sweeping the world

Chapter 1064 Era Gap

Chapter 1064 Era Gap
Chahar is not the largest but the most prosperous seaport city in the southwestern part of Sassanid. At this moment, it is filled with thick smoke rising into the sky in the city.

The thick smoke is not cooking smoke, but a fire caused by shelling, buildings or other items being burned by fire.

The expedition fleet of the Han Empire had been on the coast of Chahar for two days. On the first day of its arrival, it launched a fierce bombardment, firing its main and secondary guns and a total of more than [-] shells.

Most of the shells landed in residential areas, and the buildings in residential areas in most cities today, including the streets, are not orderly at all, most of them are one over the other, and the debris is even more chaotic Pile indiscriminately.Once a fire breaks out, if you want to put out the fire, unless the fire is too small to be extinguished, otherwise the probability of forming a large fire is infinitely high.

After the fire broke out, it’s not that the people in the city didn’t try to fight the fire. It’s just that there were debris piled up in most of the passages, or the residents expanded randomly. Apart from the wealthy areas, Chahar didn’t have any transport vehicles or water for fire fighting. Pipelines, relying on people to carry buckets to fight the fire are simply a lot of money. The fire cannot be contained, and more and more buildings are ignited, forming a large sea of ​​​​fire.

In addition to the fierce tilting artillery fire at the beginning, the Han army conducted one round of artillery fire every hour.There was no fixed bombardment area, and random bombardments were often carried out throughout the city.

Under the irregular shelling, no one knew how to determine whether they were safe or not. Under the extreme lack of security, the citizens began to flee outside the city.

Furda Doah is the lord of Chahar. He was actually mentally prepared for the arrival of the Han army fleet. It cannot be said that he did not take relevant measures, but he has not seen what it looks like to be bombarded by gunboats, so he cannot make targeted preparations. .

"Clear a buffer zone next to the fire scene." Erda Doa was looking at the sea of ​​​​fire in the distance with his own eyes: "There is no hope of saving over there."

Chahar is a prosperous coastal city. In today's era, how prosperous it is can almost determine how chaotic the city will be, especially some slums.

It was confirmed that there was a certain slum area that was completely unsalvageable. It was not that the city's garrison did not mobilize water trucks, but there was no way to get in. After the fire that could be saved was watched spreading, and the water trucks entered, If you don't go, you will end up in a miserable situation where you don't even need to be rescued.

If you want to say which area of ​​each city will have the most people, it will undoubtedly be the trade area and the slum area.

Furda Doah asked the patrol officer about the approximate number of people in the area that had been engulfed in flames, and the answer he got was that there were no less than 2000 people.

Before the fire spread completely, some people wisely chose to stay away as soon as possible, but more people did nothing to fight the fire. Of the [-] residents who escaped, about a hundred people escaped, mainly women and children. The majority, and the rest, would be caught in the fire no matter how they looked at it.

It’s not just a seemingly hopeless fire scene. If you look at the entire slum area, there are fires everywhere. It’s just because the area of ​​the slum area is large enough to form separate fire fields one after another. People trapped in the fire field There are definitely no less than 2 people, accounting for about four to five tenths of the population in the Chahar slums.

It's not just the slums that are burning. If calculated as a percentage, at least 20.00% of the entire city is in flames, with the slums and stocking areas being the most severely affected.

Of course, the rich area also encountered the bombardment of the gunboats of the Han Empire, just because the passages in the rich area are wide, and there are more water tankers prepared at ordinary times. In addition, the rich area itself has convenient water intake facilities. After the fire was extinguished in time, it did not cause more serious disasters.

The City Lord's Mansion was built at the highest place in the city. It looked conspicuous enough, but it didn't encounter too much shelling. It can even be said that apart from being bombarded with about [-] cannons at the beginning, the Han army didn't seem to be able to see it afterwards. It seemed that it was in such a conspicuous place, and there was no further bombardment of the area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

"The Han people still didn't attack the port?" Furda Doa was able to maintain the greatest composure now, because the City Lord's Mansion seemed safe enough: "They are afraid that the port will be damaged and they will not be able to land?"

