sweeping the world

Chapter 1083 I've Been Desperate

Chapter 1083 I've Been Desperate
In fact, the black oil does not burn immediately when it is touched by sparks, it needs to be heated to a high enough temperature.

The black oil contained in the jars had been heated beforehand, and they were shaken violently when they were thrown out by the catapult. The moment is actually an explosive situation.

The people at the center of the explosion were not blown to pieces, but were first blasted by pieces of jars and jars, and then drenched in burning black oil.

The people around the center of the explosion were splashed with sparks all over their bodies, and the extremely high temperature caused burns. It was an indescribably severe pain.

Burning pipes filled with black oil were continuously thrown into the city by Sassanian catapults outside the city. Some altars and jars may have been thrown at the wrong angle and hit the city wall directly. The fire engulfed that part of the city wall after the explosion people.

Not only was a jar filled with black oil smashed against the city wall, more Sasanian soldiers were accidentally injured, and some hit the section of the city wall where the battle was taking place, turning both the enemy and ourselves into burning men in an instant.

Although there was an accidental injury, Sassan's catapult troops had no intention of stopping at all, and they still threw out jars filled with black oil at intervals.

Most of the jars thrown by the catapult still fell into the city, and the fires spread irregularly one after another, and there were soldiers and civilians of Peshawar running around with their bodies on fire everywhere.

People with fire on their bodies, when they ran around, affected others, everyone was afraid of being affected, and people without fire on their bodies naturally had to stay away from living people.

The counterattack trend of the military and civilians in Peshawar was interrupted in some areas, and they fell into a state of complete self-chaos.

The soldiers and civilians in Peshawar in more areas continued to charge in a hysterical mood after panic.

The Persians actually fired jars of black oil into the city, proving that the rumors that they were going to turn Peshawar into a sea of ​​fire were true.

The Sassanid army didn't intend to accept the surrender and wanted to burn everyone?
There is no shortage of Peshawar soldiers and civilians who are so scared that they have a nervous breakdown, but there will also be no shortage of Peshawar soldiers and civilians who want to fight desperately for a chance to survive.

Peshawar soldiers and civilians were constantly pouring out of the residential areas. They were in a hysterical state, almost rushing forward without thinking about their lives, and launched a desperate charge.

One person's reckless death can scare a large group of people, and if thousands of people reckless, the burst of energy is beyond imagination!

There are still jars filled with black oil falling from the sky. What should the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar who were hit by the hit do? Forward.

On the one hand, it is the occasional accidental injury, or the situation of being engulfed by dozens of people in one accidental injury.On the other hand, the Sasanian soldiers were bearing the desperate counterattack of Peshawar soldiers and civilians.Under their double pressure, some soldiers really couldn't bear it and started to retreat.

If it weren't for the top of the city wall, there would be people coming up some of the passages that could go down, and there were warlords below waiting to kill deserters anytime and anywhere, and the timid Sasanian soldiers would not just retreat.

In the inner area of ​​the city wall, the enemy and the enemy have been completely entangled into a ball.

Under such circumstances, whether it is Sasanian archers or Peshawar archers, they are ordered not to care about anything, as long as they can draw their bows, they cannot stop shooting arrows.

Under the reckless counterattack of the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar, more and more sections of the city wall were recaptured. Even the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar rushed out of the city, but they were killed one by one by the Sasanian soldiers who had an absolute superiority in numbers. matter.

"How far is the Han army from us?" Dospals Canandina looked at the battle on the city wall expressionlessly, and his face changed when he got the answer: "Where are our troops?"

When the Han army came out of the mountains, it was not the first time to advance, but it must be a whole team.

There were quite a few scouts deployed by Sassan, but they didn't notice the Han army at the first time. It was only after the Han army finished and started marching that they saw the smoke and dust being rolled up.

In fact, before Li Tan ordered the troops to leave the mountainous area, many scouts had been sent out in advance.

The task of these scouts this time is not to scout the enemy, but to find and kill the Sasanian scouts.

