sweeping the world

Chapter 1057 Ocean, ocean!

Chapter 1057 Ocean, ocean!
The expedition fleet entered the Arabian Sea and reached the waters of Trakutaka, but Huan Wen still had to arrive ashore for supplies.

The huge fleet headed west, and the route was not too far from the land. It was almost under the attention of all countries all the way. This was not the first time that each country had seen such a huge fleet.The last time Wang Meng returned from Europa, the fleet size was actually bigger.

Tracutaka is a country split from the Baicheng Dynasty. There were one-sided records of the Han people in their history. After they got in touch with the Han people, they specifically checked the few records. After reading The first time he chose to show respect to the Han people.

This time the Romans and Persians took the lead in forming an anti-Han axis. It was not that Trakutaka was not contacted, but they immediately arrested the Persians who came to contact them and handed them over to the Han Empire in their own country. within a concession.

"This is a country that is both rich and poor." Yuan Qiao has already learned about Tracutaka's situation: "They are not short of precious metals, but they are extremely short of common metals."

This statement is not contradictory. The minerals in some places are the same thing. Maybe the country is full of gold and silver mines, but there are no iron ore or copper mines.

Because Trakutaka was once the territory of the Mauryan Dynasty, it learned the popular metal smelting technology.After the collapse of the Maurya Dynasty, they immediately established their own country and were destroyed by the Baicheng Dynasty more than 200 years later.

Before the Baiyana dynasty was replaced by Vagadaka, the rulers of this land were the Abhinasts, and Trakutaka was established only after the rule of the Abhinasts was overthrown.

The Abhinasts are actually a tribe of Serbs and Indians. They once rose up violently and occupied the northwest of the Asan continent. Later, the tribes split themselves into six countries.

The headquarters still uses the country name of Abira, and currently occupies a large area in the northwest of Asan Continent.

Trakutaka overthrew the rule of the Apiro people in this area, and another part of the Apiro people established the two satraps with other Seok tribes.

After more than 100 years of evolution, the races of the two Satrapus gradually became a new race of Serbs.They have long been in alliance with their own tribe, Apollo, to jointly fight against the southern expansion of Persian Sassanid.

Before the Han people appeared on the stage of the Asan continent, Trakutaka was actually a vassal of the two Satraps. It was only because of the appearance of the Han people that they changed to a thicker thigh.

The current situation is that Trakutaka is stuck in the camp of the Han Empire, and then is flanked by the two Satraps and Vagādaka from both sides of the diagonal, and in the south is the wall-mounted Rawindara Sutra.

"So no matter what, we need to take action." The last time Yuan Qiao landed, he was received like a state guest and had a conversation with the king of Tracutaka and his ministers: "In terms of attitude and practical actions On the one hand, they chose to stand firmly on the side of the big man, and we have to express it."

Huan Wen was still very satisfied with King Tracutaka's obedience, for example, he sent ten boxes of golden gold bars, two boxes of gemstones of various colors, and no less than thirty exotic beauties.With the king's sensibility, Tracutaka's stand is firm, and he will supply fresh water, food, and related or unrelated supplies to the entire expedition fleet free of charge.

"The fleet planned to land in that bay (Kutch Bay) before." Huan Wen spread out the map to look at it, and clicked on the southeast direction of the peninsula's protrusion: "They are fighting here now..." He clicked on the peninsula again Protrusion: "We landed here according to the original plan."

The expedition fleet has already received the news that Ran Min is returning home by ship. There is no need to avoid suspicion...or to avoid participating in some shitty incident. The previously formulated battle plan can be carried out again.

Huan Wen still hopes to have many experience of landing and fighting before arriving in Europa. Is it a kind of experience?
The season of the year has entered summer, and the climate on Tracutka's side is extremely hot. Only a small part of the expeditionary fleet's crew went ashore. These people were ordered to return to the ship again. The king and ministers of Tlacutaka bid farewell to him and headed north.

