sweeping the world

Chapter 1065 Unlimited military expansion

Chapter 1065 Unlimited military expansion

Tobole in summer is a very hot place.

Tobol was named by the Persians. After the Zhengxi shogunate used this place as a camp, Xie An named this place Jilongpo.

Zhu Xia has always named a place with a purpose. The reason why Xie An named this place Jilongpo is that the place is a steep slope. When the slopes rise and fall with each other, there will be some large layouts. The ridge is high and sloping down extremely steeply.

Hundreds of years later, an army from Zhu Xia will also come here.This group of Tang people followed the footsteps of the former Sui Dynasty and expanded westward. They traveled a farther distance than the previous Sui Dynasty and expanded the territory of Li and Tang Dynasties to the territory of the Persians.

According to Zhu Xia's naming of the place, they also took the name Jilongpo.

Xie An set up his main camp at this place, and there was another Han army stationed thousands of miles away in the northeast.

In terms of geographical location, Jilongpo is not only on the edge of Persian Sasan, but also on the edge of the Kingdom of Jidoro.

The Jidoluo Kingdom is what outsiders call them, and they themselves continue to continue the name of Guishuang, even though there is another country that also calls itself Guishuang.

The other country that claims to be Guishuang, although they and the Jidoro Dynasty both call themselves Guishuang, the relationship between the two is very bad.

Because of their different geographical locations, the Jiduoluo dynasty is called Xiguishuang, and the other one is called Dongguishuang despite being located in the south.

The current strength of Xie'an's garrison is 18, divided into three standing armies and one firearms division. The rest are Han Xiaoguo and Western Region servants recruited from the Western Regions.

In the other camp more than 1000 miles away, the main general is Dou'a, with a force of 7. The original Junjishan Colonel and a standing army are the main force, and the rest are also Han Xiaoguo and Western Regions servants.

The current total strength of the Zhengxi Shogunate is about 25, of which 11 are Han Chinese, and the rest are all from the Western Regions.

25 is not the final force. The Northwest and Guanzhong have been mobilized in the central area, and the rest of the counties will be mobilized gradually.

What Xie An knew was that at the beginning of the invasion of Sasanian Persia, the total force of the Western Expedition Shogunate would reach 50, including seven standing armies. The Han Xiaoguo would be reorganized into secondary county soldiers. The number will reach 12, and the remaining troops will be supplemented by recruiting people from the Western Regions from the Anxi Protectorate.

This time the Han Empire was very serious about dealing with the so-called anti-Han axis. After discussions, it was decided to expand the army from the original fifteen standing armies to 32, while maintaining a number of county troops of no less than 50.

There are nearly 100 million soldiers enlisted by Han Chinese. Naturally, not all of them will be sent abroad to participate in the war. When the expansion is completed, the standing army will be responsible for all foreign expeditions, and the county and county soldiers will be responsible for domestic security and the guards of the remaining borders.

At present, the Han people who participated in foreign wars as Xiaoguo and county soldiers will be reorganized into a standing army sequence later, which can be regarded as a reward for their courage to participate in the war.

In addition to the army composed of Han Chinese, the issue of forming a servant army has entered the stage of discussion.

The plan given by the General’s Mansion is that the number of Japanese recruited from the Wa Islands alone will reach 30. Of course, they will not enter the mainland of the Han Empire after being recruited and trained. It is the battlefield of West Asia and the battlefield of Europa.

The population of the Uriel Islands is about three to four million. It is actually too much to transfer one-tenth of the population, especially young and strong men. It is conceivable that the Uriel Islands will definitely lack enough labor in the future. Entered into stagnation stage.

In addition to recruiting 30 young and strong men from the Wa Islands, the Han Empire also planned to hire more than 20 young women.It's just that this group of women is not going to be sent to various battlefields, but to be arranged to participate in various labors in various parts of the Han Empire, mainly in the service industry.

Regardless of whether it is 30 young men or 20 young women, they all belong to the first batch, and there will be second, third, and even countless numbers later.

The Han Empire intends to use this method to digest the Japanese, and there are sufficient reasons to believe that the Japanese will not resist, on the contrary, the Japanese will cooperate enthusiastically.It won't take too long, there will be no Japanese group in the world, and the Wa Islands will naturally become part of the territory of the Han Empire.

At the same time, the center of the Han Empire will not forget the Asan Continent, a place with a large population.

