sweeping the world

Chapter 1082 The First Fire

Chapter 1082 The First Fire
If the city wall of Peshawar falls, will Ma Bin and others be terrified?That doesn't exist.

Refer to the envoys of the early Han Dynasty, even when the early Han Dynasty was weak, there was never an example of losing a teacher and humiliating the country!
Even under the difficult and assiduous conditions, even if there are people with swords and axes, could it be that they regard death as home and choose the most heroic method of death.

There are also precedents in the current Han Empire. In a certain period of time, the Han tribe was very weak. When they were sent to Murong Yan, they were humiliated.

Ma Bin is not an angel representing the emperor, nor can he even be said to represent the country. He only represents the Western Expedition Shogunate, but he knows that those are just members of his own family, and Jitaluo Jun and his ministers will not distinguish them so carefully.

The envoys of Zhuxia may be greedy for life and fear death when they are concerned with themselves, but when it comes to the national level, no matter how greedy for life and fear of death, they will muster the greatest courage so that they will not be infamous forever.

It's time to eat, eat.

It's time to drink, drink.

It's time to do...but we can't do it now.

Sun Bo knew the priorities even when he was in a hurry, he just had a good time with his hands.Just touch it and then go to get the food, this is a little bit of that.

"They..." Luhmaru Jido asked, "What are they doing?"

The captain of the guard replied: "Eat and drink, and did not strip women's clothes."

"Oh..." Luhmaru Jiduo didn't have the slightest psychological burden to send his concubine, let alone the Han people who could save his life. In the past, he didn't give it to ministers or foreign guests: . . . is different from the others."

In the past examples, those people basically hugged each other and started to take off their clothes, and then started to make a fuss no matter how many people were around.

Luhmaru Jiduo didn't know whether it was because the Han people were reserved, or because they were nervous and ready to fight at any time.He didn't want to make this guess, and asked again: "What's going on outside the city, what's going on inside the city."

The Sassanid troops outside the city are reinforcing the city wall one after another, and more than [-] Sasanian soldiers have joined the battle on the four walls.

The soldiers and civilians of Peshawar in the city are also constantly gathering and going to the battlefield. In addition, under the command and appeal of some civilian officials such as the Prime Minister Zan Bhutita Nawa, they have begun to clean up flammable debris.

"There is a very strange phenomenon..." The captain of the guard didn't know if his judgment was reliable, he hesitated: "The Persians seem to be setting up the outer front?"

Luhemaru Jiduo became more energetic after hearing this and asked: "Deploy the battle line?"

"A large number of refusal horses and other things are being placed." The captain of the guard couldn't see clearly, but he had a guess: "Is it the King Qin's army or the Han army?"

Today is the second day of the attack and defense of Peshawar City. Given the poor temperament of the Jidoro tribe, it will take at least half a month to assemble the troops, and another seven or eight days to travel. The fastest is It will take about 20 days to reinforce Peshawar.

"It's the Han army." Luhmaru Jido was delighted at first, and then worried: "Will the Han people...will launch an attack immediately? They may wait until we really can't hold on before launching an attack!"

How can you be the lord of a country? Luhmaru Jiduo thinks about it in another way, thinking that if he is absolutely sure, he will do that. Otherwise, how can he reap the greatest gratitude from the rescued?

However, the current situation is very special. The Sasanian army did not intend to occupy Peshawar at all, but wanted to set the entire city in flames!

"You..." Luhmaru Ji looked at the captain of the guard expectantly, and said: "Go to the Han envoy again, and no matter what method you use, ask him to order the Han army to attack immediately."

The captain of the guard saluted and wanted to leave but was stopped.

"Wait!" Luhmaru Jiduo thought for a while and said, "Go to the treasury and bring five boxes of gold coins."

The captain of the guard nodded emphatically.

"Wait!" Luhmaru Jido gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty: "Eight boxes of gold coins, and remove another box of gems..." After speaking, he gasped violently.

One box is [-] gold coins, and eight boxes are [-] gold coins.

The value of a box of gems is a little hard to say, it depends on when it is sold, and when the market is at its best, it should be able to sell about [-] gold coins.