There was not even a single shell falling in the port, but the stockpiling area not far from it was subjected to heavy shelling.

If you want to say which part of the city is the most serious fire, there is no doubt that it is the stocking area by the port.From this point of view, Furda Doa can confirm that the Han army basically did not come here for looting, or else it should have left the goods at the port?

The city lord's mansion is high enough to see the situation on the sea.

Because of the arrival of the expeditionary fleet of the Han Empire, the non-Han ships in the nearby waters were either sunk or captured, or they ran away early. Apart from the Han ships floating in the huge sea area, no one else can be seen. boat shadow.

Furda Doah knew the most basic visual inspection, and found that there were more than a thousand ships of various types from the Han Empire at the beginning, and eleven of them did not seem to be the largest in size, but they were far larger than other ships. It looks like the hull is bigger, and it looks much more beautiful.

Gunboats are late-generation products and are relatively slender than other types of ships. Furthermore, their streamlined appearance looks sharper, which naturally makes them more beautiful.

Furda Doah would think that the gunboat is very beautiful, but in fact it is mainly because of his love for powerful things, and he wants to keep it for himself out of envy, so he loves it even more.

To say which ship is the largest on the sea, it is definitely the Linzi, followed by some transport ships.

The largest transport ship is not much smaller than the Linzi, but actually larger than the Linzi in terms of tonnage. They are round and fat, quite different from the slender hull of the Linzi.

Now, the entire expedition fleet is spread out and parked on the sea surface. The gunboat is closest to the land. There are two large transport ships parked next to them. Some warships will travel between the gunboat and the transport ship, mainly to transport artillery shells. consume.

The second echelon is the carrying ships arranged in a square shape, and many soldiers are standing on the deck to watch the gunboats that bombard every hour.

Except for the side facing the land, there are conventional warships cruising back and forth on the periphery in the other three directions.

The rest of the ships were anchored and lined up one after another. After many ships spread out on the sea, if one looked down from a high enough height, a "land surface" composed of ships was formed above the sea. .

"The chaos is the chaos..." Yuan Qiao looked at the land through the telescope: "It's just that the army is not in chaos, it's the civilians who are in chaos."

Their gunboats are still too few. If they want to completely mess up the city, the main target of the bombardment is the residential area, and the firepower inclined to the barracks seems a bit insufficient.

Of course, the purpose of creating chaos is to bombard the residential area. If the artillery barracks are severely insufficient, the bombardment will cause some damage to the enemy, but the enemy army will not be wiped out too much, and the camp cannot be destroyed at all. At most, it will be forced The garrison evacuated and stationed in another place.

Huan Wen looked at Wang Meng: "What suggestion does Chang Shi have?"

It was Wang Meng's suggestion not to bombard the port for the time being. There are a large number of various ships moored there. Due to the fire in the storage area, the evacuated people chose the port that was not bombarded. As a result, the port area is now crowded with people.

The purpose of leaving the port is naturally to carry out the landing. No army that lands from the sea will aim at shelling the port. If it really destroys a facility, it will cause difficulties for its own landing.

"General." Wang Meng said with a salute: "The official's opinion is to continue the shelling for another day, continue to the north, and continue the shelling every time you pass a coastal city."

The expedition fleet carried enough gunpowder and cannonballs, and there were also many spare bronze cannons.

The main gun of the gunboat does not need to be fired unless necessary, so as not to wear out the barrel and cause malfunction, but the secondary gun does not matter, and if it breaks, it can be replaced with a new one in time.

Now the Persian Sasanian does not have any long-range weapons that can threaten the fleet, but the gunboats can carry out shelling outside the range of the enemy's long-range weapons.

The Persian Sasanian was able to counterattack and also needed the Han army to land. Once the Han army did not implement the landing, it would continue to carry out coastal bombardment with the advantage of long-range weapons. So unless the Persian Sasanian sent a fleet to fight, it could only be passively beaten.

"If there is a chance, we can naturally land..." Wang Meng maintained his salute posture: "The enemy is waiting in a tight formation, so there is no need."