The sudden appearance of a large number of Han army scouts made Sassan's scouts aware that something was wrong.It's just that the Sasanian scouts didn't find a large force of the Han army, or even a Han army with a number of more than one hundred, so they really couldn't issue a warning.

Waiting for the Han army led by Li Tan to be discovered, there are not many Sasanian scouts left.

In the era before radio, the Sassanid scouts relied on lighting beacon smoke to spread the alarm.After they lit the smoke, a large number of Han scouts or cavalry squads arrived not long after. If they didn't leave, they would face a one-sided killing.

Then, regardless of whether there are Persians staying behind, the wolf smoke will be extinguished by the Han army.

It was a little late for Dospals Canandina to get the news. He waited for the Han army to approach Peshawar for about [-] miles, and only when he saw the wolf smoke did he know that there was a Han army.

It didn't take long for each beam of smoke to appear, but it was enough for the Sassanid army to carry out the most basic message transmission.

"There won't be less than [-] Han troops?" Dospals Canandina was not sure whether the information was accurate: "It should be too much, not..."

The unknown situation is not a good thing for any general in command, but those generals never mind thinking and speculating in a more serious direction.

"Twenty miles." Dospals Canandina kept clenching his hands into fists and then loosening them again: "Twenty miles is no more than one hour for cavalry."

At present, countries in the world, as long as they have culture, basically have their own timekeeping units, but compared with the timekeeping methods of the Han Empire, other countries seem to be lagging behind.

At present, only the Han Empire has reduced the time unit to seconds. For example, the smallest time unit of the Persians is the quarter hour of the Han Empire, which is 15 minutes.

Because the timekeeping units of the Han Empire were the most advanced, those countries that had contact with the Han Empire naturally adopted the timekeeping methods of the Han Empire.

Sasanian and the Han Empire had a friendly period of two or three years, and a large number of Persians went to the Han Empire.

There are records about the Han people in the history of the Persians. They actually have infinite longing for the Han people. They have an impression of "the Han people are awesome, and the Han people are superior". When they went to the Han Empire, they found that many places were far stronger than Sassanid. , Naturally, there is no psychological burden to study.

"It's too late?" Dospals Canaandina gritted his teeth and shouted after seeing that many sections of the city wall had been taken back by the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar, and his troops had partially collapsed. , bed crossbow... No matter what, even if people go up, I want to see the whole Peshawar engulfed in fire!!!”

The army of the Han Empire rushing to aid Peshawar has been discovered by them.

Predicting how soon the cavalry troops of the Han army will arrive, the conclusions drawn will not exceed one hour.

Just an hour?Dospals Canandina didn't think that the soldiers under his command would rise up suddenly, and there was almost no hope of defeating the soldiers and civilians who counterattacked Peshawar, but he was unwilling to let him give up.

"It won't be just an hour!" Dospals Canandina took a deep breath: "Have our chariot soldiers and cavalry encountered the cavalry troops of the Han army?"

Before that, Dospals Canaandina had sent troops, including [-] chariot soldiers and [-] various cavalry.

The Sassanid mobile troop headed in the right direction. They headed straight for the Han army approaching Peshawar. If there were no accidents, they would collide head-on with that Han army in about half an hour.

It is foreseeable that the Han army will definitely engage in battle with Sasanian chariots and cavalry.Then it depends on how long the Han army can reach the Peshawar battlefield, whether the Han army will win, and how long it will take to win.

Dospals Canandina's own estimate is that the troops sent to face the Han army are not mere miscellaneous soldiers. Even if they can't win, they should hold the Han army for at least three or four hours or even longer, right?

"General..." Albredas Shals hesitated, "The situation is unknown, why not just stop the siege, or withdraw the troops?"

Dospals Canaandina knew that Albuledas's proposal was very prudent, but he directly hacked Albuledas Sarles to death with a knife, and roared angrily: "Anyone who shakes the morale of the army The one who ended up like this!"

A group of Sasanian generals took a step back subconsciously.

Albredas Shars is not a cat or a dog. The Shars family can be regarded as a middle-class nobleman in the east. They just said a word, which is still a very pertinent suggestion. They are already lying on the ground and twitching continuously. , The wound on the left shoulder and neck is so big and deep, it is estimated that it cannot be saved.