"That piece of land is all red, and the vegetation looks all withered and yellow." Liu Ming has been ashore, and he has seen the difference in foreign lands thousands of miles away: "It will be like this until autumn, can you imagine how high the temperature is? "

In addition to the eastern and southern parts of the Asan Continent, the central, northern and western parts are like melting pots in summer because of their latitude.

The Han people specifically understood that every spring because of the rainy season, there will be waterlogging everywhere, but in summer, many people will die because of the heat. It doesn't look like a good environment.

The members of the expeditionary fleet have more or less benefited from Tracutaka. The top executives of the fleet at least received a box of gold bars, and ordinary soldiers received some unseen fruits for food.

There are twenty gold bars in a box, and about ninety gold coins when melted. In terms of local purchasing power, it is not a problem for a middle-class family to maintain three years of living expenses.

The middle-class families in the Han Empire had a total asset of about [-] gold coins in terms of financial resources. However, most middle-class families had real estate, and it was difficult to maintain [-] gold coins in cash flow.

Liu Ming got ten boxes of gold bars and five boxes of gems as a senior, but there were no exotic beauties.He knew the reason for this. When he revealed his existence to the expedition fleet, he was reminded by the agile guards, knowing that it was to reassure the monarchs and ministers of Tracutaka.

As the most powerful country in the known world, a prince will go out with the army. The Han people will be proud when they know it, and the foreigners will be stunned and shocked when they know it.

In such a powerful country, even if it is just a prince who is no longer valued, the most noble blood is shed on his body.Such a person was sent to the battlefield, and seeing that the Han Empire was not at the end of its rope, then it would be unreasonable to think that such a country is not strong.

The sea area where the expeditionary fleet rested in Tracutaka was not too far from the two Satraps, and their arrival was immediately known to the two Satraps' spies in Trakutaka.

Even if these two Satrap spies knew, it would not be possible to send the news back in a short time. It is estimated that by the time they send the news back, the war would have already broken out.

In fact, there is no need to wait for the news to be sent back. The expedition fleet appeared swaggeringly in the coastal waters of Liangsatrapu, and the area where it was first discovered was immediately overwhelmed.

No two Satrap ships tried to block it. On the contrary, the two Satrap ships that were originally at sea docked in fear to avoid it.

"Is there any target worth attacking on this coastline?"

"This city called Surat is the largest city of the two Satraps in this gulf (Kampad Bay)."

"Then play the first round."


The gunboats in the fleet broke away from the large formation and began to approach the coast. They slowly turned into a battle line, and then the bronze cannons on the ships began to sound.

Surat is a city with a population of about 6 to [-] people. It used to be one of the main trading cities with the Gupta Empire and had a well-equipped port.

The port was the first to be bombarded. Before the bombardment, it was already in chaos. I don't know how many people died of crowding and stampede before the attack was launched.

Amidst the rumbling shelling, the shelled port burned at a very fast speed.

It is not surprising that Liu Ming stared at the burning port. Most of the buildings there are made of wood structures that are easy to burn. Furthermore, there are too many kinds of cloth, even if they are not particularly suitable for incendiary bombs, they are just some Solid bullets, destroying buildings and smashing all kinds of things will inevitably cause fires.

After two rounds of bombardment of the port, the gunboats began to attack the city.

The city of Surat has full Asan characteristics. The four-corner-shaped khaki-colored city walls, some of the highest places can be seen in various depths of manors and temples. There is one area that looks beautiful, and more areas are beautiful. It's messy.

The first thing the gunboats attacked was not the urban areas that seemed to be inhabited by dignitaries, but the messy areas.

Eleven gunboats, with 66 large-caliber bronze guns, with a maximum caliber of 320 mm, and the rest will not be lower than 220 mm.Medium-caliber bronze guns, they are composed of 150 mm and 180 mm, with a total of 330 guns, but only [-] guns on each side of the gunboat fire.

Gunboats did not have bronze guns below 150 mm caliber.