They landed in the two satraps to support the Tianzhu shogunate, and it was necessary to conduct a relatively large landing battle, otherwise they would not be able to attract the attention of the two satraps.It's just that I didn't expect that it was just a landing battle, but it caused the two Satra Pusheng to surrender and cease the war.

Huan Wen accepted Yuan Qiao's opinion, instead of taking the lead to discuss the matter of surrender with Liang Satrapu, he handed it over to the Tianzhu shogunate.

Attacking Sassanid is actually to accumulate more experience, and it is not necessary to log in.After all, the Western Expedition Shogunate has no move to move westward for the time being. The appearance of the expedition fleet can attract enough attention of Sassanid and force Sassanid to deploy heavy troops along the long coastline. Their current move is enough.

Landing is generally for profit, such as landing in Luke to plunder, if there are many garrisons in Sasanian cities, there will be a big battle after landing, Huan Wen knows that it is really unnecessary.

Within three years, the expeditionary fleet would not receive the slightest supply of troops, and Huan Wen had been informed of this before departure.

They still need to go on an expedition to Europa. In order to accumulate experience, they can lose some resources and troops in Sassan or Sasan, but they really can’t lose too much. Huanwen’s bottom line is that they can’t lose more than 2000 people, otherwise it will be It will affect the expedition to Europa.

"Hmm..." Huan Wen nodded, "As Chang Shi said."

In the back, Furda Doa saw with his own eyes that the Han army had changed its normal state, and the port, where not a single shell had landed, was subjected to heavy shelling.His first reaction after seeing the port being shelled was one of joy.

"The Han Chinese are bombarding the port!" Furda Doah said to the left and right: "Does this mean that they will give up landing?"

Shells were constantly falling in the port area. The Persians or other ethnic groups who thought it was safe to stay here were running around.

After the Han army started shelling the port, some ships in the port moved.

It was a civilian ship at the beginning. They knew that if they moved, they would become a target, but if they continued to stay where they were, they would be burned and burned, so they started to escape with a ten thousandth hope.

Afterwards, some military warships also began to take action. They were ordered to attack the Han fleet.

On the Han army's side, the gunboats ignored the moving port ships and continued to bombard the port, as if they would not stop until the port was completely destroyed.

Just because the gunboat didn't pay attention, it didn't mean that the other Han warships didn't respond.

During this expedition, under the premise that the enemy did not dispatch warships, the conventional warships have always been playing the role of soy sauce. Finally, there is a target for engagement, and the warships that have been ordered to go to battle are full of joy. jump for joy.

"The elevation angle is 25 degrees."


What was shot was not a cannonball, but a crossbow bolt with an explosive arrow.

Among the expeditionary fleet, the number of crossbow ships actually accounted for the largest number. The captain of each crossbow ship actually knew a little earlier that the warships under their feet would face a complete elimination within ten years, and they would be gunboats in the future. world.

This expedition to Europa was basically the last time the crossbowship made its most spectacular appearance. Even if it was not sunk after going to Europa, there was no possibility of the warship returning to the mainland.

It may be the last glorious appearance, but it has never been matched by an opponent. The sadness is so obvious. If you seize the opportunity, you can play, even if you are facing an opponent who is not at the same level, any crew member including the captain , everyone is willing to show 100% enthusiasm to fight fiercely.

Fierda Doa originally thought that dispatching warships could attract the firepower of Han gunboats. Seeing that Han gunboats continued to bombard the port, it seemed that some shells had already fallen on the city lord's palace. It seemed that the number of cannonballs falling on the city lord's palace was increasing. It can be said that was very disappointed.

In less than half an hour, 27 minutes to be precise, the non-Han-operated ships that started were wiped out on the sea by the dispatched Han army crossbow boats.

Probably because they thought they had a rare opportunity to attack, they did not take prisoners, but fired crossbow arrows vigorously. Even the seemingly small plank boat could attract at least five crossbow arrows.

“Which city is next?”

"Go back to the general. Thirty miles north of here is Ludia, which is another city with a port in the nearby sea."

Huan Wen quickly found the location called Ludia on the map.

The overseas map was drawn by Wang Meng during his mission. Last time, he had basically determined which cities were more valuable to attack if he came to invade.

(End of this chapter)

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