The first batch of personnel recruitment in the Asan Continent is already in progress. The Tianzhu Protectorate presides over the recruitment of young and strong people from various places. The first batch is 20. After a short period of training, they will be delivered to the Tianzhu Shogunate for use. Esau conquered the rest of the Asan continent.

In the subsequent second batch, the bottom line for the Tianzhu Shogunate's recruitment is 30, which will also be used for the unification battle of the Asan Continent.

The deadline given to the Tianzhu shogunate by the center of the Han Empire was to complete the sorting out of the Asan Continent in no more than three years, so that this corner of the continent would become the rule of the Han Empire.

Xie An's side also had indicators issued by the central government. Before the official invasion of Sasanian Persia, the current boundary line between the two sides should be ensured, and then the necessary clearance would be carried out.

"What's the reply from Ji Doro's side?"

"Return to General, no reply yet."

According to the information Xie An has, the Jidoluo Kingdom is ruled by the Xiaoyuezhi people.

Many living customs of this group of Xiaoyuezhi people have long been different from those of the Dayuezhi people, and even the social structure is quite different.

The Da Yuezhi people continued to move westward, and in the process, they first slowly merged with the Serbian people, and many living customs changed in the way of the Serbian people.Later, the Da Yuezhi people successfully invaded the Asan Continent, and added Asan's cultural customs, and the way of life was once again greatly changed.

The Xiaoyuezhi people originally hid in the basin area in the northwest of the plateau. As a foreign nation, they managed to gain a firm foothold, but it was inevitable that they would have exchanges or frictions with surrounding countries and nations.

The first person to influence the living habits of the Xiaoyuezhi people was none other than the mixed Qiang people, who were actually called Qiang people, but were different from the Eastern Qiang people.

During the exchanges and battles with various Qiang tribes and tribes, the Xiaoyue people were gradually transformed into Qiang people, no matter in terms of lifestyle, clothing, eating habits, etc., they gradually forgot...or abandoned their original Xiaoyue clan. The habits of Yuezhi people.

The small Yuezhi people who transformed into Qiang later expanded towards the south and came into contact with Ah San who was not Ah San.

It is not Ah San's Ah San, mainly because this group of Ah Sans have the looks that Ah San should have, but their living habits are different from those of Ah San who live in the south, and even their beliefs are completely different.

If we insist on the characteristics of the Asan culture and living habits of this group of people who are not Asan, we can probably only say that they inherited more elements from Greek culture. At the same time, they also retained some of the customs of Asan, forming a new nation. .

Asan is actually not a unified nation, they have their own ethnic divisions, the Han people regard them as the same people very roughly, maybe because the Han people force them to regard them as the same nation, they really become one after a long time ethnicity.

After the Xiaoyuezhi people merged with that group of Asan, part of the Qiang culture was replaced by the Asan culture. It is more obvious that the Xiaoyuezhi people still believe in Buddhism.

In Dongguishuang, the Da Yuezhi people were the main ruling class.

The Dayuezhi people are of course the Yuezhi people who fled westward during the rise of the Huns.

The Xiaoyuezhi people are the Yuezhi people who chose to stay in their ancestral land and continue to resist the Huns.

After some fled and some stayed, the Yuezhi split into two parts.

The part of the Yuezhi people who escaped, that is, the Da Yuezhi people thought that the little Yuezhi people who stayed behind to resist were mentally ill.

The Xiaoyuezhi who chose to stay and resist the Huns reviled the escaped Dayuezhi as cowards and trash.This group of small Yuezhi people have been causing trouble for the Huns. If the Han people did not break out the Hundred Years War with the Huns later, they would either be killed by the Huns or assimilated by the Qiang or Dingling people.

In fact, the Xiaoyuezhi people were a servant race of the Han people for a certain period of time. While grazing cattle for the Han people, they also sent out manpower to help the Han people train cavalry, and directly dispatched young men to accompany the Han people in the war against the Huns.

After the death of Emperor Xiaowu of the Western Han Dynasty, the small Yuezhi people were no longer so obedient, and it was the Liantong Qiang people who launched a rebellion.

Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty once again marched to the Western Regions. The Han people must have liquidated the rebellion. The Xiaoyuezhi people and some Qiang people chose to flee to the west. Only then did the Xiaoyuezhi people and Qiang people in Central Asia exist.