The expeditionary fleet was naturally happy to see their gunboats venting their energy. The personnel who were not on duty were talking about how powerful their gunboats were, and how miserable the enemies who were bombarded were.

"All right." Huan Wen put down the binoculars in his hand and said with great satisfaction: "Three rounds of bombardment have completely thrown a city into chaos. If we send troops to land again, we will be able to capture the city without any difficulty."

It was only three rounds of shelling, but as many as 690 ammunition were fired.

This number is actually not much, especially for a city, but the role it plays is unparalleled.

Not many people were killed directly by shells; most shells hit buildings.There were many people who died in this shelling, but most of them died from the collapse of the building and the subsequent fire, and then from their own pushing and trampling, or from fighting among themselves for a way to escape.

Yuan Qiao was still holding up the telescope to watch: "Where did they get the courage to go against the big man?"

"..." Huan Wen thought of something, and said uncertainly, "Liang Jingru?"

"Ah?" Yuan Qiao didn't know some details about the core ministers, so he asked curiously, "Who?"

Huan Wen smiled reservedly.There are some things that require a certain degree of identity and status, such as the contact time with the emperor, how casual the emperor will be when he contacts himself.

The three rounds of bombardment ended, and the gunboats were ordered to return to construction. The Han army had no intention of landing at all, and the fleet set sail again swaggeringly against the background of the fire on the land.

When the expeditionary fleet sailed to the peninsula protrusion, Huan Wen would send more or less gunboats to bombard the area with cities on the coastline.

Huan Wen had no other intentions, but used this behavior to announce the arrival of the expedition fleet, giving the two Satraps the greatest terror.

"Our artillery shells and gunpowder are extremely sufficient." Yuan Qiao still strongly agreed to bombard the two Satrap cities along the route: "They don't know the location of our actual attack, which will be beneficial to the subsequent landing operations."

They are going on an expedition to Europa, so they might just bring a small amount of gunpowder and shells. They must carry enough, but it is impossible to master the production method, and they will get a batch of supplies every few months.

The expedition fleet arrived at a cape area, facing a primitive environment.

"We're just going to land here?" Liu Ming took a quick look, but there was still a piece of red land over there, and he couldn't see too many other colors: "It's so desolate!"

The cape is called Dwarka by the locals, and there are no cities within a radius of tens of miles, just scattered villages.The distance from here to Persian Sassanid is no more than [-] nautical miles in terms of sea area, but it takes nearly [-] miles to travel on land.

"The document for the Tianzhu shogunate should have arrived." Huan Wen stroked his chin and asked, "The document for the Zhengxi shogunate should still take half a year?"

The position of the expedition fleet is very special. It can not only cooperate with the Tianzhu shogunate to attack the two Satraps, but also coordinate the Western shogunate's military operations against the Persian Sasanians.

Their final destination is Europa. The time given by the center is indeed extremely loose, and it has given unlimited right to start a war.

The so-called unlimited right to go to war means that Huan Wen does not need to be confirmed by the center if he wants to attack anyone along the way, and at the same time he can freely carry out military operations that he deems necessary.

"Controlling the ocean..." Huan Wen was in an extremely happy mood: "It is equal to controlling the initiative."

During the 14th year of Yuanshuo, Huan Wen knew the importance of the ocean. He discovered that when attacking from the sea, as long as those countries had coastlines, they would be within the range of being attacked. The difficulty was whether the navy of the Han Empire could find a route.

For those members of the current anti-Han axis, it is unfortunate that the Han Empire has mastered the route from the sea to their coastline. Attack.

Landing and controlling the cape presented no difficulties for the expeditionary fleet. They successfully landed and occupied it with great ease, leaving room for the necessary exploration of the inland and coastline.

On the seventh day after they landed, the Han army on the periphery sent someone to report to Huan Wen. The kings of the two Satraps sent envoys to request to discuss the surrender...

(End of this chapter)

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