Peninsula has irregular administrative prefectures in each period. For example, only two prefectures and one country were established during the Cao Wei period, five prefectures were established under the Sima regime in the Western Jin Dynasty, six during the Liu Han (former Zhao) period, and Shijie The Later Zhao is the continuation of Liu Han (Former Zhao).

At present, the six counties in the Shandong Peninsula are Beihai County, Pingchang County, Gaomi County, Changguang County, Donglai County, and Dongmou County.

In non-war seasons, the counties in the Shandong Peninsula can only be regarded as remote counties, and the central court will not have any issues about them for a year, and maybe no one will even mention a word, which means they do not exist.

In times of war, the status of the Shandong Peninsula in the center can be imagined.Not only does it have no administrative status, but it also has a marginalized status in terms of population, economy, construction, etc.

"So, Xiangguo can't see this side for the time being." Cai You can also play the role of an aide?He talked eloquently: "There is Donglai Academy in Donglai County, but it is not easy to start with."

In fact, Donglai County is not strong, and in some respects it is not the same as Dongmou County. The problem lies in Donglai Academy.

"Donglai Academy..." Liu Yan was sneering, "They sent people over."

Cai You didn't ask. As long as they are here, no one knows the way Donglai Academy behaves. It's not a matter of pretending, but it is common to make long bets.People who really want to do great things will never accept such a force.

This is the fact. Only some people without great ambition will accept such a messy looking... academy?Unless Donglai Academy fully supports or is loyal to someone, but judging from Mr. Gong Tao's tricks, it is obvious that he has not found a suitable partner.

Cai You looked at Liu Yan blankly. He was thinking about whether Liu Yan could be packaged into someone who would be accepted by Donglai Academy.If the plan is successful, it seems that the help will not be at 01:30!
"I just don't know what Jun Shang thinks?" Cai You continued to look at Liu Yan in a daze, thinking in his mind: "It seems that Jun Shang is rather disgusted with Donglai Academy?"

Liu Yan is a high-ranking person, he needs to observe what the people under him are good at, and Ji Chang is a scribe who focuses on the military type.This point is obtained from Ji Chang's role after nearly two years of observation.

If it is said that military-type scribes need to play their role on the battlefield, then scribes like Cai You can only make arrangements according to the situation if they want to play a role.

It wasn't until the appearance of Cai You that Liu Yan felt that he was a "child of destiny". He used to have Ji Chang to help with military affairs, but when it came to government affairs, Tian Shuo was the only one who could help.Now that Cai You appears, regardless of his ability, Liu Yan can at least look at the problem of expansion from another angle.

"Donglai Academy involves a lot..." Cai You frowned and touched his chin for a long time: "They won't give in to anyone easily."

From another perspective, if Liu Yan can conquer Donglai Academy, it will be very convenient for his expansion in Qingzhou. However, it is obvious that even if he takes over Dongmu County now, he can only do it secretly to eliminate the disobedient students. Or, it is necessary to maintain the original county guard as a puppet.Under this premise, doesn't it mean that Liu Yan is too weak?

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry." Cai You said with a smile: "Your Majesty has already controlled the land of two counties, and the population under his rule has already reached 20 people. It is time to steadily open up wasteland and accumulate strength."

The original population of Changguang County was close to 9, not counting the tribes that moved and grazing, not counting Liu Yan's bringing and subsequent redemption.After Liu Yan came over, after a series of wars, the population of Changguang County dropped to about [-].

Dongmou County is indeed a severely marginalized county. There is only one Dongmou City in the entire county, and there are no other cities.What is more fortunate for those in Dongmou County is that they live a relatively peaceful life on the edge and only have to endure the exploitation by the county guards.There were not many wars, and the total population of Dongmou County did not exceed [-]. The Cai family, which had the largest population, was only over [-].

"Do you know the Miaodao Islands?" Liu Yan saw Cai You's stunned face, thinking that Cai You didn't know.He said, "Where is Laishan?"