"Hehehe!" Dospals Canandina looked at the generals with different expressions, and said, "The Han army has appeared, fleeing? It seems that they are all cavalry. How do you want to die?"

No one said anything, but after learning that the Han army was really approaching, they were indeed panicked for a while.

The main reason is that the record of the Han Empire is terrible!

After the Han people re-emerged, they moved from one victory to the next, and the countries or nations that opposed them disappeared one by one.

The last time Sassan gathered so many allies, even the Romans dispatched three legions, but they suffered an unexpected defeat in Hunnite.

In the battle in Hunnite, the coalition forces turned in nearly 18 people. The Sasanian side was excellent, and 3 people fled back. The rest of the allies... the Romans were completely wiped out, similar to There are more medium-sized countries and small powers in China, and the Hunnitt simply got a tragic ending in name only.

How much did the Han army dispatch at that time?I heard that there is no particularly elite Han army.

This time, they knew that there were Habayashi Army in the Western Expeditionary Corps of the Han Empire, and there were three standing troops on the front line.

They were assigned to fight Jiduoluo. Before and after they set off, they actually felt lucky, thinking that facing Jiduoluo ruled by the Xiaoyuezhi people would be much easier than fighting the Han army directly.

The aggressive invasion in the early stage made them feel that their ideas were not wrong at all.

Even if the attack on Peshawar did not go well for a day and a night, and even the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar showed a firm will to resist, they still did not feel much pressure.

Now?The attack of the Han army changed everything, and even the resolute resistance shown by Peshawar made the situation worse, and everyone's mood was bad enough.

"Whether you can beat the Han people..." Dospals Canandina didn't say any more, shook his head before continuing: "At least let Jiduoluo pay an unbearable price for their choice! "

No one in the school had much reaction.

Dospals Canandina was going to have a fit, so he endured it and said, "Let's deal with Peshawar first, or wait until the Han army really comes... Haha!"

This time, those generals and schools can be regarded as having a reaction.They also have brains, and they know that fighting in one direction is definitely far easier than facing enemy forces in two directions.

It didn't take long for the Sassanid army attacking the city to explode with unprecedented momentum.

The main reason is that some generals went to the front line in person. Most of them are nobles, and the nobles are still very deterrent to the Persians. Many soldiers are from the fiefs of a certain noble. If the soldiers do not fight desperately, they will become more than themselves. It is so simple to die in battle, and relatives in the hometown will also be implicated.

The Sassanian army that exploded with momentum, among them a group of people who were clearly threatened by the nobles, and those nobles made heavy promises, under both coercion and temptation, they had to work hard if they didn't.

In the same desperate state, the Sasanian army is definitely much more "efficient" than the Peshawar army and civilians.

On one side are soldiers at the imperial level who have at least received military training for a period of time, and on the other side are small countries with few people and mixed soldiers and civilians. Under the same desperate state, at least Sasanian soldiers know how to kill people better.

Sassan's side began to be ruthless, but the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar had entered a state of hysteria, and their morale would inevitably drop. Gradually, the battle on the city wall began to turn around again.

This time, the Sasanian soldiers no longer just wanted to occupy the city wall, but went down to the city when they had the opportunity, and tried to catch and kill Peshawar soldiers and civilians as much as possible.

After showing their momentum, the morale of the Sasanian soldiers was obviously increasing. Some of them hung up clay pots, which were naturally filled with black oil. They didn't take any weapons, and started charging directly with torches.

At the highest point of the palace fortress, Luhmaru Jiduo watched the battlefield with the binoculars he borrowed from Ma Bin, his hands were trembling, and his voice was also trembling: "I can't hold it anymore..."

Peshawar's military and civilian offensives that repeatedly poured out of residential areas were blocked, and even partially retreated. Facts have once again proved that sometimes fear of death is not enough. Once they encounter regular troops who are also not afraid of death, they will still be pinned to the ground. hammer……

(End of this chapter)

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