There should be about [-] gold coins in Jiduoluo's tax revenue for one year. The problem is that after collecting the tax, there must be expenditures, such as royal family expenses, raising the army, national construction... etc., [-] gold coins can be kept A thousand pieces is considered too much.

After Luhmaru Jiduo came to power, it took him four years to get two boxes of gold coins for his own personal use. The total amount was only [-] gold coins.

In the treasure house of the palace, there are 27 boxes containing gold coins and seven boxes containing gems. The rest of the various things should add up to about 14 gold coins, but this is the accumulation of the royal family for nearly a hundred years!
Many times, Luhmaru Jiduo would feel proud rather than ashamed because of the poverty of the royal family, which meant that every king at least did not impose excessive taxes on the subjects under his rule.He also knew that the life of the kings of the past dynasties was not extravagant, so the money must be used to build the country, otherwise it would not be such a little savings.

It must be said that the several heads of the Jido royal family were indeed good, especially the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar were very generous, so that when they encountered invasions from other countries, the entire city of Peshawar, the army and the people resisted unitedly.

If you send too many royal bastards, the army will naturally be ordered to resist, but the civilians will not try their best even if they are forced, and there will really be no unity.

At this moment, the organized soldiers and civilians of Peshawar were constantly charging in a mood close to despair.

They had been told that the Persians were going to set the city on fire, and that the Persians had refused the king's request to surrender.

Again some are saying that someone surrendered to the Sasanian army and was killed immediately.

The things that spread the Sassanian soldiers' refusal to surrender are true or false. It was indeed witnessed by someone with their own eyes, and more of them were arranged.

The enemy wants to set fire to it and is unwilling to accept surrender?Even the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar who didn't want to risk their lives before should understand the truth of not risking their lives after learning about this situation.

No matter how angry and fearful they are, they don't want their family members to be burned to death. Of course, they may die if they rush forward, but they really can't do it unless they try their best.

The soldiers and civilians of Peshawar launched their charge one after another. The momentum looked very grand, but it actually scared the Sassanid army a little.

"Withstand! Withstand!"

"Archery, grass mud horse, hurry up and shoot!"

"I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand it anymore!"

"The arrows are running out, hurry up and supply them!"

The Sasanian soldiers in the city had been overwhelmed by Peshawar soldiers and civilians, and the battle began to focus on fighting for the aisle of the city wall.

The first batch of Peshawar soldiers and civilians to launch a counterattack carried kerosene. They smashed pots and jars at the siege equipment they could reach, and those with torches threw them over.I really had no choice but to pounce on it and light it with a kerosene, and then I became a burning person because my clothes were stained with kerosene.

In the battlefield full of fireballs, the enemy and the enemy were fighting each other. Under the crowd, some unlucky people were squeezed into the fire, some ran out, and some were buried in the fire.

Those who ran out, they hugged people when they saw them in a state of extreme panic. If they hugged their enemies, they would die together. If they hugged their own people, they would drag someone to accompany them to death.

As the first batch of Peshawar soldiers and civilians to counterattack, the original plan was to burn or destroy the Sasanian siege equipment so that they could retreat.

While they were waiting for the order to retreat, a large group of people roared hysterically and rushed up from behind.

The order to evacuate has not come for a long time, but the newcomers told the news that the Persians were going to set the city on fire, and explained that there would be no retreat, either they all died here, or the Persians were repelled, otherwise don't even think about it There is a way out.

Under the strict notification that retreating is death, it is not that the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar escaped by themselves. They were warned by a wave of arrows from the supervising team when they ran near the residential area. If they continued to flee, they would be shot on the spot.He was not shot to death, but was arrested when he passed by, and his head was chopped off in a conspicuous place.

If you charge up and don’t beat back the Persians, don’t even think about surviving. This is fully proved by the cruel military law. Unless it’s a person who is so frightened that he really has no ability to think, otherwise, whoever knows that he must die is generally willing to die in the hands of the enemy. , not in their own hands.

Dospals Canandina kept frowning as he watched the battle on the city wall, and said, "They found out about our preparation of fire oil."

Peshawar's counterattack was so resolute and hysterical, it was definitely not for no reason, and the counterattack of Peshawar's soldiers and civilians was too chaotic, not like a planned and orderly counterattack.

"They are fighting back desperately." Dospals Canandina is a Sassanid general who has been in battle for a long time. In fact, he knows what choice to make in the face of such a situation: "It's a pity..."