"Your Majesty, Laishan is the boundary of Donglai County." Cai You knew that the Han tribe liked to find islands in the sea, but Liu Yan did not expect that Liu Yan liked it so much: "There are some islands a hundred miles north of Laishan... , but... desolate people... smoke...", after speaking, he suddenly understood.

According to rumors, the Han Dynasty discovered several islands overseas, the largest of which was Lingshan Island.

Lingshan Island is also a barren and inhabited place, but within a year, the Han Dynasty built a large fishing and hunting island. It seems that the salt industry and agriculture have also developed a little bit?
"If your Majesty wants to occupy those islands, I can find someone to lead the way." Cai You's family is engaged in shipping. How could they not be clear about the surrounding sea areas? They should be much clearer than ordinary people.It's just that Liu Yannian's orders about the islands belonged to modern times and he couldn't understand them: "There are many islands in that sea area...", followed by an introduction.

The more Liu Yan heard it, the more delighted he was. In his impression, the Miaodao Archipelago is composed of many islands, and there are seven big islands. They stretch from the Shan-dong Peninsula to Lushun, which is a perfect place on the Bohai Sea. Transfer station.

Don't you want to get a share of the pie when Murong Xianbei attacked Goguryeo?It is completely unrealistic for Liu Yan to go by land and pass through Jizhou, Youzhou and other places, but by sea, a certain large ship is needed, and no ship can cross the Bohai Sea.

With the Miaodao archipelago as a transfer point, it seems that there is no need for a ship with a large tonnage, and it can directly break into the opposite bank, which is much more reliable than crossing the land that is close to two to three thousand miles.

After asking quite a lot about the information there, Cai Youneng answered everything.He left with a cheerful smile on his face.The Cai family is not afraid that Liu Yan is interested in the sea, what is afraid is that Liu Yan is not interested in the sea.It must be said that if Liu Yan hadn't shown a strong interest in the sea, the Cai family wouldn't have joined him either!

Liu Yan was going to go out for a walk, but he didn't expect Cai You to leave, and Ji Chang came behind him.

"Your Majesty!" Ji Chang saluted and said: "Every family in Dongmou County has been calmed down." Seeing the smile on his face, it must be very smooth. Sure enough, he added: "Compared to Changguang County, On the other hand, the families in Dongmou County are very cooperative."

Liu Yan was also in a good mood. As expected, he had gained a lot of support from the local wealthy families and was able to rule very well.However, he also knows that this model has hidden dangers. For example, once those families are unhappy, will it also cause trouble for them?It seems that rebellion is also more harmful.

"My husband is still needed to make suggestions." Liu Yan meant complete mastery, and added: "In the future, the focus will gradually shift, and the first priority is to build sea-going ships."

Ji Chang nodded.

Liu Yan has repeated this thing too many times. Before, he vigorously purchased the population. After two years of doing this regardless of the cost, the population of the Han tribe was close to [-].The redemption of the population has not been relaxed, and in the past year, the acquisition of giant trees has been added for the purpose of building sea-going ships!
As the chief historian of the Han Dynasty, Ji Chang must know what Liu Yan wants to do next. In his heart, he has no objection to Liu Yan's desire to cross the sea to Goguryeo. After all, he doesn't know if Murong Xianbei will really attack Goguryeo. .

Well, even if Murong Xianbei really attacked Goguryeo, how many people the Han tribe could transport across the sea, and whether they could gain a firm foothold after passing, Ji Chang, who was completely unfamiliar with naval warfare, had no idea.It's not just Ji Chang, the number of people in Chinese history who have a concept of naval warfare can be counted on one hand!

Sitting in Changguang County, with the identity of the county guard, Liu Yan will take down Dongmou County, and Donglai County is obviously difficult to start because of the "scourge" of Donglai Academy, which means that he will basically be trapped in these two counties.

It is necessary to fight across the sea, which is related to Liu Yan's great cause of occupying a state to upgrade the system, so as to meet the chaos of the civil war between the princes of Zhao Zhu.It's just that Liu Yan is a little confused. If he captures a state of Goguryeo, will the system admit it?To be clear, a state on the Central Plains has the size of the entire Goguryeo territory.

(End of this chapter)

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