Although the length is very, very small, that is, the weight of two or three sentences, the Han people still have historical records about this group of Xiaoyuezhi people.

Xie An has already learned that the Jiduoluo Kingdom is a half-nomadic and half-agricultural country, and the writing is mainly from Asan's side, but it has been nearly a hundred years since this group of Xiaoyuezhi people had writing.

According to the practice of those nations without their own written language, they pass on their history by oral or ballad form.

Xie An can be sure that this group of Xiaoyue people have no records about the early Han, so there will be no historical grievances. They made up their minds to decide whether to side with the Han Empire or the Persians. It depends on which side poses the greatest threat to them.

"If the general gives the order, the general can guarantee that the soldiers will reach Peshawar within five days!" Wang Quan patted his chest: "Give the general enough gunpowder, and it will only take a moment to conquer Peshawar!"

Before the Han Empire officially invaded Persian Sasan, it must first clear the surrounding countries.

Not only did the Han Empire do this, but the Persian Sasanians would also do it.

After all, when the two empires are officially fighting, how can they allow irrelevant forces to exist around them? No one is willing to have a force jump out at a critical moment to disrupt the war situation.

The territory of the Jidoluo Kingdom is about 15 square kilometers, which is no different from the larger counties of the Han Empire.

The Kingdom of Jidoro has not done any census. They don't even know how many people there are in the country. It is estimated that the population is nearly 40?
The Zhengxi shogunate knew how many troops the Jidoruo Kingdom had. The information showed that the original standing army of the Jidoruo Kingdom was 8000 people, and the maximum force mobilized in history was 8.

For such a small country, it is difficult to mobilize more than [-] soldiers at its limit. The Zhengxi shogunate did not think it would be difficult to perish. The fundamental reason why Xie An sent people to Peshawar to let the Xiaoyue clan stand in line was because he hoped that there would be a Friendly supply base.

"It's best not to resort to force." Xie Ai is the long history of the Western Expedition to the Shogunate, and his position as a servant is still retained: "What we need to pay attention to now is the Sassanid army on the opposite side."

Among Liu Yan's three servants, Wang Meng went to the expedition fleet, and Xie An came to the Western Expedition Shogunate, leaving Cai You to perform the government affairs of the province.

Xie An was very welcoming to Xie Ai as his long-term leader. In addition to knowing that Xie Ai had good military abilities, he mainly believed that having a close minister of the emperor as a supervisor of the army would be of great help to everyone in the Western Expedition Shogunate. a good thing.

It will really be a good thing. The final total strength of the Western Expedition Shogunate will reach 50. No matter how confident and magnanimous the king is, he will hand over such a large army to anyone, even his own son. think.

Xie Ai has the right to communicate directly with the emperor. He is the supervisor on the surface, but there must be others secretly.With him directly reporting the movement of the Western Expedition to the Shogunate to the Son of Heaven, and Xie An not going overboard so that those people behind the scenes would have something to do with it, the Son of Heaven in Chang'an would not have to guess too much.

"The general on the opposite side is Habibullah, the Governor of the East." Xie Ai doesn't need to introduce this person too much. The information about Habibullah is firstly recorded by Wang Meng's previous missions, and he also collects as much as possible later: "He personally led 24 Wan Dajun came over, and the scouts reported that there was still a Persian army marching in the rear. Waiting for his strength to approach 30, he would launch an offensive."

In the east of Sasanian, the usual standing army is as many as 20.

After Shapur II mobilized the whole country, the mobilization in the eastern part of Sasan was the most vigorous. In just eight months, the military strength in the eastern part had exceeded 40.

"I heard that Kianous Alta Aldahir will be the head coach of the Eastern Conference?" Xie An knew this person and had met him quite a few times, so he was quite impressed: "Sending a royal family is enough to prove that Sasan determined to resist."

Far more than that, due to the particularity of the Sasanian country, Ardashir has a greater influence on the local nobles, and it is by no means the authority of ordinary officials. Ardashir can also mobilize the local nobles when necessary The contribution of people and money can be regarded as a true united front, and it is not just the official level that contributes.

"It has to be admitted that Sassan is a country with very high executive power." Xie An never meant to look down on Sassan: "Except for the big men, only Sassan can do it, right?"

In fact, the Gupta Empire was not wiped out so quickly, and they were one of the countries that could mobilize millions of troops.

(End of this chapter)

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