In the current battle situation, the best option for offense and defense is actually to retreat and lay traps to lure the defenders out of the city to fight. It is best to annihilate the defenders, which will definitely interrupt the momentum of the defenders.If you can't completely annihilate them, continue to avoid their edge and wait for the momentum of the defenders to decrease.

The above options are the best, and at the same time, they can avoid huge casualties on their own side, but Dospals Canandina has no choice at all.

"The Han army will join the battlefield soon..." Dospals Canandina ordered: "Add more troops, and add 2000 people to each city wall! The west wall... put in the undead army!"

More than 1000 soldiers were engaged in the battle on the side of the Sassanian army, and with an additional [-] troops on each side of the city wall, the number reached [-].

In fact, the city walls of Peshawar really cannot accommodate so many soldiers. At present, most of the Sasanian soldiers are actually outside the city. The craftsmen are busy building climbing equipment and hanging tower equipment. Most soldiers are in a state of ineffective combat effectiveness.

The number of Sassanid soldiers who fought against the Peshawar defenders on the front line should be only about 1. They are 5000 more than the number of Peshawar soldiers and civilians. However, the Peshawar defenders still lost some sections of the city wall.

When two armies are fighting, one arm can fight but has average morale, while the other arm may not be that capable but has desperate ferocity. Once the battle situation is not one-sided, both sides will suffer heavy casualties.

From the first batch of military and civilian counterattacks in Peshawar to the past hour or so, more than 4000 people from both sides have fallen on the battlefield and become corpses, and even more people have been injured.

This kind of fighting situation can already be regarded as very tragic, but the battle situation is still in a stalemate.

Among the 4000 people who fell, it is estimated that there were seven or eight hundred people on the Sasanian side, and the rest were soldiers and civilians in Peshawar.

Now the Sassanid army has the advantage of relying on the city wall; the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar ascended the city from the inside, but there are some conveniences for the aisles, but the Sassanian army could not let go of the aisles, and even used the fixed access to the city to kill a large number of people in Baisha. Va military and civilian.

The tragic confrontation has continued, and as time goes by, the degree of tragedy increases again and again.

"Hold on!" Bu Erzan yelled, "They've already started fucking women!"

This is not a scene that is not suitable for children, but a large number of women have appeared among Peshawar's military and civilians. They rushed forward with crude weapons and even empty hands.

In fact, the vast majority of women nowadays are not really good-looking, most of them have dark and rough skin.Those who can look good are those who don't have to participate in labor, are not exposed to the wind and sun every day and are tired, learn some women's skills (such as dressing), cultivate temperament, and so on.

It's not good-looking, but the Sassanian soldiers have sentiments of pity and sympathy. When they see a dark, thin, fat... Anyway, it has nothing to do with the beauty of women, and they usually swing their weapons without recognizing men and women.

Zhou Bian, who was standing by the window and watched the progress of the battle with a telescope, had just told Paoze that Peshawar sent out female militiamen, and seeing the heavy casualties, he said, "It seems that they have not received serious training, and they will die when they go up."

At present, in the known world, only the Han Empire even trained women together when training the people. However, the Han Empire did not intend to send women to the battlefield. train.

"The Persians are dividing their troops to the northeast." Zhou Bian was shocked when he found out this situation: "Our army should be approaching!"

Outside the city, some catapults that had not had time to be sent into the city were already being installed by Sasanian soldiers, and pots after pots of black oil were also brought up.

The original consideration of the Sasanian army was to advance a sufficient distance outside the city, and then launch clay pots filled with black oil at residential areas.

They had indeed discovered the Han army, and at least [-] Han cavalry suddenly appeared from the mountains in the northeast, forcing them to change their battle plan.


The hanging knife was hit by a huge hammer, the pendulum of the catapult swung forward violently, and the clay pot with burning cloth strips was thrown into the sky.

In the location of the royal palace in Peshawar, the bell was rang again, very quickly, and it gave people a bad feeling.

The first clay pot was thrown into the city of Peshawar, and it fell about 120 meters inward from the city wall. When it fell, it hit the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar who were charging forward. The next moment there was a loud "boom!!!", The fire engulfed a large group of people in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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